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Everything posted by (PSN)robotwars7

  1. it'll happen eventaully but probably not for a while. it depends on where DE want to go after Duviri. (Tau hopefully).
  2. I'd be fine with it, but I wouldn't expect DE to expand on it, because it's quite rare that they actually stick with one idea for very long before moving on to the next big thing: whatever update we get after Kullervo for example, will likely have nothing to do with Duviri or it's mechanics: it'll be something totally different again.
  3. personally I think we should have a suicide button, sounds crazy I know, but 9 times out of 10, bugs like this are solved if you get downed and then bleed out/give up. could make the command something long like "/SELF-TERMINATE" so that there's no way to trigger it by accident.
  4. Chroma (our OG elementalist): "buddy, you think you look strong? you're wearing a cape... you're just a cheap f**king knock-off!" Lavos (who has access to ALL elements)" "oh no no no.... I'm the upgrade.." seriously though, Anthony Starr is an insanely good actor and I cannot wait for the Boys Season 4. on topic though, I suppose a star-spangled banner syandana could happen on Independence Day (4th July), but DE are Canadian, so it seems unlikely.
  5. I think on some level, all the Acolytes have behaviour fitting their name: as you say, misery loves company (summons shadows), but also: to use Malice - being malicious - can be seen as cold and calculating, waiting for the right moment to inflict maximum pain on a person: the Malice Acolyte keeps his distance, uses magnetize and then fires a precise Opticor shot to kill you, as opposed to the others who use non-precision based melee tactics. the Torment acolyte is IMO the weakest, but they can "torment" the player by sneaking in attacks from the flanks while the player is trying to deal with mobs. Angst is just, well, pure rage and very edgy, as one would expect. Violence is pretty straightfrward, but violence can also manifest in creative ways, such as how this acolyte pairs a Destreza Rapier with a Venka Claw: nobody else uses this particular combination of weapons, only him. Mania is essentially going crazy, and this acolyte lives up to that because he runs around attacking wildly with his Lacera. the complete opposite approach of Malice, there is no precision involved, just swing and hope for the best.
  6. balancing is hard. lately though DE have started to lean more to the power-fantasy side of things: as long as it doesn't allow you to AFK while the game plays itself, then it's fine: that's where the line is so to speak.
  7. bruh, Revenant is already the drip king: his deluxe and Tennogen options are all great. meanwhile Sevagoth has nothing: no Deluxe, no Tennogen, not even an Immortal Skin from Baro. there is no equality even in fashionframe...
  8. I guess it's personal choice, I mainly went for strength and duration, kept range positive and run 75% efficiency., since electrified enemies can't move, so it's totally safe to run around and get up close to them, thus, range is less necessary IMO. ultimately all I'm saying is my Gyre Experience differs greatly from yours: for me, she's up there with Garuda in SPC (again, status decrees make her kit insane), alongside the usual meta DPS picks of Saryn and Mesa. before I got the augment I thought she was meh but now.. five-star glass cannon, either you die or they ALL do, but it will usually be them lol.
  9. technically Void Fissures can appear *anywhere*,including inside the Void tileset, so I don't see why there shouldn't be a fissure version of all our game modes. plus Disruption is a mode that most players like: high spawns, endless, and a bit different from the usual mass killing or defensive modes (but for people who like the mass killing, Disruption is great for that too!)
  10. yeah, no to all of that. I take Gyre to Steel Path Circuit almost every time she pops up, and she cleans house even boefore the decrees start to pile up. it's all thanks to this one little augment: Cathode Current since getting this, Gyre has become a powerhouse glass cannon on par with Banshee.. sure, she's still squish, so it pays to have a tank or a support frame to help out, but when it comes to clearing the undercroft she's top-tier. all you need is a decent enough weapon to get the first few kills and you'll have no problem hitting entire groups of enemies at once: Decrees like Twofold Torment (status effects hit twice) and the one where status deals double damage just make things get ridiculous once you get a few rotations in, red crits and status procs everywhere. I'll admit the cooldown is brutal, but it's a risk/reward skill; the risk you run is getting locked out for a while, but the reward of getting enough kills to sustain it's duration (and then increase it until it's cap, which is well over a minute) makes it worthwhile. I guess Amprex goes with her theme and all, but honestly, you'd do better with somethign that deals more damage directly: the strategy for me is all about using the ability as I go into battle and getting about 3-4 kills with a weapon as fast as possible: if I do that, I'm all set, and I've had her 3 and 4 runnign constantly for entire rotations without breaking a sweat. Gyre isn't the problem my guy, I'd look at your build.
  11. MR would be pretty damn easy to get.. pretty soon everyone would be LR3, and arguably MR is not that meaningful already outside of personal perks like void trace caps, but still, it'd make it seem even more trivial. plus this also encourages burnout even more; we have enough of that with the FOMO, RNG and grind upon grind. we need less, not more of that.
  12. to be honest I like them all so far, even the ones that don't work properly like Soma and Sibear. if I had to choose one though, I'd probably go Torid, simply because I wasn't expecting it to become a lasergun lol.
  13. not likely to happen, since otherwise there'd be no reason to run eidolons: we can get arcanes via trading, and playing enough ESO/Circuit/Zariman gets you way more focus over time than Eidolon Shards did. the transmuters are the only thing people might still go back for. friendship ended with Riven Transmuters, now Riven Cipher is my best friend. wouldn't mind more places to buy those honestly..
  14. probably just a chance to get more publicity for Warframe, and show off Duviri/ 7 Crimes update. ordinary non-warframe players: "damn, this game looks pretty good, and it's FREE!? wow!" me, a jaded long time player still putting up with Circuit/Duviri bugs 14 hotfixes later: "so you have chosen.. grind.."
  15. Nullifier Guardian Eximus, it shouldn't be a thing, but it is, and it's downright disgusting.. bubble, tri-shield and proto-shield, giving every other mob Damage reduction and saving them from powers... IMO it's the Elite Trenchers you gotta watch out for on the Orb Vallis: I'm not kidding, these dudes are on demon timing: the moment they see you they dash in and slam, and if you're not running Primed Sure Footed, you're in for a world of pain from the constant knockdowns. their regular attacks are strong too, and then when they show up with Provisors (the dudes with the face-lasers that push you backwards).. there's a reason I don't go to the Vallis on Steel Path for fun anymore XD.
  16. I feel like we just bring Cavalero the Pathos Clamps and the other Duviri resources, and he can just use them to make some kind of "void-adapter" that he fits to the gun and hey presto, incarnon form. I always wondered if lorewise the mode the weapons get really is totally random. nobody would have guessed Torid would become a lasergun for example. Cavalero basically just "void-touches" the weapon himself and then the Tenno just.. hopes that it doesn't blow up in their hands, or summon a Void Angel lol. I like to imagine reporting back to him after trying out the new incarnon mode for the first time: Cavalero: "so, uh, what did it do?" me: "it fired a big-a$$ laser that vaporized everything in the room!" Cavalero: "nice! alright, pass her here and I'll tweak the stats for you again.."
  17. meanwhile I'm still waiting to see Daikyu, Dual Zoren and Tonbo get primed.. ideally there should be a single and dual version of all single/dual pistols. granted, a lot of them would be MR fodder for us now, but might be nice for newer players. some people also just prefer single guns for whatever reason. next relics I want him to bring should be for AkMagnus Prime... come on DE, you've done this before, you can do it again!
  18. I atually didn't know this after like 8 years of playing: I always just shuffled the mods around until it gave me the damage types I wanted, maybe now I won't have to do that anymore! thanks! seriously, this game has the most abysmal lack of tutorials...
  19. well he's not. he's a dark wraith frame, and he already has near zero popularity for some reason (not a single skin for him years after his release.). Voruna's the closest we're gonna get, all we can hope for is that maybe her deluxe will lean more into the Classical werewolf themes.
  20. yes, ragdolled enemies in strangledome can be a pin to hit without an AoE weapon, which is why I try to get kills before they get grabbed by the dome. an easy fix for this would be for Strangledome to have a "core" in the center of the ground where it's cast, which, if you deal damage to it by shooting or melee, it transfers that damage along the chains to any enemies caught in strangledome. that way, you can still shoot outside of the strangledome unimpeded while also allowing an easier way to kill enemeis who are caught inside it, without trying to hit the ragdolls lol. the last strangledomed enemies in a defense (you have to kill them) be like: player with a non aoe weapon trying to hit them with a Grinlok or whatever be like: and the Khora on the team be like:
  21. pretty much because the plot demands it, , we all joked about killing lotus durign New War, but the fact is that as long as Reb is willing to do the voiceover work, Lotus isn't going anywhere. as for how she did each of her amazing feats: the Moon: this was accomplished via a computer system, believe it or not; in the quest we actually just reverse what Lotus did, which means the Orokin likely always had a system in place to warp Lua into The Void, likely as an absolute last resort: Lua was basically the Orokin's home, and their most prized location, and if anyone has the know-how to make an entire planet teleport-able, it's the Orokin; Lotus knew how to use it because as a Sentient, she knows how to turn Orokin Tech against the Orokin. essentially, I don't think it's so much a case that lotus literally yeeted Lua into the Void, The Orokin had that option on the table and Lotus made it happen to suit her own ends. getting shanked by Ballas: the Paracesis was made by Ballas, and he failed at utterly everything, like Orokin do: grineer slaves? turned against the Orokin. Sentients that were supposed to colonize Tau? turned against the Orokin Infested Bio-weapon made to kill aforementioned Sentients? turned against the Orokin.. so It's not surprising really that Ballas can't even murder a Sentient with a Sword that he made himself, specifically for killing Sentients, possibly even specifically just Lotus if you read far enough into what he said whilst making the damn thing.. Ballas should have traded his Ego Prime for some Prime Brain Cells lol. holding back wally: honestly I've no idea, but there was some debate as to whether or not she actually succeeded: I guess since the Void Angels are still trying to break through into our Dimension via the Zariman and the Duviri Undercroft, she must have succeeded after all, but it felt touch and go for a while. I don't see how an eldritch horror like Wally, who is clearly the most powerful thing in the entire warframe universe, a literal cosmic entity, would get shut down by Lotus. Wally is a crafty one, and he's clearly playing the long game. there wasn't, at least for us. Narmer folded like a napkin with Ballas dead and we never got a chance to liberate the starmap from Narmer forces, which I would have been more than happy to do: all those Umbra formas and nothing to show for it..smh.
  22. it doesn't need AoE, it can crit very well and with the proper elemental modding for the faction you're fighting against, it works fine. of course, it is a weapon that needs headshots to perform at it's best, but that's why you take the Grinlok with a frame that can CC effectively. Harrow's a great choice because his 1 stops enemies in their tracks making for easy headshots and you can boost the Grinlok's damage tremendously with the buffs from his 2 and 4. as nice as a straight-up horde mode would be, we're simply too powerful and that mode will just be way too easy. there will always be some additional factor added in that's designed to curtail an endless run: Disruption is pretty close since you can use the Conduits on your own terms, and the spawns are high, but it's still a mode that isn't focused on killing: you can easily do disruption without killing any enemies other than Demolysts.
  23. sounds nice, more options for weapons are never a bad thing, though it depends on just how in-depth DE want to make Incarnon weapons. it'd be a lot of extra work trying to get all these different modes to work properly, given that Incarnon weapons have one mode and some of those don't work properly as it is lol.
  24. hopefully self-revival will be a part of the upcoming pet rework. I'm not bothered how reviving them works as long as it can be done quickly, and I'm not having to do it every 2 seconds because my companions are still squish.
  25. when you also consider the small size of the weapons in question - a few inches - personally I can only assume that either the Drahk Masters are incredibly skilled with their Halikars, or there is some kind of tracking software implanted into the Halikar' design. Grineer may not be as techy as the Corpus but they still know about computers and anything that helps increase a weapon's lethality is worth pursuing, because it means making the Grineer Stronger.
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