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Warframes you like but most people dislike


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Limbo. Cause he's awesome.

And apparently people are starting to hate Loki, cause he's still a god, but he's not had a rework to his godhood ever, and people are bored (which doesn't mean he's bad, but leave it to Warframe players to translate "boredom" to "terrible frame"). So, Loki.

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Oberon, the money frame. His parts are all over the place, people usually just trade him in for cash.

Limbo, my goto stealth frame for spy missions and interception frame for the void. 

But these frames currently have less playtime because of my current fav Hildryn. She is a beast. I'm sure she gets tweaked and will be even better over time and reworks/augments. 

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7 hours ago, (PS4)thowed said:

Vauban and Hydroid (even when not resource farming).  I don't think Mag qualifies.  Some people might not know how to play with her but most people that know about the game respect her.  Most of the Mag hate comes from noobs or people you can tell are young.

I run Pilfer Hydroid instead of Boner Boi, I occasionally take out Mag just because she's fun. I think Gara is my go-to tank frame.

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I like Atlas and interested to see his prime soon .

We have ran high level endless survival for infested , take atlas with hus augment mod and close off a hallway or room and just kill them through the gaps and chill lol.

I think most people who play rhino dont know how to keep stacking his iron skin using iron clad charge and iron shrapnel.

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9 hours ago, T.Hoagie said:

I dunno why people don't like Valk, she is literally one of my mains, and if a mission is too outright nasty I will use her to tank my way through it. Like the Wolf of Saturn six mission at the end of Nightwave season 1, the enemies did A LOT of damage, so I used my Valk prime to get through that. Her biggest problem is her energy consumption with Hysteria, at least IMO.

I made an 'Eternal Assault' build on mine. Combine Eternal War and Hysterical Assault for maximum damage, then slap on a double Arcane Energise just to keep up the energy supply. 


5 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:


  • Ash. I've been noticing him gain popularity, but I still see a lot of salt over the removal of his one-button-godmode. Honestly, the only time I dislike taking Ash is when enemies are below Lvl50 because, well, he's just too strong for that. Tons of Bleed and Finisher damage make him incredibly lethal, and he's a quick boy to boot.

Ash is my go-to for whenever I need to do Plains Bounties. Bladestorm makes short work of anything and combines beautifully with Arcane Trickery. 

Fatal Teleport and a Covert Lethality dagger take care of everything else.

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Limbo. In my opinion he's one of the best frames. First of all his kit has a god like feeling. I mean deciding the plane of everyone's very existence? Then there's stopping time. One of the best superpowers you can have. On top of everything there's rift torrent. I've seen 1999.5% damage buff in kuva survival when once I caught a lot of enemies in rift by casting a big a** cataclysm. I don't run overextended tho and only transient as strength mod. Anyone who knows how to play him (obviously not casting a bubble on mobile defence objective and sitting in it) will find him very powerful. Only problem with him is arbitration drones. You come out of rift to banish some a**holes but suddenly a drone appears out of nowhere and wastes your 3 sec invulnerability from rolling guard.

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Wukong (yes, even pre-rework) and Nezha (the epitome of jack-of-all-trades)

Might be partly due to nostalgia because these are well known characters from stories I loved as a kid, but I did find them fun.


Also Mirage, though I think people just kind of forget she exists.  Why aim when you can just throw a wall of bullets at everything?

Edited by RushBCyka
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Mag is very powerful now she better than she used to be over all, by alot, her previous form was a one truck pony that worked against one faction...  I don't think she is in the most don't like category anymore... If she is then mag for me too she's one of my favorite frames she is one of the most powerful offensive frames in the game if you know what your doing.

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7 hours ago, As4500 said:

Nezha just Nezha he is just everything good about crazy and fun can and have pushed to level 260's but died after that cuz nullifier, he is ridiculously fun to play and love him to bits😁

Agreed. Dude is my go-to for all things. Fast, fun, reliable, and when the going gets tough, I can survive and CC EVERTHING, just as long as I don't run into a nullifier. But, with 3 seconds of invincility and an explosion when Warding Halo runs out, I just recast it since he never runs out of health or energy -- debuffing myself and the team in the process with my flame trail because I'm so damn fast. Then I nuke everything regardless of level with my 4 and 2, and the Reaping Chakram augment, bringing everyone to max health and energy in the process, and making me even more unkillable with Health Conversion. Nezha is honestly, by far, my favorite frame and the most fun to me. Even Volt, and I'm sure the reworked Wukong (hopefully today on console) can't match up, as fun as they are. Can't wait for his prime in December/January. Also can't wait for running man frame, since I love speed. Nezha will still be tops though, too much versatility and fun not to be my favorite.

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I am kind of going on what others have posted, so here I go.

  • Banshee. Soprana skin is amazing and Savage Silence is deafening.
  • Valkyr. There are many tanks, but the angry feral cat with claws that give Freddy Krueger and Wolverine run for their money. I love abilities that allow me to rally, therefore Hysteria belongs to my absolute favourites.
  • Ember. I have not played her in a while, but the first time I saw her she ignited the flame of love in my heart. I enjoyed the frame and WoF later until she was gutted and she had no way to rival any other frame in any regard.
  • Vauban. Same as Ember, but I like the concept and style. CC is actually very good and keeps him afloat.
  • Atlas. The titan that carried the world on it's shoulders. The Rocky and Saitama of Warframe. I rocked the punching for quite a while and I was pleased with his performance as tank. Especially being immune to knockdown since I like melee and don't spend hours optimizing my gear to the full which sometimes leaves me in bad spots.
  • Zephyr. She was a gem half way to glory. Once I got more frames her use was reduced, but I liked her still do just haven't played. Her abilities are actually solid and I love the extra maneuverability she allows.
  • Nezha. He was mentioned, I liked him before he got his rework, and even more since he got it. Another one left gathering dust mostly, but I liked firewalker and ice skating he provided.
  • Nyx. Interesting frame, she was my second Warframe. She's absolutely mental.
  • Frost. Took a while before I got him, but I liked him a lot. Versatile warframe, but many say he is overshadowed by other frames. Doesn't make him any less chilling for fun to use.
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Revenant. He's good at almost everything. His entire skill set is useful even in multiplayer games. People will try to persuade you otherwise (especially about Enthrall)! He especially starts to shine when enemies start to be hard to kill!

He's well hated for sure!

He can be a bit strange to play. Even I forget things I could do with him at a given moment! Also he's less of an Eidolon frame than an all-around sentient-abled frame.

P.S. Eidolon Ephemera matches him well!

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14 hours ago, WH1735S0W said:

- Mag: I am aware she is not as powerful as before, however she is still very powerful. Pulling enemies into cliffs never gets old, and that gorgeous deluxe skin.

I was tempted to try and talk about Mag too...

Then I took her into last night's sortie, to see if Mag could really put her money where her mouth creepy golden lips are. The challenge: lvl100 Eximus Stronghold Interception

I was getting kills to be sure, but Mag was dieing just as quickly as the enemies. Shield Polarize didn't really help at all, since Eximi as a whole don't care about Blast damage and will easily rip through 450 shields. Crush could stop an enemy's hack but left her wide open to bullets in the buttocks. Magnetize was her best power in there, and unless she was surrounded by bubbles I was just getting picked off from every direction

I really can't blame my teammates last night for all running Mesa Prime to get more work done for less effort

10 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:
  • Baruuk. I feel like peeps are just mean when it comes to this guy. Yes, he has a couple of weaknesses, and yes he's basically got one rarely-used ability on most builds. But he's really solid in all standard content and is an absolute beast in the DR and damage departments outside of his manageable weaknesses.

Agreed, those complaints about Baruuk sound very shallow and hypocritical. Sure, no one uses his Elude, but when was the last time a Mesa player used Ballistic Battery? I haven't seen anyone as Mesa press the 1 key since I last gave it a shot in 2016

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well here is my two-penny..

1) Nezha: I like Nezha better than rhino... there, i said it... he is slightly better damage dealer, good tank (the invulnerability at the end of warding halo, makes it better than iron skin), 4th ability does CC like rhino stomp, but with the chakraam, it does much more damage than rhino.

2) MAG: my girl.... my starter frame, and after 6 frames later (including some community favorites like rhino, frost, oberon) still my main. I have not played above lvl 100 yet, but upto that, no problem, strip the armor, kill them with butter knife..... survivalbilly is a problem, yes, at very high levl, but people took her for 20 + minute solo MOT run. 

3) limbo: Here the account is not first hand, as I have not yet tried him; but my best friend have, and soem people who aborts at the sight of him, I actually like and love him.....especially while playing a rather 'squishy' frame like mag. get banished and kill without consequence. 

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See a lot of Limbo in this thread. He is almost always the very first frame I play each day - I run Hieracon with him for that initial injection of 50,000 Credits. I also run Index with him. He makes many, many things so very easy.

Also, Ember. *Shrugs* She's still my first choice for fissures up to Saturn. I'm currently testing Day Equinox against her, and it's still a toss-up. So far, Equinox seems to be generally better at Exterminates, while Ember is better at other mission types...

Also see quite a few Mirages here. She's permanently second on my loadout list, and is still my most-used frame on my profile. Paired up with my Astilla, she hits like a rocket-propelled bulldozer, and she is still my first choice for many high level void fissures. Plus, she looks bloody good.

Mag was my starter frame. I like her. There's a bit of a learning curve to get the best out of her, but she's actually pretty powerful.

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34 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

when was the last time a Mesa player used Ballistic Battery? I haven't seen anyone as Mesa press the 1 key since I last gave it a shot in 2016

I don't really play Mesa, but when I do I love using Ballistic Battery. It's got some risk/reward, with a satisfying payoff reliant on precise aim and timing... whiiiich is completely undercut by the fact that you can release it within Peacemaker, making the shot a guaranteed hit and removing what I find fun about it.

But yeah, seldom-used abilities are pretty common on even the most popular of frames. Switch Teleport on Loki, BB on Mesa, Smite on Oberon, Rhino's Dash (outside of specifically buffing his Iron Skin), Spectral Scream and Effigy on Chroma. List goes on. People just being mean to Baruuk.

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2 hours ago, Mr.SpookSpook said:

Gara? Don't see many ppl play her, as most have no idea how OP she can be with the right build.

I think it has to do with her initial nerf. They made her 4 go from amazing to absolute garbage. Later they did buff it again to add scaling potential and now it's good again. Even still there are people who dont know how it works and think it's a weak front's bubble.

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