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The Jovian Concord: Update 25


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5 hours ago, Oblivire said:


  • Removed self damage from Primary fire.

Why?  Javlok was already performing not terribly well, and while the other buffs help a bit, this removes any reason to use it with Ember.  It also makes her passive even more situational and unreliable than it already was-  If you're going to stick with this, then give her some innate fire resistance or something so that everything that procs her passive doesn't instantly kill her and render the passive useless. 

I also disagree with "fixing" the hydroid and nekros "bug", like many others.  It's been around for a very long time, so at this point it's more like removing a feature, than fixing a bug.  

The new boss fight is pretty cool, albeit buggy.  It's impossible to use squishy frames on in solo, as you just get killed during the cutscenes, and your screen can fade to black over and over like you're falling.  In solo the boss seems to be able to force you from operator into your frame, but online it just locks you from going back into your frame?  The mechanics with the operator regarding it feel very strange.  It's also not terribly intuitive at first, but pretty easy to get the hang of.  It would also be nice if the boss dropped like, 100 of the new resource, because farming it is very tedious.

Other than that, pretty good update!  The mods don't seem too amazing, but they look like they could be nice with the new frame.  I especially like the mod that gives lifesteal to Nikanas, as it's an excuse for me to use a melee other than Atterax or Hirudo.

my ember is dead : ( please revert the self damage DE or better yet make it a signature change for ember or just straight up let ember self ignite with a charged 1

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8 hours ago, LittlestMinish said:

DE the only reason anyone ever used the Javlok was to proc Ember's passive. Now that I can't do that I'm going to use this weapon less, not more. I like the other changes, but please let us continue lighting our foot on fire to get energy. Ember is already a weak frame relative to what is used in high-level content, do not give her another indirect nerf by removing a tool from her toolbox. With Vile acceleration, 3 60/60 mods, and a good status chance riven, I can get 100% status without killing myself to ensure I proc it. 


Now I automatically suicide if I proc fire with the alt-fire. No one was accidentally killing themselves with the Javlok. It was fine the way it was. Ember is fun because she's consistent, and it's actually really fun to abuse little niche mechanics such as this. Patching them out like this really sucks Please revert.

yea the javlok didn't do high self damage and now they removed this : ( we also know there are ways do both, make javlok a "signature" weapon of embers and bring the self damage back except for ember, we know they can do it implementation wise.

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17 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:



  • Fixed Chesa Retrieve double dipping with Nekros’ Desecrate.
  • Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora.

Please please please tell me you didn't just ruin the sole reason people still use Hydroid to """"fix a bug"""" that's been around for years now. Ruining Chesa was bad enough but seeing the fact that Desecrate doesn't stack with other farming frames actually baffles me, why in the world was this added? No one likes this, it was here for years, and now it's suddenly removed? DE please listen to us and revert these changes, no one wanted this and it just makes have to farm for a few extra hours whenever we want resources.

or correct me if i'm wrong because it is kinda vaguely worded but i'm pretty sure that's what it's saying.

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4 minutes ago, Duskztar said:

Please please please tell me you didn't just ruin the sole reason people still use Hydroid to """"fix a bug"""" that's been around for years now. Ruining Chesa was bad enough but seeing the fact that Desecrate doesn't stack with other farming frames actually baffles me, why in the world was this added? No one likes this, it was here for years, and now it's suddenly removed? DE please listen to us and revert these changes, no one wanted this and it just makes have to farm for a few extra hours whenever we want resources.

or correct me if i'm wrong because it is kinda vaguely worded but i'm pretty sure that's what it's saying.

looks like theres a bunch of unwanted changes, well at least two, in this patch, I hope DE becomes aware of them.

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17 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


So, this is the new direction for weapon-specific mods, replacing Kela's weapon mods (which replaced Syndicate augments)?

Don't love it (discontinuing but perserving the previous concept as-is gets problematic, mod slots are limited, band-aid mods), but I'm okay with it, generally.
The idea of cross-benefits is interesting.


17 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


Highly prefer this to the random packs, and the price-point seems reasonable.
That said, the crit pack is terribly ill-considered.
Given how the damage formula and the Damage 2.0 (and armor) work, crit is a multiplier you stack on top of your non-crit damage increases.

But even ignoring that, the crit pack is ludicrously sub-par:
* None of the mods included are hard to get.
* The only vanilla crit-related mod that's hard-to-get is Vital Sense which isn't included, and
* Crit chance without Crit damage is a poor damage-per-mod-point increase on anything with less than ~40%/x2.5 base stats (iirc?) over a 90% elemental, and
* Simple Elemental damage gains twice the benefit of a positive matchup, combined Elemental damage gains triple the effect, and all that's just straight damage, not factoring its double-dipping vis-a-vis armor, vs armor's %DR, on top of all of which,
* A single 90% elemental increases your total paper damage by x1.9 before crits, your best case for Point Strike (e.g. the Dread) increases your damage by ~x1.35 after crit, if it crits.

All this stems from how the mod system and damage system work, and I strongly recommend be looked at.

But until that happens, halve the price, or include the basic +%critdam mods.
(Alternatively introduce new "60/60" mods for crit chance/crit dam and sell those, but I'd call that a bad idea due to the all-or-nothing- nature of RNG crits.)
((Remind me again why RNG crits exist, vs. headshot damage, headshot mult increase mods?))


I quite like both the aesthetics and the traversal in the new Gas City.

No comment on anything else yet.

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17 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Travel to Ganymede, Jupiter and survive the all-new endless Disruption mode. Collect keys from fallen Amalgams to activate corresponding conduits, then protect the conduits from the Demolysts that will seek to destroy them. Each conduit will trigger a random player boon, environmental hazard or enemy buff. Test your strength against the Amalgams to earn new Weapons and new Mods. 

Note: We will be introducing this mode with a Clan Operation! The Node itself can only be played if you've completed the Natah Quest. 

1) Minibosses lead the way - beware the DEMOLYSTs. Defeating a miniboss is the key to progress - or failure. You have 4 terminals to defend each round. If a miniboss gets to the terminal and detonates, you lose that terminal. Pressure is on. Minibosses make themselves known.

2) Rewards - most endless (minus Arbitrations) have 'AABC' rotation, repeated endlessly. This mode gives you the flexibility to earn your reward tier based on performance. Perfectly defend all Terminals in the first round? Good stuff. This is a table of how it'll look:


Jesus, first you call it "conduit", then you call it "terminal", then you call it "artifact"? I might misunderstand, but that's how it reads.

Warframe as cryptic as always

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Melee still broken?

Well, that removes any interest I might have had in this update.


18 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

  • Fixed Chesa Retrieve double dipping with Nekros’ Desecrate.
  • Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora.

Why? Who asked for this?

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18 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


  • Added 100 Impact damage with 3m area-of-effect at end point of Primary fire.
  • Increased Alt Fire's tether range from 6m to 10m.
  • Increased tether's Status Chance from 33% to 50%.
  • Increased tether's Damage pulse from every 5 secs to every 2 secs.
  • Quick throw auto recall timer reduced from 20 to 10 secs.
  • Charged throw auto recall timer increased from 20 to 30 secs.

Looks like a Buff
but its a nerf
did anyone ask for this? I didnt.
the tether range is huge now. Okay. But its not pulling mobs together anymore. Why would anyone use this now? its useless now.
change it. Fix it.
i want my Ferrox back.

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This update did nothing with the content drought, you even took extra time to fix the bugs yet there are many of them that probably were already there before you released it.

The gamemode doesen't have any rewards that make it worth playing and it will be forgotten like the rest of them.

Cool, now try again.

Maybe next time you could actually try experimenting with engame content and scalling rewards. 😉



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In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

20 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora.

  • **Added info: When we added the Nightwave challenge for the Silver Grove, we encouraged a return to content that normally would have been fine. A small handful of players found an exploit and as we looked into things, we thought we fixed the issue with the new Chesa behavior that could lead to problems. We didn't. We decided to cut a bit deeper. Ivara's looting ability is now the only one that stacks with other looting because it works while alive. If a target is dead, a successful loot now happens once, no matter the source. However, multiple can attempt to loot the same body. Yes... this is different from how it previously behaved, but this is the new intended behavior.


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vor 15 Minuten schrieb [DE]Megan:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

Mmhh nerfing farming squads just because there are a few players farming the grove specters isn´t worth imo.
The change feels like: You are farming as a coordinated squad? To bad it´s now just as good as solo farming.

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11 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

Ivara's looting ability is now the only one that stacks with other looting because it works while alive. If a target is dead, a successful loot now happens once, no matter the source. However, multiple can attempt to loot the same body.

So... it sounds like it is still worth it to bring multiple looter frames, depending on the frames/loot chances. If, for example, Nekros's 54% chance on Desecrate does not produce loot on a given corpse, another frame can still re-roll the chances on that corpse (if I'm understanding that correctly). The difference appears to be that if a corpse does yield extra loot for anyone, then no one else can re-roll that corpse.

This change will still change the strategy, though. A maxed-out Pilfering Swarm gets a 100% chance of extra loot, so there won't really be any synergy between that and other looter frames.

Still seems disproportionate to deal with players exploiting just the Silver Grove specters. But it also doesn't seem as bad as I thought at first. Given the fact that this affects a very common farming strategy I think that at least the additional explanation should have been included in the first place.

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5 минут назад, Kenobi_000001 сказал:

Ivara's looting ability is now the only one that stacks with other looting because it works while alive. If a target is dead, a successful loot now happens once, no matter the source. However, multiple can attempt to loot the same body.

So... it sounds like it is still worth it to bring multiple looter frames, depending on the frames/loot chances. If, for example, Nekros's 54% chance on Desecrate does not produce loot on a given corpse, another frame can still re-roll the chances on that corpse (if I'm understanding that correctly). The difference appears to be that if a corpse does yield extra loot for anyone, then no one else can re-roll that corpse.

This change will still change the strategy, though. A maxed-out Pilfering Swarm gets a 100% chance of extra loot, so there won't really be any synergy between that and other looter frames.

Still seems disproportionate to deal with players exploiting just the Silver Grove specters. But it also doesn't seem as bad as I thought at first. Given the fact that this affects a very common farming strategy I think that at least the additional explanation should have been included in the first place.

chu mean maxed out Pilfering Swarm? its not dependant on strength for a looong time

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il y a 29 minutes, [DE]Megan a dit :

In relations to the Chesa/Desecrate fix, we have added more info behind the reasoning:

If the specters, an isolated case, were such a problem, just remove the ability to reroll their bodies with those abilities instead of nerfing a commun strategy to farm ressources.

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3 minutes ago, SilentMashiko said:

chu mean maxed out Pilfering Swarm? its not dependant on strength for a looong time

I just meant the maxed-out mod, since the chance is based on the rank of the mod. Maybe I should have said fully-ranked mod? Whichever you prefer.

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Pb Found!
For the problem of the display screen of the game is a conflict with the resolution scale under windows 10 switch 100% your desktop resolution scale to play cleanly while waiting for a hotfix I hope.
(especially for large scallops)
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