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The Jovian Concord: Hotfix 25.1.2 +


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1000 micro-optimizations? That's a whole mini-optimization!


Made alt-tab to Borderless Warframe re-acquire the mouse immediately (like Fullscreen).

This is a huge game-changer for me, not having to click to refocus before I can type or move. This is borderline grounds for 25.2.0 right there.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

The Jovian Concord: Hotfix 25.1.2

Relic UI Changes & Fixes:

  • Tweaked the alpha of the Unowned Relic grid to 40% from 25% to increase differentiation between owned / unowned.
  • Upon selecting an unowned Relic, the Refinement button will now read ‘You Do Not Own This Relic’ to alleviate Refinement possibility confusion.


Seriously, I don't see any benefit from putting these into our screens. Just more clutter making it harder to find what you want to in the limited time you have to refine. Please just remove them from the list.

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Thanks again for another update / hotfix. The implementation of fixes and changes that help benefit the Warframe experience are all greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, I don't see any mention of fixes and solutions for the following bugs and issues in the update notes, so I will assume they haven't been addressed and offer this constructive and polite reminder.

- Broken animations and fx / sfx for Sarpa if attack speed is modded too high.

- Loss of functionality of Exalted melee weapons when playing as a Client.

- Completing Cyanex research removes 17k xp from Clan xp progress (confirmed this myself).

- Completing Komorex research removes 20k xp from Clan xp progress (reported by other players).

- Host migrations on Defense missions can randomly reset some player scores to zero while leaving one player's scores intact. This happens after players elect to leave or stay for the next set of waves.

- Host Migrations NOT "pausing" the game at times, wherein enemies will still attack and do damage to the player. This has been an issue for years and it can be game-breaking.

- Host Migrations sometimes resulting in a failed mission with a loss of all rewards and pickups.

- Garuda's Talons resetting to inactive / un-deployed position after performing a stealth kill when no other melee weapon is equipped.

- Weapons glitching occasionally when Baruuk switches out from Serene Storm.

- Nitain being locked behind Nightwave credits and a very unreliable reward system (Sabotage & Cetus Bounty, the latter only when Ghouls are present).

- Prosecutors fail to spawn on Exterminate, Survival and Defense nodes on Ceres.

- Most Arch-guns being mediocre in comparison to regular, high MR ranged weapons when used as ground weapons.

- Loss of sfx for Baruuk's orbiting daggers when they transfer to other players when playing as a Client.

- When Serene Storm is active, right-clicking switches out from his Desert Wind exalted melee to the last ranged weapon used, forcing players to switch back to Desert Wind.

- Nekros Shadows being affected by Renewal, thus posing a massive and unreasonable energy drain on Oberon players.

- Nyx, Vauban and Wukong being underwhelming and almost completely out-classed by meta damage 'Frames such as Saryn, Mesa, Volt, Equinox, etc.

- Saryn, Mesa, Volt, Equinox and Mag still being arguably non-coop friendly by being able to dominate / nuke small defense maps with ridiculous ease. All players should be able to contribute and participate in missions in meaningful ways, not be bored to tears because someone decided to delete most of the enemies for everyone with a powerful and easy to spam ability.

- Ability to turn Banshee's Soundquake on and off quickly and repeatedly, generating pulses of high damage that can readily and easily clear small maps.

- Spin 2 Win dominating melee due to Maiming Strike being always available while conferring massive bonuses to an easily spammable attack move capable of rapidly clearing maps. Maiming Strike being made reliant on Channeling to circumvent this...when?

- The Wolf of Saturn Six being a boring bullet-sponge and gear-check enemy that punishes players for head-shotting and who rewards us for our troubles with a sub-par drop table that has mods you can easily get anywhere else. Yes he's "weaker" now...but he's still a boring sponge that requires little skill but substantial effort to neutralize. A Nox is a more interesting and reasonable opponent than the Wolf. I mention this because we know he will be back at some point.

- Energy colors being bugged / broken for certain Warframes, weapons, accessories, and abilities. You're getting there though!

- Arguably lackluster rewards for Arbitrations.

- Domestik aka "Corpus Roomba" - a mobile cosmetic - costing significantly more than a Sentinel. 100p for something that does nothing but run around? When 75p gets you a Sentinel with a weapon and abilities? Try 35 - 50p.

Also, it would be really appreciated if you all could:

- Allow us, if it's possible, to opt out of certain Warframe abilities (such as Volt's Speed and Limbo's Rift portals) via a game preference toggle. We can turn off Octavia's sounds for other players because of how intrusive they can be, so why not potentially intrusive abilities? Not everyone wants to be Banished or wind up running around like a Russian Dwarf Hamster on meta-amphetamines. Win-win for all, with no need for a player to have to "manually opt out" by rolling / dodging every time an intrusive ability is activated and winds up adversely affecting said player.

- Buff fashion frame / customization a bit and give us a color wheel picker to choose colors from. Grey out color blocks on the wheel that are associated with pallets that a player doesn't own.

- Bring back manual blocking for melee. Because 1. stances and a couple of mods use blocking and 2. auto-blocking can be really inconvenient and irritating.

- Make Ogris fun again and give it a semi-auto trigger. Make the rockets only detonate after they've traveled 6m (at least), for obvious safety reasons.

- Bring back regular Alerts for players that either can't or don't want to deal with Nightwave. We players appreciate having options and Nightwave hasn't been new player friendly.

- Lower the credit cost to build Ephemera to 10k credits and drop the resource costs by 90%. It's a purely cosmetic item that does nothing but leave footprints / trails that disappear after a few seconds. Also, if these are supposed to be a prestige item / badge of honor...they need to be a GUARANTEED reward when reaching a particular milestone. If not, lower the grind needed to acquire them please.

Thanks for reading. No, I couldn't care less if certain points I've made here are unpopular or not. Yes, I know this is a hot-fix.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the Javlok Amalgam Mod and Reflection Mod stacking in an unexpected multiplicative way.

Of course, something new, niche and actually fun for once...NERFED! 
RIP Manual block
RIP Guardian Derision

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The numerous "optimizations" reduced visual quality and fidelity of the game. It seems like the graphics look less detailed and 'worse' in general.

This is the third time in my history as a Warframe player that I notice that "optimizations" ruin the look and feel of the game.
Everything looks more cartoonish and less realistic, syandanas look odd, weapon elemental FX seems less detailed and there is a weird feeling that tilesets have less polish and look 'dead'. Edges also look more jagged in general.

There are plenty of options in the game to reduce detail level, please stop shafting high end PC owners just to cater to potato PC's and console users.

Potato PC users should learn to take advantage of Dynamic Resolution Scaling.
Add more options, don't reduce the detail ceiling for everyone please.  :(

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2 minutes ago, JujuHex said:

The numerous "optimizations" reduced visual quality and fidelity of the game. It seems like the graphics look less detailed and 'worse' in general.

This is the third time in my history as a Warframe player that I notice that "optimizations" ruin the look and feel of the game.
Everything looks more cartoonish and less realistic, syandanas look odd, weapon elemental FX seems less detailed and there is a weird feeling that tilesets have less polish and look 'dead'. Edges also look more jagged in general.

There are plenty of options in the game to reduce detail level, please stop shafting high end PC owners just to cater to potato PC's and console users.

Potato PC users should learn to take advantage of Dynamic Resolution Scaling.
Add more options, don't reduce the detail ceiling for everyone please.  😞

Or atleast make it an option to toggle on and off, for thoose with worse pc's

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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Made alt-tab to Borderless Warframe re-acquire the mouse immediately (like Fullscreen).

Amazing, now to resolve the issue where the paste shortcut stops working after alt-tabbing under unknown circumstances. Current workaround it to change video settings to reinitialize the video system. (Or maybe it was the same piece  of code   that caused both issues...)

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Wisp Teleport UI

Hello DE Dev team, if at all possible would you be able to turn wisp's 3rd ability (Breach Serge) into a held one that displays all her reservoirs? I started thinking about how Nidus can see all his larva with his 1st ability (Virulence) and got excited. I feel like it could be a good quality of life change for the ability. Thanks for reading this message, I look forward to see what kind of replies/responses come from the idea.

Have a nice day.

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