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(PC) Gauss / Signature Weapons Feedback


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Feedback about Gauss:

His 1: It's okay, however it's impractical to use since most of tiles on the star chart are crammed spaces which will prevent using mach rush to it's full potential.

His 2: The values are great, but it's mechanic it's just weird. You need to get hit to get a small, almost unnoticeable amount of energy, but getting hit decreases a decent amount of it's battery charge which will reduce the DR of his 2 and the buffs of his 4. So should I get hit while playing Gauss or not?

His 3: It's a mediocre ability against lvl 50 and lower. The heat sunder its not worth casting since it drains a fair amount of battery to make a little amount of damage in a radius that decreases overtime. The cold sunder does not give you battery charge depending on how many enemies you hit, nor does it give you battery overtime if enemies are inside the radius of your ability. This means that it's not worth it to build for range since it does not matter if you hit enemies or not, you'll get the same 10% battery charge. About the synergies with it's 4, the cold sunder is the only one worthwhile, the heat sunder drains battery, and the blast sunder requires 2 casts and 10% battery charge for a 50% armor strip at max battery level.

His 4: The buffs and it's values are great. However, at the moment, it's difficult for Gauss to keep his battery at 100% since his 2 and 4 drain battery while active and your battery will be reduced per hit as long as you have your 2 active. This means that you will have to spam tap his 1 or spam his 3 (cold sunder) to compensate the drain. The overcharge meter which makes so that your abilities do not use battery once you hit 100% is great. Unfortunately, the overcharge build up rate punishes you for having a long ability duration, but you need to build for duration to get stronger buffs out of his 4. Having to wait 2/3 of the ability duration to make use of the buffs at 100% with no battery cost it's too much. In a build with his 4 lasting 60 seconds, you'll need to wait at least 40 seconds to get to 100% and you can use your buffs at 100% strength consistently it for 20 seconds . Keep in mind that the overcharge rate decreases if you are not above the 80% battery level, making the wait even longer if you are getting hit constantly while using his 2 or using his 3 on heat mode.

Overall, Gauss needs a passive way (other than sprinting) to keep his battery at max while his 2 and 4 are active. His 2 needs to be sorted out, you should either encourage get hit or not get hit, not both. His 3 needs to be more useful, personally, I think making the range increase overtime rather than decreasing and making that you get more battery depending on how many enemies you hit, will make it worth casting. And lastly his 4, needs to have that slow overcharge build up rate greatly reduced, it should build up faster with higher duration, not the other way around.

Edited by LE_Martinez
Clearer explanation on his 4 feedback
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2 minutes ago, LE_Martinez said:

His 1: It's okay, however it's impractical to use since most of tiles on the star chart are crammed spaces which will prevent using mach rush to it's full potential.

Tap it to dash in small rooms. Dash -> turn -> dash -> turn -> dash -> turn. You can get around very quickly like this.

There are plenty of bigger tiles where you can hold it down - you can often even run through several tiles without stopping, which feels great! This is especially true on more open tilesets like Jupiter, Earth, and the Corpus Outpost.

2 minutes ago, LE_Martinez said:

So should I get hit while playing Gauss or not?

No, you should not. Kinetic Plating is a secondary defense. Your real defense is movement.

2 minutes ago, LE_Martinez said:

His 3: It's a mediocre ability against lvl 50 and lower. The heat sunder its not worth casting since it drains a fair amount of battery to make a little amount of damage in a radius that decreases overtime. The cold sunder does not give you battery charge depending on how many enemies you hit, nor does it give you battery overtime if enemies are inside the radius of your ability. This means that it's not worth it to build for range since it does not matter if you hit enemies or not, you'll get the same 10% battery charge.

Thermal Sunder isn't there as a primary means of generating battery charge - you get that through moving fast. Thermal Sunder is primarily a crowd control tool. Being able to instantly freeze enemies in a large area is very powerful! It completely disables them for a decent duration, similar to Limbo's Stasis. The Heat->Cold Blast combo also allows you to pull enemies closer together, making it easier to hit them all at once.

The damage is a bit lacking at very high levels, but for the star chart it seems pretty decent to me. I often one shot enemies in a large area. Also keep in mind that the Heat attack seems to massively escalate in damage the more you use it. The first attack might be weak, but if you keep spamming it repeatedly you'll see it does more and more damage - I haven't tested this too in-depth yet, but so far it seems to really scale up massively. For example, my first hit might be around 180, but after a few casts I'm suddenly doing 19k damage!

Heat Thermal Sunder seems to be more of a thing to use once you hit 100% on Redline and get infinite battery. When that happens, you can safely spam Heat Thermal Sunder for escalating damage.

11 minutes ago, LE_Martinez said:

His 4: The buffs and it's values are great. However, at the moment, it's difficult for Gauss to keep his battery at 100% since his 2 and 4 drain battery while active and your battery will be reduced per hit as long as you have your 2 active. This means that you will have to spam tap his 1 or spam his 3 (cold sunder) to compensate the drain.

I haven't had this problem. I maintain my battery easily without even thinking about it. You just have to keep moving fast.

11 minutes ago, LE_Martinez said:

Also, the overcharge build up rate punishes you for having a long ability duration, but you need to build for duration to get stronger buffs out of his 4. Having to wait 2/3 of the ability duration to make use of the buffs at 100% it's too much. In a build with his 4 lasting 60 seconds, you'll need to wait at least 40 seconds to get to 100% and you can use it for 20 seconds. Keep in mind that the overcharge rate decreases if you are not above the 80% battery level, making the wait even longer if you are getting hit constantly while using his 2 or using his 3 on heat mode.

You are misunderstanding the way Redline works. I don't blame you for it, as the game doesn't make it clear, but this is something that so many people in this thread keep misunderstanding. Redline's buffs are tied to your battery level, not the percentage displayed when you activate Redline. If your battery is full, then you're getting your full buffs. You can have your full buffs almost immediately after you activate Redline!

All the percentage counter does is give you infinite battery when you get it to 100%. It's more there just to let you spam Heat Thermal Sunder for a while before your Redline ends.

11 minutes ago, LE_Martinez said:

Overall, Gauss needs a passive way (other than sprinting) to keep his battery at max while his 2 and 4 are active

I disagree, and think this would defeat the purpose of the battery entirely. It's there to encourage players to keep moving if they want Gauss at full power. That's the entire focus around which Gauss has been designed. If the battle seems out of control, Tenno, then you're not going fast enough.

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I was curious, so I just went ahead and briefly tested the escalating damage effect of Heat Thermal Sunder that I mentioned above. Some notes:

  • Tested with 100% power strength, during Redline at 100% counter, against a level 160 Corrupted Bombard.
  • I was able to kill it in 13 casts.
  • The last 2 casts took off the majority of its health.
  • Each cast did the following damage: 31, 94, 31, 94, 219, 468, 968, 1967, 3965, 7962, 15955, 31942, 63915.
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1 hour ago, YagoXiten said:

Kinetic Plating drains Gauss' battery each time he receives an instance of damage. How much battery is drained by that instance of damage is based upon the damage that said instance deals. There seems to be a minimum and a maximum amount of battery that can be drained per instance. Point being, a level 130 Heavy Gunner will drain Kinetic Plating far faster than a level 1 Heavy Gunner.

I will have to wait till I get my hands on him then.  Because from watching footage the only time I notice a significant drop for battery from kinetic plating is when you're taking multiple hits in short succession.

1 hour ago, YagoXiten said:

I am well aware of how Warframe AI works. The fact that enemies have targeting limitations and that they aren't perfectly accurate does not change the fact that the few enemies that do manage to hit you can drain your entire battery almost instantly.

I have not personally witnessed anyone lose their entire battery in a short period of time in the hours of footage i've watched.  I'm not saying it's out right impossible.  I am saying if it's happening given the information I have it seems to me that the cause isn't a frame problem but someone playing wrong/poorly.

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57 minutes ago, SteveCutler said:

You are misunderstanding the way Redline works. I don't blame you for it, as the game doesn't make it clear, but this is something that so many people in this thread keep misunderstanding. Redline's buffs are tied to your battery level, not the percentage displayed when you activate Redline. If your battery is full, then you're getting your full buffs. You can have your full buffs almost immediately after you activate Redline!

All the percentage counter does is give you infinite battery when you get it to 100%. It's more there just to let you spam Heat Thermal Sunder for a while before your Redline ends.

Sorry I was not clear on that part, but I do understand how Redline works. I know that you can hit 100% as long as you are moving fast before reaching 100% on the overcharge meter. The thing is that, since redline and KP have an active drain, you are gonna lose battery the moment you stop sprinting, meaning that you will be using your buffs somewhere around a 80% to 99% of their strength. This is without getting hit, because if you do get hit, you lose more battery. So when you do reach 100% on the overcharge meter, you'll be using Gauss at it's full power, but only for a 1/3 or less of the duration of redline.

Personally, this makes Gauss feel inconsistent for me, because you won't be always putting the values you see in the arsenal screen to use at the moment you cast the ability. I bring this up because it makes me consider Harrow as a more consistent option of a weapon buffer, since his 2 consistently buffs fire rate, melee attack speed and reload speed from the moment you cast the ability and you heal yourself and teammates as you make damage.

1 hour ago, SteveCutler said:

I disagree, and think this would defeat the purpose of the battery entirely. It's there to encourage players to keep moving if they want Gauss at full power. That's the entire focus around which Gauss has been designed. If the battle seems out of control, Tenno, then you're not going fast enough.

I agree, Gauss is meant to be fast and I like his design. But this only makes him good at fast gamemodes such as capture or rescue (maybe assassination). Mobile defense, defense, interception and disruption will make you hold your position for a while, meaning that you will have to run back and forth on the spot to keep yourself charged. This is why I suggested his 3 to be a viable alternative to get battery, to compensate the moments where he does need to slow down.

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3 minutes ago, LE_Martinez said:

Mobile defense, defense, interception and disruption will make you hold your position for a while, meaning that you will have to run back and forth on the spot to keep yourself charged.

Personally, I have found Gauss to be great on these mission types just like everything else. Interception and Disruption are both very mobile game modes, as the former has you moving from one point to the next to wipe out spawns, and the latter has you zooming around searching for keys and demolysts. I actually feel like Gauss is exceptional for Disruption due to his ability to quickly speed around to carry keys to conduits, and then speed around more to search for the demolysts in every direction.

Even in Defense and Mobile Defense I don't just stand still and hold position - I run around and kill all the enemies. For example, in Hydron I watch the map and circle around killing everything, making good use of his speed and always building battery charge.

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Gauss tweaks i thought of after playing him up till now

Passive: shield regeneration is nice so i wouldn't really change anything here

Mach Rush: Power Strength should affect the speed of Mach Rush. This ability should drag every enemy along his runs. Also it should be enabled aimed upward or downward for overall better movement (like Excalibur's Slash Dash). Lastly while in the middle of Mach Rush, activating this ability again while pointing it in another direction should enable him to do quick turns/directional changes without stopping resulting in an endless/sustained run.

power strength increases initial slash damage while duration reduces the meters required for the additional slash damage

Kinetic Plating: Power strength should also affect damage reduction not only by the gauge. Consume energy when activating but no energy drain or duration.

Thermal Sunder: Ability range could use a buff because of how small the radius is. (20m would be fine i mean 12m is too low)

Red Line: Ability boosts should be affected by power strength and not duration and also the animation should be a slightly bit faster than the usual.

and that's pretty much it of what else i could think of...



Edited by KenthNisshoku
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5 hours ago, SteveCutler said:


204% duration, 175% efficiency, 109% range, 100% strength.
Sprint Boost, Rush, Redirection, Primed Flow, Fleeting Expertise (r4), Streamline (r4), Primed Continuity, Narrow Minded, Stretch, Augur Reach.
Arcane Aegis, Arcane Barrier.
Amalgam Serration, Guardian, Shield Charger.

What build are you using?

I've tested tests using several different duration with same other stats, and I'm sure sprinting and bullet jump do not fill battery enough above the redline. Also duration does not affect to battery losing speed.

I guess you are talking about under the redline but not above

So, to maintain the battery, your only choice is spam 1 or 3 at the price of shooting time. I agree gauss is designed to move constantly, and I love that concept , but the penalty on the battery is too high for shooting in just a few seconds.

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Il y a 13 heures, (XB1)Knight Raime a dit :

Then maybe Gauss isn't for you?  He's literally about casting constantly to maintain his battery.  The only person I've watched today that managed to struggle with battery/energy was someone purposefully using a high duration build and not casting as often as he should have been.  Which got him killed.  Even in Brozime's video where he has more duration than the guy was able to keep his energy/battery up.  I don't know how many times I have to emphasize it.  Gauss is supposed to survive through constant movement and cc.  If you're not doing either then you're going to have a bad time.  Kinetic plating is not a turn on and forget primary tank ability.  It exists to cover up a few shots whenever you stop moving for a moment.  You can blame DE for not explaining how his kit works with the tool tips better.  But you literally going against his design and then complaining about it is exactly why DE could skip your feedback.

Stop acting like a dev, you're not one and obviously doesn't have a clue about what devs did have in mind when designing Gauss. What you said is only entitled to your own opinion.

If Kinetic plating wasn't meant to be used more than what you think it does, it shouldn't be buffing your melee damage, make you deal slash or even have such a long duration and high cost. Most people who are complaining about this power are right about it being damn expensive, it basically prevents you from getting enough battery and thus impairs every single power Gauss has. Kinetic plating weakness is its own strength - this power is way too strong and thus devs definitely had to put important limitations to balance it - problem is that it pretty much impairs whole Gauss kit while messing with his tedious battery management.

Synergy wise, all of Gauss powers are meant to not be used until he gets 100% redline cause all of this synergies are working only when his battery can't be depleted no more (at 100% then). Problem is that redline is a pain to increase, you won't benefit much from his 100% threshold and tbh half of his kit can't be used in the meanwhile or you'll just have to start all over again.

My concern about this whole mechanics isn't that you have to use his 1 and 3 regularly, but only about how it works as a ressource. First you need to get past the redline threshold (cast 1 or 3 once you have 100% battery then) and wait until redline increases by itself - nothing can help with that, no matters what, it's just a wait mechanics. And if you're using kinetic plating or even thermal with fire, you're good to cast a few 1 & 3 again to at least get to the redline limit... Then you can pretty much forget the 100% redline and no cost power - You're screwed for the whole duration - you won't have enough time.

Gauss is overcomplicated, his battery not much rewarding, and too much of a pain to build. At least kinetic plating is damn effective at protecting him but thermal isn't doing much since it costs a lot. For now Gauss works fine when you're not messing with his battery, hence not using kinetic plating or thermal with fire when you're not at 100% redline first. I don't have any issues with him as long as i'm not using half of his kit, so yeah Gauss definitely needs some balance tweaks, perhaps some ways to speed up redline (the more opponents thermal hits, or enemies you're passing through with his 1st, for example).

I wouldn't mind a cheaper kinetic plating too but then it'd need some limitations (only effective while moving for ex). It's damn annoying to be knocked down while sprinting because his only power that prevents it is too expensive. Something is definitely wrong in Gauss kingdom.

Edit. And i don't even get your "cover up" excuse to use kinetic plating as a short life saving power, most of the time you don't even know when you're going to get oneshot or anything, game isn't working like that so what's the point ? Getting energy back would have made more sense to me but who needs that anyway. All frames already have high duration 80-100% protective powers or even shield mechanics, why Gauss should have to activate his own the second he's supposed to die. Is he that powerful he has to sacrifice his own kit to protect himself ? He's no nuker, no team buffer, no tank and has no exalted weapons so why such a limitation ?

Edited by 000l000
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1 hour ago, 000l000 said:

Stop acting like a dev, you're not one and obviously doesn't have a clue about what devs did have in mind when designing Gauss. What you said is only entitled to your own opinion.

Me pointing out people's obvious misunderstandings about a kit when the devs very clearly outlined his intended playstyle isn't me pretending to be a developer it's me reminding people that perhaps they're approaching the situation wrong.  But typical response as far as your posts go.

1 hour ago, 000l000 said:

If Kinetic plating wasn't meant to be used more than what you think it does, it shouldn't be buffing your melee damage, make you deal slash or even have such a long duration and high cost. Most people who are complaining about this power are right about it being damn expensive, it basically prevents you from getting enough battery and thus impairs every single power Gauss has. Kinetic plating weakness is its own strength - this power is way too strong and thus devs definitely had to put important limitations to balance it - problem is that it pretty much impairs whole Gauss kit while messing with his tedious battery management.

Just because you're given melee damage doesn't mean they intended the ability for you to face tank like traditional melee setups.  Literally mach rush to ragdoll for some melee hits or use his 3 in a variety of combos to cc the enemy and then melee.  Bam.  The extra melee damage is woven in to what you're meant to be doing and you didn't need to face tank with kinetic plating to make it work.  But don't worry, you can still use the power to face tank once you hit redline at 100%.  So the devs even let you play that way with him eventually.  People can make the complaint about it's energy drain to me all the like.  It means nothing without visual proof.  As at this point I have at least 12 hours of watching various people use said frame and there was only a single instance where someone struggled with battery/energy upkeep.  And he wasn't casting often.

1 hour ago, 000l000 said:

Synergy wise, all of Gauss powers are meant to not be used until he gets 100% redline cause all of this synergies are working only when his battery can't be depleted no more (at 100% then). Problem is that redline is a pain to increase, you won't benefit much from his 100% threshold and tbh half of his kit can't be used in the meanwhile or you'll just have to start all over again.

Yeah that's bull.  Mach rush is your main survival tool because you're constantly bursting around to avoid being shot whilst ragdolling enemies.  His 3 is invaluable cc as well that isn't at all invalidated simply because you need 2 casts in order to have hard cc happen.  etc.  redline itself gives instant value the moment it's turned on and you'd be perfectly fine with never having redline hit 100%.  Because the amount of battery you have from using mach rush and cold procs is more than enough both in and out of redline to keep your battery up.

1 hour ago, 000l000 said:

My concern about this whole mechanics isn't that you have to use his 1 and 3 regularly, but only about how it works as a ressource. First you need to get past the redline threshold (cast 1 or 3 once you have 100% battery then) and wait until redline increases by itself - nothing can help with that, no matters what, it's just a wait mechanics. And if you're using kinetic plating or even thermal with fire, you're good to cast a few 1 & 3 again to at least get to the redline limit... Then you can pretty much forget the 100% redline and no cost power - You're screwed for the whole duration - you won't have enough time.

The extra benefit you gain from hitting 100% redline while having a full battery is not the main usage or draw of redline itself.  Redline's activation benefits of better abilities and his buffs are not effected by the battery level or his redline level.  You only need your battery to be up if you want a lot of protection through kinetic plating.  the benefits of being at full battery while at 100% redline is DE's cherry on top.  You get 2 whole benefits for it and neither are needed to make his kit as strong as it is.  If DE wanted you to sit in "god mode" with those benefits they would have made it easier to charge redline up.

1 hour ago, 000l000 said:

Gauss is overcomplicated, his battery not much rewarding, and too much of a pain to build. At least kinetic plating is damn effective at protecting him but thermal isn't doing much since it costs a lot. For now Gauss works fine when you're not messing with his battery, hence not using kinetic plating or thermal with fire when you're not at 100% redline first. I don't have any issues with him as long as i'm not using half of his kit, so yeah Gauss definitely needs some balance tweaks, perhaps some ways to speed up redline (the more opponents thermal hits, or enemies you're passing through with his 1st, for example).

Matter of opinion.  I think he's not complicated.  Just poorly explained and the tooltips/UI do not do Gauss any favors.  I am a bit surprised that his battery itself plays less of a role in his kit (rideline's cherry effects and kinetic plating only) and that it's more of a resource bar.  But i'm not really upset by that.  I haven't pretended that Gauss is fine in this thread at all btw.  I just don't buy into him being garbage or seriously flawed like most posts state.

1 hour ago, 000l000 said:

I wouldn't mind a cheaper kinetic plating too but then it'd need some limitations (only effective while moving for ex). It's damn annoying to be knocked down while sprinting because his only power that prevents it is too expensive. Something is definitely wrong in Gauss kingdom.

Someone mentioned to me that the amount of damage taken per hit effects how much battery you lose with kinetic plating.  This is something that I would have to test myself (or see someone show a simulacrum video that's well done) because the gameplay i've watched can't really show me that.  the best i've seen of a massive drain is when someone is being shot multiple times in a short time period.  And this made sense to me because it drains battery per hit.  As I told the person I originally came in this thread for I'm not sure about the energy conversion formula either.  Because if it's making the 5% conversion after your DR has already happened then that could explain the smaller gains of energy.  Thing is no one here has actually done testing to show off how good/bad the conversion for energy is nor how exact the drain is with the ability.  Everyone's going off of experiences here.  Mine just happens to be from the opposite side where people are not struggling.  I'm willing to accept people's experiences here as a possibility.  But mere text isn't enough when compared to the footage i've been able to watch.

1 hour ago, 000l000 said:

Edit. And i don't even get your "cover up" excuse to use kinetic plating as a short life saving power, most of the time you don't even know when you're going to get oneshot or anything, game isn't working like that so what's the point ? Getting energy back would have made more sense to me but who needs that anyway. All frames already have high duration 80-100% protective powers or even shield mechanics, why Gauss should have to activate his own the second he's supposed to die. Is he that powerful he has to sacrifice his own kit to protect himself ? He's no nuker, no team buffer, no tank and has no exalted weapons so why such a limitation ?

I'm sorry but what?  You don't need to know when Gauss is going to die in order for kinetic plating to be considered secondary defense.  I don't even know how you managed to type that out with a serious face.  It's very simple.  You're constantly on the move CCing enemies through mach rush and his 3.  You stop for a second to either turn a corner or begin to attack the cced enemies.  Then an enemy outside the initial cast range to your cc gets a line of sight on you and then shoots you.  Bam.  Kinetic plating reduces that damage and allows you to then go cc that individual or kill him.  If kinetic plating wasnt there he'd likely be dead because Gauss doesn't have the base stats to be taking shots.

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On 2019-09-03 at 9:24 PM, TheRealShade said:

Iirc during Parkour 1.0 we had animations for crossing over obstacles while sprinting, I'll be honest I've been just bullet jumping over them for so long I don't even know if we still have them. That said, I think Mach Rush is one ability where those could fit perfectly, make it so Gauss will automatically jump over those kind of obstacles while running.

We don't have vaulting animations any more -Bullet Jump just made them so obsolete they were removed. And the vaulting doesn't have to be automatic (either stupid-levels of speed or the ability to actually maneuver with high speed, yanno?) but the ability to make a small jump mid-rush, would just cut down on the buttom-pressing. Currently, we have to hold 1 down, hit jump just before the obstacle, release 1, press 1 again and then land. Just keep Mach Rush from deactivating when we jump (it already doesn't deactivate if you run off a cliff so it's not too out of the way as a request) and we'll be golden.

Other than that; if Kinetic armor could become a toggle that'd be sweet. Gotta admit that I've never seen any kind of actual effect from Redline's projectiles either -usually either everything dies a bit too fast, or they don't actually DO anything.

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8 hours ago, alseltas said:

I've tested tests using several different duration with same other stats, and I'm sure sprinting and bullet jump do not fill battery enough above the redline. Also duration does not affect to battery losing speed.

I guess you are talking about under the redline but not above

So, to maintain the battery, your only choice is spam 1 or 3 at the price of shooting time. I agree gauss is designed to move constantly, and I love that concept , but the penalty on the battery is too high for shooting in just a few seconds.

As I keep saying, with Kinetic Plating and Redline both active, I have no problem maintaining a full battery by just moving around. I do not feel any need to mindlessly spam abilities. I have no problem at all. I don't know why you're getting a different result. It is so incredibly easily tested by just casting both abilities and then sprinting - the battery stays full. Maybe you could post a video showing how you're struggling with battery charge?

Edited by SteveCutler
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20 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

People can make the complaint about it's energy drain to me all the like.  It means nothing without visual proof.  As at this point I have at least 12 hours of watching various people use said frame and...

I like how the guy who doesn't own Gauss, hasn't played Gauss, and is playing on a platform where Gauss isn't even released feels qualified to dismiss legitimate criticisms because he's idly watched someone play Gauss for less than half the time that some of us here have actually used Gauss.

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There are some problems I've had with his kit, I really don't get those who say he's completely fine.

His 1 is fine no changes there

His 2 works well with adaptation but I don't get why theres needs to be a constant drain on top of depleting when getting hit, this hampers his 4th too which ill come back to later

His 3rd is his worst skill by far, why does its range need to reduce after the initial cast please remove that. The fire and blast version are really useless and inferior to the ice version. This ability needs a buff or a change. Since theres many frames which can do the exact same thing but better here

His 4th drains too fast especially with 2nd on, I really feel like I need to spam abilities and run like an idiot to get that 100%, and the more duration you have the longer that takes. And why does it only scale with duration and not power strength

His passive is great but if it had shield gatting it would be better

All in all, I really think his 3rd is the one that annoys me the most since the damage is pitiful at high levels and the range decreasing is dumb

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1 minute ago, Bluediend said:

His 4th drains too fast especially with 2nd on, I really feel like I need to spam abilities and run like an idiot to get that 100%, and the more duration you have the longer that takes

You don't need 100% for the buffs.

It scaling with duration is most likely intended for balance, otherwise you'd basically have an infinite battery all the time.

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19 minutes ago, YagoXiten said:

I like how the guy who doesn't own Gauss, hasn't played Gauss, and is playing on a platform where Gauss isn't even released feels qualified to dismiss legitimate criticisms because he's idly watched someone play Gauss for less than half the time that some of us here have actually used Gauss.

I enjoy how ya'll were fine with Gears being an echo chamber of your complaints despite them being in the same position as I am.

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13 minutes ago, SteveCutler said:

You don't need 100% for the buffs.

It scaling with duration is most likely intended for balance, otherwise you'd basically have an infinite battery all the time.

Yea but if the meter goes below the redline the percentage decreases which also causes the buffs value to decrease too, so you have to keep the meter always above the redline to get the strong buff. But it decreases too fast and worse when kinetic plating is on.


5 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

I enjoy how ya'll were fine with Gears being an echo chamber of your complaints despite them being in the same position as I am.

I'm complaining based on my experiences and gameplay. Maybe you should wait till you get your hands on him too. Its not like I agree with every complaint written here either. We're only complaining in hopes DE buffs him so he can be on par with other strong frames

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25 minutes ago, YagoXiten said:

I like how the guy who doesn't own Gauss, hasn't played Gauss, and is playing on a platform where Gauss isn't even released feels qualified to dismiss legitimate criticisms because he's idly watched someone play Gauss for less than half the time that some of us here have actually used Gauss.

As someone who does own Gauss and has been playing him non-stop since he was released, I feel like (XB1)Knight Raime understands Gauss far better than most other people in this thread. You don't necessarily have to actively use something yourself to understand it - you can gain an understanding by reading the wiki, reading explanations, watching videos of it in action, seeing how different builds perform in the hands of different players, etc.

There is far too much misinformation and misunderstanding in this thread. So many people are complaining about things that aren't even true (e.g. thinking Redline needs to hit 100% for full buffs), complaining about things that are easily disproven (e.g. saying running isn't enough to outweigh battery drain when it clearly is), quoting incorrect numbers (e.g. saying you get 80% damage reduction at 80% battery, when in fact you get 84%), etc.

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18 minutes ago, SteveCutler said:

As I keep saying, with Kinetic Plating and Redline both active, I have no problem maintaining a full battery by just moving around. I do not feel any need to mindlessly spam abilities. I have no problem at all. I don't know why you're getting a different result. It is so incredibly easily tested by just casting both abilities and then sprinting - the battery stays full. Maybe you could post a video showing how you're struggling with battery charge?


You can clearly see that the battery is in fact dropping when sprinting, and that's with Rush, Amalgam Serration and Armored Agility. You like shotguns? Gonna be worse. Don't want to waste a mod slot on Armored Agility, which doesn't really do much for him besides this? Also gonna be worse. You get shot at? Much worse. Also towards the end shows how much more quickly the battery drops if you shoot, which, you know, is a common thing to do in this game.

7 minutes ago, SteveCutler said:

You don't need 100% for the buffs.

But you need it to stop the drain, so you can actually focus on what you want to do instead of babysitting the battery. The buffs, admittedly, are pretty lenient because they're decent even when his battery falls some. But all of Redline's synergies are active only if the battery is above the limiter. So Mach Rush having halved cost, Kinetic Plating increasing melee damage and all of the additional effects on Thermal Sunder. The blast one even scales with battery level, so it's 0% strip if you're exactly at the limiter, then up to 50% if you're at full battery (and for the record, non-scaling 50% armor strip when you need two casts of a medium-high cost, low base range ability to get it would be pretty bad even if it was available at all times)

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4 minutes ago, vFlitz said:

You can clearly see that the battery is in fact dropping when sprinting

How strange! This does seem to be the case in that video clip, but it still doesn't match my experience.

Even with how it is on your end, I still wouldn't say that's a massive amount of drain. It looks rather slow.

Edited by SteveCutler
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19 minutes ago, Bluediend said:



I'm complaining based on my experiences and gameplay. Maybe you should wait till you get your hands on him too. Its not like I agree with every complaint written here either. We're only complaining in hopes DE buffs him so he can be on par with other strong frames

Not everyone in the thread was using him as a chamber.  But the sheer amount of positive emotes he got is proof enough that a significant amount of people were.  As I mentioned in another response I didn't want to come in here and give my opinion/argue with people who have played him despite my issues with their claims specifically because this thread is a pc feedback thread.

I originally only came in here to tackle Gearsmatrix301.  And it spiraled into others responding to me and me responding back.

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11 minutes ago, SteveCutler said:

As someone who does own Gauss and has been playing him non-stop since he was released, I feel like (XB1)Knight Raime understands Gauss far better than most other people in this thread. You don't necessarily have to actively use something yourself to understand it - you can gain an understanding by reading the wiki, reading explanations, watching videos of it in action, seeing how different builds perform in the hands of different players, etc.

There is far too much misinformation and misunderstanding in this thread. So many people are complaining about things that aren't even true (e.g. thinking Redline needs to hit 100% for full buffs), complaining about things that are easily disproven (e.g. saying running isn't enough to outweigh battery drain when it clearly is), quoting incorrect numbers (e.g. saying you get 80% damage reduction at 80% battery, when in fact you get 84%), etc.

I acknowledged that there's a substantial degree of misinformation in this thread in my first reply to him. I don't appreciate him contributing to that by denying that Gauss' battery drain from being damaged with Kinetic Plating active is excessive against Sortie level enemies because he's watched a few videos.

6 minutes ago, vFlitz said:


You can clearly see that the battery is in fact dropping when sprinting, and that's with Rush, Amalgam Serration and Armored Agility. You like shotguns? Gonna be worse. Don't want to waste a mod slot on Armored Agility, which doesn't really do much for him besides this? Also gonna be worse. You get shot at? Much worse. Also towards the end shows how much more quickly the battery drops if you shoot, which, you know, is a common thing to do in this game.

But if you are going to rely strictly upon video evidence, here's a good one. Notice how he loses about 10% of his battery when he stops to empty a clip? That's 10% battery loss for about half a second. And he's not being damaged-- which can drain the entire battery in as much time, depending upon what it is that's attacking you.  And he's constantly moving. There are situations where you stop moving, like when you're activating life support, or you have a small area to move in, such as in Hijack or Excavation missions, which makes it worse.

6 minutes ago, vFlitz said:

But you need it to stop the drain, so you can actually focus on what you want to do instead of babysitting the battery. The buffs, admittedly, are pretty lenient because they're decent even when his battery falls some. But all of Redline's synergies are active only if the battery is above the limiter. So Mach Rush having halved cost, Kinetic Plating increasing melee damage and all of the additional effects on Thermal Sunder. The blast one even scales with battery level, so it's 0% strip if you're exactly at the limiter, then up to 50% if you're at full battery (and for the record, non-scaling 50% armor strip when you need two casts of a medium-high cost, low base range ability to get it would be pretty bad even if it was available at all times)

And then there's stuff like that.

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The video have been posted. We need an another video  which explains in what situation the sprinting is enough to keep the battery full, so we can have constructive discussion. Battery losing speed while sprinting is small but still hurts, and as soon as you use your weapon, the penalty immediately lose your battery over redline in a few seconds.

Also, DE clearly states person here to post should spend enough time using Gauss in different missions, but I don't say anymore about who it is

Edited by alseltas
the video already posted
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