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An mini axe skin for a heavy blade...


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21 minutes ago, --Peter-- said:

They need to hire a new designer, seriously ...

Not necessarily a design issue, more like a programming error but I understand, it doesn't feel powerful.  If it is scaled in reverse, it would have been funny to use a tiny dagger sized weapon with whirlwind just shredding everything lol.

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2 minutes ago, Oreades said:

It's adorable is what it is

Wook at da widdwe vawbaahn and his itty bitty widdle axy waxy, who's the biggest widdle warfwame 

I hope you're joking e.e

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6 minutes ago, --Peter-- said:

I hope you're joking e.e

Why I never! Baby talk is never a joke, is always srs bsns!

I wouldn't worry too much, unlike the Zenistar being too big, I have a sneaking suspicion they will probably do something about the Ax skin being too small. I wouldn't expect anything before tomorrow and more realistically some time next week. If it isn't out by next week ...... then I'd start to worry. 

Hell the'll probably make a point of it  during tonights primetime. 

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7 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Why I never! Baby talk is never a joke, is always srs bsns!

I wouldn't worry too much, unlike the Zenistar being too big, I have a sneaking suspicion they will probably do something about the Ax skin being too small. I wouldn't expect anything before tomorrow and more realistically some time next week. If it isn't out by next week ...... then I'd start to worry. 

Hell the'll probably make a point of it  during tonights primetime. 

The problem is that this skin should be for hammers and axes, it does not make sense that a heavy blade use an ax skin, even more being a skin so small being half the size of the normal weapon.

If it is to leave this size at least put a shield together or in one-handed weapons.

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18 minutes ago, --Peter-- said:

The problem is that this skin should be for hammers and axes, it does not make sense that a heavy blade use an ax skin, even more being a skin so small being half the size of the normal weapon.

If it is to leave this size at least put a shield together or in one-handed weapons.

Hmmmm now that you mention it the whole Ax skin on a heavy blade is kinda strange. 

Haven't payed too much attention to the set because the Vauban skin kinda weirds me out. For some reason every time I look at it all I see is that jumping puzzle on Lua with the Organ (It's one of the drift mods)...... and I can not convey in words how much I loathe that Lua challenge. So I just have this instant visceral just uugghhh wash over me every time I see the Vauban Deluxe. 

Which isn't the skins fault, it's not a bad skin. when I can power past the Lua vibe, it's pretty cool.

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Tactically speaking, a smaller axe provides more control and is visually less obnoxious. I'm personally not a fan of anime-esque sized weapons and this is a nice thing to see. The size of this goes well with the theme of the skin, in that it looks like a war axe for a noble knight of the future era.

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can you guys make that weapon skin have a longer shaft or something? it looks way too small when you use it on galatine prime. it should look a bit more like a poleaxe i think. if it wasnt so short it would be a great skin.

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1 hour ago, Gweredith said:

All axe skins suffer from short shafts. They should have a handle as long as Jat Kittag, honestly. There is no leverage at all to balance out the massive head of the axe.

other axe skins i can kinda understand since they are for scindo mostly. and i personally want them to be as big as at least the chromas deluxe blade skin. 

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The reason this issue has come up is because DE seems to be using 'creative' camera focal lengths and angles to give 'false' impressions of designs of late, we had limbo syandana looking a lot bigger than it turned out to be as well, now this weapon too. 

Maybe DE could start using or including a standard focal length picture shot head on so players can get a true representation of what an item will look like. 

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29 minutes ago, [DE]Marcus said:

We have heard your concerns for the size of the Mortier Heavy Blade Skin and are making the desired changes! We are working on scaling the size of the axe so expect that in the future. 

@[DE]Marcus Thanks for taking a look at this and increasing its size, but please can its colors/metallic bits be also improved to match that of vauban's deluxe it self ?

for consistency 🙂 

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58 minutes ago, [DE]Marcus said:

We have heard your concerns for the size of the Mortier Heavy Blade Skin and are making the desired changes! We are working on scaling the size of the axe so expect that in the future. 

Love ya dude.  Thanks for replying to this and earlier about zaw skins.  Glad to see positive feedback on topics from a dev

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16 hours ago, (XB1)Kuljack said:

Tactically speaking, a smaller axe provides more control and is visually less obnoxious. I'm personally not a fan of anime-esque sized weapons and this is a nice thing to see. The size of this goes well with the theme of the skin, in that it looks like a war axe for a noble knight of the future era.

Sibear can destroy mountains, fairly certain I can get Rhino roar to 800-1000%. Warframes are planet busters.

I'm still maxing said buff. 

And this being the case, I'm hoping for a flail eventually, 600+ mph of puncture force in human hands, plate armor couldn't stop it, in the hands of a Warframe, it would demolish everything.


BUT, your not wrong.

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On 2018-08-10 at 2:22 AM, TheUnknownM said:

I was disappointed with the size too. 😞

That's what she sa... ummm. No, wait!

But seriously, simply scaling it up will make it look ridiculous. Consider lengthening the handle instead, and add a bit more thickness to it.

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On 2018-08-09 at 3:10 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

to be fair, the Fragor Prime that came with Vauban is just as short, maybe shorter. you could almost do a Thor Cosplay with it.

it could be a scaling bug, like the one that occurred with Chroma's Deluxe Skin for Heavy Blades, only its the opposite happened here. can't see this one being left though, it doesn't have the same appeal as the "Monster Hunter Zenistar" does.


Because Fragor prime is a hammer. The skin is for heavy blades aka axes and great swords.

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