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Everything posted by (PSN)robotwars7

  1. from what the codex says, the Liset and other landing craft are described as "stealth insertion craft", so they are designed solely to drop a Tenno in and then take them back out of a hostile zone, without the enemy detecting the ship and subsequently destroying it. I suppose you could compare it to a stealth bomber, only it doesn't drop bombs, it drops Tenno (which makes it far deadlier I guess.). as such, it doesn't have need for any weapons and doesn't carry any. the Railjack is what the Tenno use when Ship-to-Ship engagements are necessary.
  2. well done for noticing lol. I often get Single Stubba, Bronco, AkLato etc. because I don't own these weapons anymore, and the system cannot tell the difference between a weapon that has never been owned and a weapon that has been mastered and owned but is no longer in the player's arsenal. strange considering the Codex is able to keep up with this, so I don't see why they can't just base the system on weapons that are mastered only and weight it towards weapons that you actually own. guess that would be too convenient though.
  3. NOT YET. not until after we get companions 2.0, then after that by all means. supposedly there will be a Krubie skin for Kubrows, more might get added over time. personally the only companion base we haven't really covered yet are Birds of Prey, having a customized pet Condroc that swoops down and eviscerates enemies would be pretty awesome, but with the current companion system, they'd be too weak and would probabyl spend most of their time being revived; I don't want them unless they're going to be effective. I've used my Panzer, Hans, for a long time, and if the price to pay for better companions overall is a nerf to his kit I say bring it on. Panzers are used so widely because they are basically the only viable companion there is for high-level content. I'm not even really a cat person, I've grown up around dogs all my life and like them a bit more, but bringing a Kubrow to Steel Path is basically the "dreaded final trip to the Vet" on repeat at 2x speed... I would love to get a decent Kubrow again and have it be my sci-fi German Shepherd doing stuff like this to the enemy: (warning: violence and graphic footage of dogs attacking people)
  4. it could be worse: they could always make it so that you die if you fall off the map like in many other games :no bleedout timer, you just die and have to revive... imagine having that in an Archon hunt.. yeesh.
  5. I want to like this post because it's true, but I also hate it because it's true.. at the very least, I hope that Stug gets an Incarnon Genesis before they forget about them.. I don't even care what it does, just as long as it becomes good..
  6. this immediately makes me think of 46 & 2 by Tool.. a song all about Jung and the Shadow.. god, what a tune. onto the topic at hand anyway: he's the edgy boi that gets folded like laundry by anyone above MR10... but I would still like to know more about him. his Codex Entry gives tidbits, as did Second Dream, but a full on explanation of him might be unlikely as "mysterious assassin" characters lose their appeal once the mask is taken off. I don't think it has a connection to the Neural sentry, it's mainly just an Orokin artifact that has the ability to corrupt someone with a massive amoutn of Void Energy. thinkign about it, Vor's Corrupted form is not that different from the Thrax we encounter on the Zariman, Lua Conjunction Survival and Undercroft/Duviri. if there's a link, I reckon it's with the Thrax, rather than the Neural Sentry. also Vor is totally forgotten about, but he can't be killed off because he's made of Energy now, so he's basically chilling in the Void until he -if ever- becomes relevant again. I agree, a while back there as hope with the "kingpin" system, but that ultimately was turned into the Lich system and detached from clans entirely. there's also the underlying issue of inactive clans, since you can't really expect one or two people to do the work of a large clan who's majority of members might have quit playing a while ago.
  7. it's DE's next big gamble, and from where I'm sitting, I'm not sure it's going to pay off. putting aside that DE will have to run 2 live service F2P games at once once Soulframe launches, from what I've seen so far, this nerw game looks.. totally lacking, in anything: the aesthetics are so similar to the less horror-inspired parts of Elden Ring that if I didn't know any better I'd think this was just Elden ring played on lower settings. it doesn't look like it offers anything at all to set it out from the rest, and I could even see some recycled stuff from warframe in there: notice how the character blocks with their sword? exact same stance that Warframes take when blocking with a sword like Dakra Prime, Skana etc. you would think that DE would want the animations and style of the Soulframe character to be as different from warframe as possible, to reflect on how this is a totally new game; same developers, but with an entirely new formula... right? that's just it: it isn't a new formula at all, and the industry is already saturated with these types of games, even outside of Dark Souls and it's relatives, you've got Mortal Shell, the Nioh Franchise, Chrono Odyssey, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and there are more on the way with Black Myth: Wukong and Wolong Dynasty. "soulsborne-style open world action games" are in the same place now that military shooters were in during the early 2010s, and WW2 shooters the decade before that: there's so many to choose from that you have to do something drastic in order to stand out from the ever-expanding crowd. warframe is as successful as it is because there is no other game like it. nothing else has the gameplay, the style, the identity that warframe has. I feel like seeing Steve going to work on this new game that doesn't look more than a 5/10 at best is just a prelude to a massive failure. if they were working on something that was truly unique, truly something never done before, then I'd be more excited and probably more supportive, but so far, I've yet to see anything from Soulframe that doesn't just look like Duviri Drifter Gameplay with a different HUD... which also brings us to the fact that many speculated Drifter Combat in warframe to be nothing more than a testbed for Soulframe's combat, and in certainly looks like they are right. overall, there is absolutely nothing about Soulframe that excites me, if anything it slightly repulses me at the moment; even the game's name sounds like it was just made up on a whim with zero thought or effort: why "Soulframe"? why the frame part? are we taking control of constructs again? how is this any different from what we already have? what does the "soul" have to do with this.. I kinda hope this is just a working title and is goign to get changed to something less derivative eventually. TL:DR: I have literally negative hypes for Soulframe and I feel it's a wrong Direction for DE. that's just my opinion though, and there's every chance they might somehow pull it off really well, but I'm not seeing it at the moment: maybe whatever they've got planned for Tennocon will be more interesting.
  8. I can't think of a game that has nearly as many different weapons as warframe does, and 99% of them are viable. just how much divesity are you hoping for. as to your suggestions. it could be done, but most people tend to prefer direct damage over two steps, unless the AoE pulses are highly effective with a logn range, but we still have plenty of AoE wepaons already. a la Battalyst I presume? I was kinda hoping that would be part of Stalker's kit in Duviri, but ah well. we also have Mirage's 4 for that. considering we have Miter, Panthera family and Ghoulsaw, I thin we have sawblades covered quite well. AoE bouncing sawblades is basically just Miter/Panthera but better in crowded rooms. sound smore like a Peculiar mod than anything else. DE forgot those exist. so basically combining Tether Grenades with something like Khora's Strangledome. problem is that even with status procs over time, tough enemies will survive for a while and will be trickier to put down with weapons if they're being whisked around at hyperspeed. it's one of the only downsides to strangledome: the last enemy of the wave in defense is in the dome and the whole squad is shooting at and missing the target because it's being ragdolled like mad. I guess I should probably mention that I'm not a fan of ragdolling as while it can be funny in a childish way, it also gets in the way when you just need to straight up kill everything. weapons like this would be fine for defensive modes as they can provide area denial, but in a straight up exterminate/survival, again, people are just gonna pick straight up AoE over this. again, fine for area denial, but still niche. plus we once had tripwires on Vauban that did this, except enemies kept falling over rather than getting stuck: it was removed because nobody was using it, so I don't think there are that many people that share your philosophy on how weapons should be. Nightwatch Napalm Ogris says hi, and cold damage isn't a particularly strong element, even with the recent rework. you really aren't satisfied with the simple concept of "enemy + bullet/explosion in their direction = dead" are you.. that one definitely ain't happening simply because it's too technical: the shrinking mechanic would have to be applied to EVERY single enemy type in the game, and that's a lot of work for a single joke of "haha now enemy smol". even as a Peculiar Mod, I don't think that'd happen. ok, but if you're shooting directly at an enemy, they're not going to touch the trail, you'd have to turn to the side and shoot the walls, whcih just seems.. counterproductive. I get wanting these kinds of weapons, but why you gotta have so many steps and mechanics when for the most part, people want the kills instantly, not after going through 2 or 3 stapes for each shot. in a word, they're inefficient. fun perhaps, but that's subjective; what isn't subjective is that you'll clear rooms faster with weapons that have simpler mechanics, and faster TTK, and for the most part, that's what people will go with.
  9. I will admit that while still not quite as bad as Railjack's launch, Duviri's launch does come a fairly close second, and makes me really question whether or not DE actually have a QA/Playtesting team, and if they do, what exactly are they doing, because it doesn't appear to be "a very good job". sure, that could be classed as Dev Bashing, but I'd also argue that while Dev bashing *is* wrong, DE shouldn't make themselves such an easy target for dev bashers by rushing updates out in a bug-ridden mess. I guess it comes back to the old "have it done right or have it now" situation that we had before crossplay, I for one am willing to wait for updates to be done right but not everyone will agree and DE caves to pressure quite easily on some issues, like releasing content, and not at all on others, it's strangely inconsistent... for a while, they were doing pretty good at not rushing updates out and they were mostly stable, but with New War, Veilbreaker and Duviri, it seemed like they couldn't push it out the gate fast enough once they had something they thought would work. obviously an update is never going to be perfect day 1, so some allowances should be made for bugs, especially minor visual bugs, but actual gamebreaking ones? one or two at the absolute most, and they should all be gone in the first patch. we are now 10+ hotfixes into Duviri and people are still encountering major issues. crossplay doesn't really help either, but that's another issue. I think DE are starting to rush to meet deadlines again and that's not a good thing. the only other explanation I can think of - which sadly happens a lot in the videogame industry - is that the QA/testers *did* see the mess Duviri was at launch, and notified management, but were then told to just ship it anyway. we've all seen the consequences of that happen over the years, and I'm curious what kind of relationship Reb and the others have with the QA team: they might be all smiles on the devstream, but things can be very different behind closed doors, and if there is any animosity between the Devs, it WILL be reflected in the game, one way or the other. TL:DR; DE needs to take more time with their updates, listen more actively to their QA team, and focus on the most gamebreaking bugs first: maybe then we won't have another repeat of Duviri's launch, and issues that persist long afterwards.
  10. all the shards are useful though, even parkour velocity can help with some builds. - blue shards offer excellent armor increases, even non-tauforged ones can turn the squishiest of frames like Banshee and Gyre into at least non-squish territory, and on tank frames, well, *insert ERA-1 meme here* - red shards give power strength, maybe not much for many builds but enough on some frames to reach certain thresholds/caps for abilities without needing to put on another Power Strength mod. - yellow shards, the optimal choice for me is Casting Speed: Natural Talent exists, sure, but it's a costly mod to be putting on builds with low Forma and some frames like Nekros seem to take half a century to cast, which is no good when surrounded by enemies. (personally I'd turn off casting animations if it were an option, I get some of them look cool but when I cast, I want my power on NOW, not 3 seconds later. I also don't get how some abilities require standing still in a game that emphasizes fast-paced combat and movement; IMO I'd like DE to go down the DOOM/Rage 2 avenue and let everything be usable while sprinting.)
  11. would be nice, and that's probably why it'll never happen. even to this day, medical bonds in particular are insanely hard to come by: bounty RNG is merciless, and Ticker never seems to have any contracts that offer Medical Bonds. the fact that DE refuse to go back and rework some of this stuff doesn't look good on them at all.
  12. it all depends on your own taste in equipment and what you have available: for me it's fine, I'm almost guaranteed to get either a frame or a weapon that can do the majority of heavy lifting, even if it's not my favourite weapon.
  13. either allow use of primary/secondary, or increase Balefire Damage & fire rate and increase movement speed and Aegis Storm would be much better IMO.
  14. >sees request for a new chroma variant > sees OP's name yeah, that checks out, actually.. Umbra was a one-off to try and shut up those begging for Excal Prime, every other frame is accessible in-game and Primes are the only other version of a frame we need. an Orowyrm themed frame could be interesting though, but I imagine it's more likely just be a duviri-themed frame with a Wyrmling Companion, basically as an Exalted Sentinel. I like Chroma, and I'd certainly play Chroma Umbra if he became a thign, but that seems even less likely than a rework to his 1 and 4..
  15. got Torid finished, and yeah, Laser-Torid is actually pretty great. sadly I need to farm resources a little for the Toxocysts, but I'm looking forward to them.
  16. to be honest, the odds of getting "bad gear" are hampered by many factors - you have 4 slots, Warframe, Primary, Secondary and melee. with all opportunity intrinsics you've got 5 warframes, and 2-3 of each weapon type. the odds that all 4 will be bad are quite slim, as you'll likely get at least one option that you can work with at the very least, if not a "great" item (something you've invested in and also like to use.) - how long are you staying for? bad gear doesn't matter that much if you only need to do a couple rounds for some Rune Marrow or that last bit of rep to hit rank 5 or 10. - if you're playing with squads, they'll likely be carrying you anyway if they have decent enough gear: usually if one person picks Mesa and Kuva Bramma, your guns don't really matter because they'll be doing most of the killing. usually I take a look at anyone who's picked before me and If they're insistign on being the DPS for the match, I'll take Wisp, Hildryn or Oberon if they're available, so I can support them and the other team members. it's up to the individual, but I'm not selling any gear of mine except when a Prime/upgraded version of it comes out. if anything I'm actually going to go back and rebuild some old weapons now that they have an Incarnon Genesis, like Miter and Atomos.
  17. yeah, I kind of would too. closest thing I think we'd ever get is a Dragon Nikana Prime, basically take the unique look of the Dragon Nikana's Scabbard and prime it, and make the stats higher than any other Nikana. otherwise, an Incarnon Genesis would fit on all 3 Nikana variations (but I'd gladly do it twice for both Prime and Dragon versions) as for weapons.. there's a lot to name, but my most picked would be: Alternox: Gyre's Signature gun is really lackluster even though it has some awesome visuals, and since it came with Angels of Zariman, I see no reason it couldn't get an incarnon version: either a tesla grenade launcher on steroids, or maybe a classic laser Assault Rifle but on hit, the rounds chain lightning between nearby enemies; like the wonderful ba$tard child of an Amprex and a Dera.. Stug: this gun has been neglected for far too long, and it's Incarnon genesis could be the comeback to end all comebacks. I'd like for it to be like Nova's Antimatter (slow projectile but massive AoE), or a bit like Torgue guns from BL3 where you can unload the entire mag as sticky grenades and then reloading detonates them all rapidly in succession, or all at once. the latter is a bit closer to how the Stug currently functions, but I'll take whatever as long is it finally makes the Stug powerful. Dark Split-Sword: since there's no unique stance, I'd like this weapon to get an incarnon and make it so that when it's incarnon form is triggered, it changes to either Dual Sword or heavy blade form, depending on what it was already in. now that all my other melee wishes are complete, this is the ONLY one left.
  18. had the excavation glitch a few times, but that was several patches ago, since then I've run many Spirals and not had any issues, aside form a few visual glitches and one time where the grappling mechanic for the Orowyrm fight didn't work. it has been 10 hotfixes though, there shouldn't be nearly as many issues now.
  19. meanwhile, me, a Rhino User dealing like 5 damage to starchart mobs with my passive "heavy" impact.
  20. i can sympathize. I've run Archons since the beginning, I had to get to 80% pity before my first Red Tau dropped and I still wasn't holding my breath even with those odds, I was fully expecting and mentally prepared for the 3 week wait for the guaranteed red instead, but RNGsus finally let me catch a break. dollars to donuts that I'll have to wait until at least 80% pity on Red again for my second Tau.
  21. usually I avoid this one unless I get roped into helping a friend with it, in which case I take Vauban and camp by their goal with Bastille up constantly, plus a few flechette orbs for good measure, and a shotgun: Bastille usually stops them, and the Orbs and a few shotgun blasts takes care of the rest. meanwhile they actually get all the kills and do all the work to complete the run, I'm just there to make sure they get the challenge completion as well as the credits.
  22. Soon™ be careful what you wish for though, once it launches I'm expecting numerous threads along the lines of "omg load times are unbearable now because crossplay is forcing 10-year-old smartphones to compete with high end PCs and current gen consoles!" we're already seeing a widening gap between PS4/Switch and current gen/PC. also, not entirely unrelated, but they announced Genshin Impact on mobile like 2 years ago, it still aint there, and that game looks WAY easier to port than warframe does.
  23. In a word: flexibility. I want a frame that isn't a one trick pony, where you can genuinely go for one playstyle/build or another one entirely, and both of them be enjoyable (for me at least) and viable. many of the older frames have this to some degree: with Banshee for example, you can either use Sonar with the augment and oneshot everything, or run a Silence build and go for melee kills. with Saryn you can go for a "plague build" that focuses on spore spreading, or just use Toxic Lash for insane weapon damage. there are many frames that come close to that mark, but just miss it because one power outshines the rest and that's the one you build for, lest you essentially want to nerf yourself. even though I'm excited for our next frame, Kullervo, I'm not sure what he's going to bring to the table beyond "throw knives really hard", and I'm a little worried that he will only have 1 viable ability to build for (or none, which would be WAY worse).
  24. when you got them for free the first time, because you're a hoarder of free cosmetics whether you like them or not: for real though, they should bring them back, they are, IMO among the best skins in the game for looks alone. more people should experience the joy that is Shock Rifle Stahlta, that's one sexy gun..
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