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Everything posted by (PSN)robotwars7

  1. Wow, what a thread.. Personally i'm just gonna wait for the rework to go live and try it before forming any opinions..
  2. The whole "scribe" theme is just that. A theme.. Mechanically speaking, it seems he's a caster with focus on high burst damage and team buffs, and while he arguably wont do anything unique, all we can really hope for with so many frames in the game now is that each new frame is viable for most content, preferably from release. I dont mind his passive as is, it'll help with codex completion.
  3. no thanks. as much as I'm not a fan of the Kaithe, it's at least simple: call horse, horse run, horse fly, that's it. I'd rather not have to farm/buy a whole set of mods for something I don't particularly care about. I wasn't even that bothered about Tome mods either until I saw how useful some of the buffs were, and treated the grimoire as a support tool instead of an actual weapon.
  4. same energy as "Dagath should have an exalted Kaithe". sometimes people come up with ideas they think are cool, but put zero thought into how they can be applied, IF they can be applied.. I don't mind the change; Chipper isn't what you'd call a beloved NPC, 90% of people just know him as "the guy you keep reviving in Archon Defense Missions", Kahl misison are disliked by most and this also means if your Netracells don't give you any shards, you can buy one while in the Sanctum. ppfft when was this? Narmer literally just showed up out of nowhere, were given the system on a silver platter, and then folded in like 5 mins after the Tenno showed up. a regular a$$ dude, the drifter (prior to getting powers) killed 2 out of 3 archons -the strongest dudes narmer had - by himself with nothing but a bow and a pistol. like an hour later Ballas was dead and the entire system was liberated, Kahl's missions and Narmer bounties are basically just mopping up the last of the mess: they have never been a threat, not even once; mostly because of how badly the quest got chopped up narratively. it's a shame, because they had potential, but the story for New War got butchered so badly we basically have to act like they were a big thing when they weren't.
  5. if you want the full rewards, you gotta use all the suggested gear. fine by me, I run random stuff all the time anyway, but I can see why people might not like it. you can at least see what you're asked to take beforehand, so depending on how long it takes to rotate, you could just wait until you get a roll you want (and in the meantime, maybe start investing in that frame or weapon that you keep putting off, the more stuff you invest in, the more chance you have to get gear that will work for you in the new modes).
  6. yeah, you could say he's rather Vexed... I kinda like the idea of the new augment: dragon daddy Chroma will protect you, squishy casters! OwO I'm sorry but his drip is just too good, especially after the Lunar New year skin..
  7. IIRC there's a part in Octavia's quest where Hunhow does actually manage to get a few Sentients into the Void using some kind of shielding he took from Suda. I think they were called "Decaying" Sentients or something, so to me it implies that even with protection, they would still die before they could become corrupted: not that it'd make any difference as they're already programmed to kill anything that isn't Sentient. I'd wager there's a chance it could be the opposite: that rollers and regulators etc are actually too simple to assimilate properly, in the same way that Sentients were unable to assimilate very basic firearms and melee weapons, because there's nothing *to* assimilate in the first place. plus when you think of how many rollers and regulators the Grineer must mass produce, there's no way they can be that complicated IMO. the original strain of the infestation, seen in the derelict, was incapable of assimilating synthetic material at all: the damage susutained by derelict ships is structural damage from the infestation itself growing out of control: Alad cultivated the mutalist strain, which is the one we know can assimilate anything. it's also likely the Grey Strain and the Helminth can also do both, but I think the Mutalist strain is the most aggressive and fastest at assimilating synthetic materials. it's not really explained why infestation doesn't work on Sentients, but the Orokin kind of failed at everything they tried, so it's not surprising... Alad doesn't need to "make" sentients, he just has to graft them onto some proxies or "Volunteers" and call it a day. I reckon that during the period where narmer owned *everythign*, they would have dealt with infetsed areas such as Dark Sectors and Eris in one of two ways: - only actual Sentient fragments would be allowed to operate there, because they are immune and the Narmer veil offers no protection against the Infestation (but then the question is, who would the victim be listiening to? Ballas via the Veil, or The Infested Hivemind? or maybe both? that's a terrifying thought lol) or - they simply nuked the places that had become infested, though this wouldn't explain why everything is mostly back as it is after New War.. seriously, the continuity after that quest is so messed up.. no, I'd actually argue the Corrupted wouldn't have been nearly as useful as you'd think: Sentients are tougher, still just as loyal (Erra betrayed him, but took until the very tail end of the quest to swap sides) and if the Tenno returned, which we did, they'd be more likely to defeat us. there's also the potential problem of the Corrupted already being Veiled (to the Neural Sentry), and removing their veils would likely kill them or scramble their brains into uselessness. they're already brainwashed, and likely can't be reprogrammed without accessing the Neural Sentry itself (assuming that's even an option). Ballas' army wasn't the problem, it was his ego and his obsession to make Lotus and the Tenno bow to him as well that was his undoing. Erra even tells him "bro, you got the WHOLE system, you've won" but he threw a hissy fit in response, because WE still defied him. I doubt it. I reckon once you're corrupted, the Neural Sentry has an iron grip around your mind and the only release from it comes in the form of death. I base this on the fact that, so far anyway, we've never actually seen anyone be "un-corrupted", only people who are properly equipped against it (void captrue targets) and those who are immune (us). yeah, I do want more info on how Corruption and the Neural Sentry works. in a straight up fight, my money would be on amalgams: they're at least partially immune to the infested and have advanced weaponry.
  8. ONLY? are you sure about that? I can think of certain arcanes, mods and focus schools that give you plenty energy without you needing to stand still. type in larger caps, maybe they'll see it. underline and bold it too. tell me you're jealous of energize users without telling me you're jealous of energize users. yes, it's true that some subsumes are absolute trash, and that nerfing the top one doesn't automatically make them better, but when usage stats show such a glaring difference, it's pretty obvious DE aren't gonna leave it lying there. both things can be true and you're acting like Nourish was the one and only energy source when there are myriad other ways to get energy fast. going all caps doesn't help your argument either.
  9. people will always complain when the meta changes. even now there is still the occasional echo of monkey screeching from the Wuclone nerf. this is just another turning of the wheel, nothing more.
  10. just another change to the Meta, when all is said and done. people will probably move on to whatever the next-most used ability is, or they'll simply avoid the system until a new frame comes out who's got a busted subsumable and use that. life goes on.
  11. random loadouts eh? as someone who used to randomize loadouts long before Duviri, never had issues with bad circuit rolls (before they showed you what rolls you'd get for that spiral )and likes to just use whatever Arbitrations/Archon Hunt bonuses roll for me, regardless of how "optimal" it is, I say... bring it. while I still like my OP gear, I take pride now in being able to do missions with sub-optimal gear, for me it's exciting, it reminds me of my newbie days where my mod loadouts and gear investment weren't so high and I just had to learn to make do. recently I've been running Caliban a lot. took him to archon hunts, Netracells, the lot. the frame that people pretend doesn't exist is still absolutely usable (he could be better though.) I hope this new mode will feel like SP Netracells did. I want pure chaos.
  12. Kahl: "you took everything from Kahl!" the Cavia: "we don't even know who you are!" Chipper: *unintelligible Australian gibberish*
  13. Caliban is the Stug of warframes. change my mind. y'all laughing at him or ignoring him now, but just you wait, in 5 years they'll rework him to have Tau damage and summon a Murex into low Orbit that fires a huge laser at the enemy! then he'll be meta! JUST YOU WAIT GUYS! *huffs copium*
  14. I suppose you could look at it this way: a "true" Yareli main who genuinely loves her won't use the augment, while people like me who don't typically like her or are just trying to min-max her will use the Augment, so it's an easy indicator as to who's who. personally I am willing to try her again with this augment, though it likely isn't gonna turn me into a Yareli main. another way to look at the augment is this: it's an "indoor mode" for Merulina when tilesets are too small to effectively use a k-drive. on open worlds and larger tilesets like Entrati labs, riding Merulina would be easier, so you won't need the augment, but for Eris or Europa, you can enjoy Yareli without crashing into walls every 0.5 seconds. that immediately solves one of the biggest issues with her, and for that alone I'm at least curious. I get that you feel her identity is muddied, but the fact is that most people don't like or want k-drives, and DE is gonna cater tot he majority. look on the bright side though, you'll be able to have Merulina out AND still use primaries.. great for when Daikyu Prime eventually comes out!
  15. hoenstly, i think the newer ones don't look that bad. DE have gotten better at augment design over the years, and now instead of being niche at the absolute best, some augments offer a viable new way to use a frame, or are just a straight upgrade over the regular ability. (notice how in both Hydroid and Inaros' reworks, their most used augments were added into their base abilities?). I get people wanting a dedicated augment slot, but no, modding is supposed to be something you actually put a couple of brain cells into, deciding what works for you and what doesn't, and if an augment is making you consider dropping another mod for it, then that means it's a good augment.
  16. they addressed his sarcophagus passive and sandstorm, and his scarab swarm is actually an offensive item now, that's good enough for me. honestly for the last few years I've barely used Inaros outside of fashion because he bores me, but I will be much more inclined to use him again now. now that Baro's favourite is out the way.. I don't suppose a certain Sentient boi can get a look in on a rework? 👉👈
  17. lol, 300 status. I mena, it's not unachieveable, anyone who shoots at a dropship on a t5 bounty with a mausolon long enough can get like 1k heat status effects, which is kinda funny. but yeah, that's a great typo, right up there with the legendary "28 million registered losers".
  18. I'm glad for it. people tend to underestimate how far a simple change of scenery goes during the prime farms: sure, we're still mostly gonna run captures because they're faster., but when there aren't any quick fissures, it'll be nice to go to the labs or the Zariman for a change, instead of seeing the same vanilla Tilesets we've known for many years now (and most of them have never been reworked, so they really show their age now).
  19. I think at this point DE have given up on multishot, and know that removing/reworking it would cause more problems than it solves. plus we all know how this community hates nerfs, which is exactly what weapons would be without multishot: nerfed, considerably. anyway, it's 79023475723489575 bazillion years+ into the future, why shouldn't our weapons be able to magically fire multiple projectiles? this is something that militaries want IRL: look up some of the wacky prototypes of multiple barrelled assault rifles. (none of them work, but they show a clear desire for such things. why wouldn't you want more boolet?
  20. nice try, forma junkie lol. even if it happened, Forma would be taken out, otherwise nobody would buy the bundles that DE makes money on. to be honest I don't think I'd even bother since the fight is literally just reskinned lephantis with additional steps, one of which is the most hated of all the Plains Bounty steps: the dreaded drone escort.. yuck. if DE actually made hemocytes a unique boss type and added some more variation within the bounty I'd be all for it, but until then, no thanks.
  21. in Helldivers 2's defense, the devs only planned for like 250k people at most, they had no idea that just about everybody who plays the big AAA shooters would want a look in too... the game is pulling in more people than GTA 5.. that's absolutely ludicrous and nothing like this has happened in years. I'm not saying it excuses crap coding, because it doesn't and they screwed up big time in a bunch of other areas, and we're all paying for it, and people are absolutely justified in being annoyed about the game not always working (it annoys me too, because I love HD2).. but I don't think it's a fair comparison in this case, even though the game has dedicated servers it's also currently a victim of exceptional circumstances (namely it's own success). YOU might, but not me. not unless other bonuses like additional plat/cosmetics and other items are included in this subscription fee, and even then I'd have to really think about it. this move would likely cause the game to lose more players than it would actually benefit. either way, DE want the game to run on anything, so it's styaing P2P. I agree host migrations suck when they happen, but that's just a reality we all have to live with.
  22. I used to as a newbie (first time around I thought "maybe there's extra rewards if I keep them alive?"), but then it got to the point where I was only running invasions for potatoes on the very rare occasion they're offered, and since then, they're expendable cannon fodder. usually i end up leaving them for dead when the mission starts and none of them make it to the end. the Grineer commanders and Corpus Officers don't care about their grunts, why should I? been playing helldivers 2 a lot recently, so I know what it feels like to be an expendable grunt sent into an absolute hellhole. if you're not making it out alive, take as many of the enemy as you can with you! FOR DEMOCRACY!!!
  23. Sounds alright, on a more complex frame like lavos an augment should be simple IMO. I'd love an augment that "saves" one or two previously used elements and keeps them on standby, part of the reason i think many people dont use him is that he requires a lot more input than other frames, and it can be off putting.
  24. and if DE loses a ton of money, what do you think that means for the game? can't put out decent, frequent updates if there's no cash to put in development. DE are a business, they have to justify their own costs and decide what's worth spending on and what isn't, and to this day, whether we like it or not, dedicated servers are still in the "not" pile. of course we'd all like dedicated servers, but we can't force DE to buy them.
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