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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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Fully agree, this UI update slows down everything 

Preset loadouts are the only way i see the game still being playable, whitch will lock me to just a few weapons,

Quick mod swaps and weapon swaps before missions are now imposible

542 days and this is the thanks DE gives me, im sure there players that have been going longer that have quit already


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20 minutes ago, (PS4)MikePDXphl said:

2. Relic selection for fissure mission: Selecting a relic brings up the relic details on the right. There, it states to select X to equip it. But to equip it, you cannot simply hit X again while your cursor is over the selected relic. You need to move the cursor over to the detail menu first, then hit X to equip it. Seems like a "double-click" on the relic you want would make more sense.

Hey! A quick double tap on the Relic will select it :) 

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39 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Yes absolutely! 


Here is the unlisted link, I am aware you already know the particles bug however, switching from view mission progress to options by pressing the UP on the d-pad actually skips the options and goes to communications. I assume because the default position of the cursor if farther to the right and pressing "up" it looks for a straight like and the next that it reaches is communications?


I may have forgot to show that in options, the particles are reverted back to medium. but DE is already aware of the issue.

Edited by (PS4)DaxInvader
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The removal of shortcuts is where it fails in my opinion.  Had it just been an addition to what is already setup, I would not have any issue with this update, but now everything that the cursor is involved with is a chore and not the beautiful simplicity that it once was.  Maybe in it's complete release it will get better, but it is horrendous as it is now and I really hope they patch back the old UI controls or at the very least, let us have our shortcuts back.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Gioco King 1981 said:

Dude the game is free I'm not mad that people are criticizing the game it's just that people are tell the devs they are stupid and they have no sense it's a change and I am entitled to my opinion as well if I don't agree with the complaining I can state that I will not look at this thread any longer so say what you will. It's an update deal with it

Constructive criticism is welcome on the forums. Sure, many people can be sour, but who cares. If you want to be taken seriously on these forums, it would be wise to construct a thread that is not a meta complaint, and defend your opinion in the thread respectfully. This thread seems like complete bait with no room for real discussion. Threads like these just get locked.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Gioco King 1981 said:

Dude the game is free I'm not mad that people are criticizing the game it's just that people are tell the devs they are stupid and they have no sense it's a change and I am entitled to my opinion as well if I don't agree with the complaining I can state that I will not look at this thread any longer so say what you will. It's an update deal with it

It isn't your place to take up arms for them. They're adults, I'm sure they don't even pay it any mind, and like adults they should recognize when they screw up.

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Overall UI Navigation is now way too slow.

To be blunt: This cursor is NOT good for/on controllers.

Equipping Mods & Weapons is more of a Chore. Needing to Press X once to select then double press X to equip feels clunky.

Overall all in-game menus are tedious now.

The speedy navigation of the D-Pad was swift, intuitive & if anything should remain as an option/toggle.

Dragging Mods into slots is...well...pun unintended...a drag.

Increasing stack qtys feel unresponsive & slow.


After another half hour of playing.

I have suggestions.

Cursor Speed needs to doubled from its current speed have that be the new default then have an option that allows players to decide how fast or slow it is.

The D-Pad should still be viable for quick moving through windows/menus.

Items/Weapons/Frames should be Single Click to equip across the board.

Revert mod dragging to click to equip/slot.

Honestly this would probably alleviate the bulk of issues.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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As a PlayStation user I find new UI somewhat inconvinient. Installing mods or choosing a warframe was much easier and faster when it was attached to "hotkeys". The cursor is useless.  Some basic operations now take more actions to do them. I'd like to note that my wish to play warframe has just lessened. Maybe just a little bit but it's true. 


31 минуту назад, ICFXRS сказал:

IMHO as a longtime player on PlayStation and Xbox, we console players have come to expect a standard of performance and anything less is unacceptable.   Please remove changes or provide an Off/Disable switch in the next hotfix!

I'd like to support ICFXRS on that thought and hope that there would be some kind of 'Disable new UI' switch in the next hotfix.

Thank you!

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It is very clear this update was proposed by a PC fan and not a console player.  Console navigation is about utilizing the 16, or so, buttons available for best performance.  Some suggestions for a good console navigation.

1. Pre-select the first item in any menu.

2. Static menus are key but if they are displayed in the order of most use it would make less scrolling to select the items you want.

3. Use all the buttons on the controller logically.  For example, on the item upgrade section both the CONFIG sections and the mods use RB and LB to move sections.  If the CONFIG sections used the triggers it would create less button confusion.

4. Some users want speed and less flare so cut back on the little animations if it  saves performance.

5. It is a console NOT A PC, so treat the navigation as such.  There is no good universal interface because the two are just not used the same.

6. Disable sections to prevent ambiguity.  For example, when altering mods on an item the users can currently select the mod first or the slot first.  Why.  Make it so the user only can select a mod after they choose which spot to put it in first.  The user should still be able to use the right joystick (as an example) to scroll the mods to see what they have but not select anything.  Once a slot is chosen then the top is disabled and only mods can be chosen.

These are just a few.

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Yeah, this UI update is incredibly unpleasant. It's inefficient when switching between frames/weapons, when navigating any menu item from options to foundry to appearance. Using the marketplace is aggravating because half the time, the cursor ignores the d-pad. It's also fighting muscle-memory. I can totally get on with fighting muscle-memory, if it's worth it. This new navigation system is not. Also, the cursor speed in navigation and over mods feels throttled, meaning even things that were cursor-based before are now slower.

I just tried modding... Drag & drop. Are you actually kidding me right now? It's not even intuitive. I was literally spamming x for a minute before realizing it wanted me to hold it down. I then had to figure out that it wanted me to press x again to slot the mod in. *slams head into a wall*

DE to console players: use a mouse & keyboard, you clowns. Be a real gamer.

Honestly glad I didn't grab the $20 Tennocon pack now. I wasn't going to do it early, just in case something came up and I couldn't actually use the Baro key. Now, I'm probably just going to abandon the game for a while until this all gets unfixed.

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I usually have no problem with the update but I can't stand this one.

We are an Alliance of PS4 players not PC players we don't have a mouse we can easily use to guide us around so this is making it a lot harder for us to do anything.They should either change it back to how it was before or at least let us choose if we want it to be the way it the old or new way.I mean everyone has parts they don't like about the game but they usually don't impact everything we do like this stupid cursor does

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Haven’t played it yet, but my fiancé is at home, upset because everything takes four times as much to do.

 We’re not pc players, so I don’t understand why this is being forced upon us. Hoping there will be a future update to implement a toggle on/off? 

 I don’t even want to play the update when I go home now. I’m pretty disappointed. 😞

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Guess this is mostly an issue between patches. is there no legacy like option? Not on console myself but I can see how that would be annoying. though it seems these controls are mostly made for the new UI that will ship with the sacrifice.

(so its a bit weird they shipped it to consoles early)

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Yeah, this honestly has to be one of the worst update decisions they have made ever for console players. Normally almost all updates are fine because of their universality, but this is just one of those gaps that can't be bridged by making things similar to the PC version of the game. Being forced to line the cursor up along the scroll bar, clicking a button, then moving the joystick to scroll is the most nonsensical amendment to a UI I could have ever possibly dreamed of. Its very obvious this was not play tested almost at all before implementation. 0/10, I won't play until there is some kind of fix.

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Ребята,я понимаю что вы пытаетесь делать что то новое. но не трогайте управление! Пожалуйста, уберите курсор! Очень много лишних манипуляций, это не для геймпадов! Либо сделайте в настройках функцию выбора между старым управлением и новым. 

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I like the changes I do wish that there were a few more options like a toggle for the curser and the ability to set the old keys and curser at the same time one the I have tried to tell people is if the curser is slow you can the sensitivity but I like it a breath of fresh air

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)DaxInvader said:

Here is the unlisted link, I am aware you already know the particles bug however, switching from view mission progress to options by pressing the UP on the d-pad actually skips the options and goes to communications. I assume because the default position of the cursor if farther to the right and pressing "up" it looks for a straight like and the next that it reaches is communications?

[removed video to save scrolling fingers]

I may have forgot to show that in options, the particles are reverted back to medium. but DE is already aware of the issue.

The menu jumping with D-Pad is something we're looking to improve for sure! We'll be looking into that for future hotfix/update.

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