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Why do people get so salty at leeching?


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Because you can't always expect a nuker to be in the party, unless you're bringing the nuker yourself. You don't really feel the effect of a leecher when there's a one-man nuke wiping the map soon as they spawn, whether it be an Ember or an Equinox or a Banshee, but when there's no nuke? You can FEEL that increased time cost.

The irony to this situation is that the most efficient way to farm exp... is to leech.

Here's how exp works: When you kill with a frame ability, all exp goes to your frame and your weapons don't get jack. When you kill with a weapon, exp is shared between your frame and the specific wep, and the other weps don't get jack. When you exp share off other people's kills, ALL your stuff gets exp. In other words, the more I contribute with my actual good weapon or frame ability, the less my irredeemably awful weps I just want MR for gets leveled. My contribution PUNISHES me. You see the problem?

That said, I agree that simply doing nothing is bad, simply because you can't expect a carry in your party every time who can work at top efficiency with or without help. Bring SOMETHING that can help. If you're just leveling weps, a frame with supportive abilities like heals, EV or damage buffs. Bring one good wep and two bad ones to leech with, only shoot when the rest of the party is in trouble. Go ahead and be lazy and sub-optimal, but do SOMETHING to help, be PREPARED to do something to help. It's not like you can just minimize the game and walk off since there's an AFK detector. You're speeding up your own mission completion time y'know.

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I'm not bothered a tiniest bit by leechers I Hydron. Usually I'm one of those people who bring frames capable of clearing Hydron with minimal /no effort. I don't mind if other 3 people go do whatever, as long as they don't miss voting stay/leave and don't die too often. 

And I do leech myself sometimes when I need to level fresh/forma'd frame. If I see another Banshee/Mesa on the team, I politely ask if they are ok if I go slack in the corner, and if they are, I'll do just that.

Not a single time people voiced their disapproval of such behaviour in Hydron. You must be doing something wrong if people get upset with you.

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4 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

GL to everyone out there, lmao. I tried to spread understanding. People don't wanna understand. (Generally speaking, even. Not just right here.)

To reiterate... I said I'll bring a weapon to be ready to contribute if the team is struggling. But otherwise and alas, the game's exp system encourages me to leech.

Wondering when someone, somewhere, might post something along the line of... "yeah, I haven't thought of a point or two that you've brought up. I will think about that the next time I may have otherwise been inclined to rage at a leecher."

Oh well.

Quite frankly, no, you didn't try to "spread understanding."  You want people to just accept that leeching is the right way to do things.  Just like you want people to accept that exploiting broken game mechanics to the detriment of others gameplay is the right way to do things.

It's not.  There is no argument you can make to change anyone's mind about that.

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I don't mind underleveled people outside stuff that you are supposed to know is gonna be tough (like sorties and stuff, things you actively participate).

Leechers tho, i'd take a pebble from the side of a road rather than leechers any time of the day. It's like how you don't ask for personal stuff in game, leeching for the same reason is just universaly bad manner...

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2 hours ago, 4thBro said:

Yes I know a leecher is a guy who does nothing.


2 hours ago, 4thBro said:

I like carrying. It makes me feel useful.

I'm feeling like maybe you don't know what a leecher is...
it's got nothing to do with carrying (helping an under-powered/skilled player through a mission).

A leecher is premeditated to join with the purpose of collecting off your gaming/work, I don't go to my work and have some a-hole sit around getting paid while I do his job. Screw them, if I enter a mission I want what I came there to do ASAP, leechers give you their workload then get the reward after.

Burn them all.

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2 hours ago, 4thBro said:

Yes I know a leecher is a guy who does nothing.

I am fine with this.

Why wouldn't I be? I'm not pushing new content. I'm farming something. I'm able to do it myself. If others need farming done, then I'm just being efficient by letting them use my work. Frankly, it helps the community. Sure, I could be a lil b**ch and leave at wave 5, saying, "GO LEVEL ON EARTH PLEASE." But why? They didn't hurt my gameplay. And in return, I would appreciate the same courtesy when I want my crap levels farmed up.

It also feels nice carrying people who need it. I'm doing them a favor. I'm doing something nice. And in a way, I'm paying my dues for when I'm the leecher.

I give and I take. Is that not the healthiest mentality for EVERYONE to be sharing???

A little of topic but for the threads you create in the forum seems that you are a pretty sad player . One things is a underlevel character that try his best to colaborate .... other is a player that stays hidden or running around without even try . Maybe has effect in your gameplay , maybe not ... but it just pathetic .

Edited by Yagamilight123
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well you see, its not a leecher if you dont mind them leeching off of you. that being said its by case. If i had a group going on to do "X" mission and i needed specific roles and one guy replies saying he has what i need then proceeded to do nothing once we actually played then he is a leech. If i start a group for "Z" mission and a person replies to me asking if he can join because he needs to get that place done but he's not strong enough to do so then he's not really a leech, just a charity case ;D

Edited by AsharaClaudia
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It is rather simple actually. Say you had a heavy object to carry and you needed a group of people do carry it a distance. Sure they could carry it technically even without ones help, but it is that much harder to do so. It might even be the case they could not. Leeching is already a bannable offense in this game, so do it at your own risk.

As others pointed out, a player having an active effort is not a problem because at least they are doing things to their ability and that is all they need to do. But when you knowingly and consciously ride at the backs of others without contributing or asking them, then you will face consequences for a misconduct of player rules dictated by DE. Can't say I didn't warn you. I'd also lie if I said I'd lose my sleep to hear of a leecher getting banned either, good riddance.

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People don't like leechers because people Somewhat Underperform Currently in Killing, and want others to get the job done for them, while they chill out.


Essentially, leechers are salty because they can't leech when everyone is leeching.

Edited by WindigoTP
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1 hour ago, 4thBro said:

To reiterate... I said I'll bring a weapon to be ready to contribute if the team is struggling. But otherwise and alas, the game's exp system encourages me to leech.

So basically you're not even playing the game and you side with rational reasoning on a topic that has strong views on moral principle.

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3 hours ago, 4thBro said:


First of all... I do know how exp works. Maybe you don't?

If I don't kill something but I'm within 50m, that exp gets split to all my sh**. However, if I kill it, then it goes to whatever killed it. Maybe my specific weapon that killed it. Or maybe my frame that killed it with an ability. But generally speaking, I would rather have that get split, rather than having to dictate the distribution manually. Maybe my frame doesn't kill things, like an Oberon or something. Or maybe some of my weapons struggle to kill. Maybe they're some super crappy throwing dagger set. Frame abilities won't have that exp go to it, and so I can either SOMEHOW kill things with these throwing daggers, or I can leech to them.


Thats not how EXP works. You're right about affinity range EXP from teammates kills being split evenly between gear, but not about EXP for what you kill an enemy with. EXP you get from kills is still split between all your items that aren't 30, it's just that the majority goes to whatever you are currently using.

Point being, leeching still isn't even the most efficient way to level gear. Contributing is.

If you're going to leech, then why even play the game? There is literally no point.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Focus farm and exp farm are in the same place but require different set ups.

Focus farmers want to get through quickly as possible and efficiently as possible so the strongest weapons and frames. 

Exp farmers want level forma'd frames and weapons or for mastery rank points so usuwlly only bring one good weapon/frame to the fight. They are slower at killing and prone to being down.

When these two mixed they get frustrated at each other. 

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I sometimes play Hydron with my Banshee to get some Focus.


As the place is used a lot for leveling up gear I don't mind people bringing low level frames and weapons but normally I would expect people to at least bring one piece of equipment with which they can contribute (frame only or some of the 3 weapons). And even that is not a must.


What does annoy me is people that go afk and when we reach end of wave 5,10.etc make us wait for the whole timer before we can continue. I would just expect if you have brought unleveled gear that others are going to level up for you, you could at least be available to click one button so we can progress. I understand that it might be a bit boring when you someone AoEing the mobs but being present is not too much to ask in my opinion.


But have to say that have not faced that many problems in the Hydron runs that I have done (mainly for focus).

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7 hours ago, 4thBro said:

When I farm Focus, I don't mind carrying leechers. Why would I care?

Unless the damage is split 25% four ways, at least someone is leeching at least a tiny bit. That's just how it is. So if I come in on my low level frame and my fresh level 0 weapon, why give me sh**? Just let the Saryn wipe the map and stfu. Did you want me to put forth my maximum effort so that maybe I can have 1 kill on scoreboard? Does this help your run end quicker?

Do you expect people to go to level 1 Earth missions to level their frames, or something?

What is wrong with people???

Leechig really rustles my jimmies. Not just on Hydron but on alerts, sorties and bounties.

This isn't about personal e-peen on "omg look at mah damage!", this is about being considerate to others.


For example...

I need to forma a weapon a few times, i go to hydron.(me being high mastery gives me a lot of points to play with on unranked gear so i can put most of the mods in to do damage)

Here is the problem though, i need to bring a nuker frame because i can't rely on public groups lately, but my weapon exp goes down if i use abilities to kill stuff, meanwhile shared affinity gives everyone else good exp.

If i bring any other frame and a gun then cryopod might die, because of hurr durr "i bring all 0 ranked gear to level 30+ defense) randoms. 


This has been quite an issue for a while tbh, i find myself always being too considerate when it comes to team based objectives(i always bring something useful to missions to ensure success), but lately i've been growing so tired of doing all the support and carry that im just going to say "**** it, if they cant handle it then they shouldn't be here and if they keep getting downed and fail a defense/bounty/interception then that's on them).

I did my part on killing mobs i encounter, im not going to put extra effort on my part and cover other parts of the map anymore and being too active while others reap all the benefits playing passively.


Why do I  have to be the one to bring zephyr to bounties ?

Why do I  have to be the one to bring nekros/hydroid to survival ?

Why do I   have to be the one to bring frost to excavations and defense ?

Why do I  have to bring quake banshee/speed nova/saryn to Hydron ?

Why does it always have to be me ? Why do i need to limit myself to certain frames to ensure mission success when others aren't contributing nearly as much, but are still getting the same rewards ?


Same stuff happens with high level bounties.

Same stuff happens with sorties(why the hell do people not read the mission conditions?!)

Ugh, archwing missions, i actually had to go and do lower level AW missions to level stuff enough to put mods on weapons, i expect others to do the same instead of joining lvl34+ missions and tickling AW mobs with their 5 damage shots.


I've encountered so many selfish players in public games lately.

Don't know about you, but the most enjoyable missions I've had were the ones when everyone contributed and spoke in chat. Made a few friends that way.

On the other hand, missions that are filled with leechers and nobody talks in chat are the worst.

Edited by KiteoHatto
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With the insanely high amounts of Mr20+ (and especially Mr24 for some reason) that que into Bounty 5 and instantly do a quick wisp farming route before they start mining/fishing my opinion of leechers is at an all time low.


Want to level your bad guns in Hydron?

Bring a buffer frame that allow them and your team mates to do more damage.


Want to level a low level frame in Hydron?

Bring at least 1 strong gun that can deal with hordes on its own.


This does require more effort than hitting a few keys every few minutes to avoid the afk timer, but it also prevents you from being called a leecher.

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Imagine you recently started playing Warframe, you're working hard at climbing your way up on Mastery Rank, mods and gear. Some other guy is hiding himself away, not doing anything and you are left struggling on your own. He gets the same reward you do because he does a quick run around every 5 minutes to loot while you have to babysit the objective and not get shot to bits while doing as much as you can to get through the mission quicker..

You might not have this issue with the equipment you have, you might not be too concerned with it, but it does not make it right or acceptable. If you're going to excuse bad behavior and it becomes more commonplace, you might not be particularly affected, but there will be a group of players, especially among the less experienced, who will be severely affected by it. If you're willing to close an eye on bad behavior, no one can stop you but to try to put a point across that is not bad behavior and that it should be accepted because you are not personally affected is just terrible.

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7 hours ago, Knight_Ex said:

I mean OP you take a huge risk making a post like this, its basically painting a target on your back for an in game ignore, you really shouldn't leech but coming out and questioning the reasons why people get upset with you might have not been the best idea :/  ,  If I were you Id get a mod to take this thread down, but this is entirely a suggestion, you can do what you like its your thread afterall.

Again with the mod staff in the hand.

Forgot who's thread got taken down ?


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Why do people get so salty at leeching?

Because it's seen as an "okay" thing to do by way too many people.

It's a god damn epidemic, and the FIRST THING I did when we got chat filters was to create one for "leech" for recruiting, because the amount of people that would just proclaim to be useless while asking to be brought along was driving me completely bonkers.


I don't necessarily mind being randomly being paired with a useless player ingame, but having hundreds of useless people literally asking for free handouts in recruiting makes me want to commit genocides.

Edited by PrivateRiem
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I insert my words in this discussion after 3 pages and i don't think a leecher will ever read them so let's talk between us non-leechers.
Leech is bad, i simply can't understand why i should start a mission just to do nothing.
Leech presence is not useless in some case, imagine some evil player deliberately starting a leeching mission unequiping companions and aura mod, he still actract more enemies, when is it good? When i start a public nuke mission and i know that is better than a solo nuke mission.
In the other circumstances when i must hope in some sort of collaboration and i choose to do a public mission it's better for me to have a "plan b" something like "i came for a walk in the park but it was a bloody bullet rain, fortunately i had a lighting throwing umbrella and i learned how to use it".
Usually i farm xp using a Desecrating Nekros, if there is a nuker i can contribute with more loot, if there is a normal squad or leechers i have no problem thanks to shadows and a cc maxed weapon.

I can even enjoy increased difficulty sometimes.


No leecher is autorized by this words to increase my fun.


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i generally dont care so long as they are not hurting the mission.

For example, I did MOT last night, stayed 40 minutes with one other player.  That player was Limbo.  He just went in the rift and picked up loot.  At the end of the 40 minutes, he had 4 kills.  I had 2500 kills.  I revived him 15 times, he revived me once (I went down one time when I was trying to revive him).  I think it was a new record for the ultimate leech in a mission I was in.

The ONLY thing that bothered me is when he would stand behind me positioning me between him and the enemies resulting in me getting shot at when they weren't even targeting me - but he wasn't doing it deliberately, he just didn't know any better.




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