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[PC Update 23.5] Revenant Feedback Megathread


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4 minutes ago, Fishyflakes said:

Hey don't knock it till you try it yo.


the passive should be 10-15m and shouldn't be obstructed by walls, it's very useless at the moment

his 1 is complete garbage, only being able to grab 4 enemies that can be killed by teammates is a complete joke
should be at least 10, and when they die the enthrall should have a small radius to which it can jump to another enemy

his 2 is pretty decent but really buggy, sometimes you'll randomly take damage

some procs will go through, some won't
sometimes you take damage from explosions, sometimes you don't
sometimes you'll take damage through it, and it'll consume a charge anyways

his 3 needs a faster cast time, and better particle effects, and should be cheaper considering what it does

whoever made it to be a big invisible rectangle poly with a cloud texture needs to go back and actually make it not look like trash

his 4 is brain dead boring AFK S#&$
I thought they were moving away from the press 4 to win afk abilities but I guess not

a better power would just be that missile that eidolons shoot up every so often that splits into small seeking projectiles that fly over cover; fire and forget
or literally any other ability tridolons have

I like his 1-3 but they are horribly underpowered and can be pretty buggy
4 just needs to change to something that actually makes you play the game

right now he's mid-low tier and it's a damn shame

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2 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

He's a sentient frame. And sentients can adapt to damage. If anything i find this pretty lore-friendly for once.

I see you dislike the frame for several reasons which i personally can't support. I for one enjoy the scalability and viability of this frame in high levels. Unlike some other frames, he doesn't have to sit in a globe to do his tricks while fighting against lvl 200+ enemies. And on the other hand, i find most of our "dance emotes" more cringy than this spin but that's just up to taste.

He doesn't have to sit in one place like Frost or Limbo (both of which have better kit synergy than Rev). But he can. And it works because the skill does everything for you. As long as that side of the coin is viable and even remotely possible, people will use it because it is easier than moving around and using his entire kit. It's easier than endangering themselves or using a gun every once in a while. Every Rev I have seen is perpetually spinning on and on, droning that same familiar lawnmower sound. The lasershow isn't great for everyone else either. It doesn't matter for the Rev because the player behind him is in the kitchen cooking spaghetti with their frame totally afk on the defense pod just twirling away in one spot. They aren't even watching the lasers anyway.

It's not a matter of personal preference. It's a matter of DE saying that they want to get away from this style of gameplay (nerfing many in the process) and then releasing a new frame where the only gimmick is spinning in place while killing everything in a massive radius. His thralls apparently aren't the bread and butter of his build since teammates can instawipe all 4 them from existence without even meaning to. A jerk reaction from a teammate instantly cuts out the use of over half of Rev's kit.

I don't think less of people who wanted him to be great or enjoy him as he is. I just feel like he was lazily prepared and shipped and will inevitably get a rework to bandaid his poor release state. How did this frame pass enough to ship? Just.. how? He drives teammates nuts and has no worthwhile ability aside from his afk 4 toggle that automatically damage swaps because 'sentient'. Other frames like Zephyr have to imbue the skill with elemental weapons in order to apply their effects. Not Rev tho! He just gets to press a button and let the skill do every bit of the work for him for an extended period of time.

I hope he gets a rework asap. He should be good without being a one trick afk pony. I don't want his 4 nerfed because then he would be on the same level as Nezha in terms of viability and usefulness, but I do want him to be fun, while still powerful, and less obnoxious for the rest of the team.

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32 minutes ago, Fishyflakes said:

Hey don't knock it till you try it yo.

had a random dude say this about a certain powder at a party once. I think I'm good. <v<

revenant is basically 'rave'nant. laser show, the constant stream of base. toss in an octavia and you have yourself an EDM concert.

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After playing Revenant for a little while, I think I've come up with a pretty good summary of my issues with him.

I'll start with what I like. Appearance-wise, he's great. And I like that he turns people into goons. And his four is hilariously good and fun.

Now that that's over with, I'll start with my main issue. Revenant's kit feels thematically confused. He's a vampire frame, but also an eidolon frame, and a dancer? It's too much, and instead of filling multiple roles like you may have intended, DE, he instead just falls flat at filling any of them. His abilities feel largely disconnected from one another, even though we are encouraged to use them in tandem with one another. Like they're a series of compromises between people that had different visions for what they wanted him to be. We saw a downplayed version of this with Khora too, where she was a huntress but also a spider with a Kavat. I'd say the best course of action would be to pick ONE of these themes and run with it, change abilities around if you have to. I'd say get rid of the vampire theme entirely but that's just me. If there's anything to take from this small essay I've typed up, it's just that. Stick to one or two themes for a frame, as meshing themes together isn't working out.

That being said, his abilities are also rather underwhelming. Why have such a low thrall cap? They don't draw aggro and they take so long to actually start attacking enemies. Not to mention that if I'm playing with ANY mass AOE frame like Saryn or Equinox, then the thralls totally useless because they just die outright. Making thralls immune to damage from abilities is a very important step in the right direction. Mesmer skin.. I forget he even has this ability half the time. It doesn't feel impactful in the slightest. His 3... Also very unimpactful. And the FX for the cloud are terrible. I saw someone say that he should just use the Vomalyst trail FX when they charge, and I think that'd be good. That's just a nitpick though. 

Edited by ZenDB
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I think DE did a good job designing his 4 for the most part. They finally got the scaling right which was impressive. But it could probably use some sort of change to make it more interactive. I don't think it's unreasonable to make a frame who deals some AoE damage though. There needs to be DPS characters in the game, and if they could only utilize single target attacks, then how is that any different than just using guns?

I think a good way to sum up my thoughts about what could improve his 4 is that they could maybe find some way to give it the Ash treatment. The big problem with Bladestorm for a long time is that it took all of the fun, challenge, and interactivity out of the character. I think that Revenant could benefit from a similar goal, but definitely not implemented the same way as it was for Ash.

Perhaps it could work similarly to Nyx's assimilate, minus the damage invulnerability. That way Revenant could still be performing actions while his lasers deal some damage, yet at a significant cost to movement speed. That being said, the animation would have to change significantly and there would have to be some way the lasers could exist if Revenant himself is not directly controlling them. Maybe the way that the Gantulyst rains down lasers from the sky could provide some inspiration for how to do it. I'm really just brainstorming. Generally though, I think the solution should have something to do with Revenant not being frozen in the animation. The idea of just nerfing it into the ground or getting rid of it just because it's AoE damage doesn't really seem like a solution for what has clearly developed into a DPS character. I know the concept of a DPS in this game is always controversial, but just not having them isn't a solution.

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On 2018-08-25 at 5:39 AM, CuteFoxyFox said:

It... Is... Brilliant 😄 I have never had that much fun with a ability since Mesa!

holding down left click while the game autoaims for you.. ? You literally just pan the camera around while holding left click... you sound very excited about not having to do much at all in terms of gameplay. Not gonna rag on you for that since I know what it is like to rerun the same mission a number of times for specific loot.. but I wouldn't pair 'fun' and Rev's 4 in the same sentence. Especially not when it involves the feelings for others that end up with a Rev. He's not a frame that I see and think. "Man.. that's a dope looking frame. I want to try him out."

Funnily enough, Revenant's 4 isn't even as immersive as Mesa's 4. You toggle it and then-- protip! -- tab over to reddit and read the top threads' comment sections. or idk, grab a snack and a drink downstairs in the kitchen. Watch a youtube video, message some friends on discord or your phone; the list goes on.

Not an attack on you personally. I just really can't wrap my head around the fact that Rev was shipped this way. He's the equivalent of pre-rework Ember/nerfed Banshee. DE desperately wanted to get away from this thoughtless playstyle. Many frames were nerfed and the war still goes on... and then they give us afk Rave-nant. I keep pinching myself to see if this is real life lol


ps : if you were being sarcastic pls let me know. i'm daft.

Edited by Sesaline
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Ok, update to my earlier post, most of the issues are still the same but there are some solutions that I feel would make Revenant far more 'engaging' to play.

PASSIVE:   Feels like it's not active.  While the idea is sound, I don't think I've ever seen it knock down enemies so if it is functioning it needs a serious range buff and ideally not just be when it's at zero shields, maybe after x points of shield would be better.   

ENTHRALL:  Thrawls, they die too quickly and I very rarely gain any extra thrawls because of it, which ultimately makes the energy cost excessive.  Easy solution is to give them a 5-10 second (base duration affected by duration mods) immortality phase but only applicable to team mates and enemies.  This would leave the pillar of energy playstyle unaffected, speaking of which I think these pillars would benefit from either a slightly larger size or some sort of enemy attraction due to literally watching enemies walk around the pillars if they're not in exactly the right spot.   I'd also like more than 4 thrawls.  A UI icon bottom right, like nidus etc, would also be helpful for me personally so I know if I have any. 

The target on this ability seems to be 'hit and miss', I can have clear line of sight but it will say invalid target and it can also be blocked by some pipe fences.  Range also seems to be a bit short.  In essence can the targetting be improved to be more reliable. 

MESMER SKIN: The skin works as intended but I can't spot the enemies 99% of the time meaning I can't enthrall them even if I wanted to.  Could any affected targets be highlighted somehow to help us pick them out.

While I feel the charges are a little on the low side I think giving us a way to refresh or recast it (see reave) would help here.  It would also be nice if it didn't stop us from moving when we cast it, I thought we'd moved away from the need to 'jump and cast' an ability when you changed Loki to improve his 'flow' when being used.

When increasing power strength it gives us decimal point charges which then screws up the number being display, I've had 0 shown but actually had one charge left.  Can we get the charges rounded up to whole numbers. 

REAVE: Needs a graphics overhaul, it's shockingly bad.  The time to dash is too long, it basically needs to lose the casting animation because at the moment it feels like I'm running, then I stop on cast, turn into cloud, stop, back to running again, there's no 'fluidity' to the move. 

In all honesty though, I hardly use this ability because I have very little reason to, what I'd like to see done with reave is to keep it's existing kit but gain the ability to refresh mesmer skin, so if we have mesmer skin active, using reave would replenish our charges.  It would also be nice if it cleared status effects when triggered. 

DANSE MACABRE:  The ability concept is fine but it does have issues. 

When moving it can get stuck due to no way to 'step up' over a ledge or edge of something, it's fine on stairs though.  A way to lift it off the ground for a short period (jump button) would help. 

The laser beams have such a narrow vertical range that they can miss things on a step above/below the level we're on so it would be nice if it could gain a little more vertical spread or even a 'tracking' ability to help with this issue.

Doesn't seem to have any punch through so would be nice to gain a small amount of punch through so it can pass through lesser scene items like metal guard rails (basically same issue melee had when it was changed). 

Energy usage is maybe a tiny bit too high relative to the energy pool compared with other abilities. 

Now arguably the biggest issue...Visibility when it's being used, I pretty much can't see a thing when using it at increased output, it's not exactly great at it's lower setting.  Now I know my energy colour likely isn't helping but I shouldn't need to change my energy colour and ruin fashion frame just so I can see where I'm going while using an ability.  This is a perfect example of why we need the ability to separate frame energy colour from ability colours. 


Side Notes: Sprinting hardly feels any different to base movement and moving via danse macabre feels faster (please don't make it slower though) than normal running.  It would be nice to see a small buff.

EDIT: Can you also look at the placements on some of the syandanas, some of them don't have enough 'extension' from the body to avoid the 'shoulder blades' (rhino seems to have a similar issue)

Edited by LSG501
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7 minutes ago, Sesaline said:


Funnily enough, Revenant's 4 isn't even as immersive as Mesa's 4. You toggle it and then-- protip! -- tab over to reddit and read the top threads' comment sections. or idk, grab a snack and a drink downstairs in the kitchen. Watch a youtube video, message some friends on discord or your phone; the list goes on.

hahaha let me see you do that on sedna (endless) kuva ft (endless) or any high lvl corpus. guarentee you will be swiss cheese before you can blink. you cannot AFK with his 4 so please stop.

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i just hope DE ignores the people calling for his 4 to be nerfed, and instead just fix the bugs with his 1 2 and 3, there is no AFk-ing with his 4 as EinharJudith said, unless you happen to have a full set of arcane energize with a max efficiency, AFK-ing for any long amounts of time will either make you dead or out of energy fast.

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59 minutes ago, (PS4)Jedi_Arts_ said:

I think DE did a good job designing his 4 for the most part. They finally got the scaling right which was impressive. But it could probably use some sort of change to make it more interactive. I don't think it's unreasonable to make a frame who deals some AoE damage though. There needs to be DPS characters in the game, and if they could only utilize single target attacks, then how is that any different than just using guns?

I think a good way to sum up my thoughts about what could improve his 4 is that they could maybe find some way to give it the Ash treatment. The big problem with Bladestorm for a long time is that it took all of the fun, challenge, and interactivity out of the character. I think that Revenant could benefit from a similar goal, but definitely not implemented the same way as it was for Ash.

Perhaps it could work similarly to Nyx's assimilate, minus the damage invulnerability. That way Revenant could still be performing actions while his lasers deal some damage, yet at a significant cost to movement speed. That being said, the animation would have to change significantly and there would have to be some way the lasers could exist if Revenant himself is not directly controlling them. Maybe the way that the Gantulyst rains down lasers from the sky could provide some inspiration for how to do it. I'm really just brainstorming. Generally though, I think the solution should have something to do with Revenant not being frozen in the animation. The idea of just nerfing it into the ground or getting rid of it just because it's AoE damage doesn't really seem like a solution for what has clearly developed into a DPS character. I know the concept of a DPS in this game is always controversial, but just not having them isn't a solution.

I love my AoE frames. I use them all the time actually because it's just been a preference in gaming for me to choose the caster/support types. Many frames have been and will be reworked or nerfed because of the 'set and forget' playstyle in frame kits. Rev's 4 is that kind of skill. The only variation in that is with the person playing Rev. How they choose to use it is up to them of course. The most common way I've personally seen him used is to toggle 4 and either stand still or move around... but always keep 4 up. 

It would be okay, I think, if the duration wasn't as beefy as it is now. Like if it was more of a quick burst instead of a sustained stream of damage. I imagined his 4 would work similarly to the bursts that Eidolons emit when their shield breaks. If Revenant's 4 was a high-damage, pulsing AoE that would be neat. However many bursts in an energy strike do and then the skill ends. Maybe it could enthrall x amount of enemies that live to see the end of it (with differing duration from his 1)? idk. 

Good ideas though. It beats me simply complaining/joking about the frame. The more I talk about him the more I forget that he's also a vampyric frame, too.

Brainstorming is fun... okay. I'll give it a try.

Maybe alongside enthralling 4 regular enemies, he could summon a few (2) vomvalysts/sentients. These could synergize with Reave by storing values from the damage they do. Then Rev can pass through the sentients to consume them and heal. Anyway, something like Rev's sentients acting as dps dealers + restoratives until their duration runs out. The enthralled would primarily be for keeping enemy fire off of him and his summons. Thralls could use more survivability against friendly/enemy fire akin to Nekros' shadows. If Nekros has a cap of 7, then 6 for Rev doesn't seem so bad. 2 dps/semi-support summons and 4 tanky thralls.

For the above ability I picture something similar to the sentients on Lua; maybe in their laser spin mode. When the sentient summon takes damage, it winds up and spins lasers. Enemies hit by their lasers will take damage while allies hit will restore shields/health by whatever was taken from enemies. Something like that. Maybe he could even use his pulse AoE (4) to consume the sentients and restore any allies in range by some calculation while also dealing 'sentient' damage on enemies. His kit would all have some use.

This frame has an awesome theme. I only hope that he will be more enticing in the future. It's in a real state right now that has me scratching my head.


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44 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

hahaha let me see you do that on sedna (endless) kuva ft (endless) or any high lvl corpus. guarentee you will be swiss cheese before you can blink. you cannot AFK with his 4 so please stop.

Yes, you can. Maybe not in (endless) after a while, but until then, you sure can! That's a lot of content in the game where you can press 4 and then tab the heck out.

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So i managed to press 4 and keep spinning for the entire length of a corpus sabotage,  including elevator rides and waiting for teammates to get there etc.  It kills almost the same as world on fire except for the vertical enemies it misses,  but it does way more damage so you can do the same even in higher level content.  

Its pretty silly tbh but before DE rushes off to give him the ember scaling cost nerf..  The whole skill isnt fun.  You cant shoot or anything while spinning,  cant jump, and it has so many energy effects its really sore on the eyes after a short while.  

Really just needs a complete change,  turn it into a stalker sort of turret he throws up and have the lasers shoot out or something while you can run about shooting.  Idk,  something different

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I've been playing Revenant for awhile now, and here's my suggestion for his abilities tweak:


  1. Make that enthralled enemies can't be killed by enemies
  2. Hold 1 button to release all enthrall enemies and explode them into damaging pillar

Mesmer Skin

Need some gating so the charges dont instantly drained under heavy fire, my suggestion are

  • Give revenant 1 or 2 second of invulnerability when 1 charge is consumed


  • Stun all nearby enemies 10 - 15m around revenant instead of the one who attack him


  1. Increase cast speed
  2. Press 3 again to end the skill prematurely

And also the shield and health drain sometimes works and sometimes don't

Edited by Huskaraen
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4 hours ago, HavocNoir said:

I would just have to say to the bolded part of your reave statement is, no one knows how good it is with enthralled targets because there is no enthralled targets to use them on, they are killed way to fast  


as for my contribution 

Passive: does it have a passive I don't even notice it 

Ability 1: as everyone said increase the cap or keep the cap but make them invulnerable to ally damage and I would change how it interact with targets instead of selecting a target could it be changed to a sort of mini bomb that enthrall the targets in the explosion, also can we have some sort of thrall counter so we can keep track of how many thralls we have at the moment ?


Ability 2: I also think the charges are to low and besides taking to long to cast there is no way to refresh or replenish the charges, plus the weakness of vulnerability to status that takes the charges away


Ability 3: it really takes to much time, I would expect that it was as fast as void dash, for me reave seems like an emergency escape or movement, also can we add as someone else pointed out that it synergize with ability 2 by replenishing charges ?

Ability 4: if I had one complain it would be that imo does not fit with the theme of the other abilities I mean we go from a being like is kind of ghostly and earie to a ballet dancer, I was expecting something like being able to make the thralls explode and cause damage to enemies as well as make them vulnerable to enthrall similar to what ability 2 does, anyway I think is the ability that is most useful as of now


To respond to your first highlighted point. I view that allies killing thralls are a good thing. I'd even encourage it. Not killing your Thralls miss the entire point of the second part of the ability. i'll elaborate on this. 

  Enthrall as a ability is meant to dismantle the enemies offensive capabilities. It works to do this in two ways. 
1.Enthralling enemies to attack their former allies in order to stir chaos among the enemy ranks redirecting enemy aggression and...
2.To cripple and possibly kill enemies by making them take on damage from fallen allies through energy pillars. This soften them up and makes them more vulnerable to our retaliation.

Therefore if the thralls are dead they're still serving there purpose. If anything, The fact that your allies are able to kill your thralls shows that you're not currently in need of the first half of this ability within the moment. However that can change over time in long mission and with that in mind...

The reason I went ahead and mentioned how good Reave+Thrall is. Is because of it's potential cripple enemies at higher level where it's no longer easy to kill them. When you Reave through Enthralled enemies they lose a guaranteed 40% of their max health, this is very useful for when you need to take out heavier units at higher levels but wildly unnecessary at lower levels where your thralls will die to anything anyway.

Once again, in closing those are my thoughts on that matter in particular. I probably should have went into more detail on these things in the original post but oh well.
A few other things I wanted to comment on in regards to your post.
1. The number of active thralls are displayed by your shields and health.
2. His passive is radial shock wave that goes off when your shields are downed. It has 7-8(?) meter range. It's helped me out a few times. it's pretty clutch.
3. I agree with your thoughts on his 3. It would be nice if his Reave could replace lost charges so we wouldn't have to wait until they run out.
and... that's it.

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My general feedback is simple:

I hate that enthrall is capped at 4 and then put on lockout. Either remove the lockout and cap or have the new cast kill the oldest enthralled enemy (or at worst free them) but the lockout has got to go. Alternatively just kill the cap and the lockout. No need to make them immune to friendly fire. Kind of negates the benefit of their death pillar. It's not really great CC but a nice trap like a limited augmented 4 Oberon effect that does a TON of damage with a few death pillars in a tight clump...

Reave needs to be reliable for shield and health draining.

His 4 is blinding under all but the darkest colors - any chance of toning that down a little bit on the base transparency or emissions so it's not causing team-wide photosensitive seizures when using brightly colored energy? 


That's it, I dig the rest of him. Yeah his 2 could remove the percentage stuff or last a half second before dropping a charge but it's not a deal-breaker as is.


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I felt the quest was a little disappointing.  Only a little. Getting the parts was fine enough.  The neurotics had a better chance of dropping then an Eidolon lens nowadays. And the other parts were much easier to get.  A lot of the quest was basically foreshadowing which is fine.  My only real problem was that this didn't really add anything to the lore.  There was an unknown Warframe that foolishly got devoured by the Eidolon.  No real explanation as to how this Warframe manages to surpass the Sentient flaw. Nothing.

The character model is fantastic.  I love the stone like skin. The only problem I have is that the bonus armour pieces that came with it is the usual plastic looking stuff all Warframes have and as such doesn't colour well with the Warframe itself.

His abilities are fun.  But I do have a few suggestions for augment mods.

Undying Servitude. (ENTHRALL AUGMENT)

The pillar of energy dropped by dead targets will now Enthrall new victims instead of damaging them but will cost a set amount of duration each new victim.  


Fleeting Allure. (MESMER SKIN AUGMENT)

Enemies hit with REAVE now regenerate stacks of Mesmer Skin. Up to the amount you started with when you cast the ability.


Despairing Dread. (REAVE AUGMENT)

Casting Reave now causes a fog of mist to follow you instead.  Enemies that enter this aura will continually take damage that heals you for a percent of the damage done.



Each beam erupting from Revenant does a different damage type. (Elemental and physical damage types).

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36 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

Can I cast while doing the twirlly dance?  Am I being full on first world problem here with this?

Aiming and casting at a target with the lasers active without first killing them would be really awkward and though....imo the thrall curse should just spread automatically when Revenant or an ally kills one of his thralls.

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We went from this:


To a maximum of 4? You basically gave us Nyx with a more flushed out kit and a Revenant with a less flushed out kit. I don't know how else to say it or how that even makes sense but that's just what you did.

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From what I've seen so far, Revenant is not a CC frame. He's a damage frame. I think DE should just double down on his damage.

His 1 has a limit of 4 enemies but no limit to the energy pillars they turn into. Make it so that the ability just spawns those damage pillars from the get go instead of needing to kill a thrall. Make it so its 1 handed and it casts faster.

His 2 needs gating. Maybe 3 seconds of invulnerability before losing charges. When enemies get stunned, they should be opened to finishers too or at the very least automatically gets thralled.

His 3 should let him regain charges for his 2 for each enemy he passes over if he has at least one charge. Maybe even remove the health and shield leech and replace it with an energy leech instead.

His 4 is fine but his passive is strange. Maybe give him a temporary armor buff whenever his shield hits 0.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

His 2 needs gating. Maybe 3 seconds of invulnerability before losing charges. When enemies get stunned, they should be opened to finishers too or at the very least automatically gets thralled.

i would give it the health conversion treatment. 3 second timer between each stack.

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