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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Radiation is a status type which isn't that common, so more useful for CO than most. And the status itself is handy for some amount of CC, eximus distraction, and damage avoidance if it's applied at a decent range. And the more enemies, the better. Also good for disrupting enemy aura effects on their minions. Plus it has at least one interesting synergy with his kit. In the stream they talked about status, but the Overview says it adds radiation damage. This might be a mistake, or it might do both. I don't expect any damage to be significant, but if it's a percentage of weapon damage it could be an interesting perk. Free weapon rad status certainly won't be useful for people who are already capable of killing everything they fight near-instantly and are rarely at any risk of dying or losing an objective they have to defend. Most passives aren't useful to those players, and neither are most mods, most weapons, most abilities, and most frames. Oh well. Only question for me is how much Pillar makes it redundant. That's a danger, because it's not like 5 or 10 radiation procs on a target are a lot more useful than one. We'll see.
  2. I expect DE is aware of that and will make Tennokai better or easier to leverage on conventional melee than projectile melee. I'm also hoping they're working on something that makes non-slashy melee more interesting. OTOH, I'm wrong a lot.
  3. I can't swear there was a News Item on the app, but there definitely was one on the website. (It's not there now--these are sometimes taken down after they expire or are replaced by a more pertinent news item.) And it would be odd if it didn't get mirrored on the app. I'd check to make sure you have "News" enabled under "Notifications". If you're like me though, you'll either have these turned off or tune them out without thinking about them.
  4. Ah, I didn't notice that. It looks like that's the same tracer that's used by the trigger modes. Normally these are visual cues to make it easier to see projectile paths, adjust aim, and make weapons feel more "shooty". You're right, it is a bug in this case. It's faster than the disk, so not at all helpful. And even if it was slowed down so it did trail the disk, it's probably not needed.
  5. That makes complete sense and I should have thought to ask about enemy level. I generally do these tests against the highest level enemies I can, just to avoid assorted problems like that. It's often convenient to test against Eximus too: they have even more hp, and Overguard removes some other variables.
  6. So if I equip 100% multishot for "Multishot 2x", I get two damage popups every time in both of the Arsenal modes. Each one is equal to the damage I get without any multishot, but there are two of them. If you're only seeing one damage popup with "Multishot: 2.5x", you're either experiencing a very odd bug, or your damage number settings in options aren't showing the additional damage instances. If it's the latter, you probably have "Show Damage Numbers" in Options set to "Enhanced". Try changing it to "Legacy" and see if that solves the problem.
  7. Are you referring to the disk's projectile? That does cause damage on a direct hit, although it's puny. If you're talking about those vertical lines that it leaves in its path, I think that's just animation fluff, maybe with a side-purpose of making the disc's landing point easier to see.
  8. I like these ideas a lot, but I think it's waaay too late in the process that DE would make any significant mechanical changes. You might consider rethinking these in the context of a new frame concept, or possibly what you could use from them for a Qorvex augment.
  9. What you quoted in the OP is about the disc's deployment damage. I don't see an entry in the Arsenal for that, only for the regular full auto, and "secondary": referring to the weapon's damage in semi-auto infinite PT mode. Do you see 3 entries? In the Sim the unmodded deployment damage against Overguard is 9 (Compared to 28 and 159 for primary/secondary damage popups.) and is affected by at least some damage bonuses but not multishot. The weapon's true modes aren't having a problem with multishot for me.
  10. For faster paced play I just wait until there are a bunch of targets, activate lock on mode, sweep the cursor across them, and let the micro-missiles fly. If I don't get 5 targets locked, I don't sweat it at all. I spend most of my time solo, but this works well enough in a lot of squads. Not the ones that make everything evaporate instantly, but there are tons of weapons that will have problems in those situations. I dug around a bit looking at gameplay for that weapon, and it looks fun. But I love the Sepulcrum very much as is. So I'd rather DE do that experiment with a new weapon. At least to start out with.
  11. The overview says radiation damage, not just status. I think they said status in the stream, but could be misremembering. Hopefully it's both. Personally I think free rad status on weapon attacks could be a decent passive by itself, unless it's made redundant by his 1. And then whatever damage component there is is just a bonus. Probably a minor one. Procs also has potential synergy with his 4 and 3.
  12. I think the default is 'H'. If that doesn't work for you, look for "Reverse Camera" under keyboard or controller bindings. edit: I'm dumb.
  13. Pretty much. Although unarmored enemies could still use a hp increase. (In SP anyway.)
  14. Try a different browser. For me it's only messed up on Firefox.
  15. No buff. My guess is the extra meh that greeted it was largely to due to it being powercrept (like most primes), not offering anything unique in its class (like most primes), and not being the Furis. And then Incarnon Genesis came out a little later and totally changed expectations around old weapons.
  16. They also mentioned an exilus(?) Mod for making it predictable. It's plausible there could be one for extending the window. If there even is a window. That's just what seems the most likely to me. edit: The overview makes it clear the default behavior is a limited time window.
  17. Akstiletto Prime is also solid, but compared to Kuva Stubba I'd only recommend it if you were in love with the look/sound or already had a great riven for it. Or if you really like the idea of the Entrati augment. Afuris Prime is really similar to Aksti in being a status-happy sidearm, but better. More deeps, puncture bias instead of impact, much better RoF so even more status-happy, twice the magazine. It even has slightly better dispo already, likely to go up even more. Aksti dispo I think demonstrates that DE doesn't think much about the dispos of old weapons that used to be popular.
  18. Well you weren't satisfied with Kuva Stubbas, and those are clearly better AFAIC, so I'm hesitant to describe Afuris P as "that good". More what I'd call solid, I guess.
  19. For me Aksomati P and Afuris P seem pretty comparable. (I like Afuris P way, way more, but that's due to subjective qualities.) Twin Stubba is a step or two better. Akstiletto P and Prisma Twin Gremlins are a step worse. Although the latter is notable for having a better dispo. Also projectile, if that's a problem. I guess I'd put Twin Kohmak between Twin Stubba and Aksomati/Afuris, but that's a tough comparison. It's really a completely different animal than the others.
  20. If you like the Kohm's mechanics, you'll like it. Really fun for me with Anemic Agility, but it will burn through ammo like crazy if you're not careful.
  21. If you didn't find dubba stubbas strong enough, Prisma Twin Gremlins aren't going to satisfy you either. It's hard for me to think of better weapons that meet your criteria. i.e., pocket bullet hoses, not beam, and not Incarnon. Twin Kohmak is worth a try. One of my favorites, and definitely up to my standards if not to yours. If you can hit headshots confidently, Knell is awesome.
  22. My primary responses were a bit of disappointment there wasn't more to it mechanically, and a lot of "Sounds fun!". It'll likely be stupid powerful on some already stupid powerful setups, but that's almost a given with every new weapon mechanic DE adds to the game. Glaives may or not be one of those--it depends on how long the window is for activating the free heavies, if it can manipulated with exilus, if there is leeway with glaive flight time, etc.
  23. For me it's largely a question of getting Perfect Shots reliably while having as fast a charge rate as possible. IIRC Primed Shed + Crit Delay was fun but reliable with practice for my nervous system. But other people have no problem at all with faster charge rates. (Or don't care much about Perfect Shots, since Nat does gobs of damage without them.)
  24. I don't remember for sure. I hope so. There's no special "where" to it though, as there is a practice button on the mastery test screen. No need to go to a relay to access it.
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