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So bursa?


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What’s up with this enemy?

its basically unkillable for me. 

I know about it’s weak point on its back but it can shockwave repeatedly and turns around pretty fast. 

I don’t get how these are standard enemies for me when I can go through all the ammo I have and barely make a dent in them while I’m solo. 

At the moment I’d they appear o straight up just try to ignore them and run away.. which isn’t fun because then another alarm sounds and now I have 3 bursas chasing time throughout the level and I basically just quit. 

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I assume you are not some ultra high level player with all frames and guns.

All you do is roll behind them and unload. Or shoot slightly above the two metal shields they have in front (like the gun they have). If there is a slope, you can go up the slope and fire down. The metal shields are invincible.

Or invest in a Flux Rifle/Cycron (and a cheap riven) and stop worrying about ammo.

Edited by Guest
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Consider them more of a "heavy" unit.  They can be a pain in the butt even to high level players, there's a few different Bursas and some of them can really mess you up if they catch you off guard.

The worst thing in the world with them is doing Fissures and having one get corrupted then they fully heal again and you want to rage. 

I still tend to try to avoid fighting them if I can help it - I can kill them, but it's not worth the time or risk required, much easier to just move on and let them be.  If you are planning on killing them more often then Radiation guns are def. recommended, as they'll do the outright most damage to them.

The mods and stuff they drop is mostly meh and can be found from other sources, they really aren't worth your time.  

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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Actually if you want to cheese Bursas, Ash Bladestorm works on them even in Sortie. Arguably Hydroid tentacle and anything else that does finisher can destroy them pretty fast.

Also, Armor strip turns them into a joke.

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Sliding/Rolling past a Bursa is effective, as is jumping right over it. either one lets you shoot it in the Weakpoint.
CC Abilities can't hurt.
there are partial Damage zones you can use from the front, though i don't entirely recommend these as it'll take a while to Kill the Bursa.
Electric Status heavily Stuns Bursas. Blast Status slightly Stuns Bursas.

note that Hacking a Bursa is something one should always desire to do (which is available after you 'Kill' it), due to a Hacked Bursa having a 5x Mod Drop Chance. yes, 500% of the Mod Drop Chance that they have if you don't Hack them.
just a few seconds of your time for a much higher Chance of a Rare Mod.

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Bursas are like Halo's Covenant Hunters or Destiny 1's Cabal Phalanxes; the Bursa's riot shields, even like the Grineer Shield Lancer, are immune to all damage (except punch-through weapons).
To solve this I can list a myriad of options:



Excalibur's 2, Rhino's 4, Inaros' 1 and/or 2, Chroma's 4 when it roars, Nidus' 3, Vauban's 3/4, Atlas' 3, Volt's 4, Loki's 2 (sneak behind them), Ash's 2 then 1 or 4 (stealth + augmented shuriken + bladestorm), Hydroid's 3/puddle mode because it can't swim, Nekros' 2 or 4 (let the Shadows draw it away), Gara's 3 or 4, Frost's 4, Ivara's zipline (go above it), Valkyr's 3 or just 2+4, Harrow's 1. There are many other methods using other Warframes, however.

If your Warframe lacks the means to stop the Bursa, then consider bullet jumping to a high vertical surface, wall-latching, then spraying down at it.

If you completed War Within, you could press 5 and then use the crouch-linked ability to get behind it and then surprise it with a surprise attack from behind by pressing 5 and then hastily unloading all ammunition into it's back. Alternatively, if you've done Eidolon hunts, you can otherwise use that Amp to do some damage.



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44 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

Actually if you want to cheese Bursas, Ash Bladestorm works on them even in Sortie. Arguably Hydroid tentacle and anything else that does finisher can destroy them pretty fast.

Also, Armor strip turns them into a joke.

If you're Hydroid you can just puddle them, then stand up and shoot them in the back or keep them perma-stunlocked with your 1. The latter is particularly ideal if you're using Corroding Barrage as it'll up their armor pretty quickly. If you try to use your 4, the tentacles will damage them but not bind them, leaving them free to attack.

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As mentioned already, Bursas are essentially heavy units, and while you'll probably get the hang of maneuvering around them in time, there are a few ways to make quick work of them:

  • Warframe abilities - pretty much any frame will have at least one ability in there arsenal that can help to CC them long enough to get behind them
  • Status effects - elemental status effects like electricity, ice, and even fire will briefly slow/daze them, so take advantage of your mods
  • Openings - the Denial (red) and Drover (blue) bursas are particularly easy to take down, since they leave a large opening to get behind them when they fire rocket/grenade salvos. Sadly the white Isolator bursas don't leave themselves exposed like the other two, so they're arguably the most difficult to deal with.
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gotta learn to flank them and hit them in the sides or rear. they can be a pain in really small rooms, and i used to struggle with Bursas as well, but with enough practice you get the hang of them. always keep moving and do your best to get around that shield, and you should be alright. there's 3 types of Bursas, all needing the same basic tactic to defeat, but it might help to read the following:

Isolator Bursas (the Grey Ones) have a very powerful shotgun, so keep your distance if possible. they also drop those green Nullifier domes and can repeatedly stomp you. if distance isn't an option, just keep moving and try to get behind them. they also have a grappling hook, so watch for that too.

Drover Bursas (the Blue Ones) are the fastest, but are only equipped with a regular cannon, so don't hit quite as hard. just watch for mine clusters and grenades, and remember that it can move nearly as fast as you in a small room. again, try flanking and shooting them in the back or sides.

Denial Bursas (the Red and Orange ones) fire missiles and tether grenades that can slow you down. if you get tethered, roll immediately and you should be fine. they can flashbang you, but the effect doesn't last long and they can't move that fast. jumping around helps a lot with evading the missiles, and not getting tethered.

basically if you see a Bursa, just move move MOVE! if you'd rather not deal with them at all, you can disable alarms on Corpus Tilesets to stop them spawning, but you should confront them head-on and learn their moves. you'll be able to wipe the floor with them in no time.


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If you have the space, Bursas can't pivot their shields up and their shockwaves are also no use if you are in the air. Bullet jumping above and behind them is a quick way to getting around them. Even if they are able to spin around fast enough, you can repeat this pretty rapidly and eventually, it will not be able to keep up. If you have an accurate weapon, you can actually snipe the back panel from the front as well. There is a small corner of the panel that is exposed right above their shields. With a bit of strafing, you can give yourself an opening to hit it without having to get too close or run around it.

My recommendation is to try to get the needed amount of Codex Scans on at least one of them and then going to the Simulcrum or Captura to play around with them. It's useful to learn what they are capable of and finding your preferred strategy of dealing with them through experimentation.

Edited by Flandyrll
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6 hours ago, JDxBarracka said:

Haha i remember my first time with bursa, literally failed a mission on my noob frame because of three bursa's and i am out of ammo. After that i always disabled the alert till i got better at the game

This happened to me also my very first time meeting them.  I've since learned how to kill them all and that turning off the alarm as soon as possible is a good thing to do.  

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7 minutes ago, Wind_Blade said:

You need to hack it also when you kill it (or he ressuraction again)

Bursa aren't like that.  Only Ambulas rezes if don't hack them.  Bursa will just die after a short while. Hacking them in some cases will actually make some missions longer as they are still counted as alive enemies.  

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No-one used Exodia Epidemic on it, Juggs, Mid-level min boss types? 🙂

I know it might be expensive but at the time of the event it was dirt cheap to buy at the vendor.

Also I'm pretty sure the original rule (when they were first introduce'd) of using a ground slam to stun the bursa works.

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