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The Jovian Concord: Update 25


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Did you even look at this update before releasing? I understand some of the game bugs, but the back sigil for Wisp is jacked up because of her cloak-scarf thing. It was the first thing that I noticed when I was equipping the Truth Sigil for the Arbiters syndicate standing.

Also, did anyone actually test that fight? Mesa with her 95% damage reduction still gets one shotted by a laser. What is the point of that? I understand getting messed up by one, but seriously. Getting grabbed back to back to back is annoying as S#&$, I did not even have time to recover before he grabbed me again. Why? Timegating? You already timegated the boss with animation clips. Here's a thought, give the boss some health or serious shields that regenerate after taking x amount of damage, like that Spider bot in Orb Vallis. If anything he is a nuisance and I feel sorry for everyone that has to fight him for parts. I feel like you made this fight like this, to push players to pay platinum for Wisp.

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10 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

Why didn't you just modify how the Silver Grove drops rewards?

You've got bosses that drop their reward on mission completion, so why not just hit those Grove farmers by only giving them 1 mod on mission completion? You know, the same way your Ropalopalyst and Kela De Thaym drop rewards..

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On 2019-05-22 at 11:31 PM, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed Chesa Retrieve double dipping with Nekros’ Desecrate.
  • Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora.
    • **Added info: When we added the Nightwave challenge for the Silver Grove, we encouraged a return to content that normally would have been fine. A small handful of players found an exploit and as we looked into things, we thought we fixed the issue with the new Chesa behavior that could lead to problems. We didn't. We decided to cut a bit deeper. Ivara's looting ability is now the only one that stacks with other looting because it works while alive. If a target is dead, a successful loot now happens once, no matter the source. However, multiple can attempt to loot the same body. Yes... this is different from how it previously behaved, but this is the new intended behavior.

This is stupid. It's dumb beyond human comprehension.

Loot mechanics are interconnected with the entire game of Warframe, you can't just tinker with it without fixing the entirity of it.

You can't just throw random changes at interconnected things, that's basic game design 101, introduction in schools.

This isn't as complex as if it is intended or not, it is how it barely worked. Survival is a game mode highly affected by RNG.

  1. If enemy drops life support. Not a guaranteed chance. RNG rolls.
  2. If enemy even spawns, Survival quite often breaks and stops spawning enemies for a while, for unknown reasons.
  3. If enemy AI works in any meaningful way. Enemies tend to get stuck in their rails sometimes, spawning and standing behind a door hundreds of meters away from all players for no apparent reason.

If you intend to "fix" something, then please, proceed the fix everything else interconnected with it. Nerfing something that wasn't an exploit for years, but a feature without fixing all the bugs which made the players depend on that feature is just retarded.


So far this entire update is major disappointment. Unwanted warframe, uninteresting mods, underwhelming boss, random nerfs at core gameplay features required to play the game. This update is a stepback in every possible way.

First Nightwave, now this. I seriously need to quit this game, it doesn't get any better, just worse.

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The first real sort of sense of defeat I've ever faced since beta where I had to up my ante and switch up my tactics just a bit and really serves for a prelude to the war to come. Also, wanna note that this is my first post on the forums since my join in 2013 honestly, again, stunning work here.

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On 2019-05-22 at 11:31 PM, [DE]Megan said:


  • Fixed being unable to do anything with Mesa when Peacemaker is cast at the exact moment a ledge grab is attempted. 

Revenant suffers from the exact same problem (if you're "falling" nearby a ledge while Dansing, Revenant will try to grab it, resulting in the impossibility to cancel the Danse, you can't loot anything, you're basically doomed until you run out of energy, where you'll teleport back to said ledge to finally grab it), if that was fixed for Peacemaker I guess that could have been solved for Revenant's danse too.

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On 2019-05-23 at 5:31 AM, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed Chesa Retrieve double dipping with Nekros’ Desecrate.
  • Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora.
    • **Added info: When we added the Nightwave challenge for the Silver Grove, we encouraged a return to content that normally would have been fine. A small handful of players found an exploit and as we looked into things, we thought we fixed the issue with the new Chesa behavior that could lead to problems. We didn't. We decided to cut a bit deeper. Ivara's looting ability is now the only one that stacks with other looting because it works while alive. If a target is dead, a successful loot now happens once, no matter the source. However, multiple can attempt to loot the same body. Yes... this is different from how it previously behaved, but this is the new intended behavior.

it means we cant got same something from different skill even the same skill?just only a kind of desecrate can dipping something,now can nekros dipping Maintenance device in the survive mission ?

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Before this update, when using the tranq rifle, I could melee then use abilities or transference then right click and it would bring the tranq rifle back up.  Now it seems if I do the same thing it just brings my primary out and I am finding it very tedious to re-equip the tranq every time I need to stealth with Loki when doing captures for example.  I don't see this change listed in the patch notes either. 

Edit: Also noticed it is the same thing with scanners and that's extra annoying. Usually if I'm interrupted while scanning a quick melee spree clears the area and I can just right click and get back to business and now I have to scroll around my wheel every time. 

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16 hours ago, spiritzero3 said:

optimize the game please for low-end pc of 4gb ram DDR3 and intel HD Graphics 3000, not everyone have the money to buy better computers. less in venezuela. like me.

You should be able to get reasonable performance with dynamic resolution... Is your RAM dual-channel? That matters a lot with integrated graphics, two sticks of ram can almost double your performance sometimes.

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Can you make that stupid wisp scarf an auxiliary slot or something so players can turn it off? 100500 syandanas, cant use a single one on that warframe. Thats not why I spend money on syandanas :facepalm:




Also, did anyone actually test that fight? Mesa with her 95% damage reduction still gets one shotted by a laser. What is the point of that? I understand getting messed up by one, but seriously. Getting grabbed back to back to back is annoying as S#&$, I did not even have time to recover before he grabbed me again. Why? Timegating? You already timegated the boss with animation clips. Here's a thought, give the boss some health or serious shields that regenerate after taking x amount of damage, like that Spider bot in Orb Vallis. If anything he is a nuisance and I feel sorry for everyone that has to fight him for parts. 


You dont have to figh him as Mesa so you dont have to feels sorry for others because others arent that dense, getting rekt with one warframe and continuing to use it.

Other warframes exist. Idk why after having Eidolons and Orb mothers anyone is surprised thar anything but Rhino, Wukong, Chroma or Inaros or the likes of those would have easy time with those bosses.

He does stton of damage but thats all that is "difficult" about him (and those stupid electrified ropes that zip you even when youre NOWHERE near the electricity but meh).


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17 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

I feel insulted. Genuinly. 

Just how stupid do you guys think we are? Do you actually expect any human with a functional brain stem to believe this "reasoning"? 

"Oh, yeah, we were fixing a bug and then decided to make a huge, negative change to farming, because YOLO!!" Seriously, if you wanted to change this so much then you could've just made it an end of mission reward. Nope. We all know that's not what this is about. Nobody is going to believe that you just killed off Hydroid, made the Hema even more idiotic and made the game so much more grindy for the sake of that one farm/quest that everybody hates. 

Either something underhanded is going on, or somebody making decisions has absolutely no idea what they're doing. 

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Fixed loot augments: Now none of them work :clem:

I'm curious tho as to what the exploit with the Chessa was? I'm guessing it was something along the lines of shred the target to make as many body parts as possible. So Nekroses Desecrate would have as many targets as possible to do it's thing and then all four Chesa would also attempt to loot those parts. 

To which I wonder if that was the case, instead of gutting the loot augment synergies any further why not just give the Chessa the same treatment as any other frame? In that if a frame of that type has looted the target another frame of that type can not. EG If a Nekros has desecrated a target another Nekros can not desecrate the same target.

Also even tho Ivaras loot augment is now the literal only augment that stacks with any other loot augment NO ONE is going to put up with an Ivara in their loot group, outside of a group of Ivaras and since Ivaras augment is mutually exclusive with respect to other Ivaras..... it's still dead in the water outside of solo. Just sayin' 


I dunno this whole gutting the synergies thing just makes me want to ditch pretty any loot augment that isn't Nekros. I mean I guess it frees up a mod slot on my Khora so thanks I guess? 



Actually ya know I gave it a moment of think and Nekros is really the one getting jacked over here. Since Hydroid/Khora and I think Atlus(?) loot augments all resolve at the moment of death. Assuming that the prerequisite interaction is being met. So they all get first dibbles and Hydroid has a 100% chance, so he just gets-r-done. 

Which doesn't sounds so bad for Nekkykins until you think about the synergy between Despoil and Health Conversion. Which is one of the best ways to make your Nekros a tanky boi. Since like 80% the time when Nekros desecrates it returns not but a health orb, ok it's prolly not 80% but it sure feels like it lol. 

So now I'm conflicted as to who is getting the shortest end of the short stick. I mean besides Ivara holding tightly to the bottom rung of the ladder 😛



I think it really strikes me because it reminds me of the aspects I hate about the Profit Taker fight. Because of the damage cycling most of the time you're not fighting the Profit Taker with your team...... you just end up fighting your team. Which is what this change strikes me as, it took synergy that worked (but was probably inconvenient to code for) and turned it into a fight between the augments. 

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Kavat energy colour is current bugged. Also the Helminth Charger.

I assume from dual tone energy rework, now affecting Kavats but with no option to change it ourselves. As the last picture appears to be dual coloured.

I fixed my Helminth Charger through resetting one of the colour tones [accents] to a colour [i used singuarity black], then pressing the Undo button, caused the Kubrow to reset to its proper colour.







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hace 6 horas, Praxxor dijo:

You should be able to get reasonable performance with dynamic resolution... Is your RAM dual-channel? That matters a lot with integrated graphics, two sticks of ram can almost double your performance sometimes.

sadly. it's just one Card of Ram. and y deactivated everything and tweaked off all options because of the EXTREME FPS DROP but still laggy... and i even can't play 

i have one 4gb RAM card.

intel core i3 2310M 

intel hd Graphics 3000

Video Memory (Dxdiag): 1.6 GB

now i don't know what to activate and deactivate in video options. i play in full screen mode with the minimun resolution. all in minimun

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New game modes and content, pretty good, some bug fixes and it'll be lovely.

Main issue, colors are weirdly over-saturated, light is too light and dark too dark. Is this going to be fixed at some point, maybe we could have a classic button, really straining on the eyes.

The loot change, seriously DE, explanation makes no sense and farming is already hard enough.

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On 2019-05-23 at 12:55 PM, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

This just makes it seem worse.  Not only is DE showing contempt and disrespect toward the playerbase by lying about it being a bug, but you've also now indicated that multiple mechanics are being nerfed because of one single edge case.  If the 'problem' lies only within the Silver Grove, then just 'fix' that instead of ruining synergy across the entire game (not to mention ultimately rendering Chesa and Hydroid, already one of the least used frames, useless).

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On 2019-05-23 at 7:31 AM, [DE]Megan said:

However, multiple can attempt to loot the same body. Yes... this is different from how it previously behaved, but this is the new intended behavior

Does this mean we can desecrate a body 2+ times if we have 2+ nekros in the party?

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On 2019-05-22 at 3:31 PM, [DE]Megan said:


  • Removed self damage from Primary fire.


Look, I know DE"s ABSOLUTE FAVORITE past time is nerfing ember repeatedly, even after the fact, but how is she supposed to trigger her own passive now?


Can we just get a 100% status 100% pure heat damage glaive or something.


RIP my javlok riven.

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Can we get the quantity of owned parts back on top face level were there rarity is Speaking Just of the Extraction Reward screen as some times its picking what you don,t have that makes the choice.

Now you have to mouse over every one to find out how many you own in a timed window.

This is just made worse for newer players that don,t know the names of all of the items and are not keeping track of what items they still need along the same lines knowing if its for an item you have built would not hurt but that might be asking to much.

All i want if like the old extraction window had showing rarity bye color and quantity owned in the top left. Please DE


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On 2019-05-23 at 6:31 AM, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora.

  • **Added info: When we added the Nightwave challenge for the Silver Grove, we encouraged a return to content that normally would have been fine. A small handful of players found an exploit and as we looked into things, we thought we fixed the issue with the new Chesa behavior that could lead to problems. We didn't. We decided to cut a bit deeper. Ivara's looting ability is now the only one that stacks with other looting because it works while alive. If a target is dead, a successful loot now happens once, no matter the source. However, multiple can attempt to loot the same body. Yes... this is different from how it previously behaved, but this is the new intended behavior.


Farming Torroids was already the most boring and frustrating thing ever, even with 3 farm frames + 1 dps. It is plagued by poor spawning logic, which sometimes results in almost no enemies to kill even with 4 people and 4 reinforcement beacons and questionable drop rates. Farming for 30 min just to get 0-8 torroids in a such a team is just not satisfying, and thats only if it actually works for once, which 75% it doesn't. Now you nerfed it even more because you couldn't fix a competely unrelated and nich issue feels like a really cheap "fix".

Thats on top of the Mastery bug with the Kokage. Me being a bit salty is an understatement right now.


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