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Regarding Limbos new deluxe skin


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I think the intention was to make him look like a sentient due to his dimension hopping theme.

Will have to see the model but the sketch makes it look like a cometely different character altogether then limbo.

I always thought a a western themed skin would be cool on him but oh well if i like the ingame model i may check it out.


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Limbo's Deluxe skin has a serious Sentient theme to it, which I like, though I do see where you're coming from; the Sentient aesthetic isn't for everyone, but this, Revenant, and Chroma are all Tenno-Sentient hybrids; this Limbo because, well, he's a literal Limbolyst I'd suppose; Revenant because he bathed in Sentient energies and got stricken with terrifying powers but got a knack for making Sentient weapons for Tenno use; Chroma because his pelt was once a Conculyst; it's callbacks are in the stubby wings when the pelt's on him, and in the stilt-legs and energy wings when deployed. 

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So, uh, why does the Frame built around being tissue paper physically but defeating challenges with clever workarounds and finesse have an upper body like he's going to lift me over his head and tear me in half like a phonebook?

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9 minutes ago, Sickerton said:

So, uh, why does the Frame built around being tissue paper physically but defeating challenges with clever workarounds and finesse have an upper body like he's going to lift me over his head and tear me in half like a phonebook?

Are you implying you cant be a jacked genius dimension hopper ready to punch you through a phone book? 

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2 minutes ago, Sickerton said:

So, uh, why does the Frame built around being tissue paper physically but defeating challenges with clever workarounds and finesse have an upper body like he's going to lift me over his head and tear me in half like a phonebook?

 You can say the same about other frames. Nyx has a body of a bodybuilder and she is a mind control cc frame. Same with Vauban his Prime version looks like a space marine.

Inaros? One of the best tanks in the game that looks like a half dead mummified corpse.

Most of the time It's hard to tell what a warframe can do just by looking at it.

 It's weird it's cool it fits the game aesthetics and I like it.

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Is... is that a giant sword nose?

Regardless, Limbo Prime is OP at fashion frame fresh out of the box. He's so sexy I feel bad going to any social space sporting another frame, then feel bad for everyone in all of the much, much uglier frames once I'm there. I mean, they slather on capes and attachements and still fail to look as good as Limbo Prime does when he rolls out of bed in the morning.

I suspect that Limbo Deluxe is there so people used to uglier frames can dress Limbo up in a way they're used to, so they don't go into shock at suddenly being so, so much more sexy and then find themselves never able to switch back into their aesthetically-challenged mains.

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I keep seeing people say Limbo Deluxe is Sentient themed, but I've been seeing some jiangshi influences as well:

  • The "sword" as some people refer to it hanging from his face could very much be in reference to the paper talisman attached to the jiangshi's hat used to control it
  • While it looks like this is another deluxe skin that doesn't have feet, I get the feeling it's supposed to look like he's standing on the tips of his toes, similar to how a jiangshi would hop around on its toes due to rigor mortis locking up its joints and making normal movement impossible
  • The tall brimmed hat, high collar, "wrist cuffs", and torn sash on his left hip all seem to be slight references to the official garments of the Qing Dynasty many jiangshi are depicted wearing, though with a more Warframe/sci-fi twist

As a fan of jiangshi, I'd be very happy if it turns out there is a bit of that Chinese hopping vampire influence in this skin, and it may be enough of a push to get me to farm up a Limbo Prime, another Venka Prime (since I sold my first one), and enough plat to get the skin (gotta channel that inner Hsien-ko), but those are just my thoughts on the matter.

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I like how it messes with any expectations and offers a huge change from the original design. It would be boring if we only had stuff like Inaros Ramses skin, where it's just another take on the theme: safe, still can be great and aesthetically pleasing, but not crazy.

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On 2018-07-11 at 8:47 PM, Sickerton said:

So, uh, why does the Frame built around being tissue paper physically but defeating challenges with clever workarounds and finesse have an upper body like he's going to lift me over his head and tear me in half like a phonebook?

Limbo got anchor arms.

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