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Ivara was able to defend, now she can't.


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Ivara was able to cloak certain defense targets, which made her an all rounder warframe. Now the geniuses creators of: "I'm just gonna nerf the sh@#$t out of this", A.K.A: Digital Extremes; just decided to make Ivara complete useless to defend targets like cryopods or consoles.

See, this is why so many people is angry against DE decisions, they could've just grab the cloak arrow and make Ivara an amazing warframe by making the arrow cloak any defense target.

That would've add a lot more usefulness to the frame.

And for the people who's going to say that: "That would make her overpowered"

Overpowered? Really? The poor thing is squishier than a Mag, can't heal and barely can Crowd Control because the range of the sleep arrow isn't even that high.

The only thing where Ivara is useful is in conservation in the Vallis or the Plains, spy missions (and not even that because spy missions are easy as hell) and the VERY RARE defense missions where the defense target is a "Tenno Operative"


Edited by Haldos
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vor 11 Minuten schrieb (XB1)DavidRyder 74:

See, this is why so many people is angry against DE decisions,

There are not so many people angry with DE as it seem. The people in question are just very, very loud, as one can see by observing you.

The change was the right thing to do. Ivara was basically a modern infinite-HP-Snowglobe-spammer.

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Skippy575 said:

You should probably educate yourself before you start spouting off nonsense.


Oh rigggght, so the cryopod that has a person inside and that we are fighting to keep alive is not an ally, but an enemy CoilDrive in the Vallis IS a ally......... Right, so much sense (not)

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8 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

There are not so many people angry with DE as it seem. The people in question are just very, very loud, as one can see by observing you.

The change was the right thing to do. Ivara was basically a modern infinite-HP-Snowglobe-spammer.

Oh my, the fact that you actually think that the majority of the community is fine with DE's actions just makes me think more and more about how the white knights are ruining the game.

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22 minutes ago, (XB1)DavidRyder 74 said:

Oh my, the fact that you actually think that the majority of the community is fine with DE's actions just makes me think more and more about how the white knights are ruining the game.

DE's actions are overall good. That's why you keep playing the game instead of giving up. That's why so many bad threads arise,out of frustration. And by "ruining the game", what do you mean? That we should bring back the stamina bar since all change is bad? That the game should have stayed in Alpha and never progressed into what it is and will be? Not all change is good, not all change is bad, and none of us is an authority over what's right and wrong until the future actually happens.

These are opinions. You are entitled to yours, but "ruining the game" is a very subjective thing. An example of a fact is: "Adapt, or don't play. For every thing I don't like others will join and like, keeping the game alive and thriving". That's all there is to it, really.

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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15 minutes ago, (XB1)DavidRyder 74 said:

Oh my, the fact that you actually think that the majority of the community is fine with DE's actions just makes me think more and more about how the white knights are ruining the game.

Bit of advice, never say that you speak for "the silent majority" because you can't prove it. It just makes you look like you're grasping at straws. Defend your position with actual reason, not "I think that all of these other people agree so I must be right".

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14 minutes ago, (XB1)DavidRyder 74 said:

Oh my, the fact that you actually think that the majority of the community is fine with DE's actions just makes me think more and more about how the white knights are ruining the game.

neither of you has a point, so stop trying to make yourself a winner here. 

the change made sense, whether you agree with it or not. spending 25 energy or less to make a mission completely unfailable should never be intended. she is a very versatile and this hardly impacts her in any way. stop throwing a tantrum and acting like the world is over and move the hell on  

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37 minutes ago, (XB1)DavidRyder 74 said:

Oh my, the fact that you actually think that the majority of the community is fine with DE's actions just makes me think more and more about how the white knights are ruining the game.

Oh my - because people don't agree with you and aren't frothing at the mouth over a change they are white knights?

Take a break bud.  I really hope that 74 in your name isn't indicative of your birth year, because you're out here acting 12. 

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I can understand the change since it was causing problems with AI and assuming they couldn't get enemies to aggressively attack players while the pod was invisible.

Can't say I ever cloaked a pod because I play Ivara offensively, going for a crowd control, heavy damage and long invisibility time setup. She's my main go to for Hydron and MOT but also shines at a lot more especially around a Limbo. 

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16 minutes ago, (XB1)DavidRyder 74 said:

Oh my, the fact that you actually think that the majority of the community is fine with DE's actions just makes me think more and more about how the white knights are ruining the game.

I think the majority of the community don't care about DE's actions or don't really know as much as people on the forums think DE would know. I would say if you take the active player base and then see how many people post on something like Reddit or this forum, you'll find it's a very small percentage.

DE usually do a pretty good job. Barring definitely a couple of exceptions (Ember several times, Desecrate/PilferMod changes + a few others), you'll find DE usually end up doing better most of the time. Hell, I would actually take the nerf to Hydroid's 4 Augment if it means that Hydroid gets a proper look and rework so that he actually becomes used since even Hydroid players at this point have basically said the only reason to bring Hydroid is his 4. I 'Main' Khora and at least she's still very usable without her Pilfering Dome. 

Take Nezha rework, for example. I will admit, I was against it. I thought Nezha was fine. One rework later, and while I do play Nezha far less often, Nezha now gets far more play from the rest of the community. This was a win overall for the community. 

If we take other reworks, such Nyx's, Titania's and Zephyr's, people generally agree these fixes are in the right direction but haven't gone nearly far enough to complete it and in the end feel more or less abandoned rather than actually got a proper rework. They certainly still need work, but they are better than they were once. Just still not good enough. 

Now let's take Ivara. I thought it was pretty clear that this was unintended. We have Warframes like Nyx, Frost and Vauban who are meant to specialize in defending Pods. They certainly require more than 25 base energy to defend Pods. Even if we don't use those three, we have many better options obviously also however they were the first three that came to mind. 

51 minutes ago, (XB1)DavidRyder 74 said:

The only thing where Ivara is useful is in conservation in the Vallis or the Plains, spy missions (and not even that because spy missions are easy as hell) and the VERY RARE defense missions where the defense target is a "Tenno Operative"

If you think that, then it's either one of two things, either of which I cannot argue with really since I don't play Ivara that much. But we'll go with the assumption you're correct here: If that's the case, then shouldn't Ivara get buffed/reworked in a way that makes it so she is more than just a 'Press 1 at the Cryopod and just make missions unlosable'?

Since the cloak still works with Sortie Defence and, more importantly, Arbitration Defence, that actually is pretty valuable. Especially when/if Arbitration Defence gets buffed so that we can either clear waves quicker or rewards happen more often. Especially since if I recall, Arbitration Operatives can't heal and only have one life which would make her pretty invaluable. Especially since Invisibility > CC (especially where Arbitration Drones are concerned.)

Either way, I feel according to that statement, Ivara can definitely do more than some frames, such as Vauban, Nyx and Wukong for example, who everyone agrees needs a rework...


53 minutes ago, (XB1)DavidRyder 74 said:

But hey, after what you're going to do with poor Wukong

Oh... ah... what? Current Wukong doesn't bring anything to the table. At all. This is the same post right where you just said Ivara doesn't bring much to the table but then claim that DE is going to ruin Wukong, a Warframe that doesn't actually bring anything at all. 

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Sometimes, I go on this subsection of the forums, and I see 7 different threads complaining/arguing about the same thing, per day. So it got me thinking "if this many players are agreeing on a certain topic, and want something to be fixed/changed/improved, why doesn't DE listen to players' feedback?". Then I see a thread like this, and then I understand why.

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il y a une heure, KaijuKraid a dit :

If we take other reworks, such Nyx's, Titania's and Zephyr's, people generally agree these fixes are in the right direction but haven't gone nearly far enough to complete it and in the end feel more or less abandoned rather than actually got a proper rework. They certainly still need work, but they are better than they were once. Just still not good enough. 

I would agree with this, but in fact these three frames did not get absolutely nothing. Unlike Nezha, these three DE only added what was originally supposed to be, but they did not improve them at all. 

To be honest, I do not understand the meaning of this topic. Ivara - this is the frame that has been in order since the release. The fact that she is not able to hide objects, hildryn also can not protect them with their 3, although they have shields. This is a game convention with which I more or less agree.

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il y a 8 minutes, Blexander a dit :

Sometimes, I go on this subsection of the forums, and I see 7 different threads complaining/arguing about the same thing, per day. So it got me thinking "if this many players are agreeing on a certain topic, and want something to be fixed/changed/improved, why doesn't DE listen to players' feedback?". Then I see a thread like this, and then I understand why.

Do you know what madness is?

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3 hours ago, KaijuKraid said:


Oh... ah... what? Current Wukong doesn't bring anything to the table. At all. This is the same post right where you just said Ivara doesn't bring much to the table but then claim that DE is going to ruin Wukong, a Warframe that doesn't actually bring anything at all. 

I think he means nerfing the Last Immortal's immortal ability and not so much his other current useless abilities. But tbh, his rework isn't looking like it's really going to be worth it as Harrow can give reworked cloud walker to the entire squad (without increased mobility), and his 1 is a super budget mirage. His 4 is looking promising though.


30 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:


You still have to use multiple abilities. And if we're talking indefintely to the point that you won't be quickly killing enemies anymore, rift surge will also be required.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

The misinformation is strong here....

It's very strong misinformation.  

I just love it when people who barely play or understand a frame try to complain about some changes or fixes to said frame.  If OP really played Ivara even half as much as I do, then he would have known that it was a quite recent bug that Ivara could cloak the pods in the first place.  

I have been aware of every Nerf or change that Ivara has had since she was added to the game.  And none of those so called "nerfs" were factors to true Ivara players.  

Edited by DatDarkOne
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The problem is, poor use of words on the update 25.0.8 notes, and many users don't feel like reading through hundreds of replies within the update topic.

On 2019-05-31 at 3:15 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed Ivara’s Cloak arrow functioning on Defense objectives, leaving enemies unable to find it.

Lots of other users still say it still functions on defense target that moves, like Operative ally. This is mostly where a whole lot of disagreement comes from. Poor use of words. More like it should say "Cryopads" or something more specific.

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