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Dev Workshop: Upcoming Console Virtual Cursor Changes & D-Pad Functionality (for all Platforms)!


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Hey Tenno! This Dev Workshop is coming at you in two sections: 

1: Addressed to our PS4/XB1 Players, this section will detail the upcoming Beasts of the Sanctuary: Update 22.20.6 Virtual Cursor addition. 

2: Addressed to our PS4/XB1 and PC Controller players, this section will give you an update on D-Pad Support.

To: PS4 and Xbox One Players
Beasts of the Sanctuary: Update 22.20.6 Virtual Cursor Debut

The next console update, Beasts of the Sanctuary: Update 22.20.6 (status info here: PS4 / XB1), will bring the experimental virtual cursor changes (already live for PC controller users) that are part of the grander UI changes to come in the future. You're already familiar with the Star Chart cursor that allows you to move between Planets and Nodes on the fly. Until now, that's been the only place where a free-moving cursor is functionally enabled. With Update 22.20.6, we’re bringing that functionality across all UI menus! This includes your Arsenal, Mod Segment, Foundry, Codex, Market, Pause Menu, Captura Menus, Syndicate Menus, and much much more. 

This free-moving virtual cursor will be the new default way in which you interact with menus and the items within those menus. 

So, I’m sure you’re wondering how exactly this changes the way you navigate Warframe’s UI. Currently, you move and scroll through menus by using the D-Pad and/or the left stick. Additionally, selecting items within those menus is typically done by either using the default selection button or using the assigned buttons shown in the UI. So with that in mind, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of what’s changed.

With this overhaul, the biggest changes you will experience are (but not limited to) the following:

  • Scrolling is now done using the right stick. 
    • Pretty straightforward! Move the stick up to scroll up and down to scroll down, move right for right and move left for left. 
  • Moving the new virtual cursor is done by moving the left stick. 
    • The cursor can move freely around any part of the screen, you are not locked to any one menu item as you would be using the D-Pad/Left stick prior to these changes (more info on D-Pad in the following section).
  • Selecting items within the menus is now done primarily by using your default selection button (unless officially assigned in the UI - Captura for example). 
    • For example: Options in the Arsenal (Equip, Upgrade, Appearance, Abilities) are now all selectable by hovering your cursor over the desired tab and hitting X (on PS4) / A (On XB1).
  • Windows with fields where you can increase values (ex: Sentient Core redemption at Quill Onkko) will require you to hover over the desired field with your cursor and use the bumpers to increase/decrease values. 
    • The bumper icons will “activate” when you’re hovering over an area to indicate which window bumper activity will affect.
  • Interacting with the Modding UI:
    • To equip a Mod select it by hovering your cursor over it and then drag it to a slot by holding down your select button.
    • Once you’re in the slot area you do not need to hold it anymore and will be able to move freely about with the Mod in hand.
    • Want to swap an already equipped Mod with one from your inventory? Drag and drop it over a Mod in your inventory! 
    • Unequipping a Mod is done by hovering over it and using the assigned button (triangle for PS4 / Y for XB1) - so nothing’s changed here!
  • You will have the option to change the UI Cursor Sensitivity (speed) in the “Controls” Options to your liking.

We understand that these are big changes for all console players, and especially for those who have been playing Warframe exclusively on console. When the changes go live, it will definitely require some practice before you've got it nailed down and can cruise around the UI with no problems. There might be a bit of muscle memory to work against but overall you should find you have way more freedom when interacting with the UI. With the added D-Pad support (covered in the next section), you also have more options to do so as well. 

We will be closely watching for your feedback after you’ve had a chance to test it out. As always, we truly appreciate your patience as we will continue to work on improving the overall experience with these new controls. 

To: All Platforms  
D-Pad Support

We also wanted to give you an update on where we’re at with D-Pad support. Originally, when these changes were released for PC controller users, we weren’t planning on including any D-Pad functionality:

While the intention is to eventually unify all controls/UI across all Platforms, we have decided to include D-Pad support for two reasons: 

1. Update 22.20.6 for Consoles: When testing the virtual cursor we found that the lack of D-Pad support would be far too jarring and drastic of a change for our console players who have long relied on it. So, we worked quickly before the Cert deadline to get it working in conjunction with the rest of the changes. While we’re happy to have that option available,  you (console players) may run into some odd behaviors with the virtual cursor when switching back and forth. These are all things we’ll continue to work on and improve for future updates! 

2. PC Controller Player Feedback: The feedback we received after these virtual cursor changes went live mirrored the concerns we had for consoles players going into their next update. So although these changes are going out to consoles first (due to the cert deadline), our PC Controller users can expect these changes to come in the next mainline update (The Sacrifice). 

With that said, you might be asking how exactly does the D-Pad interacts with the virtual cursor. Here’s a quick breakdown (potentially subject to change as improvements are made)

  • You can swap back and forth from the virtual cursor (and from keyboard/mouse inputs) using the left stick to using the D-Pad . 
    • The virtual cursor will travel with the D-Pad movement.
  • Using the D-Pad will snap your cursor to whatever button is nearest to it at that time.
    • This is also dependant on which directional button (up/down, left/right) you press. 
  • Scrolling will still be done by using your right-stick - the D-Pad will traverse over UI items but will not scroll if you motion to the edge of a menu. We will be integrating this in a future update!

And if you’re curious, here are some previous of the D-Pad in action from today’s Devstream #112: 


*New UI showcased here but that will be released in future updates. D-Pad showcase is focus here!

Thanks for your time and consistent feedback as Warframe continues to grow! 

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Interesting. I haven't touched Warframe with a controller since I installed this game in 2015. I will definitely try navigating with it to test it out after these changes. These are some much needed controller features.

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Not to be a wet blanket, but, any chance of an option to not have "advanced controller support mode" but instead have it work like it used to?

I'm using a mouse + (Xbox 360) controller combo (weird, I know, but it seriously worked great so far in a vast variety of games)
and stuff like menu icons constantly flipping between modes is aggravating,
to say nothing of the times when (mode-switching) inputs don't get properly recognized / have to be repeated or whatever.

Hek, I actually wouldn't mind an option to not have the controller recognized at all (that was nifty in Borderlands 2 / TPS),
letting me instead configure everything freely via third-party programs like JoyToKey / Xpadder lol.

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My biggest concern regarding UI is with "bumper" options on numeric values (i.e. selecting number of mods for dissolving or Sentient cores for standing). Having to tap the bumpers to increase value for hundreds of numbers is a strain on the fingers. Can we not see selecting the input box and typing in numbers via keyboard? (For those console players who already have USB keyboards connected to type in chat.)

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Can we not just scrap numeric values with bumpers and use the virtual keyboard that already exists in the game? At my current MR of 22 it takes 220 bumper presses to trade basic cores at Onkko to max my daily cap. Anything that isn't My Name is Mayo should never require 200+ button presses for anything.

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"DPI" toggle button for consoles please? Also, how is in-game chat affected by virtual cursor?

Edit: Also please please PLEASE make changes to donation UI on consoles, if that isn't already included in the dojo changes. It has been untouched for years. RSI is not a joke. 😐

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Is there any chance of us getting mouse and keyboard support on Xbox one? This isn't really a competitive game and i know from experience that on PC it ays much better with mouse and keyboard. It would be very nice to have because I have a disfigured hand that makes it hard to use a controller and having to use a xim4 is ok but doesn't compare to the real thing.

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at first i thought the dpad was not going to function at all, and i was oh no, what if i hate using the joy stick, but i was relived when i saw that the dpad will still work, also i really want full mouse and keyboard support on consoles, so every player could have all the same options, pc can use a mouse for minning and i want that on console, also be able to scroll through menus with a mouse, now that would be the absolute best thing to give us

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The takeaway here is that you, DE, are fantastically bad at UI design and implementation.  Sorry, there's just no way to sugar coat that.

I'm looking forward to seeing the feedback when consoles eat this full-on second class UI treatment, and all the hand-wavy PR you try to deflect with.


On 2018-06-01 at 4:50 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

We understand that these are big changes for all console players, and especially for those who have been playing Warframe exclusively on console. When the changes go live, it will definitely require some practice before you've got it nailed down and can cruise around the UI with no problems

Already warming that up, looks like.

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For not the first time I really would like to plead with you to allow me to assign any key function to any button for ps4.... As it stands I cannot assign consumables to the thumb pad and I really do not like using the thumb pad for either abilities or transference, it just feels wrong. I'd rather have a usb number pad I could just assign as quick keys but that's not going to happen I'm sure... But I very badly want to assign transference to my L1 button...... Or maybe allow button combos to be used as "Additional" keys... Such as l1 r1 for transference, l2 r2 could be quick progress or hold to display map briefly,  or just trigger any number of item slots.....

Also if at some point you could see fit to allow "movement" to exit emotes, and allow transference to interrupt animation for fluidity of game play, and also perhaps to allow you to bullet jump to catapult your operator for getting in and out of bad situations faster, that would be really nice......

But mostly just, controllers have far too much function crowded in much to closely... I could say, use my r3 for transfurrence, but that's currently my alt fire... One solution would be to OPTIONALLY, have alt fire trigger when you press the quick melee key while aiming.. There are people who would very much not like this but I think it would solve my problem....  Just... Please... Please... Grant more options so that I have more control over how I can set things up... Right now I think a big part of my problem really would be solved by being able to hold multiple keys to trigger an additional item, L1R1, L2R2, L3R3, would grant three aditional usable slots... Or at the very least, at the very least, let me assign consumables to the ps4 thumb pad..............................

Hey. Is there a specific guideline from SONY that you have to leave the share button alone? I never use that thing and would rather use it for /anything/ else....

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On 2018-06-01 at 8:18 PM, (PS4)nvrhere said:

Can we not just scrap numeric values with bumpers and use the virtual keyboard that already exists in the game? At my current MR of 22 it takes 220 bumper presses to trade basic cores at Onkko to max my daily cap. Anything that isn't My Name is Mayo should never require 200+ button presses for anything.

It's kind of weird because some of these menus you can just hold the button and it'll increase - IE dojo contributions... and then there's the times you have to get carpel tunnel.  I hope DE realizes this and let's us just use our keyboards -_-

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Echo_X said:

For not the first time I really would like to plead with you to allow me to assign any key function to any button for ps4.

Hey. Is there a specific guideline from SONY that you have to leave the share button alone? I never use that thing and would rather use it for /anything/ else....

The PS4 has this function built in - of course it's universal across all games, not just WF, but you can essentially change all button bindings.  The one and absolutely only thing you can't rebind is the inversion of axis on the analogs - otherwise you can easily open the Accesibility menu and bind whatever button WF considers to be transference to L1 instead.  I use Right on the D-Pad - so all I would have to do is swap right on the D-Pad with L1 and presto - however in your case you'd probably have to swap alot of buttons around to get your full control setup you want.   It's not as good as an in-game solution - but it is something worth trying! 

The Share button is controlled by the OS of the playstation, developers can't do anything with it.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

The PS4 has this function built in - of course it's universal across all games, not just WF, but you can essentially change all button bindings.  The one and absolutely only thing you can't rebind is the inversion of axis on the analogs - otherwise you can easily open the Accesibility menu and bind whatever button WF considers to be transference to L1 instead.  It's not as good as an in-game solution - but it is something worth trying! 

The Share button is controlled by the OS of the playstation, developers can't do anything with it.

There are several buttons it won't allow you to tamper with, the "options" button is one of them...or what ever it's called, the start button.

Obviously you can't map the ps button. The problem is not binding transference to l1. I can do that easily, the problem is finding something I can bind the consumables to, and being able to access consumables in this game is pretty important especially on POE. So you get five buttons on the thumb pad, up down left right and press. Swiping any of the directions triggers them as a press, and pressing the thumb pad counts as a button it's self. None of those button "presses" allow you to map the consumables menu, that being your emotes and your your gear. But they will let you map "hot keys" which, sadly don't help a lot because it means having to memorize what I have on what hot key and having to remap my hot keys base don what I'm doing. That is a pain in the ass o.o... So I would rather just be able to access the consumables from inside that thumb pad... 

If there is a technical reason id just as soon have an second controller state that you can navigate to by a specific button press, that would allow me to map hot keys to all my buttons, and then it's jut remembering what button is for what. Then switch back to standard mode after I've triggered what needs to be triggered.... But I just don't see why I can't map consumables to the thumb pad and fix the whole problem, was it maybe at one time that the consumables menu was only visible when you held down the button but they've since changed the functionality? It would make sense if this is just an old issue nobody thought to fix once it became irrelevant...

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So, I just wanna ask this to clarify, and sorry if I didn’t read properly, I’m tired, but:

A) Will D-Pad support be available from day 1 on the next console update? (As I kinda need it to not rage quit on the menus)

B) What is the extent of the D-Pad support? Can it be used on all menus i.e. Arsenal, inventory, modding, pause menu etc., or just some?


C) Captura previously worked in a system where the left stick would control camera movements regardless of whether the expanded menu was opened, and when it was opened, d-pad controlled all of its functions. Has this stayed the same, or been modified, and if so, to what?

Thanks in advance, I’ve been dreading these changes since Steve first mentioned them in Twitter and I hope the game will still be tolerable to play after its implementation.

Edit: Oh, and I just noticed I’ll no longer be able to scroll by motioning d-pad towards the edge of the screen, instead needing to use the right stick separately... Why?

I thought the whole point of UI changes was to make systems more user-friendly, not more difficult to use.

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What I'm still not understanding about all this is why you're married to the concept of the virtual cursor. Prior to the start of this "grand unification", keyboard/mouse users could ALSO do what the D-Pad could do by using W/A/S/D and/or the arrow keys. I know this because while I primarily play with the controller, there are occasional times where I will need to log in late at night briefly to do some quick management before bed and can't be bothered to connect my controller for a two minute upkeep session. When the update hit and I realized I could no longer do that, either, I was shocked. I don't think any keyboard and mouse users were confused when they digitally navigated their menus and noticed their cursor floating away from the buttons, and to say it would be confusing now is completely ridiculous.

In short, DE has removed a function that both control types had access to. One that worked just fine for many years. That's NOT unifying the controls, that's deleting features for no reason.

Also, while I definitely appreciate being thrown a bone here in terms of digital menu navigation (even though still being forced to scroll with the right stick sounds jarring and awful), what does this mean for slider bars, like the ones on Sigil placement? Will we be able to increment them left and right with the D-Pad like before? Or am I still going to be forced into manual slider bars? Because if it's the latter, I'm going to be quite cross; being precise with manual slider bars is impossible.

I don't have high hopes but I'm ready to be surprised.

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This virtual cursor feels like a definite Downgrade for console players. I feel as if it's only fair that we have a choice in the matter, but I suppose DE doesn't particularly care about making the playerbase happy as a whole, simply that they want us to adapt to any changes they throw at us. That is, of course, until there is some uproar in the masses that threatens the credibility of the devs or the playability of the game itself.

Happy that I have something else to play until the Sacrifice drops on PS4. Then three days of content, and back to other things.

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I'm just going to say that DE is a wonderful organization and deserves praise. However, this update makes all long time console players hate the menu format and will definitely turn people off to the game. The cursor is cool......but old format was way better.


This is my old time I've ever felt like I need to speak up and let you know how I'm feeling about the game. It's that drastic.

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