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Anybody who bought the new Ember skin?


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19 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Whilst I agree that a lot of Warframes designs are influenced by animals, those are ridiculous stretches. 

Ash having mandibles, arms resembling a carapace and alternate helmets named 'Scorpion' and 'Locust' means that there is a clear insectoid influence.

Mesa having an alternate helmet that resembles and is named after the Texas Longhorn, and an alternate helmet that resembles and is named after a sheep... and nothing else... You can't say the frame itself is based on or influenced by an animal.

If anything the alternate 'ranch' animal helmets only reinforce her 'Western' theme.

Alright, maybe "based" was a bit of a strong word, but "influenced"? Influence is there, no matter how small it is.

All I'm saying is that Ember was made to resemble a chicken or a rooster from the very beginning, and it seems DE has decided to run with it even when it comes to her deluxe skin. But some people act surprised for some reason.

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Just now, Edelsid said:

Alright, maybe "based" was a bit of a strong word, but "influenced"? Influence is there, no matter how small it is.

All I'm saying is that Ember was made to resemble a chicken or a rooster from the very beginning, and it seems DE has decided to run with it even when it comes to her deluxe skin. But some people act surprised for some reason.

Let me repeat it again :

Deluxe skins bring alternative visuals, you can check all of them (even Nova Deluxe) and you will see that. Ember Deluxe does not bring that.

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Yes, I did.

Not decided on it yet. For me Warframe aesthetics often take time to digest and in this case I would like to form my opinion based on the skin itself, not its predecessor. On a first look, I like the basilisk theme, but flamboyancy is not my cup of tea.

P.S. What is going on with all this previous designer is a "best thing that ever happened to a game"? If one will look at his beautiful concepts with the same critical eye (and desire to find something to dislike), I think it is possible to find some shortcomings. Anyone remembers "Trinity feet" flame war?

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anyone else noticed the head also kinda looks like a candle holder? mostly the backpiece of the head..also the 2 pieces to the side of the head..its not just a flamy rooster..its also a burning chandelier. sort of fine with the body part though..that head has to go..no negotiations

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1 hour ago, Kiwinille said:

Where are they showing signs of being butthurt about the criticism of this skin? Don't get me wrong, I still dislike the skin being the deluxe for her and rather disappointed, but I'm curious where the butthurt part is showing. Source please o.o

Taken from the update thread


Feedback on our Deluxe Skins are always welcome, but please remember that there is a strong difference between constructive and rude.

Our team puts love and effort into all our Skins, and their hard work is truly awe worthy. 

Like I mentioned back in page 2, they think hard work = awe worthy for no reason whatsover. Awesome work is awe worthy. Hard work that results on something mostly despised is cringe worthy.

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1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

Whilst I agree that a lot of Warframes designs are influenced by animals, those are ridiculous stretches. 

Ash having mandibles, arms resembling a carapace and alternate helmets named 'Scorpion' and 'Locust' means that there is a clear insectoid influence.

Mesa having an alternate helmet that resembles and is named after the Texas Longhorn, and an alternate helmet that resembles and is named after a sheep... and nothing else... You can't say the frame itself is based on or influenced by an animal.

If anything the alternate 'ranch' animal helmets only reinforce her 'Western' theme.

Those Ash helmets seem to also be a specific reference to a section in Revelations, where locusts with scorpion tails rose out of smoke/ashes after the sounding of the fifth horn by one of the arch angels.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Just now, UrielColtan said:

Those Ash helmets seem to also be a specific reference to a section in Revelations, where locusts with scorpion tails rose out of smoke/ashes after the sounding of the sixth horn by one of the arch angels..

That's pretty interesting tbh.

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23 minutes ago, Anthraxicus said:

Taken from the update thread

Like I mentioned back in page 2, they think hard work = awe worthy for no reason whatsover. Awesome work is awe worthy. Hard work that results on something mostly despised is cringe worthy.

I don't know about that one, I think they are just speaking of their potential there, and they have done and are capable of great things, this Ember deluxe isn't one of them though.


12 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

That's pretty interesting tbh.


Indeed, it was the fifth horn though, my mistake.

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Cleaned thread. Negative feedback, as long as it is constructive and isn't pointless raging or insult-flinging, is good. Positive feedback, as long as it isn't pointless sucking up, is good. Negative feedback that is only raging, insult-throwing, guideline breaking, is bad. Positive feedback that is only sucking up and, excuse the term, white knight-y, is bad.

I'm saying this for two reasons. One: Feedback on the Ember Deluxe as a whole is not being deleted en masse or censored. You can look anywhere on the forums and see plenty of unhidden or undeleted negative feedback. Why? Because that feedback, even negative, is constructive and doesn't devolve into the points above. Two: If your feedback is nothing but the points listed above, it is compromised. Any constructive discussion you might have tried to make is lost, because you have demonstrated you clearly aren't actually looking for discussion. 

That being said, there's plenty of positive and negative feedback out there that do a good job of getting their point across while still following the guidelines. It wasn't difficult for them to pull off, so if one needs examples you just need to look there.

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2 hours ago, Tharzul said:

anyone else noticed the head also kinda looks like a candle holder? mostly the backpiece of the head..also the 2 pieces to the side of the head..its not just a flamy rooster..its also a burning chandelier. sort of fine with the body part though..that head has to go..no negotiations

Yes that all I can see a candle holder on top the head. 

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

I didn't. 

Not because I don't like the skin, but because I don't like the Frame.

Same boat here. Might buy it for my brother if he mentions being interested in it, but I don't play/own Ember, even if I'm curious how it'd look with some different colors and leaning into more of an Infested aesthetic.

Edited by TheGrimCorsair
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Im am probibly not going to buy it, but to be fair I probibly will not buy a lot of the delux skins. Im not a fan of how many of them look.

I do stil like nyx and excals delux, but I think if I knew syrins and valks would not be timed exclusives later on, I may have skiped them too. well, maby not valks... i like the tail. but not the helmit at all.


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Having spent a few hours with the skin it has grown on me a bit.  I still prefer Ember Prime/Graxx by a vast margin, but this one does have some things that I've come to like.  The body is highly detailed, and it colors very well.  Yeah the mohawk is ridiculous and excessive, but ridiculous and excessive seems to be a trend with these deluxe skins, more often than not.



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24 minutes ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

Same boat here. Might buy it for my brother if he mentions being interested in it, but I don't play/own Ember, even if I'm curious how it'd look with some different colors and leaning into more of an Infested aesthetic.

I own Ember, and every other frame (except Gara, I don't have that update yet) but she is one of my least played frame.

I just find her cheesy and boring.

Edited by (PS4)Riko_113
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Yeah I got it, it works if you're working with a punk theme, like purples and pinks contrasted with some blue and black. The body model is good, nice beefy shoulders.

Is it a good skin? Ehh, it's alright. The Syandana is a purchase I kind of regret, but it's not worse than the gara one, at least in my opinion.

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