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we truly want the trials back

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2 hours ago, --Dark_Rage-- said:

Just enjoy Eidolon fights - the new Raid missions.



Hahahaha "enjoy" how a random player can enjoy something where no one want to teach him and the recruit channel is full of: hosting tridolon, need harrow cc, rhino blablabla, trinity asdasdash, volt memememe. at least in raids you were able to teach others no matter what arsenal they brought.

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2 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

His title is correct, if he and a group are sharing this opinion, he is completly correct in putting "we" in the title.

No his title would have been correct if he'd have stated my friends (which could easily be false for all we know) and I want the trials back, by using we he implied that EVERYBODY wants them back, that is clearly not the case, it's a nuance of the English language.

Edited by LSG501
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I'm just glad I got to play trials as much as I did with clan mates for years.  Just playing with them is what made it fun for me.  The side effect that I ended up with absurd amounts of credits and arcanes was just a nice bonus.

But I don't mind that they were removed if it means this will help the game grow and move forward.  Other game companies let their major game breaking bugs remain forever and become stagnant. Practices like this contribute to an early death. It is necessary to prune sick branches for a tree to grow healthy after all.

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23 minutes ago, --Dark_Rage-- said:

And they force players to cooperate much less. ( besides end-game squads like 3x3\4x4 )

That's very important because the more Warframe force players to cooperate - the more toxity it provokes.

Eidolon hunts are much more friendly to community, to new players and healthy to game atmosphere in general.

Toxicity in Warframe is not derived from cooperative content. I see just as much toxicity from Eidolons as I did with Trials. Public Draco contained as many impolite and rude players as other parts of the game. Every video game has its share of this, and Eidolons are far from an exception. Eidolons are not unhealthy to the game, but they are on the same level of recruiting as Trials were. You must utilize clan mates and Discord servers to learn the mission type to avoid Recruit chat, and you must pass a specific gear check. Trials had these same instances.

The atmosphere of the game is allowing new players to do most content. The lack of progression gives people the option to comfortably sit at Mastery Rank 15 and do everything the game has to offer. While this is not inherently bad or anything, it creates a scenario where there is a lack of high end content because DE feels the need to make everything accessible on the low end instead of tailoring missions for the high end.

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4 hours ago, Kyryo said:

who is this "we".

I really could not care less about trials, they came out, i did them like 20-30 times then forgot it. The Archwing trial was so bugged i'v forfeit if at first try, never completed it, and i'm happy that i can finally farm for those arcanes.


But i get your point, IF they can manage to create trials in a good state, and with matchmaking, i'm more than happy to give them another try.

if u know without a doubt that you have no intentions with this then why assume that he has your own opinions involved? You’re creating unnessecary conflicts because u somehow feel like he meant the entire warframe community. 

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1 hour ago, --Q--Voltage said:


Trials had elements of Crowd Control (The Law of Retribution), killing enemies (The Jordas Verdict), puzzles, hacking consoles, and precision with your weapons/abilities. Aside from aiming at limbs, Eidolons have none of these elements.

And that's why Eidolons work. In a perfect world, Warframe should be a full on coop game but in reality if coop can't work on in game chat and with PUBs then the game doesn't generally work for Warframe. For the simple reason that a good number of players want to go into missions quickly and easily. The issue with raids was that unless you were on discord or recruit chat you can't just get into it.

Eidolons, yes have a problem but they are very very very easy to get into. The barrier of entry is just a bit of game experience. Raids required a level of commitment that average Warframe player won't put into it.

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Trials were a buggy mess, and just pure garbage. Its best if the devs focus on stuff like fortuna and forget trials. Also from a practical standpoint, fortuna would have a higher player count so more money. The other 10 people who played raids wouldnt be too much of a concern

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1 час назад, Key сказал:

Hahahaha "enjoy" how a random player can enjoy something where no one want to teach him and the recruit channel is full of: hosting tridolon, need harrow cc, rhino blablabla, trinity asdasdash, volt memememe. at least in raids you were able to teach others no matter what arsenal they brought.

That's all actual only for 3x3\4x4 squads and I see nothing funny here.

1 час назад, --Q--Voltage сказал:

Public Draco contained as many impolite and rude players as other parts of the game.

But public Draco was toxic because at that time the mods capacity wasn't increased by the MR so players with unranked gear were much weaker and they were forced to search DPS and etc...

1 час назад, --Q--Voltage сказал:

and Eidolons are far from an exception

While i do agree that they are far from being perfect but in dynamic shooter boring puzzle trials were nonsense.

Eidolon works fine and the concept of Eidolon hunts is a movement into a right direction anyway.




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Just as an example, if you remember the old Void, I think you would agree that almost every squad was full of toxity and conflicts just because someone took wrong, non-meta and non-effective gear.

I've no idea what you've played.

Unless you're one of those who didn't even bother to bring Frost for defense no one gave a flying f what you use - frames or weapons, especially considering that doing more than 40 waves or minutes for pugs was pretty much unheard of.


Toxicity in Warframe is not derived from cooperative content.

It absolutely is.

If you can't possibly complete something alone but capable of doing so at the same time and risk bringing in random idiots... do I need to go on? Just as an example I was trying to get gold trophy in Ambulas Reborn, it took me 2 fails with a recruited group and single flawless run solo to do so. It was fortunate that you were able at this point to solo it because man I'd be pissed af otherwise.

If you have to rely on others it sucks. It sucks a**. It literally takes ONE person out of 4 or 8 to ruin the whole session, sometimes it takes one mistake. And nothing sucked more than some **** who fckd up on the hijack part in nightmare LoR. He literally wasted about 15 minutes of 7 players lives just now, a raid key and their faith in humanity.

And what 99% of players do when that happens?

That's right, they look for someone to 1 blame 2 guilty.

Don't even get me started on how people treated Ev and Bless in Raids. Spoiler - like s****. And why? Because in your average pug mind they were supposed to save everyone and give energy to everyone. And when that did not happen, you didn't hear the end of it.

Edited by -Temp0-
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I wasn't around for Trials but reading the wiki and peoples opinions about it, they sounded a little tedious and boring.  

I personally like the "Trials" mechanic in a game like Elder Scrolls Online.  In their "Trials" three teams of people band together in a raid format stage to down a few large, difficult bosses.  Imagine a Pagoda-style setup in a sprawling level where three teams of four players (12 total) work to down a set of bosses.  

"Raids" have a stigma attached to them, but in actuality are really popular mechanics in MMOs.  

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and you and all your friends are still are a minority.

They were removed for a reason and maybe one they will be fixed to standard of what DE want them for but i'd not hold your breath since they are now in that mystical realm that has rails and sectors in it and they have been gone a long time now.

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Nightmare LOR was fun and the only real challenge. Normal LOR was eh. Jordas raid had bugs but outside of that I actually enjoyed doing runs on it. The raids were simple though so tbh the most fun/challenge I got out of them was doing themed raids. Sad that Alliance content is gone and now so is 8 player raids. They can definitely be improved but DE's track record is remove it and don't bring it back for years because something else has their complete attention.

Though I would like some variety in raids if focus is ever put on them again. Puzzle raids are fine but LOR was very very simple and Jordas was a step in the right direction imo outside of the boss fight itself. Eidolons are a nice test run imo for bigger bosses that we as a group of 8 can fight especially if you incorporate weak-points and fix aggro. A lot of other ideas and the railjack system can lead to a pretty cool big dreadnought like raid where you have a 4-man team inside and a 4-man team outside.

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Sure, if it is good this time. I liked the concept (ofcourse, who doesn't like raids in MMO's) but it really wasn't good.

The way to get arcanes now is much better, imo,

I do wish to see larger parties back for fun times. Maybe they can do that with the Open world aspects of the game where there are more parties at once once the worlds get bigger.

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I just want the old Void keys back, normal enless missions that are worth it. now everyone is just 5 min/waves.

Now all I hear is, "why stay longer its easier to restart."

Well yes it is, but whats the fun? staying is faster (in survival) and more of a challenge.
And I one shot everything that isnt a bombard untill lvl 100~ish

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On 2018-07-18 at 3:19 PM, DarlingAnnieBaby said:

i feel sorrow for you, it seems that your environment isn't that good.I never force someone against his/her will.what used to do is like,two or more veterans teach several green hands, 'come if you want'(except one time i tried to carry 3 rookies myself, 27th Feb, so that they can get the syandanas,but failed eventually)

second:can you believe a player can almost graduate from every part in this game,focus, weapon, warframes, arcanes with just one month?an office worker.he bought plats like 1 or 2 times

third part:you know if you want to finish 5 tridolon during one night, the equipment of each member must be exactly precise.

actually i didn't feel divided,neither before nor after l understand trials deeply.there's no reason to feel divided,whoever all have a time that he/she don't know how to play trials

that's all.

I dont mind if any player decide that it will 'graduate' within a short period of time, but if it does so by its own will then dont complain afterwards that it was too fast. It is a common misconception and lack of understanding of the game that some tasks can be done only by some precisely pre-planned equipment. Again: the number of possible combinations of equipment is enourmus (and thx to rivens can be unique). My problem is not that some players want to enjoy the raid, my problem is that some players wants to force their playing style on the rest of the entire community. Ie speedrunners completing every mission within a couple mins, so why would DE create any kind of equipment for long endurance run since most of the players are staying only for 5 waves or max 10 mins? Ok lets make trials but make them accessible for all. Otherwise the entire game will shift toward paytowin what i worry about.

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Until they make the trials not require 4~8 people, then I have no interest in them either.  I mostly play either solo or with friends - the only things i'll typically tolerate randoms for onslaught and fissures purely for the extra spawns/more chances for dropping gold parts.  For my group it was hard to regularly have enough people on all at the same time that also actually *wanted* to do them, and so it was rare that we ever ran any of them.  Which meant that unless I broke my play-style, arcanes were something that I considered to be out-of-reach.  Removing trials and putting arcanes on Eidolons means that I actually have something I want to work towards now : collecting arcanes, something that is far more doable than it ever was with trials. 

Another issue with trials is that  you couldn't just  run trials with randoms - trial hosts would demand for players to be experienced in trials, which left many people unable to do them simply because they were inexperienced and never given the opportunities to get experienced with them.  This was something that I not only observed in recruiting chat, but experienced first-hand, and had it happen to many alliance-mates.  That overall behavior only caused an isolation of the game-mode, which is part of why trials got removed in the first place : too many problems with them with not enough people playing them.  Adding trials back in with exactly how they used to be would only just recreate these same problems, and that's not factoring any of the problematic bugs that they had.

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I would love to have the Raids back but to be honest bot i  the form we had then in. The puzzle idea is interesting but it was applied in an entirely wrong direction. 

It focused on static gameplay and huge amounts of CC. 

Now if they could introduce Raids that instead promote active gameplay and killing mods then I'd be all for it. 

Also, it might just do to have a special Raid boss in the Landscapes. That would be great. Eidolons proved DE can do proper multistage boss fights, so why not pump those up another level and make special ones that are availeable to 8 players teams? 

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