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Partners Leaving how does warframe fare?


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Welp, Content Drought, or whatever its called, is not a problem for me, considering its like two weeks before the release of Borderlands 3, so I probs wont be logging in the game for months, God, just thinking about it makes the wait even longer...

But is really Interesting how this community has seemingly all of a sudden turned on its content creators, like just a month ago you were all good with one another and then after creator after creator started departing from a warframe exclusive video production to one that is more diverse due to similar reasons of burnout due to the pacing of content releases, the relationship just had a 180 degree turn...

Its really saddening to witness all of this cr*pshow unfold, its tearing the community apart, some say CC's arguments are valid and some others are saying otherwise, Im staying out of this, all I know is that WF still has a long way to go, developments of new features may truly change the game forever like what parkour 2.0 did years ago, it may happen with railjack but I think its not wise to predict that it wont...

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1 minute ago, Genitive said:

There is an opt-in system with the free content for partners. They can choose if they grind or not.

I personally don’t think that’s a great option to have. Maybe instead of giving them free items. A partner could be hosted on the WF twitch every now and then and or they do a partner of the week or month spotlight slowing partners to introduce themselves! They should have to grind like us otherwise the few that select that option are just bored because their content was given to them 

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2 minutes ago, Kevinpogi123 said:

Welp, Content Drought, or whatever its called, is not a problem for me, considering its like two weeks before the release of Borderlands 3, so I probs wont be logging in the game for months, God, just thinking about it makes the wait even longer...

But is really Interesting how this community has seemingly all of a sudden turned on its content creators, like just a month ago you were all good with one another and then after creator after creator started departing from a warframe exclusive video production to one that is more diverse due to similar reasons of burnout due to the pacing of content releases, the relationship just had a 180 degree turn...

Its really saddening to witness all of this cr*pshow unfold, its tearing the community apart, some say CC's arguments are valid and some others are saying otherwise, Im staying out of this, all I know is that WF still has a long way to go, developments of new features may truly change the game forever like what parkour 2.0 did years ago, it may happen with railjack but I think its not wise to predict that it wont...

Love your take! I agree that ccs. Are getting a lot of undeserving disrespect and negativity rn and that’s not fair to them at all. The community. That does participate in this makes me sad because they’re just doing their jobs and voicing their ops to me. 

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6 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

I find it funny how the YTers who are leaving for good or are trying to get a piece of the drama are all the middling or subpar channels that aren’t really worth the time watching.

This right here is why we need an "insightful" upvote.

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On 2019-08-28 at 2:05 AM, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Imo losing free publicity is a big thing and yes while I do agree that losing partners isn’t the end of warframe. It’s a sign that if the content creators and streamers don’t want to play somethings up! Look at how content creators are treated in our community as well. When they’ve tried to cover other content people demand warframe and threaten to unsubscribe or downvote their videos because it’s not warframe. Look at how people treated Flynn a MEMEBER of our community because he wanted to play something else. That’s terrible. And while they should play something else in terms of content for YouTube it should never be to a point where content creators feel alienated and disliked (for honestly no good reason) amongst their communities. 

Plenty more will fill their place and bring new ideas or better content. Current WF streamers and partners are getting lazy or they're seeing less ad revenue. Many are running out of ideas.

I remember how the community treated Rio for "liking" Anthem right up until it bombed. I really don't care how the trash act in any community. They'll always exist and will always say trollish things regardless. It's the price of PR. I can't imagine that out of a 95% upvote video with 9/10 comments being overwhelmingly positive that any seasoned YouTuber would focus on the 1 that's uncharacteristically bad. His golden days were about done.

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New to the forum and community but not the game, not the media or it's progression. Although I don't have a love for many as far as watching or even listening to them and  I can also say I don't actually know them... BUT we as a community enjoy warframe and the biggest reason they have left is "content drought" or at least close to it....

I have about nearly 1,100 hours of registered Xbox one game time and I can see what they mean but I also don't. I am not capped on late story progression (avoiding spoilers for those who are yet to experience it) and still have much to do, newer players have this advantage but so could vets if they didn't smash the content so hard!


As far as partnership is concerned I have not seen a single one of them post a video where they go to the beginning of their journey, where they look for MR0 players and tag along to offer help AND grow our community! Not one... many have discovered the game in their own way and yeah it does lack a true endgame but at it's current finale and tying over till The Empyrean update, this is the perfect time to be humble and take a step back to create a new journey where playing WITH the community should be priority not leaving it permanently.


I wish those that do leave permanently all the best and it's sad to know they left but they could of done what I said and maybe the satisfaction of actually being with new players as they conquer their milestones might have helped them remember why they loved the game, for the fun of the journey not the destination.

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Only today, 3 for the price of 1, resolve power creep, increase player retention and improve company's P&L by releasing skill based, hard content.

Do not dumb it down, do not casualize it, make it brutally hard. First 2 weeks of Arbis was a good start until it all went casual.

Warframe is a puzzle to be solved and more experienced players who know what Warframe is about love solving puzzles, trying to get through the most challenging content by applying their knowledge.

Incidentally solving puzzles is the main feature of Warframe at the beginning as well. The learning curve at the beginning of the game is crazy but rewarding. It is a right of passage. But given the casual content, what is the purpose of doing all that work if there is no hard puzzle to solve in the end?


Literally "3 for the price of 1" . Release a good hardcore mission type to resolve 3 issues.

The best solution is the one that solves more than one problem at the same time.


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People act like the whole world is burning down.

Calm down, check steam charts for example! Not sure if makes sense but seems like 2018 was the best year for warframe (probably because of fortuna), 2019 is not as great but still great.  

For example: 

August 2003, peak 14k players, avg 8k players

August 2018, peak 107k players, avg 68k players

August 2019, peak 86k players, avg 52k players

So yes, DE need to listen to veterans and try to find out how to keep them, sure. Yet I don't think it's not getting any better or that the game's longevity would be that affected by 3 content creators leaving. 


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3 minutes ago, Sahiratu said:

People act like the whole world is burning down.

Calm down, check steam charts for example! Not sure if makes sense but seems like 2018 was the best year for warframe (probably because of fortuna), 2019 is not as great but still great.  

For example: 

August 2003, peak 14k players, avg 8k players

August 2018, peak 107k players, avg 68k players

August 2019, peak 86k players, avg 52k players

So yes, DE need to listen to veterans and try to find out how to keep them, sure. Yet I don't think it's not getting any better or that the game's longevity would be that affected by 3 content creators leaving. 


https://steamdb.info/graph/ i think this one is more accurate 


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On 2019-08-24 at 9:15 AM, Jiminez_Burial said:

the latest is iFlynn


Of all the YTers out there, this guy - for me - was one of the worst. Mainly because his fanboys kept posting nonsense on the forums with no other arguments than "He said so, so it must be right."

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There is way too much attention given to youtubers. They didn't make the game yet steal content from game developers and claim it's thiers because, they made a video about it. Warframe doesn't need them. Never did. Good ridence. Those quitting are doing it for attention. They never really cared about warframe, only what money they could leach from it. These are the perfect examples of egotistic behaviour. Not something that should be considered a serious issue. Begon thieves there will always be more to replace you. You're not special.

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5 hours ago, Swagernator22663 said:

Hmm interesting someone salty actually removed my upvotes for this post. Never knew thats actually a thing.

When threads are merged, reactions are not carried over. Also, why do you care about imaginary internet points?

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On 2019-08-28 at 5:48 PM, Syndrella said:

how many partner they have because paying small fees for partners is much cheaper than keeping a full marketing company which eats thousands of millions for promoting the game. Basically these youtube-twitch-mixer etc platform promoters are promoting the game with less money.


Agreed. That's why Apex was a success at launch. Instead of a full marketing campaign, they just bought influencers. 

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On 2019-08-29 at 3:27 AM, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

If you think all their doing is ranting just because again you have your own opinion but if you may go into detail about their endless whining. I don’t see it as that people are asking for more or betting content or fundamentally changing things or asking for changes because like you said the game is broken at its core. If the game dosent have a solid base that’s always going to be an issue. You can’t get mad at me for the constantly complaining that the structure of a building is built wrong if the construction team built it wrong. You get upset with the source. And again while they do need views for sustainable content I’m sure most if not all ccs would be beyond enthusiastic to hear warframe working on its foundation and core issues. Which is the reason for lack of sustainable content. As far as reading your other post why should I if were in this post discussing it right now? Don’t back peddle and say “ I said some not all in this post” when that’s not the energy you’ve been displaying here in the topic at hand brother. 

Sorry for the late answer. 

That is the problem, they should raise the underlying issues of things, not just blurp out "we want content!" and demand it should have longevity and be sustainable. When they just repeat that time and time again I just get the idea that they arent all that familiar with the game to begin with. Any mook with a single grey working in their head and a brief experience in WF "endgame" understands that it is the underlying system issues that are the main problem and the thing that should be brought to attention and get solved first. Then after that it is time to sit down and throw out ideas about a sustainable endgame or sustainable content in general.

And if they would be enthusiastic about fundamental changes, why arent they talking more about that instead of repeating "blargh! content draught!" over and over? I mean some of them have also really mined the stupid shaft dry because they come with these bright ideas about how maybe DE should stop producing cosmetics and shift focus to new content. I mean, that requires you to be pretty disconnected with how development works in order to come up with a silly idea such as that. Now now, that isnt a new mindset or "thought" process, those things occur in most online games. But mostly that stays with a few select village idiots on the forums and never actually reaches the lips of a content creator.

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

You’re talking 100% S#&$.

... your trust in me equals the trust I have on you. If you think I'm lying to your face then:

2 hours ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

rust me dude, if it’s any good you’re not the only person who uses it.

how much of a lie is this?


My build hasn't changed since U7, and it has time and again performed outstandingly well where "meta" builds are specifically planned by players and they are made to "be able to run" whatever content that is new... And yet, my build hasn't changed since U7...

... And no one knows what my build is, the few ones (8, to be exact) that tried it failed to know how to use it, or even what it purpose was...

But then again, the topic isn't build discussion... Its "partners leaving" discussion... That said...

*gtfo iFlynn, gtfo~* (1999 Lo Wang's voice)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Recently another wave of videos from Rio ashaigo and mogamu has been uploaded. What do you guys think of the videos at hand.

discussing the 

mod drop booster 

current state of balance


current accessibility 

And progression 

Now in no means am I asking you to “let youtubers think for you” because I see that in a lot of responses during these topics but. Ask you to give me your opinion of he current state of these things in response to the videos if you’ve watched them 

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