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Everything posted by (PSN)robotwars7

  1. IMO they'll probably wait until Caliban Prime before they do anything to him.
  2. all frames will be primed, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. Revenant prime was pretty much stated to be a causal Anomaly, one that Ballas took personally as an insult. I too am curious how he'll look, but I'm not worried if he turns out ugly as I've got his Deluxe Skin to fall back on.
  3. you may just wanna leave that kinda stuff on R34, DeviantArt or wherever the hell you came from.. time and a place, you know?
  4. I don't know what's funnier, the fact he stole a tauforged or that he has Egg in his name. Zahnny: "so your name's Egg, huh?" Tixx Egg: "uhm.. yes,.." Zahnny: "well guess what? *leans in close and whispers* "I'm about to make an Omelette" Tixx Egg: *nervously gulps*.
  5. would finally encourage me to finish the codex. I'm already "the warframe nerd" in my group of friends, they always come to me specifically to ask questions about the game, so having even more knowledge to lean into with a complete codex would be kinda neat IMO.
  6. 75% is fine IMO: enough to make a difference by itself, but not so much as to allow you to be lazy and tank everything if your frame isn't set up for it or capable of tanking. ther'es plenty other ways to get tankier on top of that.
  7. meh. it's a give and take: on one hand, you know what weapons are going to be primed with whom, and they fit thematically, but on the other, the signature bonuses aren't always that meaningful, and it means some older weapons get neglected. there are "gaps" though; Nidus Prime was a huge one since he came with infested weapons which can't be primed, so they had to pull something out, and DE chose Strun and Magnus. Wisp Prime was always gonna get Fulmin Prime, but Gunsen Prime has no link to her whatsoever, yet still got added to her PA. essentially, signature weapons will always get primed, but if a frame only has one signature weapon, the other weapon can basically be anything. specific primes I'd like to see: - Dual Zoren prime (ideally with "Zorencopter" air dash attacks as a nod to the good old days) - Tonbo Prime - Daikyu Prime - Akzani Prime - AkMagnus Prime (Baro can handle this one) - Steflos Prime (inevitably coming with Citrine Prime) - Alternox Prime (inevitably coming with Gyre Prime).
  8. after I got to around MR18, I'd say I started to explore using random loadouts more often. by the time I got to MR25, I was hooked, and I pretty much did it all the time, but then I reached a point where I questioned why I was doing it; did I really NEED to forma all these weapons? especially with nowhere to properly use them? hmm... I wasn't sure.. sometimes it felt like I'd maybe wasted a lot of my time.. then Duviri happened.. and I was vindicated. while everybody else was struggling with their randomized loadouts, I had, unknowingly, trained and equipped myself for exactly this. I was unlikely to ever get a truly bad loadout, and when I did, I knew how to work around it. now it's happening again with the Deep Archimedea, and once again, people are worried they won't get all the research points or whatever they're called for using the suggested gear because they'll get trash selections, while I have no such worries, and actually look forward to seeing what this mode will offer. if I'd only followed the Meta, I never would've reached a point where I could solo Netracells reliably with any gear. The Meta is restrictive, and it's up to you to free yourself from it's restraints. It doesn't help you, it just gives you a crutch to rely on.. even if you can walk absolutely fine. and if I can, you probably can too.
  9. regarding mirage... just wait guys, no point throwing salt at each other until we actually play her. personally I'm mostly looking forward to those invis changes; i think I'll go Semi-transparent as sometimes there's a lot of other effects on the warframe, whereas if the warframe itself is semi-transparent, that's a pretty clear indicator without looking at ability timers.
  10. Inaros looking like he's gonna be a better cat frame than Khora now.. overall these changes look pretty good! Baro will be pleased!
  11. leechers gonna leech, it's just an unfortunate fact of online gaming. DE has no plans to implement a kick system (due to it's potential for being abused) or any other measures, so we all have to either deal with it or stick to premade/solo.
  12. I agree that it needs something. either a Tenet/Vandal/Prisma version with better stats and a unique effect, or an incarnon genesis. I'm not fussed as to which, but right now with it's damage profile and the self-stagger, it's pretty much unusable.
  13. meh, not really. I've never felt like decrees were truly essential, but then I have a lot of gear I've invested in, so it's hard for me to feel underpowered unless I nerf myself deliberatley. plus part of the enjoyment was the randomness of decrees, subverting that wouldn't be as fun as leaving it to chance IMO. if a sink is all you want, they could just go the route they did with focus schools and add a cosmetic shop, selling duviri themed items for intrinsics. it'd be simpler than what you're asking for anyway.
  14. now I'm imagining Caliban with dual pistols and a bunch of sentient weapons mounted on his shoulders.. he might have been more popular if he was a Sentient platform of cannons.
  15. to put it simply this ain't that kind of game. power fantasy is the order of the day, which goes against hard bosses of any kind. there's a *little* hope if we can get more secret bosses like Fragmented one (60 eyes version), but even then, those bosses won't be difficult, more like a gear check if anything.
  16. to make you angry, in which case, mission accomplished. jokes aside, your best bet is to just farm invasions, keep supporting the Grineer and then use the method described above. I literally hear Alad saying it whenever I read "Zanuka".. and it's always when he says it like "ZanUUUka".. Valkyr may have been tortured by him, but so was I when was trying to farm her back in the day...
  17. >thread starts as a baro complaint thread. > thread devolves into debating EU/US way of presenting date/time. you know what, I'm just gonna skip to the end; Metric is better than imperial measurements because it offers greater precision, don't @ me, you know I'm right.
  18. i don't like the Kaithe races much either. or Kaithes in general. I've never been a horse-lover and I wish DE would stop with the gimmicky vehicles that are only usable in a few places. imagine what else they could've done with the core game if they didn't waste so much time and expense on Archwing, K-Drives and Kaithes.. K-Drives are still the worst, but Kaithes are second to that, because though they can fly, they still feel clunky as hell. that said, they aren't so much hard as just eye-rollingly boring. I'd rather have more of the Drifter's lethargic combat than kaithe races, at least there's some fun to be had if I have a bunch of decrees on that make it feel more akin to regular warframe combat.
  19. if you know it's pie-in-the-sky thinking, why bother even mentioning it, when I'm sure you know well what mentioning founder's items does here?. even if you do genuinely want to have a meaningful discussion about it, this topic is a horse that's been dead so long it's unrecognizable, and you have multiple confirmations form DE themselves that they will NEVER re-release the items. the word "if" doesn't even come into it, and it's better off that way. can't blame others for thinking it's just another thinly-veiled Bring Back Excal Prime thread, when that's pretty much all posts like this ever are.
  20. Bring a Rad Kuva Zarr as well to LEGALIZE NUCLEAR BOMBS. he seems to me like he'll be like Sevagoth and Dagath, where the gameplay loop involves casting 2 powers frequently to make them synergize, and the other powers are there if and when you need them. I don't mind though, especially if he's strong.
  21. Speeder's gonna speed regardless of platform/level. Seen plenty PC users not waiting around either so don't blame us lol. The core of the issue is being forced to wait for corruption, instead of ALL enemies just dropping reactant; then it wouldnt be possible to kill thing TOO fast and ruin the game, and speedrunnefs Don't have to change. Everybody wins. Its a simple enough change, but logical and simple changes are exactly the ones DE hates the most.
  22. most people want to see the booty, not the booties lol. of course they're blingy, everything Orokin made is! I'll take the sexy gold Percussion Revolvers over the bricks with barrels in them any day.
  23. funnily enough an old friend of mine returned to my little group recently (he had 2 kids, 3rd on the way so he was just a little bit occupied), and returned to warframe as well. just like you he's MR27 and stopped around the time Deimos came out. so you're not alone I guess. this happened to my friend as well, just as it happens to a lot of people who return to Warframe after a long hiatus; it's easy to get overwhelmed, which is why I always say to think carefully about what you want first and then focus on goals one at a time, then onto the next and so on: spreading yourself thin and trying to get multiple things at once usually just leads to burnout and another hiatus. Varzia is a vendor who is part of a system called Primed Resurgence. remember how old primes get vaulted and then unvaulted? well, now they get unvaulted in this primed resurgence system, which rotates every couple of months or so, so you don't have to wait too long for a specific prime frame to come back. as well as relics for the frames, she also sells the primes and their weapons/items directly, and even their accessories, and accepts 2 currencies: Aya comes from relic packs and bounties, and can be used to buy void traces and certain cosmetics from Varzia. Regal Aya is a premium currency bought with real world cash, just like platinum, and you use it to directly buy already built primes and accessories from Varzia. Riven Slivers are dropped by Eximus units and for every 10 of them you get, you can turn them in to an NPC in Iron Wake, who will give you a Veiled Riven mod for them. you can also by Kuva and Credits with the Riven Slivers as well. you'll likely amass a lot of them naturally as you keep playing. Void Storms are Railjack missions where you can open relics, Void Fissures are what the regular relic-opening missions are called. Orphix mode, heh. it was introduced in an event called Orphix Venom; basically just before we got new war, the Sentients started attacking corpus ships and Orphixes are immune to Warframes, so we had to use Necramechs, which Father knows all about, so he tags along on comms. you take your mech into the Orphix area, shoot the thigns, then damage the Orphix itself, then shoot more thigns, then finish off the Orphix, rinse and repeat. it's not a mode that many people tend to bother with nowadays, probably due to the reliance on Necramechs. I kinda get that. the story isn't always fully explained and a lot of things are still left open to interpretation, but you can always ask somebody on here: there's still plenty of loreheads around who can answer any question you have regarding the story (I'm not one of them though lol) there are a lot of different token types, but if it's a Voidrig you need, for that specifically you mainly just need to focus on running iso-vaults and getting the damaged parts, and you can turn in the Matrices you pick up from dead enemy Voidrigs in there to Necraloid and get blueprints form him. it's not the easiest farm, but it's totally doable. you can also buy the Voidrig outright if you want. most of the complaints around The New War are either the fact it was kinda rushed at the end, or more likely from people who struggled with the fights and hate being locked into the quest until you finish it. Kahl is a character introduced in The New War who also has his own missions where you play as him, but those have a.. mixed series of opinions nowadays. you're not wrong about Harrow being tied to this. basically it's this: - Harrow and his operator, Rell, were the only thing keeping Wally (the shorthand term we use for Man in the Wall, they are the same person) in check, but we released Rell of his suffering. now WE are responsible for keeping him in check - at the same time, the man who first discovered wally, Albrecht Entrati, is also trying to find a way to stop wally, and is doing so by time travelling. - recently, Wally has been trying to break into our reality. this is VERY bad. like, everything will die bad (or so we believe) - the focus now is on trying to stop wally, he's the big bad. - you might also hear of "the indifference". this is just another term for wally/ Man in The Wall. the rest is more or less explained in the most recent quest, I won't say any more as I don't want to spoil it for you, you should play it and then ask any questions you have afterwards. it does actually tell you what you're getting on the current spiral if you click on the Duviri icon, and then hover over the warframe/weapon icons. you also get more options to choose from when you rank up your Duviri Drifter Intrinsics, which is done by playing the mode. again, focus is key. I know there's a lot of stuff, and it's easy to get overwhelmed, but if you can try to break it down into chunks and just say "today I'm going to get X", and then just work towards that. it's easy to want to have and do everything, but even the best players can only do one thing at a time. not only can you make a line of progression for yourself, you'll also go at a pace that's more comfortable for you. none of the stuff you've missed out on is going anywhere, so you have all the time you need to collect your thoughts and work towards each goal you desire, one step at a time. it seems like it's a major story thing actually. to do with Albrecht travelling back in time and making people into warframes to combat the infested plague... I will admit DE does take us to some pretty crazy and weird places for our story, and it does seem get confusing at times, but hopefully when 1999 launches, things will make more sense.. maybe. there has been plenty of discussion about DE going away from the "traditional" warframe, the magical space ninja simulator we all know and love, but nowadays at least they seem to be goign back slightly towards that, and they have made a number of improvements to core content as well. with our next update we get a new version of disruption modes, and we have had more modes that focus on the use of warframes AND other systems, like Netracells. ultimately, it just sounds like you're being overwhelmed, the best thing to do is to take a step back and decide on the specific thing you want most. a lot of your questions can be answered by people on here or in the Wiki (and yes, I know that having a wiki open for a game just to know what the hell's going on isn't ideal, but this is the same page that all of us are on most of the time.). just play the game at your own pace and try to have as much fun as you can while working towards each goal you set yourself.
  24. I'm confused, are we talking about dodging, rolling, evading, avoiding, escaping or disengaging? don't worry about it, from what I've seen of kids these days, english teachers aren't even doing their jobs properly, so if they aren't teaching well, why should people listen to them?
  25. nah, drop rates are the same, but at least now we also have a vendor pity system, so if parts farms don't go your way, you can spend a resource to buy the parts; been this way for the past few frames and it's pretty great. for older frames that predate that system, best chance now is to check Circuit rotations, and if a frame you don't have comes up, select them, then rank up circuit and you can get their parts.
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