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Soma Prime it's the Fang Prime for Primary.


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Soma Prime needs some love. As a "machine-gun" type of weapon, it's literally the worst, only supprasing it's normal variant, and not by far.

Had to test it myself, to see how bad Soma Prime is right now. I compared it to all my other weapons of this type ( Prisma Gorgon, Tenora, Supra Vandal ) and Karak Wraith as a small other comparation. Prisma Gorgon, Tenora, Supra vandal just out damages Soma by far, while karak Wraith with only 2 formas in it, still manages to do as good as Soma Prime, if not better. I have enough formas to fit all my mods in my builds, and it feels sad that Soma Prime was better than Gorgon,Supra, but now they're variants just take over.


(4 forma Prisma Gorgon, 4 forma Tenora, and 2 Supra Vandal ) and 3 Formas in Soma Prime,

Why didn't Soma Prime get buffed alongside the other Machine-Gun type of weapons? It's literally the Fang Prime of Primary Weapons, only suprassing in damage it's own counterpart.

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il y a 3 minutes, Koldraxon-732 a dit :

What about a Hunter Munitions setup on it? Haven't you considered that?

Hunter Munitions works on everything, it's not specific to Soma Prime. It makes the gun much better at dealing with armour, but so it does on every other gun. 

Soma suffers from a bad combination of relatively poor DPS and ammo economy compared to some newer rifles, on top of having little status chance. 

It's a workman's gun. I like to take it out every once in a while. Does its job, but won't blow you out of the water. For high end assault rifles you're better off lookong at the newly buffed Supra, Gorgon and Boltor series and the Tenora. 

Edited by Autongnosis
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1 minute ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

What about a Hunter Munitions setup on it? Haven't you considered that?

It's not enough to make up for the other Weapons that i mentioned , to make up for their damage. I'd use that on the both Prisma Gorgon/Tenora, and i would still get better results with those 2 in particular. The 145 corrupted bombards didn't stood a chance against my Gorgon, and still had enough ammo to take 4 more or so. Soma prime had enough to only kill 7.

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Because it doesn't need buffing. No idea what sort of crazy mod setup you were running but it kills things just fine. 


If you want numbers it takes mine around 110 bullets, sometimes a little more (without waiting for slash proc damage) to kill a lvl 150 bombard. Since it fires so fast this takes me about 10s. That's still respectable firepower and is by no means weak. Many other weapons still struggle at that level and the soma just melted it. 

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What the problem with soma prime? it's still one of the best assault rifles, on par with tenora and p. grakata. Its power is compltely justified for its mr.


The main problem is with assault rifles as a class, they are completly overwritten by akstilettos and dual grakatas. I dont need any assault primary when i can equip asktilettos for that purpose and use primary slot for something offering unique benefits, like zarr, opticor, lenz or shotgun of choice.

Edited by Sqecmi
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Re: secondaries outperforming primaries: primaries generally have better magazine/ammo capacities or base damage, also on the plains it'll have a much closer damage falloff than a rifle.

Or they could just give us primed point strike and primed vital sense and call it a day.

Also: Soma is meant to be good, but not that great. Calling it the "fang prime of primaries" is an exaggeration. You forget that Burston Prime exists, and its syndicate mod is horrible.


Edited by UncaIroh
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33 minutes ago, UncaIroh said:

Re: secondaries outperforming primaries: primaries generally have better magazine/ammo capacities or base damage, also on the plains it'll have a much closer damage falloff than a rifle.

Or they could just give us primed point strike and primed vital sense and call it a day.

Also: Soma is meant to be good, but not that great. Calling it the "fang prime of primaries" is an exaggeration. You forget that Burston Prime exists, and its syndicate mod is horrible.


Right now, after the big weapon update I also think that Soma P is really left behind as OP implied. Even Burston P is better now and it also has a MR12 requirement compared to Soma Ps MR7 to reflect that.

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Ho~ I didn't notice the new MR req. MR12 is rather overestimating it? I mean I know it's supposed to be classified based on burst dps and sustained dps, but I still feel the soma p is a better weapon.

I do say "feel" as I haven't gone into the simulacrum to compare these two specifically. Maybe actual tests would make soma p out to be a more limited weapon...

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Just put some dual stat elementals on it to give it some scaling with Viral procs, Slash procs and the extra status chance.

It's not going to be the best weapon against a single target but that's not what the Soma is used for in the first place.

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6 hours ago, m3stuart said:


These sorts of threads make one tired. Just...tired. 

Few things:

One. I would like to see the gun buffed more significantly than the Soma. It is a prime weapon and presently all it really has to show for that is some gold trim and a huge magazine. DE apparently thinks this is enough at its MR. However, it's weaksauce. The gun should have higher MR than at present and higher base damage than the Soma. Unfortunately, there was that giveaway...

Two. Now it has competition in the high volume fire autotrigger primary category. This isn't a bad thing. However, the Somas never really fit into the so-called LMG category because they a) didn't act like other so-called LMGs, and b) LMG is a nebulous definition at best. This might be changing. The Somas perform more like more conventional autotrigger primaries, just with large magazines, than they do as weapons mean to lay down continuous fire--which the Gorgons and Supras most definately are.  

Three. The gun isn't weak. At all. It still kills the hell out of about anything up to well over lvl100--like it always has. HM made it even better. It just has more weapons capable of doing the same thing competing with it now. 

The fact is the tier system that DE is now bending MR to fit into is changing things. I still think the SomaP is in a bad place, but with that overwrought giveaway this weapon no longer has any degree of rarity, which is had before in spades. That would be its main argument when compared to the Soma (available in the marketplace) and Tenora (ClanTech). The other two are only available from Baro at both considerable cost and random chance (P-Gorgon) or not at all (Supra Vandal). I still think it needs to be buffed more significantly than the Soma, but there was that giveaway and the lowish MR It was assigned. 

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I wonder those guys really tried the Soma Prime on higher tier nodes? or even Simulacrum?

Almost every protestants against Soma Prime buff are actually don't use Soma Prime these days,

and just laughing to opposites with nostalgic point of view. but this year is 2018, not 2015.

apparentely Grineer and Corpus guns have better firepower even without Rivens. 

AND DE BUFFED BEAMS LIKE MONSTERS. so now the old dispute of powercreep on Soma is totally beneath.

there's no more reason to Soma Prime not to be buffed.

(but not too much, In my case I just wanna Soma Prime to be on par or slightly better compared to normal Tenora

so Soma Prime can barely 'save its Prime face'. also MR req should be 10 or 11 or something, not 7)

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I never liked Soma much. But whenever I used it, it performed. I have a decent riven 100%+crit chance, viral slash procs often...

I hardly see a situation where Soma cannot get the job done.

It looks a bit gay and sounds are lame. But performance wise it is a great weapon.

I used to test other weapons amd then compared it... Being annoyed how much better it was.

And now if it sucks? Perhaps riven disposition will change if people use it less, and DieHard Soma lovers can get a buff that way.

But if anything status should be buffed on it. But again 200 rounds of epic crit and accuracy is always good.

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Soma was great and meta before when the highest missions were around lvl 40 and it could clear out groups of enemies with Shred pretty easily. But it was never a high damage weapon at all. And with the introduction of sorties and kuva floods, people realized that this weapon isn't nearly as good as they thought it was.

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36 minutes ago, samuelx43a said:

wut, soma prime bad?

I have no utter clue what you are talking about man. it still kicks butt whereever it goes.

I Have a standard crit build with a bit of corrosive. it isn't even completed and yet in still shreds stuff

Actually it is not that bad, but I doubt there is some meaningful advancement compared with Soma.

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21 hours ago, DroopingPuppy said:

For me, it simply degrades the overall damage output and you better put two 60/60 mods.

And this is why you have so much misinformation on these two guns. People don't know how the damage model works and they don't know how the gun really works. 

There are a number of ways to build the Somas (both, since they're practically the same thing now). Presently, with HM, one of the better ways around your Soma is the usual crit build, two 60/60 mods giving you viral, and HM. Aim for the head like always and don't be afraid of the trigger. Between the crit modifier, viral and HM procs, stuff just melts.

I'd also recommend Shred or Primed Shred for both the RoF and force multiplier of punchthrough, but this is far less critical on the Plains. One could sub in HC, HS, VA, FF, or another 60/60 or 100% elemental. 

Oh, and bring Ammo Case. You'll need it, especially with PS and/or VA.  

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Buff Soma P threads will never not be funny to me. It's an assault rifle, lots of tiny damage at the enemy, very quickly. Ammo economy is bad if you focus entirely on damage.

Soma P rework idea: you throw it and it kills everything in the map. Super balanced.

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