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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: General Feedback Megathread


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  • Please save progress & rewards at each portal.  There is no reason to not reward it.  Just played another 10 waves, and got NOTHING. No rewards, no relics, no focus saved, no MR saved on weapons... My game did not crash - but I think the hosts might have at wave 10.
  • Please give us the option to extract by NOT going through the portal - even if teammates continue on.  At least that way we have some chance of saving our loot if you won't do it for us.


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Efficiency going down way too fast especially in solo. Also noticed not enough enemies spawn sometimes which make it even harder to manage efficiency.

If possible slow down the drain when in solo mode or spawn more enemies and make them add more to the efficiency. Another option is for those efficiency pickups to give more efficiency or scale with difficulty so they feel more worth picking up.

Other than efficiency problems the mode is fine so far.

Edited by crimsoncomet12
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Just did a solo run and like many said : either the spawn rate is too low or the efficiency decreasing rate is too high, at least in solo. At some point Steve talked about a way to increase the spawn rate in the plains depending on the player MR, maybe it could be used as a factor here too.

I never died, i gathered all the efficiency things (maybe missed 1 or 2 max in the 7 zones), i killed stuff relatively fast imo, using Ember WoF and soma prime. I wasn't able to reach the 8th zone, which isn't really fun.


Otherwise, the game mode seems quite interesting and the focus boost is welcome. It's really just a matter of failing because you're overwhelmed, not because enemies aren't enough / efficiency drop too fast without anything you can do. Nobody likes that.

Edit : Something that may be very interesting since we can get so many relics here : Being able to open relics there too.

Edited by Harestation
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Sadly have to point out these Problems (part of it my personal ones, part of it some that are sure not just my own problems):

-On a certein point not enouth enemys spawn and no matter how much you kill even with the "macaronis" collected it will fail...

-Maybe a higher Mastery Requirement for the Elite version, reviving some lower level Mastery Tenno since they came in unprepared or not with the best equipment steals time where you need to kill around if that happens to often in a row (because the player not having good enouth equipment) and can be frustrating

-Personal note: That many Relics that you can also farm elsewhere? Really? ....

Bug Encountered (will be reported in the bug section in just a bit) that if someone doesnt reach the portal fast enouth sometimes for some players the entire screen turns white while the match goes on (Its nice fighting blind.... still was able to do it kinda suprisingly)

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hace 3 horas, Flaezon dijo:

2 hours of game and not  a single part for lato vandal or braton vandal, how much time do you want guys us to spend in this event?

Event? This is a new game mode ._. so better get used to it. Fun =/= getting them the first 30 minutes.


Also for my feedback, I'm loving the mission at the moment, awesome focus farming and also leveling zone. The droptable is super diluted as usual, that is discouraging, but for everything else I think it is awesome.

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Onslaught is already a failure.
Lack of loot.
Spawns are sometimes too low, even with insta clear the efficiency always runs out.
Another nerf feature instead of adding challenge (making skills useless).
Poor tile selections - too many walls and enemies split apart and just stand there and do nothing.
Feels like a worse version of survival.

Will NOT play again once i get the frame parts.

Nerfing and disabling  stats/abilities etc in a horde shooter/slaughter game is not what this game needs.

Edited by Ketec
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If the option isn't in already, please allow us to turn off Peculiar Mod effects from allies. (Keeps yours visible for yourself).

While the idea is fun it's honestly very intrusive, especially if I'm going to come into a game where someone uses an Amprex with Peculiar Bloom. I feel that it may akso cost performance. However, if a Peculiar interests me in the future, I'd still like to use it for myself while turning it off visually when it comes to others' effect, for the reason stated above.

Just my thoughts because such effects can get old real quick for me, not to mention disruptive in some cases (imagine doing a cinematic team-quest and they sprout flowers on the boss).

Edited by Casardis
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I was wish it's a new quest like Silver Grove、Chains of Harrow or Octavia's anthem...Look forward to new quest&new puzzle with gamemode to show mystery about Khora and Sanctuary.but nothing.I'm afried it's will become normal .new warframe will follow Gara and Khora:good story but just in the fragments.Sorry to say this but I'm very disappointed.Without the plot, without the quest, with a lower-drop bet with endless crashes and bugs, Sorry I refuse to consumed for it .not this time.sorry

Khoradrop % is lower then Prime part with lots of crashes.


EDIT:I was play Onslaught 9shot only got three Void Relic?SeriouslyDE???


Edited by rainightmimi
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Okey so i played Sanctuary a few times now so ill start by saying that i like the idea so much. it has so much potentitial. my currentlly biggest prob is when u need to wait like 20+ seconds for portal to spawn and in that time u lose efficiancy. there are no enemies to kill during that time, so in one run we lost like 40% just waiting for portal to open...... next i want to say, why not give radiant relics when normal (not elite) sanctuary reaches 70+ lvl enemies, cause it basicly becomes elite from then on. 3rd what i would like to see is a room after a few zones where efficiency would freeze and u would have to fight a boss, and those zones would have rewards of their own (tho this is a bit too much to ask for i can see that myself and i dont know what else of the comunity would think about it). 4th is ofc more rewards, unique rewards. I will be giving more thoughts on the matter as i keep playing. Like i said the mode is awesome and it has really good potential behind it

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I don't have anything new to add after some extensive Onslaught and most other comments cover most issues as well. I have 3 suggestions to make however and they are both solutions that help here:

1) Implement PoE system to Onslaught so your rewards are saved after each portal or rotation. Even after the crashes have been fixed, the leaving/crashing hosts will be a massive pain. It will either force players to play solo or with friends, anyone else will not like this mode in the long run. We seriously need a failsafe for our rewards since there is no extraction for Onlsaught besides intentionally failing the mission, working hard all the way to high rounds for the host or game to crash and lose all your rewards needs to not exist for a mode like this to be solid.

2) I don't know if it's the efficiency dropping too fast or the enemies not spawning properly in certain tilesets. I suggest making the efficiency per enemy scale as well to some degree, the more you progress the harder it becomes to kill enemies faster. If steps to improve efficiency gainings won't be made, Onlsaught will devolve to everybody bringing the best aoe damage in the game. Currently even with en efficient weapon like the Tiberon Prime no matter how fast you kill stuff you can barely make it to round 20.

3) Efficiency Pickups should become like a syndicate medallion pickup that grant 1 second immunity during the picking-up animation. The reason is that currently they spawn in areas where you can pick them up by accident as you dance around the tileset. They are important the more you progress but also feel like a mine, cause as soon as you realize they are at that specific spot you are afraid to work with enemies there in case something like a knock-back or pull waste the item. If you don't see them while you bullet jumb you can also easily waste them. Give us some control on the matter of when we can use them.

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Having yet to make it to a c-rotation solo, i gave up and just used it to level my new zaws. And now i am even more sure that the scaling of the decay of stability is severely broken. I wanted to leave after round 2 because my weapon was max-rank and i had just gotten my first part of khora. And then i could spend the whole third round just standing around doing nothing and still make it to round 4 because the stability decreased really slowly! And i got a rating of A+ for doing nothing. In wave 5 or later you kill like crazy and struggle to keep decay at bay. Maybe whoever implemented the scaling thought we would get a reward after each round and made the first 4 rounds relatively easy so people can get the frame, with difficulty ramping up steeply afterwerds to prevent people from staying forever. Unfortunately we only get a reward after each 2 rounds...

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General feedback.
- My first impression of this game mode when i read and saw the video was i thought this would be more portal hopping. Would like this more if i had more control on when i can switch the tile set and enemies. The game mode feels too much like survival but without voluntary extraction.
- Would like some more energy pickups and ammo refill, or just tie pickups in to the mode somehow.

- Go in, kill stuff, spend time.
- Varied mob types.
- ...

- Some fps glitch with the portal spawning, almost freezes my computer.
- The score system felt meaningless.
- Maybe add more "mods" or test environments on the simulation.
- Enemies appear from thin air, add some effect to it.
- Too focused on killing power.
- Missed opportunity with having the new frame "appear" in the simulation, and the idea of the frame being an AI. The frame theme is not even anything related to the simulation.

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Would like to suggest less frequent of large tile section, cause it feel like a punishment for solo players when enemies are far away and hiding behind corers or inside the dang nullfiers bubbles, with Ancients in latter rounds.  It's a challenge but annoying when spawning in big one every round. Kinda lost too much time because of that.

Also like other said,rewards after each round would be nice since most rewards are relics and the scenes are a one time reward. 

Edited by Cara360
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I played both modes today and I have several considerations.

1) Starting Warframe energy is always 50, even if the frames have unallocated mod points. Since this is also part of the strategy it would be nice if the starting energy is the same as in every mission;

2) There must be an easier way to opt out of the mission without losing rewards, as Interception and Defense mission. Even not entering the conduit would be enough. As of now players need to actively stop killing... while the whole level tries to make mince meat of them. On higher waves it becomes a death sentence.

3) Normal Onslaught is a bit slow: an increase in the spawn rates or a shortening of the rounds to 2 or even 1,5 minutes would make it much more adrenalinic - as of now it gets mildly interesting at wave 10.


Elite Onslaught is ok as it is (well points 1 and 2 apply), very difficult and exciting.

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2 hours ago, Ketec said:

Another nerf feature instead of adding challenge (making skills useless).
Poor tile selections - too many walls and enemies split apart and just stand there and do nothing.
Feels like a worse version of survival.

I believe the game mode has potential, but won't be playing more until it's changed significantly.

Get RID of the entire "efficiency" mechanic. It is bad in old endless when it was called "life support," and just as bad here. Why is it even in the game? It doesn't add any interesting vibe, just annoyance when the GAME and its DESIGN fail as opposed to the players. There should be -0- RNG involved in players' ability to progress to the next stage or move forward. Replace it with a "kill X number of mobs on the level" timer, or -something- else that is not RNG related.

Map variation is a good thing and smaller maps are good also, but in general, WF has -bad- maps overall, weird Daliesque BS that require rote learning, not tactical play, not creative parkour use, to complete. This is one of the biggest design flaws in WF, has never been addressed, and if you were ever wondering why people rush through missions to "get it over," This is one of the key reasons. So, to fix, -pick- good maps for the game mode, not all flat and open, but -some- of those, and well designed multilevel maps ones from among the morass of bad ones in WF and use only those. Multi leveled maps with lots of needless dead ends, black holes for missteps are not good maps. See infested maps, grineer ship maps and corpus ice maps for maps NOT to include.

I enjoy the "mass slay" aspects of WF, but if you put TTK on a -timer- as this mode does, not playing it. Every other mission in the game is rush this rush that, not interested in being on the clock away from work.

Extend the max rank WF requirement to all gear on the player (if this hasn't been done already, could have missed it in the notes). Else this will become the new "leech du jour" just like bounties and most every other pug mission in the game. Players who PUG this have a right to expect max gear on their teammates (Spare the "but what if I have formed it four times!? from the Peanut Gallery). There should be -one- game mode in this game that is leech proof.

It's very simple to do right. 1. Spawn X number of mobs on a map. 2. If the team/player kills the mobs without using more than Y number of revives/respawns, it gets to progress. If not, mission ends with staged rewards protected just like the bounties on POE, something DE did right. PLEASE get the RNG out of this new, promising game mode.

No gripes with reward tables atm, plenty easy to tweak those, but the RNG elements of past POOR DESIGN in endless modes need to go.


Edited by Buttaface
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so many things i wanted to say but gotta keep it short here.

#1.  theres no 'Previous mission reward' screen available once you exit.

#2. was i the only one here who expected challenges to have to be passed before you could enter next wave? seems like if you just stack 4x Banshee then thats endgame right there.

#2.1. please make the efficiency orbs something similar to the way focus blobs work,  if you pick it up you get x-amount of time to do x-tasks(headshot- different IPS procs- you know, odd jobs for more efficiency) rather than just straight up timer increase.  That way it wont  be such a slash-fest, people will want to see what the efficiency tasks are and would be forced to bring more well-rounded builds for it.


Edit: if nothing is changed about how you go about getting efficiency via skill tasks then i predict people will be hostile to players who dont bring banshee+friends to bomb the map... thats what its going to resort to since its biased towards kills only, not the manner of the deaths.  How is Simaris learning anything by random hack n slash exactly, surely he wants to do things in a well formulated order?

Someone was saying theres something about the maps being the same throughout the week for each stage and you can base your builds around that fact, well so-to with the efficiency gaining tasks?

Edit:Edit: so too can be the case with the hard challenge mode, throw a curve ball with -negative efficiency tasks, -x-time per headshots for 10headshots. :)

Please don't disgard this mode if it doesnt have the desired draw immediately, the thing i admire about WF is that something semi-decent is developed over time into something you cant imagine WF being without.

Edited by LongIron
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Did one run solo, and one with a group.

Solo run went pretty well, all things considered. Enemy spawn rates seemed low, and it eventually got to the point where I was chasing enemies across the map before the efficiency runs out. Because of this, I couldnt get past zone 5 or so.


Never finished the group run because the game froze, became unresponsive, and began looping the last second of audio when the next portal was supposed to spawn. Made it to zone 11 before it happened, but even with a full squad the spawn rates leave something to be desired. At this point I'm a little salty about all the progress I lost, so I'm gonna wait for some hotfixes to go through before I come back. (Or not because im stubborn)

Also, it stands to note that at one point I bugged out and I wound up in the starting area with no way to make it back until the next portal spawned and had to use a revive.

First impressions: disappointing. Promising concept, but needs more. The drop tables are also too diluted with relics that can be gained elsewhere to justify them being there.

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Firstly I'm kinda surprised there is only three pages of general feedback thus far. 

I would like to start by saying that so far I have found Onslaught to be significantly more compelling than Hydron. Still kinda salty that the Zone reset really seems to punish certain frames/builds. I do really like the Focus gains because it actually felt like I was making legitimate progress. In fact I hit my focus cap for the first time in a small forever. 

However the lack of resource drops really highlights the problems with the Focus system. 

After I'm done with farming Khora, I will probably still play Onslaught for Focus.... but (there is always a but) it essentially forces me to choose between progressing in the game (via resource gains) and actually making any meaningful headway in the Focus system.

It was the same thing with Eidolon when it first came out and didn't drop any of the Earth resources. So you where forced to choose between general game progression OR playing in Eidolon. Cause playing in Eidolon was disconnected by the nature of its loot from the rest of the game. 

Why are we continually forced to choose? 

Edited by Oreades
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This update is showing how terrible the AI pathfinding and aggro is.

They spawn in the middle of the rooms, right in front of you and take a few seconds to notice you are there, and if they spawn far away, they never reach you because they either didnt draw aggro or they got stuck in some wall.

Meanwhile in survival, hordes and hordes of enemies go to where you are, even while invisible.

Edited by MobyTheDuck
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8 hours ago, Sean said:
  • Way too many relics
    • These aren't rewards "for" veterans, just more relic fodder that only dilutes the drop table
    • Should have been "X% for ANY Relic of Y Tier" not individual percentages for each relic that only hurts the drop table
  • Wouldn't it make more sense for a HIGHER EFFICIENCY to SPEED UP the timer?
  • Not enough enemies
    • At a certain point, you're just waiting there for enemies to spawn, then you run out of efficiency even though there's nothing you could've done
  • Sentinels don't respawn
    • Considering everything is supposed to "refresh" per wave, sentinels stay dead



I agree. I feel like a lot of the rewards are there just dilute the drops for Khora, making the grind longer. This is even more annoying with the relics in the drop tables.  The focus farms are nice, although I don't understand the point of the Synthetic Eidolon shards. Standard eidolon shards give more focus, and they aren't too hard to get, provided you can get a good squad for eidolon hunts. I dunno, the drops could be looked at.

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