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First Warframe behind reputation wall?


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7 hours ago, Myt_L said:


thats not earning something hunting eidolons isnt the core gameplay of warframe anyone should be forced to play that time of missions if they dont like them

I dunno, it's pretty much core for a lot of people. How else are you levelling up your quills standing (because that's core)? Please tell me it's not a billion Lua missions. 

7 hours ago, Myt_L said:

aaand yes that it i dont like using my operator that is exactly the point im making . the use of the operator should be optional in order to get warframes, weapons etc (same goes for arcwing)

Uh... A lot of the main line quests require the use of the operator. Its required to complete the quest and unlock some of the newer Warframes. What you're saying doesn't make any sense at all in that context. 


Wait... Were you one of the people who were angry because they never levelled up enough to build a proper Amp and so had a harder time dealing with the sacrifice? 

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Firstly its reasonable to expect that Revenant would tie into POE and the Quills due to the frame being Sentient based. Secondly I welcome this as it encourages players including myself to progress in the games content which in this case would be Eidolon Hunts. The same way we are encouraged to do Archwing and Onslaught if we want Atlas or Khora. 

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7 hours ago, Myt_L said:

i mean they could also put an altenative way to get revenant for the people that dont like hunting eidolons or using the operator, because to be fair when i started playing this game and most of you, operators werent a thing. and when you invest money or time into something you  want it to maintain its core 

They did and you used it. Platinum.

That is literally the whole purpose of my point. Warframes are placed where they are nowadays to encourage interest in a new system. You chose not to engage in this new system. Therefore, since you didn't want to engage in the method to acquire that Warframe, DE gave you the option to get it anyway. Or, in fact, as people have pointed out, there was also the Luan sentients dropping cores, which happened in February, so I suppose that counts as another way to get to rank 2.

And about 'Maintaining the core' of Warframe. To be honest, a good chunk of Warframe's core IS the differences in kind. That's literally why we have 36 Warframes and 5 focus schools, each with different powersets, and who knows how many weapons. Also why we have so many gamemodes. DE are maintaining the core of their design by producing so many alternatives.

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9 hours ago, Myt_L said:

this is ridiculous being force to play something that isnt the core of the game in order to get a warframe shouldnt be allowed.

my god.. they expect you to WORK for something.. those savages, that's clearly a breach of your Human rights! /s

to anyone complaining about this, you've had OVER A YEAR to get some rep for the Quills. even if you are a casual player, it doesn't take anywhere near that long to farm Vomvalysts with the mote amp, get a better amp and then learn how to kill Eidolons and become good at it. that entire process takes a couple months, maybe 4-5 months if you don't get a lot of time to play. everybody has had more than enough time to get close to, or achieve, max standing with the Quills. if you're not there yet, you need to put the effort in, unless you plan on trading and buying him for plat.

you may not like open world stuff, and you don't have to, but you're still gonna have to get used to seeing it, because that's the direction we're going. I would try to reassure you and say that Fortuna will be less grindy, but then I'd just be lying, and I don't lie.




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10 hours ago, Myt_L said:


thats not earning something hunting eidolons isnt the core gameplay of warframe anyone should be forced to play that time of missions if they dont like them

Why not. You were forced to play defection missions to get Harrow, even if you hated them. You were forced to play ESO to get Khora, even if you hated it. You were forced to play salvage missions to get Nidus, even if you hated it. You were forced to play spy missions to get Ivara, even if you hated them. And now you are forced to play Eidolon Hunts to get Revenant, even if you hate it. No different from all the other frames.

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10 hours ago, Myt_L said:

So .. this is the first warframe that in order to be able to farm him you need to grind some rep and it isnt just some easy to get rep you have to kill Eidolons in order to be able to start the the grind. i mean what if i dont like that content, im forced to play something i dont like  just to get a warframe (the same can be said about archwing).

i dont even want to put a feet in cetus i hate this open world stuff and now im being forced to grind rep and to grind the parts of a warframe there.....


anyway i guess ill just buy him but this is ridiculous being force to play something that isnt the core of the game in order to get a warframe shouldnt be allowed.

It's a method so new players can't acquire every warframe from the first days of playing

They have to play something else first before

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8 hours ago, Myt_L said:


my problem isnt the grind. my problem is having to play a mode i dont find fun in order to start the grind(sorties)

I'm confused now, what is it you have to play in order to start what.

Because you don't have to play sorties, and other than getting to rank 30, you don't have to play anything other than the star chart stuff to play sorties.

And I thought we were talking about Revenant.  You said there was no option to avoid the plains.  You were wrong.  You can do void runs with relics, trade the parts for plat.  Thats all part of "normal" gameplay.

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10 hours ago, Myt_L said:

So .. this is the first warframe that in order to be able to farm him you need to grind some rep and it isnt just some easy to get rep you have to kill Eidolons in order to be able to start the the grind.

Well firstly, you can reach rank 2 in the Quills without tackling a single Boss-level Eidolon, you can simply hunt Vomvalysts for intact cores, I know this because I did it at launch when Vomvalysts didn't have a guaranteed core drop.

Secondly, you can solo the Teralyst without too much difficulty.

If the Teralyst (and others) required a team, and the Quills rank required [Tera|Gargantu|Hydro]lyst kills/captures then I'd be with you. But it doesn't, so I'm afraid it's just "normal content" as far as I am concerned.

Edited by SilentMobius
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I think it's for exactly the reason you hate op. I too hate poe. It's an empty void that feels like running from one group of 5 enemies half way across the map to find 5 more and repeat.  Besides all the negative replies I'm sure there's a lot of people like us that find poe a major turn off. Hell, I hate that most rivens seem to now force you there too, so I stopped doing sorties as well. But rather than DE addressing it I guess they just funnel more content though it so it artificially bumps thr numbers up and the can say 'look. See how many people are still going to the plains! What a sucsess'.

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12 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

It's not being "forced".  It's called -earning- something.   If you don't want to work for it, just buy it or trade for plat.  


Warframe is a game. You're not earning anything, let alone working for it.

In fact, if a video game is becoming work, I recommend not playing it for a while.

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45 minutes ago, Highlord83 said:

Warframe is a game. You're not earning anything, let alone working for it.

In fact, if a video game is becoming work, I recommend not playing it for a while.

This is a looter. Some degree of effort is expected.

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It would be much better of I would be able to donate more than my maximum of 8k a day. Farming Vormalysts (because I am not ready for Eidolons) turned out to be much less time expensive as expected.

At least the RNG here is only down to the drops in the bounties and you get guaranteed sentient cores from the vormalysts (and eidolons if you do them). Not like the stuff of farming juggernauts who could either drop this item or that bp as a step to be eligiable to farm the stuff you actually want.

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Whiny baby.

You know what I had to do to get Ivara? Over a hundred Spy missions. Chassis alone took over 90.

That is not a reputation wall, that is your wall. It requires near minimal rep investment, one that you can reach after a single hunt where you can even get carried.

If that is too much for you, play fissure to get plat and buy it that way, you will also avoid doing bounties that way. There is no reason for your complaining just because a tiny bit of content is behind something you do not like. 

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My issue is that i can barely play the plains, so most of the time i either crash or fail the bounty from the amount of lag. so this warframe is basically locked completely for me... and i don't anywhere near the plat to buy him... first frame i'll be un able to get....

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2 hours ago, octobotimus said:

My issue is that i can barely play the plains, so most of the time i either crash or fail the bounty from the amount of lag. so this warframe is basically locked completely for me... and i don't anywhere near the plat to buy him... first frame i'll be un able to get....

You got Gara? Because that takes bounties, and resources from the plains, coprun, pyrol, that clear crystal thing... So I'm wondering if you got her. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

You got Gara? Because that takes bounties, and resources from the plains, coprun, pyrol, that clear crystal thing... So I'm wondering if you got her. 

Yeah it takes all that ... or 225 plat

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