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Baruuk Feedback/Ideas


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adjective: baroque
  1. 1.
    relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music,
    and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that followed mannerism and is characterized by ornate detail.
    In architecture the period is exemplified by the palace of Versailles and by the work of Bernini in Italy.
    Major composers include Vivaldi, Bach, and Handel; Caravaggio and Rubens are important baroque artists.
    • highly ornate and extravagant in style.
      "the candles were positively baroque"
noun: baroque
  1. 1.
    the baroque style or period.
mid 18th century: from French (originally designating a pearl of irregular shape),
from Portuguese barroco, Spanish barrueco, or Italian barocco ; of unknown ultimate origin.


Why is a warframe by this name, a monk?

~ EDIT ~ 
The warframe's name is Baruuk.
I hear them say it, and I though, Baroque?
When they where spelling it, I thought they said q u, not u u.
It was pretty much all I heard before being like, what?
Then googling the exact meaning for Baroque.

Edited by General_Durandal
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47 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

relating to or denoting a style of European architecture, music,
and art of the 17th and 18th centuries that followed mannerism and is characterized by ornate detail.

Why is a warframe by this name, a monk?

My guess is that they think Baroque means Renaissance, and Renaissance means Michelangelo, it means Protestant Reformation, it means big glowy pictures of handsome Caucasian Jesus


Oh nevermind, Novus already figured it out

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10 minutes ago, Spectre-8 said:

The question is why this new warframe looks like a female and is yet another low dmg support .

That's what people thought first about Nezha. But Baruuk is clearly male. As for low dmg support, we haven't seen his kit yet eh?

On of the artist art of his head piece reminds me of this


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11 hours ago, NovusNova said:

The new warframes name is "Baruuk" not "Baroque".



What comes up when you search "Baruuk": "Nordic spelling of the Hebrew name בָּרוּך (Barukh) meaning 'blessed'"


They spelled it in the stream with a q u though.

EDIT - rewatching... u u, not q u

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The image above is of Baruuk al-Semmeya from Warlord:Saga of the storm. I am excited to see what the Devs plan on making Baruuks kit to be like. Baruuk al-Semmeya is an assassin but has a similar appearance as the upcoming warframe. Maybe his breaking point will be something similar to am assassin ability but we already have ash for that. I also am excited to see if his lore will intertwine with Fortuna and possibly Garuda. Anyway, I enjoy support frames so DE had me sold at a pacifist approach with damage mitigation. What is your opinion on the new frame to be?

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58 minutes ago, KamikazeKamanzi said:


The image above is of Baruuk al-Semmeya from Warlord:Saga of the storm. I am excited to see what the Devs plan on making Baruuks kit to be like. Baruuk al-Semmeya is an assassin but has a similar appearance as the upcoming warframe. Maybe his breaking point will be something similar to am assassin ability but we already have ash for that. I also am excited to see if his lore will intertwine with Fortuna and possibly Garuda. Anyway, I enjoy support frames so DE had me sold at a pacifist approach with damage mitigation. What is your opinion on the new frame to be?


It looks okay ish but we didn't seen any of his abilities in practice. His looks is most likely lend from equinox male part and the role is currently not clear but they stated it will be a monk which we haven't yet. I am more hyped personally the frame after Baruuk and I wish that frame will be Flora or Hennya. Both concepts looks cool and I hope they will add them finally because both are popular and well made concepts.

Hopefully Baruuk will be also an useful frame but currently I cannot say more about him. 

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Hello Tenno

With the new Warframe Baruuk out soon I wanted to share my ideas (or hopes and dreams) of how he will play out. Note: I will not go over his 2/3/4th powers. They are up to debate as his powers are not shown.

" War and violence are unjustifiable Tenno and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means. Baruuk stays true to that soul.

Passive: Pacifism: Baruuk stays true to his pacifism, forfeiting his weapons for his powers.

⦁    Baruuk is the first warframe that is unable to wield any weapon and relies heavily on his Powers & Tranq.
⦁    When Downed, his summons a tranq-sidearm that auto-locks stun anyone it hits. and buffs his allys.
⦁    Oro-Tranq: His signature Tranq-Sidearm, Baruuk is able to weld this at any time in battle with 3 switchable modes.  
⦁    Tranquil: Tranquilizes its targets, by putting anyone it hits to sleep for 50secs. (stacks per dart). 
⦁    Medi: Med-Gel injected darts, heals any nearby ally it strikes and seeks allys (can heal pets too).
⦁    Hackz: Shooting a Robotic hostile, allows them to become an ally (capped at 5). Once all 5 is capped, it causes them to shut down.
⦁    "Breaking Point" (whatever DE has)
⦁    Due to he no longer uses weapons, he can move at 50% faster than all frames.


1.Orb-Or-Tranq: Swaps between Baruuk's Tranq sidearm or his support orbs.

⦁    When welding his Tranq, he moves only 40% (over 50%) faster and has over shields. 
⦁    When welding his support Orbs, he moves 55% (over 50%) and has very high health.
⦁    Orbs: Seeks out allys to give them a healing buff and grants over shields. When targeting a hostile it shuts their weapons down.



This is what I think so far should be him. I always wanted a Warframe has Zero weapons and just uses his powers (or tranq sidearm). And given the frame is solely based around being  Pacifism it makes sense, not to use weapons of war.





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So I'm really into this new frame shown on the last devstream so I decided to write some fan lore about his operator and his development

I remember my mother's hand holding mine aboard the zariman. She was scared, afraid of what was waiting beyond the void jump.She had reason to be.
Once we were through she went insane along with the rest of the adults.They became animals wanting nothing more to slaughter. I was forced to hunt ,or be the hunted.
But we the, children, were together. Most of us at least, they did kick one kid out leaving him stranded in the depths of the void. Once we were finally found they
wanted us dead. Scared of what we could - or I guess would - do to them.Once again I had to fight; this time not for life, but my right to live.But she saved us,
Margulis protected us, eased our pain. For the first time in in what felt like my young life I found some peace, for a time. Then they killed her, murdered her 
because she detested their vile ,evil,imperfect ways. When they killed her they took my peace away. I again had to fight but this time it wasn't any outside force.
I had to fight myself. Twice my mothers were stripped away from me I couldn't bare it. I no longer wanted to live I no longer wanted this existence. I fought,
fought against these urges long enough to survive until I was called on again to fight once more against an outside enemy. The orokin in their false perfection
had created a being so powerful without us they would have been driven to extinction. Her "lover" the demon ballas built us the conduits to channel
our strength and sent us out once more to fight against their own creations. I had enough. Once we had won the others did too. When we got back we had decided to have true peace we must put an end to these dispicable beings once and for all.

So it was that we slaughtered the orokin leaders and proved that to us they were nothing. But as I looked around and saw the bloodshed,
chaos,and destruction I had been forced to cause once more I couldn't bare it. I stopped using my warframe and voluntarily went back into that transference pod and finally found some semblance of peace.

I hope it stays this way.

I hope I never again reach my breaking point. 

EDIT:IDK why this got moved here lol

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The discussion on him suggested that he would have plenty of damage mitigation, although whether that takes the form of putting enemies into an un-responsive state (like blind, sleep or long-stun), or whether that's through personal defense (like redirection, shields, personal invulnerability) we don't quite know.

They also mentioned that there's a Working Name title for one of his abilities called 'breaking point', which is where the frame unleashes whatever damage they're going to do.

So it could be that what we're going to get is something that's heavily dependent on a counter of some kind, a function not unlike Nidus' Stacks, where you build up a certain amount of this counter and then spend it all with an ability that has a scaled effect based on where that counter was.

A fun idea I'd had while looking at the fan-art, though, was that one ability could be personal defense, mitigating the damage he would have taken and charging up his counter, the next ability will put enemies around him into the un-responsive state as a form of CC, which is always a good function to have, and his 'breaking point' would be that everything currently un-responsive from his ability would then be dealt massive damage all at once.

Defense, CC and then Damage specifically when you have the reason to. Reluctant hero, see?

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