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Operators? Really?


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And that way of thinking, "dead game", is the exact reason why so many games actually end up dying - people are too god damn afraid of change. I need to adapt? Holy shet this game is dead.


I mean, come on. Like it or not, that's up to you, but this? This is just ridiculous.

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hmm, I quite like the story line, and I'm an older guy. Based on my reading and where I'm at in the game I would think that the operator would have aged a bit more. But, its no biggy. Warframe is still the best free game out there. Heck it's better than quite a few most pay to play games. Of course I've spent too much money on this free game....lol

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I feel the same way as TC, but the cringy story and emo space kids themes are easily avoided. I just ignore it, really, and just keep doing my thing killing stuff and farming for items/weapons and what not. In my opinion, the story just keeps getting worse and operators more annoying, but story is such a small part of the game that has almost no weight in the end. It doesn't matter how cliche it is and how much it makes me want to eternally cringe, it takes an hour or two to do new story missions, get the items that come with it, unlock whatever you need to unlock and then you can absolutely 100% ignore it and keep playing. It's THAT simple.

Of course, people don't like criticism here. If someone says that something they like is bad, they get jumpy and try to defend it because they CAN'T be wrong for liking it. On the other hand, TC goes too hard on the hate and takes extreme steps about it calling the game dead. In the end both sides are as annoying as ever.

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Spoiler warning would be considerate, but I know the feeling you are having TC. I too felt the same back in 2015, not enough to make me quit the game entirely like you are deciding, but the disappointment was heavy. However, after some time with them, they have grown on me now just as heavily,  i actually appreciate these scamps today, and I now feel really bad about some of the harsh things I said about them and DE's efforts toward them some time ago, in spite of still believing that Warframes should also have their own autonomy,


which is looking like a possible development in the future).

Would like some Jojo esque evolutions in the future though maybe, or even a mere option to age(or de-age if they miss their younger appearance.), for those who want it. Pull a Link from Ocarina of Time, with a dash of Rubedo from Xenosaga, and a pinch of Gon from Hunter x Hunter.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Meh, the warframes still do what they do, and the operators can be helpful for specific tasks/situations, but not really needed for anything yet except for Eidolons, some story missions, and probably the upcoming Fortuna bosses. As others have said, you can just avoid using them for anything but the story missions really. Kind of like how we all avoid Archwing 😄

Personally I think they add great additional gameplay and make it all more unique compared to other games. If you just spend some time at the Quills for your gear and in the Focus tree for your stats then they will become very capable to aid you in tough high level situations. They are certainly not there to do what our warframes do, but serves more like that card up your sleeve to pull whenever your Warframe is overwhelmed and you need to either get the f* out of there or do some quick cc. They are also quite efficient for spy missions, especially for us who don't usually like to play with stealth-frames.

And I don't really understand the whole emo-kid thing. If they give you that impression then it's by your own design and choices in dialogue, lol. 

But oh well, bye then.

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I feel you, man. Really. It sucks when it suddenly turns out that dev's vision of the game has nothing to do with yours. That's why I'm trying to learn something about the game before I decide to download it and give it a try. But still, sometimes things go wrong.

I was aknowledged that WF is a game made by anime fan boys for anime fan boys, so I haven't been disappointed with Second Dream quest. I was ready for something like this since I knew this game is made for those who used to be Pokemon and Sailor Moon fans in 90's.

I was Spiderman and Transformers fan, so I just don't get all these anime too serious.

However, I hope you'll find another game. Good luck.

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They recharge your energy with one dash, are basically invincible and let you revive with no worries.  They also make a joke of stalker if he shows up when you have crappy things equipped.  Just look at all the things they do with little effort as opposed to just seeing edgy kids.  I just see them as tools that benefit my frame.

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38 minutes ago, Ermiq said:

I feel you, man. Really. It sucks when it suddenly turns out that dev's vision of the game has nothing to do with yours. That's why I'm trying to learn something about the game before I decide to download it and give it a try. But still, sometimes things go wrong.

I was aknowledged that WF is a game made by anime fan boys for anime fan boys, so I haven't been disappointed with Second Dream quest. I was ready for something like this since I knew this game is made for those who used to be Pokemon and Sailor Moon fans in 90's.

I was Spiderman and Transformers fan, so I just don't get all these anime too serious.

However, I hope you'll find another game. Good luck.

Its more inspired from an Eva fanboy(Sorry Steve, i don't like Shinji, lol), quite a bit of Guyver when starting out, with a mixture of a plethora of sci fi and even DnD influences, both western and eastern, modern and retro. Flight of the Navigator, Enders Game, Game of Thrones, 80s movies and shows for the majority, as the heads of development had much of their coming-of-age/shaping years in that decade. I suggest watching the devstreams or interviews when able, for a better grasp of the dev's various influences.


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It still baffles me how some people don't like Operators. The entire of story of Warframe is based off the innocence of the Tenno redeeming the damnation of the Warframes. It's a beautiful image that some people just refuse to see, and that makes me sad for them. They miss out on a fantastic story over their own bias against children - which isn't even warranted, given the Tenno barely even act like children, and more like the Void Demon Avatars they are.

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40 минут назад, Sitchrea сказал:

It still baffles me how some people don't like Operators. The entire of story of Warframe is based off the innocence of the Tenno redeeming the damnation of the Warframes. It's a beautiful image that some people just refuse to see, and that makes me sad for them. They miss out on a fantastic story over their own bias against children - which isn't even warranted, given the Tenno barely even act like children, and more like the Void Demon Avatars they are.

Still, it's the same as Pokemon. Doesn't matter how strong, cruel, demonic they are, they still look like little cute rabbits.

It's just usual, ordinary anime style. Nothing special. I don't want to say it's bad, it's just not my piece of cake.

I've heard a joke about that:

- Hey, it's like that anime about a boy... Something goes wrong and he becomes the strongest boy on Earth.

- What anime do you mean exactly?

- All of them!


Edited by Ermiq
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Kinda surprising that you feel that way, a whiny brat should be a perfect in-game avatar for you.

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13 hours ago, Kenzul said:

I've been playing warframe more than 2 years. I started play because warframes look cool and strong. After months i returned game and now our warframes are pokemons of kids?  Returned with my friend 2 weeks ago and purchased 8k platin in 2 week. Now i see it was waste because we don't want play teenage game. I hoped game doesn't force us to play as kid but seems like it does. You can't even kill eilodon without it. Good game dead now for me after " I lost my warframe".. Good luck everyone.

Well given that Operators are an integral part of the game's lore, I think its only fitting that they play some part in the game.

They've also been implemented pretty well IMO - apart from their restricted movement (which Void Dash at least partly compensates for).



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6 hours ago, Sitchrea said:

It still baffles me how some people don't like Operators. The entire of story of Warframe is based off the innocence of the Tenno redeeming the damnation of the Warframes. It's a beautiful image that some people just refuse to see, and that makes me sad for them. They miss out on a fantastic story over their own bias against children - which isn't even warranted, given the Tenno barely even act like children, and more like the Void Demon Avatars they are.

I disagree, they do indeed act like kids/teens to me, which they are, they are not some ominous demon as they are described by haters like Ballas or the infested, which the Void can hurt, Man In The Wall is more so the Void demon. Though i am ok with kids acting like kids, and prefer that they do, if they are to be present. I just don't want them being overly obnoxious or completely awful like Shinji or something, and for them to value the Spiderman esque tenant, that with great power, comes great responsibility. I won't appreciate any Quess Paraya nonsense, much less Shinji nonsense.

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Have you played Sacrifice? I think some players who disliked Operators softened up to them a little after that quest.

If you think that they are useless – they become hilariously overpowered after some grind (as everything in WF is). Just look closer at whose focus trees. There are some real gems hidden in it.

By the way, is your Operator a boy or a girl? It is hard to sound like a self-confident badass "totally not a child" space ninja with that voice, doubly so if you are a boy.

9 часов назад, UrielColtan сказал:

Spoiler warning would be considerate, but I know the feeling you are having TC. I too felt the same back in 2015, not enough to make me quit the game entirely like you are deciding, but the disappointment was heavy. However, after some time with them, they have grown on me now just as heavily,  i actually appreciate these scamps today, and I now feel really bad about some of the harsh things I said about them and DE's efforts toward them some time ago, in spite of still believing that Warframes should also have their own autonomy.

What made you change your mind? Those sweet perks that come with Operators, story progression or something else? And YES to spoiler. Hope DE will expand on that.

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14 hours ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Not since the start in early 2013, they were added December 2015 with U18: The Second Dream.
So it's been 3 years they've been around.

Some older codex entries have already mentioned the zariman kids prior to second dream. 

On topic, i was taken aback a bit when they were physicslly revealed. War within was their winny phsse and that made me entirely hate them. Though, thankfully, sacrifice made them mature a bit and be less anoyying-angsty teenagers, so i'm currently okay with them.

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