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Catchmoon is being nerfed...


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Honestly feel like they should also buff the other kit guns up too. 

Catch moon is popular because of high damage and nice AOE with decent range. 

The other kit guns lack in the AOE generally and don't have more oomph to make up for it. Just better range, but a lot of game play is inside shotgun range anyways so it doesn't matter. 

I mean, the akarius is better in that respect because of the homing. 

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1 hour ago, bibmobello said:

Th daikyu has not been ever viable for eidolon because it's #*!%ing slow, that's was a bug corrected immediately. Some people still ask wtf  are you doing ivara during eidolon and on a chill play, till they ask themself how you kill everything.  She can kill the eidolon in many ways so... it's not considered meta because it's hard to use and people want something that can't die and pressing a simple button(if the buttons are more than 2 their brains go in tilt).

Currently and before hand you can kill with daikyu in 1-2 shoots up to third terralyst that being said just run a toxic chroma and it’s solved with draw speed. Think before you talk brother 

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5 hours ago, Psianide73 said:

...due to 50% of the playerbase using it.


Edit... I'm not bothered, I favour diversity/playing things for fun.

Sadly, nerfing the riven disposition isn't really a big nerf. I'm for bigger nerfs!

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The problem is this. When you can have enemies that are anywhere upto level 1000 or more on occasion you need to have weapons that are capable of taking them down. Once you have a weapon though that is capable of taking those high level opponents why would you use anything else for dealing with most lower level enemies. Nerfing them is not the answer. If you nef them you leave players with a much harder job or even impossible job when dealing with the otherwise stupidly high level enemies 

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I am not going to cry about this nerf, I never used the catchmoon.

Just like I am not going to cry about the melee nerf, even though I bought condition overload long ago.

The salt generated by these nerfs from the "elite" portions of the community will go a long way towards soothing any annoyance I might feel when DE goes after my favorite frames at the behest of those people in the future.

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It's actually so tiring seeing everyone get so outraged every time their precious meta is disrupted. Like, nobody really cares if you went out of your way to spend $200 in plat to buy a riven for any meta weapon. The only reason you even got the riven was BECAUSE it was the new meta. It's not because you're collecting a riven for every weapon. It's not because the weapon was fun to play and was a bit rough but could be really polished if it had a riven to fix its shortcomings. It was 100% because the community went "this weapon is loads more powerful than all the others, use it and buy the riven for it". 

Those of us who play weapons we like and find to be fun don't have this issue because we tend to stay away from clearly broken weapons that are obviously going to be nerfed down the line.

The only surprise is in how long it took...but I'm mostly sure it's because they were busy with creating The Old War, and needed to release the changes now so they wouldn't interfere with what they were adding with it. Like, imagine putting in that much effort to have a procedural weapon, character and texturing system, only for people to never use the weapons and oneshot the bosses because their weapons are just that much more powerful.

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I see alot of post's blaming it on the riven disposition and calling out DE on the entire riven market but I don't think the nerf has anything to do with the rivens and its a free market system i can offer to sell ammo drum for 400p and if i get a buyer then i get 400p the worth of the item is completely subjective based on how bad you want it they're choosing to nerf catchmoom because such a high percentage of players prefer it the game wasn't built with meta in mind DE wants a wide variety of playstyles so there's something for everyone to enjoy so when something reaches a level where there's no reason to use anything else DE changes it just like what there doing with spin to win


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I personally don't mind, 

But instead of a direct range reduction and damage falloff, 

They should have done some sort of damage reduction after every enemy hit. 

They showed that melee has a follow through mechanism where damage is reduced for the next enemy hit in the same swing, they should apply something like that, 

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I don;t mind, when game like this becomes copy paste built (they even give you tools to do that now...), all the other weapons seems useless... I feel like all weapons/frames/aspects should have up/down side,

my personal favorite secondary weapon is Kulstar, never gets old this weapon!

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It's a mob clearer (that's why everyone uses it) without an insane god riven(even with it it's manageable, not good after 120-140) and they want to nurf it because it does the job good.
As I know from youtube history that's why they nerfed ember before - she was a great mob clearer. The logic is lost on me but what must be done will be, no matter if it's idiotic.

Edited by vegetosayajin
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so, the logic is: "something works, let's nerf it. Everything else that doesn't work, that's fine"? mmm sounds legit.

also note: they clearly stated Arca Plasmor is under the radar (which means it will be nerfed next)

@DE can we have at least a forma refund?

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It's Kinda sad to see that the only solution they offer to the "50% of the players use it" problem is by nerfing the Catchmoon instead of buffing 80% of the secondaries wich, in their actual state, are Useless...

This is not the best way of "balancing" since all those "catchmoon users" will just switch to the second Top tier secondary gun instead of 80% of the unusable secondaries base.


They did that kind of thing in the past and for years know and it never solved anything in game , people just switched to the second Best melee/ secondary/ primary weapon and so on, this is the main reason why they released the Riven thing, to kinda give a balance to weapons in game 
But it doesn't work, in fact some top tier weapon became even more Overpowered

That is really a shame that they don't give more attention to the general balance between the weapon in game while they can handle it , but still they continue to release weapon with broken stats "good/bad" instead of taking a break to wash the trash that is flooding the game


It's also funny to see that they're talking about "50 of the playerbase use ..." thing , since they gave to players , the possibility to copy/paste mod config via chat , thus giving the ability to anyone to get OP config without knowing anything about the game.


Pushing a problem is not solving it, i'm pretty sure the majority of warframe players are waiting for big changes when talking about weapons , and particulary about balancing weapons, they would be more than happy to be able to use every weapon in game , instead of the "10% " top tier

Riven mods is not a solution to this , particulary when you'll give the ability to Farm those riven mods by doing Kuva mission (as said in the stream , people will have the possibility to get 1 Riven mods per week , by farming riven fragments), this , even when the market is already Flooded with those rivens and when players are complaining for month/years about the non-possibility to have an Official dedicated chat/ tool in game to sell them.


It's sad , it realy is, i love this game but that kind of behaviour is pushing me away, even if i love it

And i'm not complaining about the Catchmoon nerf at all , but about the mechanic behind that nerf.

sad batman GIF

Edited by Yemesis
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Being real here, if 1 weapon is vastly overperforming in a game with 100 weapons, you balance that 1 weapon. If this makes the overall power level too low, it's then much simpler to bring the enemy power down, instead of buffing enemies to deal with that one weapon and making the rest even more useless. And buffing 99 weapons is the worst option.

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4 minutes ago, Yemesis said:

It's Kinda sad to see that the only solution they offer to the "50% of the players use it" problem is by nerfing the Catchmoon instead of buffing 80% of the secondaries wich, in their actual state, are Useless...

The Catchmoon doesn't just trivialize secondaries, it is better than a fair number of PRIMARY WEAPONS too.

If they buffed every weapon up to the Catchmoon's level they might as well just make enemies die in one hit no matter the weapon.

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7 hours ago, enemystand said:

data from the stream, weapons listed for "equip time" for mr 27 players

01 catchmoon    51.34%
02 tombfinger    5.22%
03 rattleguts    5.04%
04 pyranna p    4.92%
05 staticor    3.04%
06 akarius    2.97%
07 cyanex    2.70%
08 gaze        1.81%

i think the high time equiped is mostly because we go to the arbitrations with the catchmoon to kill the drones faster, even if we use melee to kill everything else, for normal missions i usually go with another weapon, because using the catchmoon it can be as annoying as using ignis or amprex or a maiming strike macro for other players

You make a good point about Arbitrations. This speaks to me personally. I absolutely hate the Catchmoon. It's just not my style. But, when I get off work, and I'm staring at a group of invincible enemies with guns shooting at me, the last thing I want to do is worry about pixel-hunting a tiny black drone that, annoyingly, sweeps back and forth, against often very dark backgrounds, and is often drowned out by the horrendous color-vomit that often accompanies almost everything in this game. I just want to point the thing in the vague direction of the problem and make it go away. Period.

That said, I think the gun is ridiculously strong right now. I'm not surprised by changes, however, it's pretty late..... It might be wise for them to revisit the entire Kitgun build process and allow for some of the middling/mediocre/lesser desired builds to have range bonuses or other flavors of damage and distribution(someone mentioned something along these lines before and I liked that idea).

It's not the end of the world for me. /shrug

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15 minutes ago, SolarDwagon said:

Being real here, if 1 weapon is vastly overperforming in a game with 100 weapons, you balance that 1 weapon.

The issue is why is over performing and not the statistics at the end that DE watches.The catchmoon is not the strongest secondary kitgun, it's not the strongest secondary not just from kitguns also.It is the most comfortable secondary.It can deal with levels up to 100-140 with the right build but as most of the players know almost every weapon can do that with the right build in a timely matter.It is in the same category as the Ignis wraith - it can deal with a high level targets but is not the strongest for it( I think the N1 is still the Tigris Prime, not entirely sure), but it can deal with large amounts of trash crowds with little effort. That's the contradiction - the game is mob heavy in almost every mission type and that's why certain weapons are widely used and these weapons get nerfed?


34 minutes ago, Yemesis said:

 they would be more than happy to be able to use every weapon in game , instead of the "10% " top tier

Yes, exactly. I am one of those heavy catchmoon users and the first 2 months was fun.Then I started to search for a replacement that can do the job but a different secondary.The closest to it in terms of "doing the job" but different was the staticor and I enjoyed it a lot, but even so when I go to a "serious" mission with mobs or to a low level fisher and I don't want to take my Ignis( because I want to play with a different weapon) I still take the catchmoon.It's just easier to clear the mobs and have fun with your other weapons also.

The other thing - when you extract before the others all the map rushes to you, right? Now I because of this change I will be demanded to bring my ignis/amprex to every mission because I can't take the catchmoon and I am not the only one that thinks in such a matter.You know what's gonna get nerfet next right?

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1 minute ago, vegetosayajin said:

The issue is why is over performing and not the statistics at the end that DE watches.The catchmoon is not the strongest secondary kitgun, it's not the strongest secondary not just from kitguns also.It is the most comfortable secondary.It can deal with levels up to 100-140 with the right build but as most of the players know almost every weapon can do that with the right build in a timely matter.It is in the same category as the Ignis wraith - it can deal with a high level targets but is not the strongest for it( I think the N1 is still the Tigris Prime, not entirely sure), but it can deal with large amounts of trash crowds with little effort. That's the contradiction - the game is mob heavy in almost every mission type and that's why certain weapons are widely used and these weapons get nerfed?


Yes, exactly. I am one of those heavy catchmoon users and the first 2 months was fun.Then I started to search for a replacement that can do the job but a different secondary.The closest to it in terms of "doing the job" but different was the staticor and I enjoyed it a lot, but even so when I go to a "serious" mission with mobs or to a low level fisher and I don't want to take my Ignis( because I want to play with a different weapon) I still take the catchmoon.It's just easier to clear the mobs and have fun with your other weapons also.

The other thing - when you extract before the others all the map rushes to you, right? Now I because of this change I will be demanded to bring my ignis/amprex to every mission because I can't take the catchmoon and I am not the only one that thinks in such a matter.You know what's gonna get nerfet next right?

It actually is the strongest kitgun. It out DPS' the tombfinger with any sensible build that I could think of on each, outside rivens because of disposition advantage. That's *single* target power. Then you take into account the large width projectile, the ease you can hit heads for Arcane Seeker and crit headshot bonus (crit headshot applies, normal headshot does not)... It does many times the listed damage in nearly all situations.

Also, if you're extracting on your own, you should probably think about why that is. Also, DE don't nerf things based just on you alone. Sorry to burst that bubble.

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Just now, SolarDwagon said:

It actually is the strongest kitgun. 

no, Gaze check ur builds

1 minute ago, SolarDwagon said:

Also, if you're extracting on your own, you should probably think about why that is. 

because I'm bored or I have a trade 90%of the time, gotto go sh1t the other 10 😜


3 minutes ago, SolarDwagon said:

Also, DE don't nerf things based just on you alone. 

Apparently it's not just me, so...what? 😄

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