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Wisp Review/Early feedback


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Just now, RAZORLIGHT said:

i told you why that is, beside the usual crowd of angry (well i am kinda angry as well) and insulting ppl.

I personally love baruuk and hildryn i just feel it's the people that "main" frames that complain about everything just because they don't like it

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)wintersfrozen said:

I love wisp 1-3 but her 4 feels a bit out of place. I hope they can do something with it to make it mesh well as "opening a portal to the sun" and the concept of her "wisp demention" don't really feel like they match.

I do agree her 4th is out of place 

would be cool if it summoned actual orb like wisps to float around and zap stuff with you

but then it makes one of her 1 abilities useless...

maybe they should change that one to giving shields or ammo or something

Edited by Giveup12
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1 minute ago, Creegz said:

To tackle the deployables part, if it has a way to decast it like you do with Frost for example I think it would be totally fine depending on how the player uses the frame. I would probably have no issue with this after the time I spent playing games where it was a requirement to drop things and then move them.

The second ability could probably help the fourth one as well to line up groups, we'll have to see it in practice more to get a handle on how it's really going to work. Also for spy missions that second ability will be fine if it's not tied to the horizon.

I can agree with that sentiment of it being broken to spam 3, that's definitely not an invalid argument and probably the thing I would find the weakest about this frame.

Damage cannon looks nice and feels a bit more like a tech demo but could be fun to just blast out.

l really hoped they would go in that portal design.l find her ability design just kinda weird. For example frost uses frost ember fire garuda blood,saryn spores,oberon nature, limbo rifts and so on.Wisps core design as DE said are portals. But it just does not work in her abilities.

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As someone who loves CC and support based frames her alt is the only thing I have issue with. I don't mind having a huge laser strapped to by frame but her "sol" doesn't really feel like it matches her theme. 1 is buffs, 2 is cc/teleport, 3 turns 1's stationaty abilitys to be cc as well as buffs and her 4 is just... a laser? Does it look cool? Sure. Does it feel like it fits... no. Her 4 looks like it belongs on a tank frame or some DPS frame not really a CC/Support frame. And calling it a "portal to the sun" when she has her own "wisp demotion" doesn't really help.

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1 minute ago, SRBvuk22 said:

l really hoped they would go in that portal design.l find her ability design just kinda weird. For example frost uses frost ember fire garuda blood,saryn spores,oberon nature, limbo rifts and so on.Wisps core design as DE said are portals. But it just does not work in her abilities.

That is definitely something I would have liked to see. I agree 100% there.

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She doesn't really look all that bad, but my personal impressions were mostly along the lines of ''it sounds alright i guess''.

My biggest problem with wisp as a whole, however, is that her theme and characterization are overall quite vague, resulting in a kit that just doesn't really spark enthusiasm.

Her 1 sounds alright, but deployables have never been a very versatile option, and it worries me all the more because her 3 seems 100% dependent on it. As a result, should you want to bring her into a more mobile mission, half of her entire kit will be woefully irrelevant, which i think we can all agree isn't the peak of design quality.

Finally, i really don't understand why her 4... exists ? that thing looked tailor-made to become a new 4 for ember (especially since DE absolutely REVILES wof) so i really don't understand why the portal-based frame (wait... wasn't that limbo ?) gets what is essentially a beam of pure fire while the fire-frame gets shafted.

Her 2 looks really cool though, and is definitely the one thing i expected from a character named ''wisp'' unlike, you know. a portable sun !

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2 minutes ago, RAZORLIGHT said:

I dont main any frame, i am MR26, owning and played every frame and Warframe player since 2013.


i wasn't saying you specifically

i should have also added "It's *mainly the people..."

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2 minutes ago, Giveup12 said:

I do agree her 4th is out of place 

would be cool if it summoned actual orb like wisps to float around and zap stuff with you

but then it makes one of her 1 abilities useless...

personally I would like it to make the 1 that is around you/team to shoot the lasers off of them. So you would have 1=stationary pods/buffs, 2 is distraction/teleport, 3 turns the stationary pods from 1 to CC dps, and 4 takes to wisps received from the 1 into more or less sentinels. Without the 1 her 4 would be useless making it more viable and important to use the 1.

It is just an idea though. Her 4 looks amazing but it just doesn't feel like it works for her.

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21 minutes ago, Giveup12 said:

The devs put in all this hard work on a FREE game and you talk really badly about it and don't even consider the devs' feelings either. At least be civil about it and don't just go "this is poop"

Two things:

1) The fact that warframe is FREE doesn't mean DE is running a charity.

2) I have seen little to no criticisms which I would deem 'uncivil' on the forums. Criticism is necessary for refining and improving the game, so if you really care about the developers, you should absolutely be critical (within reason) of new content.

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13 minutes ago, Flandre_Scarlet_ said:

Point given. Most of the fun I have with Warframe comes from min-maxing and seeing how long I can last in endless missions. While this may not be for everyone, I'd really like to see a new frame release that caters to this exact playstyle.

I really hope that those of you who are interested in her will have a blast playing her, no matter if she gets changed or not. I'll keep playing Inaros until the day I perish.

I love Inaros myself, mainly because I like to run and gun and his bulk lets me do that with minimum hassle and no micro management.

The beauty of this game is it caters to a vast number of play styles.

Hopefully if Wisp isn’t for you the next frame will be. Have fun Tenno, that’s the important thing. 

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1 minute ago, Valmarr said:

Two things:

1) The fact that warframe is FREE doesn't mean DE is running a charity.

2) I have seen little to no criticisms which I would deem 'uncivil' on the forums. Criticism is necessary for refining and improving the game, so if you really care about the developers, you should absolutely be critical (within reason) of new content.

I am aware of this but people always seem to jump the gun about little things instead of thinking about it and or going to the suggestions and they just go complain in general


i am also aware of criticism being necessary for refinement (i do agree her 4th is out of place)

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)wintersfrozen said:

As someone who loves CC and support based frames her alt is the only thing I have issue with. I don't mind having a huge laser strapped to by frame but her "sol" doesn't really feel like it matches her theme. 1 is buffs, 2 is cc/teleport, 3 turns 1's stationaty abilitys to be cc as well as buffs and her 4 is just... a laser? Does it look cool? Sure. Does it feel like it fits... no. Her 4 looks like it belongs on a tank frame or some DPS frame not really a CC/Support frame. And calling it a "portal to the sun" when she has her own "wisp demotion" doesn't really help.

Her theme as they said is portals and such. Why not have the ultimate portal technique be a rift in space to unleash the fury of the sun itself on the enemies?
I feel more like her 1 and 3 are not in line with her theme.

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After reading comments and watching her footage, I would completely change her power set. I would call her the Adapta Frame where she blends to the environment as a passive,like a chameleon when she stops moving instantly. Bending light predator style pow yeahh.   

I would make her powers elemental energy color based. Fire, Water, Sand, Stone. Defense and Offensive or some variation of elements. 

She should be able to summon some sort of radial damage stun or defensive blob with her 1 - Ember style if fire blast offensive, like her 3, Inaros sand defense , Water/Ice bubble block defense ,  Stone Pelt etc etc

Her 2 should be damage reduction or damage boost based on color similar to chroma

Her 3 can be synergized with 1 and 2. Damage taken in defense is a damage buff to team; enemies killed in offensive grant shields/health/armor to allies

Her ultimate can be becoming an ethereal elemental killing machine. Make her turn into fire goddess or a sand angel, ice queen, and a stone warrior wielding some exalted nun-chucks called twin bruces that whip out AOE damage on spins with elemental fx and cool DE graphx. kthx. . 

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1 hour ago, LSG501 said:

1 - meh, seems like an excessively convoluted way to get some minor buffs (you know they'll end up being fairly low by the time they've finished 'tweaking')

2 - ok, kind of just felt like a rehash of nezha's halo with cc instead of damage

3 - not a bad idea but not sure how much use it will get outside of stationary missions like defence...

4 - a buffed up chroma spectral scream...


Had to laugh though as it really feels like they're releasing a frame that is going to have the same issues that vauban is now about to have fixed... it's great for stationary gameplay but it doesn't work that well when moving around the maps...

Yeah, that part really confused me.  I mean, they spent the first few minutes apparently talking about how CC and stationary deployable abilities aren't fun and don't really work.  Then demonstrated a new Warframe whose abilities are... stationary deployables and light CC abilities aside from the fourth.  And the Four is a narrow beam channeled power - even if it kills instantly, it's still a worse version of Peacemaker or Danse Macabre.  (Because it hits a narrow cylinder instead of *basically everything all at once.*)

I was just... do you even listen to yourselves when you talk?

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I'm also personally not happy that one of her buffs is another speed power.  Yet another Warframe I'll have to avoid in the few cases where I team at all.  Because there's no "immune to puke-inducing speed changes" toggle.  And no, backflipping out of Volt's speed doesn't count, because the duration on Speed sucks and Volts who use it at all cast it constantly.  That's not even an option for Zephyr's Turbulence augment.

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vor 31 Minuten schrieb Swagernator22663:

Well, then why that large casual audience dont just go and you know ... catch some animals, thats the activity made for them.

We, namely everyone that liked what they saw from Wisp - consequently henceforth known as the casuals -, would like you to know that we outnumber your ilk numerous times. Well, then why don't you, since you are such hardcore meta gamer, keep just spinning with your Scoliac or whatever it is you are doing.

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ALSO! the reason why I'm giving her buffs this massive utility and power is because you have to cast them relatively slowly AND then pick them up. if they were just cast then go, I can understand their weaker powers.
 If raids come back she'll be used as a support frame maybe giving buffs to allies before a big event. 

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23 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

I don't see why everyone's so pissed about her 4.


Being able to burn people with the wrath of the sun sounds (and looks) fun.

Agreed. It feels like Solar version of Chaos Reach ( from Destiny 2 Forsaken ).

I like her kit so far but hope those Reservoir buffs can be collected from some distance. Lets be real , noone is gonna touch them to gain buffs.

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After watching the stream, there's a few basic problems with her kit that previous frames have encountered.

  • Harken back to Vauban's Mine-Layer: A lot of pressing and holding, which in turn wastes times, and is clunky.
    • Wisps Buffs: Same as Vauban's Mine Layer. Pressing and holding, and a lot more micromanagement of an ability.
  • Her 2 is Good, so long as it never trips alarms. Hopefully, it stays this way.
  • Her 3 is dependent on her 1, which means that you are inevitably going to have to utilize her clunky 1 ability to get the most out of it. It would be better if the 3 had a more independent side to it, in the event you can't properly place down your one.
  • Her 4 harkens back to the issues with Hildryn: Pressing 4, and being limited to slow movement, in a game in which said slow movement kills you. Imagine playing Risk of Rain 2, with no movement speed buffs on HAHAHA. Oh yeah, and her 4 is an LOS beam that deals the weakest damage type, Heat. Yeah, no thanks.

All in all, sort of a touch disappointed. However, she isn't released yet, so I am holding reservations. It seems to me like the lessons that should have been learned with what made Vauban annoying to play (as far as Quality of Life's go, not necessarily the Crowd-Control issue), and the issues with Hildryn's fourth, were not fully acknowledged or at least not acknowledged at a time at which is could be adjusted quickly and properly fixed.


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