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Conclave is empty, Celestia Syandana should be available somehow.


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Hello all, I am kind of new to the forums and don't know if this had been brought up recently but I love the Conclave Celestia Syandana. In the current state of how empty the conclave is, this beautiful accessory is wasted and I find myself unable to advance to the rank of Typhoon to get it because no one is in matchmaking anymore. Even if I DID get it, It wouldn't have it's gorgeous light beams because I could not reliably get conclave missions done to activate them.

PLEASE DE, please do one of the following:

A. Make this beautiful accessory available elsewhere and have different requirements to turn it on

B. Allow the gaining of Conclave progress through it's sigils like other factions and keep the light beams on all the time.

C. Remove it from the game to stop taunting me with something that is un-achievable in the current state of the game (Joking(Kinda)) 😫

I am MORE than happy to put in the PvP work to get it, I just can't in the current state of the game/time of day I play when I sit in matchmaking for 30 minutes....alone.

Thank you for reading, here is a picture of it in case you didn't know.



Edited by Terra_Soul
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Forgive me if I sound like an a$$, but that syandana is not worth the effort at all. I was just like you, but at a time where conclave was still alive and I got around to obtaining it and made it my goal to keep it lit up at all times.... Do you want to know how long that hype lasted for me? 1 month and a half, give or take 1 week... That's it. After that I gave up on conclave and abandoned the syandana in my inventory. I ended up filling the gap it left with Tennogen syandanas (way more intricate and beautiful IMHO). I still look back at it to this day wondering if I'll ever be able to see the wonderful beams of light coming from it again.

I totally agree that the conditions for it's beams to light up should be looked at and we should be given an alternative to conclave for lighting them.

Seeing at what state conclave is at now I totally understand why you'd want that syandana... One month or two after you eventually get it you'll abandon it just like I did, the hassle to keep it lit up was a bit much back then and now it's just going to be near impossible.

Edited by EDM774
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5 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Personally, I would like to play against specters. 

We all want that but I think DE is too busy with other bigger content, so they can't code the complex AI needed tor a PvP replacement of players.

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I would love to get sigils, armor and the captura scenes from conclave standing, but not enough to actually participate in PvP to get them. Maybe some day there will be an alternative way to get them. Until then I'll just admire the pictures of the items 😂 

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Just now, Hypernaut1 said:

Index enemies seem pretty good. 

if you want hordes coming at you with the intent of dying yeah, but in conclave they should be less mindless and more mobile, jumping around dodging your fire and trying to snipe one back at you... you know like  a real player. AI like that is almost impossible to do. if they implement the Horde AI in PvP it will just be another PvE slaughter fest and the meaning behind the conclave standing will be lost. But that's just my opinion.

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Why not make the requirements harder, but permanent. Conclaves not completely empty (It's got enough people to be able to get a couple games, but nowhere near enough for the challenges) so we could chip them away over time, and really demonstrate some prestige on these. Not just "Oh they managed to get some games to get it lit", a feeling that that player really knows their stuff since they achieved the requirements. Stuff like a certain number of kills, headshot kills, at least one total victory (beating an enemy team by the non-time out requirements, or by forfeit in the last quarter)  and so on.

Something that really means something when you get your hands upon the fully lit version. Sure, it could be cheesed out, but even so, that'd take quite a bit of effort.

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I did the time and had my fun to get that Syndana. I even was amazed to find the rewards for doing the Conclave were pretty nice if got all them done by the week. 

The lighting of it was a nice touch that showed you did what the tasks were. Sometimes I would get a few done, sometimes all...and the Syndana reflected that. 

Now that the Conclave is barely doing anything (I had a few days of play over the last year), it is hard for new players to get it. But to remove it for those who do not have it that might be sour pussing.....naw. Leave it as a trophy for those who want to get it. 

You want to do Conclave? Get some people in and go at it. Did it with clan members when for a bit and then there were constant players for a while that I was able to get the points.

I would actually like a similar Syndana for the E part of gaming that we have to light up by doing certain things in the game each week. Hek, that could be incentive for players to play especially for FashionFrame (it's the endgame 😂) players. 

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I was in your position OP. But now I’m the proud owner of a Celestia syandana.

It took me around a week-ish to reach Typhoon, and then a few days after to get the glowy scarf. And this is despite me being horrible, with bad tracking and movement. I was honestly surprised, since I was expecting a far longer grind. Now here I am with a good chunk of the skins, and it isn’t even that difficult for me to keep syandana lit. (EDIT: If you complete your weekly, then all but one pair of flames will be lit which is easily finished by doing one daily)

Yes Conclave is generally barren. The main exceptions I’ve found are usually around the daily reset, and around when the Conclave dailies reset which is three hours after. Also if you join a match and it is empty, I would immediately back out and try again. This has a high chance of connecting you to a clan-hosted server that usually has a few players.

It may seem like an impossible prospect, but it is definitely doable especially if you only care about the syandana. 

Edited by OmegaZero633
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20 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

if you want hordes coming at you with the intent of dying yeah, but in conclave they should be less mindless and more mobile, jumping around dodging your fire and trying to snipe one back at you... you know like  a real player. AI like that is almost impossible to do. if they implement the Horde AI in PvP it will just be another PvE slaughter fest and the meaning behind the conclave standing will be lost. But that's just my opinion.

i mean the current "meaning behind conclave" is to sit in the match maker for 30+ minutes. most people who are playing conclave are doing it for the cosmetics. the only down side i see to letting us farm it by fighting ai is that people would complain that people are being spoon fed content again

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8 hours ago, EDM774 said:

if you want hordes coming at you with the intent of dying yeah, but in conclave they should be less mindless and more mobile, jumping around dodging your fire and trying to snipe one back at you... you know like  a real player. AI like that is almost impossible to do. if they implement the Horde AI in PvP it will just be another PvE slaughter fest and the meaning behind the conclave standing will be lost. But that's just my opinion.

Well, conclave mod setups would mean the enemies would at least be more of a threat.

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Would be nice if one flame was set actived for each Rathuum/ Index mission. It sucks completing PvP challenges everyday to keep the flames alive and some challenges are or nearly are impossible. (Pass ball to other player 6 times). I have NEVER touched the ball because hardcore players make this weird throw+dash in the beginning as soon as the ball drops on the field and they get a score.

Edited by Tulipunahapero
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12 hours ago, (PS4)obsidiancurse said:

The spectre idea is great. We have the index and rathuum(sp) which I always thought were kinda Quake like anyway. Yeah have the Warframe equivalent of Quake 3 tied to the conclave syndicate, sorta pvp for people who don’t like other people.

Totally, I'd love fighting A.I foes, and we already saw a preview of them as actually tough enemies in the first renditions of Simaris' gamemode.

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