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I dislike how DE treats half a century old gamers(or older) in sorties


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23 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

There are 38 million registered accounts across all platforms, how are they going to verify the age of each player?

Easy, generic "click every picture with a sign in it' captcha, activate microphone at the same time.

If the player immediately announces "I need my reading glasses" then they're old, guaranteed.

Fool proof plan.

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29 minutes ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

my brother only has one hand to use to play video games, plays with a controller and can do spies...

That's nice.  The OP's issue is poor fine motor control, that means they can't make their fingers move like they want.  So it wouldn't matter if they had a third hand sprouting out of their forehead, their fingers still won't function the same as your brothers.


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3 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

That's nice.  The OP's issue is poor fine motor control, that means they can't make their fingers move like they want.  So it wouldn't matter if they had a third hand sprouting out of their forehead, their fingers still won't function the same as your brothers.


but u dont need fine motor control with a controller u press 2 diffrent buttons to rotate 2 different directions, clockwise, and counter clockwise, and u use the stick to aim, its acculy way easier with a controller then it is with a mouse to hack, infact he should enable aim assist and use a controller lol

i can hack relatively fast, and i have carpel tunnel and nerve problems in my limbs, i acculy lose felling alot

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

but u dont need fine mote controll with a controller u press 2 diffrent buttons to rotate 2 diffrent directions, clockwise, and counter clockwise, and u use the stick to aim, its acculy way easyer with a controller then it is with a mouse to hack, infact he should enable aim assist and use a controller lol

How is a controller easier?

To use it, you need multiple fingers capable of many movements.  With a mouse, you need one finger to click one button.  OP is having issues with that, how would adding more buttons and movements improve things for them?

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4 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

How is a controller easier?

To use it, you need multiple fingers capable of many movements.  With a mouse, you need one finger to click one button.  OP is having issues with that, how would adding more buttons and movements improve things for them?

u need 2 thumbs, 1 to move the stick to aim, witch require a lot less motor control, and 1 to rotate the puzzle, trust me, when ur disable like me, u take every advantage u get, and yes i  used to play warframe on pc, so i do know xD


ps: i aim better with a mouse and wish mouse and keyboard suport was on ps4 for people that wanted it

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I don't dig how Ciphers are disabled in Sorties.  Like, I get why they are, but it's not a good reason to invalidate the item.

The hacking minigame is amusing ... for a while.  You pretty much buy Ciphers once one of two conditions are met, 1) You're not good with them and they're an annoyance, or 2) You're damned done with them and they're an annoyance.

I was glad when they came up with a new one, that Grineer one, since it had more precision than the hex-grid Corpus hack.  Thing is, it can take longer with a mistake, so it's a trade-off.  Ciphers, though - being able to pay to just get moving with the mission?  That's what's brilliant.

We're long overdue for a bunch of things in Warframe - Sentinel accessories, Kavat armor that doesn't look like wizard robes, other Sekharas - but we're super overdue for new Hacking minigames.

Sorties, though, should enable Ciphers.  It's extremely rare there's a set of Sortie missions that don't include Rescue or Spy, so bumping into time-sensitive team-oriented situations without Ciphers can really alienate a lot of players.  Me, I usually ... take my time on a sortie, like a complete scumbag, and hope another guy in the squad is a more confident hacker.  I feel like a complete scumbag every time, though.

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Why I see the solution about the using of "Orokin Cipher" here...

I mean... I see no use after the Hidden Message quest is completed... It will be great to see Orokin Cipher is the Cipher that can be used in Sorties instead of regular Cipher.


Ps. Normally I have no problems in hacking terminals in Sortie but it would be great to see some interesting usage of Orokin Cipher.

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5 hours ago, MagPrime said:

That's nice.  The OP's issue is poor fine motor control, that means they can't make their fingers move like they want.  So it wouldn't matter if they had a third hand sprouting out of their forehead, their fingers still won't function the same as your brothers.


So we have to have the game lower the difficulty bar with every disability in mind?

I broke my 2 hands, blew the tendon on 2 of my fingers. 

I play violin, do weightlifting and can do spies.


DE already catered to not so bright people when they made failed hackings from any part of the room not trigger the countdown anymore, which made sortie spies different from any random spy, added a lot to the tension and many people loved,  it's enough.

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Am ‎25‎.‎03‎.‎2018 um 07:22 schrieb (PS4)aiptekfanboy:

The stuff we do when young is a real challenge when older.

In Warframe trying to do those hacking puzzels in sorties are no problem for the young.

However when past the half century mark (and older) the fingers that once were nimble fixing new F-4 jets are no longer nimbles as the decades flow past.

When trying to do a sortie puzzle my fingers are too slow and there are no options for improvement on my end as an older gamer.

My only option is if DE either redos puzzles with folks like me in mind or there is more time to do a hack via an improved mod.

I use a maxxed out intruder mod but an extra six seconds is nothing to an older gamer.

Perhaps in a sortie  give older gamers a chioce between a reflexes puzzle and a knowlege puzzle?

I.e. where is DE HQ located? guess right and you get the hack or how many ranks in a legendary primed fury?, where is Everest excavation? a t1 fissure requires what type relict? etc.


The new F-4 jets? Like the new ones from 1960? Or the very new F4 Phantom RF from 1978, when you were 10 (and older)?

My hint: leave the data retrieval to the other dudes in Sorties or ignore Spy missions altogether (latter works like a charm for me).

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I have some bad news for you, i dont think DE will care all too much if youre really old. Your age puts you in the "Age 30+" group, which is the second smallest demographic group of warframe players. The smallest group is Age 13>, which is in part because 12 year olds generally dont care about online polls.

Despite this i hope whatever is causing your slow fingers can be cured.




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16 hours ago, (PS4)atpbx said:

Just skip spy sorties like everyone else does.



Ivara with the infiltrate mod.  I do spy sorties solo easier than anything else.  They're actually harder with a group because every single pub I have ever done any spy mission with has been rude and stupid and decided that "I better go in that vault that the Ivara is in.  They probably can't do it without me.  Better set off the alarm too, just to make it exciting."  Every.  Single.  Time.

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8 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

So we have to have the game lower the difficulty bar with every disability in mind?

I broke my 2 hands, blew the tendon on 2 of my fingers. 

I play violin, do weightlifting and can do spies.


DE already catered to not so bright people when they made failed hackings from any part of the room not trigger the countdown anymore, which made sortie spies different from any random spy, added a lot to the tension and many people loved,  it's enough.

This isn't a competition to see who has a bigger disability and can still play the game effectively. 

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6 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

This isn't a competition to see who has a bigger disability and can still play the game effectively. 

I was afraid something like this would happen.  Main reason I didn't comment earlier even though I'm near the half century mark myself.  The title is very misleading in regards to what it's really about.  

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13 hours ago, MagPrime said:

That's nice.  The OP's issue is poor fine motor control, that means they can't make their fingers move like they want.  So it wouldn't matter if they had a third hand sprouting out of their forehead, their fingers still won't function the same as your brothers.


Except they have a title that is about how badly they treat Age X people when in fact they treat Everyone the same.

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11 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

I was afraid something like this would happen.  Main reason I didn't comment earlier even though I'm near the half century mark myself.  The title is very misleading in regards to what it's really about.  

I can understand why it would though.  It's something I've fallen for myself when people complain about headaches when I deal with migraines 5 days a week.  Its a very "buck up sunshine, if im worse off and can do it, that just means you arent trying hard enough."

It's wrong but I get it.

And yes, the title is misleading in that this is a disability issue and not an age issue.

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8 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:

Except they have a title that is about how badly they treat Age X people when in fact they treat Everyone the same.

This going to come across as snarky but, you do realize there is also a main post that further expands on what the issue is, right?

Not everyone puts the entirety of their post in the title. 

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4 hours ago, MagPrime said:

when people complain about headaches when I deal with migraines 5 days a week.  Its a very "buck up sunshine, if im worse off and can do it, that just means you arent trying hard enough."

Except you ignore those people.

The real problem, however, is everyone with any form of disability asking for help or for a difficulty lowering. DE catering to them affects the game for literally every single other player. In the case of ciphers I can simply choose to not use them, of course, but in the case of changes to how mechanics work it will end up affecting everyone who plays. In a lot of cases people are simply jaded when they see requests like this because it often isn't simply adding a ramp for wheel-chairs. It's often asking for a lowering of the entire building.

It's the same with people who complain about epilepsy and very minor things in the game affecting them and then come to the forums asking for them to be changed-- perhaps one should take their health into consideration before they play a video game. I don't go to a restaurant and ask them to change their entire menu just because I have a specific digestive issue that my doctors can't nail down and properly treat. No. Instead I simply avoid going to that restaurant and I find somewhere and something else to eat.

In this case you're talking about a fringe case of a specific person (who is aged) with a specific issue having trouble with a specific aspect of the game. There is nothing that needs to be done to fix this one specific issue. You don't tell your football team to not tackle the guy with a bad knee. You let the guy with a bad knee choose, himself, whether or not to play and deal with the situation as it arises.

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15 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

So we have to have the game lower the difficulty bar with every disability in mind?

I broke my 2 hands, blew the tendon on 2 of my fingers. 

I play violin, do weightlifting and can do spies.


DE already catered to not so bright people when they made failed hackings from any part of the room not trigger the countdown anymore, which made sortie spies different from any random spy, added a lot to the tension and many people loved,  it's enough.


In my opinion it's not the developers responsibility to cater toward the disabled and they can't really be expected to think of everything that might impact their player base.  However, if they can implement measures to make it easier it's a boon.  I pay the price for pushing myself but it's my choice and I'm not being forced to do so.  Without things like toggled-keybinds I'd be in a world of hurt so I'm glad when things like that do exist.

Don't get me wrong though, there's no harm/shame in asking for it and if you don't they'd never know about it to begin with.

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I believe the whole 'hacking' 'game' is dull af; and has always been so... hence the cipher.  It was only made mandatory as a gating mechanism. (See the joy of wisps...)

As far as gameplay pleasure goes its right up there with aimbots, and 1 shots.

As far as immersive gameplay goes... pretty sure a cipher would be most ninja's go to.

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Could utilize the hacking mod:


As of right now, it's useless in most cases, suggestion: in addition to added duration for hacking, add slower speed on grineer hacking.

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