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I was redownloading this game but. . .


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After i downloaded about seven gigabytes i opened my browser, entered Youtube to watch few videos before my workout, and there was a video in my recommendation list that showed a famous Warframe youtuber, getting perma banned for exploiting an "in game bug".
I was like "what?" and i deleted all the files again.
There are many players who like to speedrun games by exploiting in game bugs in order to finish the game as soon as possible. This is the programmers fault not the players fault. Many times i encountered bugs myself like infinity ammo, infinity energy, stack in animations, zero damage from enemies but i didn't record them because i don't have a gaming youtube channel. In my opinion to perma ban a player because he took advantage of a bug is too much. If you want to ban someone fire the programmer or close the area where the bug apeared or even close the game untill the bug is fixed. These rules are a bit overdone. Also i don't want to sound like a bad guy but there are many people complaining in the internet i am not imaginating things up.

I did not name and shame or violate any rules here because i just shared my opinion about something. So i hope this thread won't get ninja deleted. Peace :P

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3 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

There are many players who like to speedrun games by exploiting in game bugs in order to finish the game as soon as possible. 

If you have to cheat are you really speed-running? People don’t get perma-banned for small things.

Edited by krc473
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Given it's fairly obvious what you're talking about.

The exploit in question is entirely on the player. You couldn't have, upon doing it a couple of times, thought it's intended behaviour. Continuing to do it is exploiting, creating a macro to do it faster is massively abusing an exploit.

And not only did they do that, but they then made a video about it to tell everyone how to do it.

A company has every reason to disassociate with a 'partner' who does that, and enact punitive measures.

Just now, (PS4)Apoleon_amarr said:

Any% speedruns are more entertaining imo

I know it's off topic, but I can't stand any% speedruns. They're interesting to see occasionally, knowing about the skips and such, but when it reaches the point where people are just running around outside the map to the next boss area... why would I want to watch that?

Edited by DeMonkey
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5 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

Many times i encountered bugs myself


6 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

list that showed a famous Warframe youtuber, getting perma banned for exploiting an "in game bug".

Emphasis added. 

If you can't figure out the difference between the two situations, then there's probably not a significant loss if you choose to not play, is there? 

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8 minutes ago, krc473 said:

If you have to cheat are you really speed-running? People don’t get perma-banned for small things.

Rush the video at 4:45 if the bug is because of games bad design you should not be banned. If you hack the game yourself then you should be banned.


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29 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

After i downloaded about seven gigabytes i opened my browser, entered Youtube to watch few videos before my workout, and there was a video in my recommendation list that showed a famous Warframe youtuber, getting perma banned for exploiting an "in game bug".
I was like "what?" and i deleted all the files again.
There are many players who like to speedrun games by exploiting in game bugs in order to finish the game as soon as possible. This is the programmers fault not the players fault. Many times i encountered bugs myself like infinity ammo, infinity energy, stack in animations, zero damage from enemies but i didn't record them because i don't have a gaming youtube channel. In my opinion to perma ban a player because he took advantage of a bug is too much. If you want to ban someone fire the programmer or close the area where the bug apeared or even close the game untill the bug is fixed. These rules are a bit overdone. Also i don't want to sound like a bad guy but there are many people complaining in the internet i am not imaginating things up.

I did not name and shame or violate any rules here because i just shared my opinion about something. So i hope this thread won't get ninja deleted. Peace :P

Do you know this is not a single player game but it's a "co op horde looter shooter"? Cheating means damaging in game economy. Have fun finding a game where you can use cheats and bugs...

Edited by bibmobello
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Warframe is an online MMO, where the game is based around the capability to interact with other players and has monetary transactions that revolve around real-world money. Exploits are heavily regulated by the devs to A) limit the impact to gameplay one player may have over another player, and B) limit the impact to the real-world money transaction process. In single player games these issues are near non-existant so exploits are not as regulated. That is why the overwhelming majority of Any% speedruns are on singleplayer games, and any speedruns involving MMOs (such as raid boss clears, etc) have minimal, if any, exploitative glitching compared to the amount that we see in single player Any% speedruns.

Edited by (XB1)Furious Kaiser
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There is a difference between finding/using a bug and exploiting one. As well there is a massive difference between exploiting bugs in a single player/offline game and an online coop game.

There has been plenty of precedent for people receiving punishments for exploiting bugs ranging from temporary bans to outright permanent ones. As well this is not uncommon among other online games to ban people for knowingly exploiting bugs.

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24 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

Rush the video at 4:45 if the bug is because of games bad design you should not be banned. If you hack the game yourself then you should be banned.


You post a video of a single player mostly offline game when complaining about how exploiters are treated in an online co-op game.

I could quote Hector from Borderlands 2, because you've definently mined that shaft to the fullest.

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24 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

Rush the video at 4:45 if the bug is because of games bad design you should not be banned. If you hack the game yourself then you should be banned.

the difference is that. one is a multiplayer game where there are rewards that you need to earn not through exploits. and one is a solo player game where you don't effect anyone else.

its why mods for games like CSGO where you can see enemies through walls are looked down on. while mods for sky rim are looked positively on.

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37 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

I know it's off topic, but I can't stand any% speedruns.

any% speedruns open room for discovery. usually a lot more room to optimize the run. and keeps older games alive with speed runs cause they tend to be more buggy.

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Op, you know how many hundreds and thousands of players there are? These are isolated incidences. These specific players made YouTube videos on how to exploit bugs too, that’s why they got banned. If you discover a bug, don’t exploit it. Report it ASAP. 

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Why are you bringing up speedruns? There's a massive difference between those and exploits being used in an multiplayer online game.

And yes, while it was a bug that was part of DE's fault, it was the player's fault from the start that they not only decided to purposefully use it over and over again (hence the term: exploit), but they also made a video that advertised it! Golly gee, I wonder why that's a bad idea.

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51 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


Emphasis added. 

If you can't figure out the difference between the two situations, then there's probably not a significant loss if you choose to not play, is there? 

More importantly making a youtube video disseminating that exploit to their whole userbase instead of quietly forwarding that info to DE

If they'd tested it a few times to confirm it and shot someone at DE a PM over the partner Discord or Emailed them or contacted them privately via the Forums, it would have in all likelihood been forgiven/overlooked. Even if they hadn't been a partner. 

Edited by Oreades
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Lots of flaws here.

First, the programmer missed this bug. It happens, I had code one time that didn't work because I missed a semicolon. It was an oversight. It's still the player's fault for exploiting this bug. The player is essentially cheating, and that's a no no. They should know better that that was not intentional and to not do it.

Second, if you encounter a bug, like this ine, you report it, either on the forums or elsewhere. You don't need a YouTube channel to help track down these bugs.

Third, as brought up by others, any% speed runs on single player games exploiting bugs are different than a multiplayer game which would allow you to get a head of another player.

You are being over dramatic over something that is not major.

Edited by (XB1)Shodian
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1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

I know it's off topic, but I can't stand any% speedruns. They're interesting to see occasionally, knowing about the skips and such, but when it reaches the point where people are just running around outside the map to the next boss area... why would I want to watch that?

I don't understand Any% speedruns.  I thought the point of a speedrun was to complete the game (sometimes with glitches and wallhacks and whatever, but complete nonetheless) in as little time as possible.  I mean... I could any% "speedrun" Ark: Survival Evolved with an admin command.  There's one that tags you for having completed each of the three boss creatures on The Island, at whatever level you want.

Create character.

Find safe place to stand so you don't get nommed by a giant scorpion while you type.

Enter admin commands.

Game finished, congrats!  0% speedrun complete, in less than thirty seconds!  World record!

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As far as the original topic:  from what I remember, they weren't banned "just" for finding a glitch.  They were banned because they massively exploited the glitch (using it to level several frames or weapons in a matter of seconds.)  Then they posted videos showing how to do it, including a macro that let anyone who wanted trigger the bug and gain XP to level from 0 to 30 in mere seconds.  That's the kind of thing that is almost daring game devs to ban you.

Finding a glitch that lets you get "way too much" XP is one thing.  Doing it again to confirm you know how to do it, then reporting it privately as a bug would never be punished by any responsible dev, as long as you stopped using it once you were sure you had reproduction steps.  The incident in question went *way* past that.  They figured out how to replicate the glitch, then figured out how to *accelerate* the glitch.  Then used it repeatedly.  Then told EVERYONE how to do it.  If they claimed they "didn't know why they were banned," they were lying.  So was anyone who claimed they didn't know why they were punished for duplicating it.  Gaining that much XP that fast is pretty close to a solid *defining example* of an exploit.

If you want to show solidarity with that youtube creator and not play the game... well, that's your choice.  But I doubt you're going to convince anyone here that the content creator was the clear good guy in that scenario.

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Exploiting a bug is cheating.  Doesn't matter that the bug exists; it's still cheating.  Cheating is heavily frowned on in MMOs.  Anyone who has played MMOs for any length of time should know that by now regardless of whether you agree or not.

Cheating in single player games?  Who gives a crap because it doesn't affect other people.  Cheating in MMOs where it can affect other people?  Depending on severity that's a warning or a ban.  Figuring out ways to cheat even more efficiently and showing other people how to do it?  Yeah, that's a ban and a completely deserved one.

Given your attitude on the topic I'm quite content you're not going to play Warframe.  I also hope you don't play any other online games I play.

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