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The Jovian Concord: Update 25


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47 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

So not only we got a massive nerf to all aspect of farming materials but also were cut off from the only thing what keeps us floating when survival bugs out and produces low spawns.



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56 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

I think its ridiculous you are blanket nerfing a farming method that has been in the game for years because of an isolated cause. Why not just prevent the grove specters from dropping more than one instead of nerfing everything.

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3 hours ago, Chroia said:

((Remind me again why RNG crits exist, vs. headshot damage, headshot mult increase mods?))

That's because nothing that survives a bodyshot has a head in this game and the very rare cases when an enemy has a head and a reasonably high effective HP, they don't have a proper head hitbox to aim for. That's why.

You really wanted to be reminded to this? I prefer not remembering this.

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51 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

If the problem was specifically in regards to Silver Grove spectres, then why not make changes specifically to how many times the Silver Grove spectres could be rolled, instead of terminating the looting synergy for all content because of one of the more obscure pieces of content?

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firstly - thank you for your hard work and great updates lately, however, I'm not sure what caused it, but it seems my graphics settings in warframe after this Update have changed for the worse. Resolution doesn't match my laptop recommended (1920 x 800). Also to mention that once I went into my dojo, the graphics (edges, colors, blur) looked rather "goofy".
It's probably the loading textures thing, however, if I remember correctly, that wasn't happening before as well as other graphical elements being more bright than before.
That's all I really had to say, as I haven't actually played any missions, but still find it a bit disliking.
Thanks for any response.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

Arcane nerf 2.0..... this update was feeling so good and then I start seeing another "well it just fell in our lap so lets roll with it". 

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1 minute ago, DrSubEngi said:

firstly - thank you for your hard work and great updates lately, however, I'm not sure what caused it, but it seems my graphics settings in warframe after this Update have changed for the worse. Resolution doesn't match my laptop recommended (1920 x 800). Also to mention that once I went into my dojo, the graphics (edges, colors, blur) looked rather "goofy".
It's probably the loading textures thing, however, if I remember correctly, that wasn't happening before.
That's all I really had to say, as I haven't actually played any missions, but still find it a bit disliking.
Thanks for any response.


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vor einer Stunde schrieb [DE]Megan:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

What is the problem with combining the farm abilities of different frames? This looks like a really shady way of pushing people to buy resource boosters.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

To be honest, this is an awful reason to kill the synergy between those frames when it's worked well for so long. Change the Silver Grove stuff if you have to, but this is just a poor band-aid "fix" that is being passed off as a good thing when it's not.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

How about fix the way the specters work... I mean it's not like your loot tables aren't one of the worse aspects of the game, making them worse to handle is probably not the best idea. But hey, i'm sure you didn't bleed any players with Nightwave already, ostracizing people more is just gonna be better, it's not like Hema isn't still a meme and an example of how bad things can get with DE.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

This is an overreaction to the Silver Grove issue.  If the problem is the Silver Grove edge case, then address the specters, don't blanket-nerf frame abilities.

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Just now, Duobyte said:

Let's nerf the most common synergy for farming resources and say that it wasn't intended for several years. Here, we buffed fashion frame....

"Buffed"? It's actually so broken in so many glaring places (i mean prisma landers, at least 2 of the deluxe skins, Operator energy is wonky AF, and can't be previewed) i don't know how it got past QA. It's probably worse than when they removed it to "fix" with this patch.

But yeah, the desecrate synergies were one of the few things that made farming tolerable, and they have actually released one of the better synergies just recently with pilfering strangledome, only to make it useless again. Honestly, i don't know how they get decisions like this, Nightwave and Arbitrations past all the development process without someone going "hold up, this is kinda not going to be good"... I mean seriously, it's not hard to tell that these things won't do great.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

Then call it as it is: a Change, not a fix. And a knee jerk reaction to a minor issue which had a response that was blown way out of proportion, screwing over everyone else instead of fixing just the issue. Even with this "reason", I still wouldnt call this nerf justified. It's lazy.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb [DE]Megan:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

To me this looks more like the following:

After years of this working you suddenly decide you want to stretch out boring resource grind for longer but since you know this wouldnt go over well you tried to disguise it as a "fix". 

There has to be a point where a bug becomes a feature if you never bother to fix it and this definitely falls in that category. Have you put any thought in what this means for resource gathering? Because there are a number of resource grinds that are only bearable with the full roster of lootframes on top of resource boosters.

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23 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora.

  • **Added info: When we added the Nightwave challenge for the Silver Grove, we encouraged a return to content that normally would have been fine. A small handful of players found an exploit and as we looked into things, we thought we fixed the issue with the new Chesa behavior that could lead to problems. We didn't. We decided to cut a bit deeper. Ivara's looting ability is now the only one that stacks with other looting because it works while alive. If a target is dead, a successful loot now happens once, no matter the source. However, multiple can attempt to loot the same body. Yes... this is different from how it previously behaved, but this is the new intended behavior.


I see, got to make up the money from getting rid of dragon packs with resource boosters :clem:

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23 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

  • Increased Ephemera drop rate on Exploiter Orb from 6% category drop to 10% category drop.
  • Slightly increased the drop rate of the Seeding Step Ephemera and Aura Forma Blueprint in Arbitrations.

Thank you for the update DE. All the changes look great!!!


Also. Can you, please, do something similar for the blazing step? 1% drop chance after 25 minute run is not cool when you compare it to all others. Especially now.

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1 hour ago, AnFangs said:

If the problem was specifically in regards to Silver Grove spectres, then why not make changes specifically to how many times the Silver Grove spectres could be rolled, instead of terminating the looting synergy for all content because of one of the more obscure pieces of content?

Probably because the "exploit" as I think DE vaguely explained it was using Chesa's newer default ability to work alongside those looters and due to getting more items than the game thought natural, DE's auto response perma banned those players. This was more about the compromise to prevent such from happening again while de-teething looter abilities and making them compete against each other. Seems like according to DE Megan's response there, multiple Looter abilities are only intended going forward to offer range as far as synergy goes. But what its worth, I recall that someone said before that each of the abilities are allowed to attempt the same loot source, just only one is able to ever succeed. Just means pick your favorite. Hopefully the changes to survival to make air less common with fewer players and fewer as time goes on are tuned back at least.

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