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The "you should take a break" excuse


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3 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc., but you can always count on a lot of people telling them the same old wasted excuse of "just play another game" or "take a break from the game" as if they knew all of their gaming habits and concluded those people who complain only play Warframe and nothing else, the game is not perfect and nobody expects it to be but sometimes I wonder what those people have in their heads thinking the complainer just needs to stop playing the game despite having reasonable arguments too.

It's a perfectly valid response to complaints that are based on no new content for veterans, content droughts, I don't like this new content, these new missions are too tedious for bad rewards. Literally go log off and do something that is fun.

It is not a valid response to criticisms on game design that lets teammates sabotage each other, poorly-designed challenges that encourage people to hoard forma/sculptures, bugs, host migrations, etc.

The former are the complaints of people who have milked a deep pool of content dry and have no one else to blame but themselves for their aimlessness. The latter are the complaints of people who love or want to love the game and keep playing it but feel like they're being prevented by DE from doing so fully.

Edited by sinnae
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3 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc., but you can always count on a lot of people telling them the same old wasted excuse of "just play another game" or "take a break from the game" as if they knew all of their gaming habits and concluded those people who complain only play Warframe and nothing else, the game is not perfect and nobody expects it to be but sometimes I wonder what those people have in their heads thinking the complainer just needs to stop playing the game despite having reasonable arguments too.

Most of the people that complains are just about random stuff that has no sense (like "Why does this challenge exist", or "Why low rank players requires rank 5 to access Profit-Taker Orb?", or even the classy silly stuffs), and i'm pretty sure part of the reason is for either boredom (and waits for new content, mostly because they have nothing to do) or burnout (like for example, playing Warframe 5-9 hours a day).

Yes, i can understand people saying "You should make the rewards more worthy of this node" or "Please reduce the requirement to build/the chance to find item X, it's difficult to get the materials/doing the mission to get it", but if most of the stuff is "Why nightwave exists, it burned me out, bring back alerts" (with no arguments of why that so, like "They were successful for 6 years")... Yeah i'm sorry, but people kinda feel legitimate to tell the OP to take a break.

I play Warframe on a daily basis, but i had to stay out for two weeks because my laptop's battery was dead. I was bored? No, i had other games as well (like Empire Earth or Goldeneye 64). And even if i am bored to play Warframe... Roblox, Minecraft, Starbound, Enter the Gungeon, Megaman Maker, Freedom Planet, Don't Starve Together, Cortex Command, Terraria, Spiral Knights, Empire Earth, Relic Hunters Zero, Plague Inc. Evolved, Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, Killing Floor, Half-Life 2, Garry's Mod, M.U.G.E.N., etc... My god, there are at least plenty of choices i can play other than Warframe, if i feel burned out by that.

3 hours ago, Smilomaniac said:

The difference here is that Steve and Scott continue to treat it as their developer playground to make what they think is fun or neat and while they are that, they are also interesting for all of thirty minutes and quickly become obnoxious chores. Archwing, K-drive and the upcoming Railjack are all examples of these

Excuse me, but how in the heck is Archwing a chore? Most of the missions are ground-based, and the remaining one mostly involves extermination, mobile defense or sabotage. For god sake, it's even one of the main quest's item.

Also... K-Drive being a chore? Really? Something that has a function on Orb Vallis is a chore? Because of a syndicate that only requires races and k-drive tricks as standing and that unlocks gears that mostly is optional to get?

Just... Worst examples right there. I could understand Kuva Fortress Survival or Nightwave (and even then, most of the stuff is optional. Like, i tend to avoid Orb Vallis's nightwave challenges, because i'm not interested), but Archwings and K-Drives? Respectively a mandatory item for certain nodes (and uranus) and something useful for one syndicate? Also, how would Railjack even be a chore, if you said it's upcoming?


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There are times when it's appropriate, but those times are rarely in response to criticism. Similar to 'just play solo'.

It usually is said in response to some variation of the point of 'the gameplay becomes repetitive after X amount of time'. Be it content, rewards (since the main reward should be playing the mode, any extrinsic rewards are just the breadcrumbs) or complaints about the mechanics that create that problem. Whilst, yes, no game's going to keep you engaged forever, these are often genuine issues that need to be brought up and discussed.

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4 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc., but you can always count on a lot of people telling them the same old wasted excuse of "just play another game" or "take a break from the game" as if they knew all of their gaming habits and concluded those people who complain only play Warframe and nothing else, the game is not perfect and nobody expects it to be but sometimes I wonder what those people have in their heads thinking the complainer just needs to stop playing the game despite having reasonable arguments too.

There are unresolved issues. Which ones? In some cases they're resolved, and you just don't like the resolution. 

There is a lot of grind.... in a free to play game... that people still find ways to blaze through... I'm not sure what you expect here. Pretty sure that it's because it's probably a bit silly. 

The game gets repetitive, despite having a lot of different things for us to do, that many people don't do? So it's repetitive because you choose to do the same thing over, and over? The game gets repetitive despite them adding in new stuff to do on a regular basis? 

Lackluster rewards.... that people are working very hard to get? I don't work my butt off for crappy rewards. I eventually get them because that's how it goes. Have you been doing it differently? Is it really just a case of "this boss drops a bunch of rewards and I didn't get the one I wanted so now I'm using the 'sour grapes' argument"? Or is it a case of you already having gotten all the stuff you really want, and now just mopping up the rest for completion? 

RNG... Where the drop chances for most stuff is actually pretty high as far as RNG goes in video games? 


Dude. If those are your main complaints, you really ought to consider taking a break for a while. 

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If you're legitimately burned out then the response of "take a break" is a valid solution.

However if you're pointing out flaws or problems in the game that only someone of your experience would know, then that response is completely wrong because walking away from a problem won't suddenly fix it.

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7 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc., but you can always count on a lot of people telling them the same old wasted excuse of "just play another game" or "take a break from the game" as if they knew all of their gaming habits and concluded those people who complain only play Warframe and nothing else, the game is not perfect and nobody expects it to be but sometimes I wonder what those people have in their heads thinking the complainer just needs to stop playing the game despite having reasonable arguments too.

People should have reasonable expectations, is what they should do.


Expecting to play the same video game for thousands of hours without ever getting bored is not reasonable.


Expecting "content" and I mean whatever snobs say "content" means these days and not what the word actually means, to drop every other day and always cater to you specifically is not reasonable.

Expecting the game to not ever get "repetitive" even after thousands of hours is not reasonable.

Oh, and demanding that DE not give us anything that could be construed as "more power creep" (read, anything that good) and then complaining that the games rewards/weapons/frame/new thing are "lackluster" is not reasonable.




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Newsflash: you can workout too much, you can work too much, you can vegan too much, you can party too much, you can have too much of an extrovert social life and waste your money etc.


All of these things you have to take a break from.


It's called moderation.


But sure, spend all your time trying to tell a corporation what to do, see where that gets ya.

Edited by (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu
More words, maybe I'll take a break :)
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Imagine an hypothetical scenario were one OP writes downs his complains with the game, we all discuss them maturely and came to a common understanding and a agreeable answer, DE agrees and plans on implementation, but it has to be down the line after current workload is done and the new phase or solution is planned and implemented. Even if everything goes right OP is still looking from some to several months to see the progress implemented, there to wallow in boredoom, despair or cynisism for the foreseable future, why would the players go suggest he avoids mental exhaustion be wrong. There is bound people that absolutely dont care about OP, but i think most people mean it carelingly, and it does not detract that DE deserves their critisism.

I mean, people have been critical of the game ever since i joined the game several years ago, complainst about lack of content and challenge or how DE organizes themselves go back all the way 5 or 6 years ago, iterations of the changes are there, we may aswell be in one right now, when they say the are making stuff there is nothing else to do but to express ourselves and wait. And in some players the weight is more noticeable, hence some try to lend context or comforting words, some will see it as meaning well some dont, but that is the way of the forums.

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Walking away from something you are sick of/bored with for a while to alleviate is not an excuse. It is the correct course of action to preserve your mental health and backed by scientific research. 

Warframe is not perfect. It has problems. It will never be perfect. It will continue to have problems. If those problems overshadow your enjoyment of the game, its time to stop playing, at least for a little. 

No amount of complaint or detailed requests will cause new engaging content that guaranteed captivates you to immediately manifest itself. Don't take it as a slight, that's just how development works. 

Edited by C_MAJOR
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9 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc., but you can always count on a lot of people telling them the same old wasted excuse of "just play another game" or "take a break from the game"

This is literally the point where you may need to consider taking a meaningful break from the game imo ...No offense.

Familiarity breeds contempt and contempt can be toxic. Distance tends to lend perspective and objectivity. The same holds true for any unhealthy relationship in my experience.

Better that than getting mad at the game, because you hold no hope it will change, and basically looking for ways to get yourself banned or make the place unpleasant for others because "misery loves company". I completely agree that people tossing thoughtless cliches can sound trite...But cliches tend to become cliches because of the kernel of truth in them.

That said... Sometimes a complaint is merely that and, once you've gotten it out, you're good. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell which is which.

Hence the cliches.


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10 hours ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

There are people every now and then that just grow tired of a lot of unsolved issues within the game, the grind, the repetitiveness, the lackluster rewards, RNG, etc., but you can always count on a lot of people telling them the same old wasted excuse of "just play another game" or "take a break from the game" as if they knew all of their gaming habits and concluded those people who complain only play Warframe and nothing else, the game is not perfect and nobody expects it to be but sometimes I wonder what those people have in their heads thinking the complainer just needs to stop playing the game despite having reasonable arguments too.

Meta-complaint.  Could be a sign you need to take a break from the forums.

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7 hours ago, rand0mname said:

What is wrong with taking a break or playing another game?

You either will find something that will suit your interests more or you will notice that Warframe actually is not that bad... for the price they ask for it.

Nothing wrong with that, it's more so about the context of how this statement has been used.

People have been using it as an excuse to shut people up who they disagree with which is what the OP is talking about.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

Nothing wrong with that, it's more so about the context of how this statement has been used.

People have been using it as an excuse to shut people up who they disagree with which is what the OP is talking about.

Haven't you noticed people using what you just claimed to shut down any valid suggestions that taking a break may be beneficial, despite them not having any valid complaints that aren't directly pointing to symptoms of self inflicted burnout? 

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8 hours ago, rand0mname said:

What is wrong with taking a break or playing another game?

You either will find something that will suit your interests more or you will notice that Warframe actually is not that bad... for the price they ask for it.

Nothing, the fact that people would automatically assume others haven't done it when they are complaining is just annoying, it is like those tech support guys who insist you reboot the computer when it is the first thing you have tried.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Haven't you noticed people using what you just claimed to shut down any valid suggestions that taking a break may be beneficial, despite them not having any valid complaints that aren't directly pointing to symptoms of self inflicted burnout? 

That stands but was talking about that specific case that OP brought up, just because it seems one way it doesn't exclude other possibilities.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

That stands but was talking about that specific case that OP brought up, just because it seems one way it doesn't exclude other possibilities.

You farming for haha's? 


The OP didn't talk about any specific cases.

They didn't raise any actual points or give actual examples of the problems they claim cannot be taken as signs of burnout. 

They just made a metacomplaint about not liking the responses some complaints get. 

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

You farming for haha's? 


The OP didn't talk about any specific cases.

They didn't raise any actual points or give actual examples of the problems they claim cannot be taken as signs of burnout. 

They just made a metacomplaint about not liking the responses some complaints get. 

No but you seem to be considering your responses, what the hell are you talking about.

I just gave an answer that relates to what the OP was saying and then you come in talking about something else that has little to do with my answer whatsoever.

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11 hours ago, rand0mname said:

What is wrong with taking a break or playing another game?

You either will find something that will suit your interests more or you will notice that Warframe actually is not that bad... for the price they ask for it.

Maybe It means that there Is something that doesen't work. This game used to be updated more frequently than today. The reason why this Is happening could be because coding this game is getting difficult update after update 

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13 hours ago, Smilomaniac said:

The difference here is that Steve and Scott continue to treat it as their developer playground to make what they think is fun or neat

This is actually why I like Warframe. I like the big chances they take with design. Not all of it works but it’s become a very unique game.

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