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Why do you hate the New Meelee changes?


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1 hour ago, Renegade343 said:

Well, I hate that it disables my Sprint, as I have my settings on Toggle Sprint. Kind of need it now that I injured my pinky again.


1 hour ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

This, I already made a feedback about this but yeah, I hope this is a bug & not intended

Go to your keyboard config and there it is afaik. Today they dropped a hotfix to fix it tho, dunno if you've read it.

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This video right here explains all my hate for melee 3.0 changes. The combo movements are clunky and annoyingly making me stuck to using one combo so I can constantly have movement when I melee SO NOW I AM STUCK FORCED TO USE 1 COMBO ON A STANCE. ruined my fun of 2400hrs in mission time and with U26.. I am done. And yes when you see me fling forward that from using the 1 combo that actually lets me move.

Edited by .Versailles.
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Status focused weapons are now dead

Iron Staff is now dead putting Wukong into just being an undying spy vault frame.

overall, making the entirety of melee worse was not a good thing. IDC if the damage before was far more than enough. You don’t nerf something and treat it like an improvement. But hey if we’re gonna go by that logic then I guess we don’t need power strength mods, or weapon damage increase mods. You know what just remove mods entirely and make every mission exactly like the Grendel missions. I’m sure that would do wonder for the game.

Edited by (XB1)GearsMatrix301
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1. Most of all, stealth kill key changed into X

2. Due to the calculation changed in blood rush, weapon's original crit chance became biggest factor in crit build. No more pumping up the crit with riven or steel charge

3. Elemental type weapon's status chance has been polluted with physical dmg. My caustacyst's status chance is like half of the original since its 20%of the damage is made with impace and puncture

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I personally don't mind the change and I'm for it. 
Thy Divinity sums it up well (albeit bluntly) imo. It's harsh, no one likes drastic change, but it's sorta a necessary change that needed to occur for the longest time.

I can understand why many players are upset as they feel all their time, effort, and resources spent on their favorite weapons have gone to waste. 
I personally don't see it like that. With my main weapons, I've found them to be just as strong (if not stronger) after I changed up my build and how I used said weapons. With maiming strike getting hit with the change, I no longer use these weapons now to primarily spin2win. I've found that I can dish out reliable and high dmg still using the revised combo system. As a result; Melee feels a lot more responsive and engaging to me.
The new rework also brings a lot of those "weapons I enjoy, but sadly are lacking for endgame" into usable light in the later levels.

We're tenno; We adapt, we overcome! Don't let this melee overhaul be the "be all / end all" towards how you view things. 🙂

Rather than seeing this in a negative light, I find the rework breaths new life into both current "meta" weapons & into older weapons. It encourages us to revisit said older weapons we personally enjoyed, but couldn't make viable in the past.

While I do agree that some elements need some tweaking such as how some combos feel with certain weapons, and how heavy attacks could do with more polish and further refinement (to name a few). I do honestly believe this rework is for the best. 

To those literally upset that they can no longer do millions of damage; If you thought that no longer being able to easily 1-2 shot lvl 200 armored enemies was considered "unfair", then idk what to say..
Maybe I'm not understanding something from those players standpoint (or maybe I'm just getting old), but that's my .02

Edited by Owlski
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10 minutes ago, (XB1)TyeGoo said:

I don't hate them, I'm just curious why they removed natural scaling (combo counter)

Since I don't use rivens my guns fall off pretty easy and melee gave me the chance to continue. Now I'm not so sure if it'll still be the case when the update launches.


That's because most melee weapons have 3x higher base damage by default now, although most heavy weapons only got 50-100% more damage on average. A lot of the weaker weapons got even bigger damage boosts, up to 4-5x the previous damage, along with range increases on a large number of weapons. I've noticed some stance combos are a lot stronger than before and do more hits as well, stationary combos are stronger than forward combos in most cases, since forward combos are meant to attack while moving.

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It's interesting that many (the majority?) Of those that "hate" the changes seem to be console players, who don't have the update yet, and therefore haven't tried the changes.

Not just in this thread I might add.


Edited by Psianide73
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4 hours ago, Owlski said:

I personally don't mind the change and I'm for it. 
Thy Divinity sums it up well (albeit bluntly) imo. It's harsh, no one likes drastic change, but it's sorta a necessary change that needed to occur for the longest time.

I can understand why many players are upset as they feel all their time, effort, and resources spent on their favorite weapons have gone to waste. 
I personally don't see it like that. With my main weapons, I've found them to be just as strong (if not stronger) after I changed up my build and how I used said weapons. With maiming strike getting hit with the change, I no longer use these weapons now to primarily spin2win. I've found that I can dish out reliable and high dmg still using the revised combo system. As a result; Melee feels a lot more responsive and engaging to me.
The new rework also brings a lot of those "weapons I enjoy, but sadly are lacking for endgame" into usable light in the later levels.

We're tenno; We adapt, we overcome! Don't let this melee overhaul be the "be all / end all" towards how you view things. 🙂

Rather than seeing this in a negative light, I find the rework breaths new life into both current "meta" weapons & into older weapons. It encourages us to revisit said older weapons we personally enjoyed, but couldn't make viable in the past.

While I do agree that some elements need some tweaking such as how some combos feel with certain weapons, and how heavy attacks could do with more polish and further refinement (to name a few). I do honestly believe this rework is for the best. 

To those literally upset that they can no longer do millions of damage; If you thought that no longer being able to easily 1-2 shot lvl 200 armored enemies was considered "unfair", then idk what to say..
Maybe I'm not understanding something from those players standpoint (or maybe I'm just getting old), but that's my .02

I’m guessing this update is in a way involved in the upcoming New War quest. They advertised it to be challenging, so I guess this update was their way of making it challenging. As they probably know that people will cheese through it like any other content they release.

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I don't hate them, the only thing I absolutely WISH that I still had was the ability to just hold E to preform a power attack. Because needing to press E and then needing to press a 2nd heavy attack button breaks the flow of how I used to use my Melee and makes things like throwing weapons a bit chunky. 

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hace 4 horas, Psianide73 dijo:

It's interesting that many (the majority?) Of those that "hate" the changes seem to be console players, who don't have the update yet, and therefore haven't tried the changes.

Not just in this thread I might add.


Pc player. Tested most of weapons. Hate the system. 

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I love the new changes, in fact I've loved all the changes the game has brought over the years. From the removal of Stamina to the new wall run to the melee changes. The game doesn't get old cause I get to learn and adapt my entire frame collection to the new realities rather than a stale unchanging world. Good Job DE, keep it up.

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5 hours ago, Psianide73 said:

It's interesting that many (the majority?) Of those that "hate" the changes seem to be console players, who don't have the update yet, and therefore haven't tried the changes.

Not just in this thread I might add.



The game plays differently with controllers. Controllers mostly suck with shooters, so the crutch to work around the sucktastic parts involves AoE weapons--and melee is largely AoE. Frankly, I feel DE could have reigned melee in by just cutting its range about 75% across the board. 

I'm still getting used to the system. Personally, I haven't seen much of a difference yet, but it's also becoming apparent I might need new keybindings. Melee to me has always been an emergency attack when things get too close and you're bingo on ammo. Once the immediate threat is resolved, then you reload and get back to business. Consequently, none of this bothers me particularly--aside from the keybinding thing. 

The bottom line is something fundamental has changed (again) and you have to get used to it. 

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Channeling was like tradition. DE replaced it with something complicated and unclear. Do community asked for this? For real? Who? Point me who with a finger. I need to ask him is this melee 3.0 is something what he wanted.


As for now i don't play warframe. Now i'm only reading forums. I'm looking for hope for melee, which is getting worse and worse since "Chimera" update.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Lostmuppet said:

You would be foolish to think that some of those console players don't have access to play Warframe on PC, it's not like it costs anything to make a multiple accounts.

Exactly, lol.  I've put 6+ hr into testing this f***in mess.  I just get physically sick playing WF on PC for some weird reason that cannot be fixed by tweaks (no other game ever has done this to me)  So I moved to console. 

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15 hours ago, ChaosMarine said:

Why I'm not a fan? I spent crap-loads of hours working on my weapons, Crap-loads of resources on forma/rivens. My favourite melee weapon has lost around 30% of it's range and the new crit multiplication system has reduced my weapon's damage output significantly. Before I could start throwing out red-crits within two to four hits, now, I have to hand out 180+ hits to start seeing red crits. It's not fun or pleasant to look at something you've put a lot of time and effort into honing to be the most optimised weapon possible suddenly get torn to shred because of an update.

To add to this, I'm still pissed at DE's attitude about nerfing Catchmoon. I don't use it. I prefer the Tombfinger to be honest but the way they decided to bring in Pablo and his crap spiel was akin to telling the player to shut up and accept their nerf because he was "a cute child" once. Firstly, if fifty people are using the gun because it's the best gun to use, that doesn't excuse them to nerf it into the ground. They'd be better off buffing other secondaries or making them worth the effort to use. This isn't a PVP game. It's a PVE game. When people whinge and moan about how they shouldn't mind their favourite weapons getting nerfed into the ground, they're essentially pissing on those that liked those weapons. I don't moan at you for enjoying your favourite weapons or even care if they're OP or not.

DE are messing up here. I've been asking every cell I've played with tonight what they're thinking and I've had exactly eight against forty-eight people (Yes, I did count) who liked and disliked the new system respectively. This is a big change to way WF plays and it's a massive change to the melee aspect which is a core component of the game.If DE are serious about producing a game the fans enjoy, okay, have the update available but within a month of the update, they should put out a message to the players and ask if they want to keep the old melee system or if they want to keep the new one.

To the people who think this is good, I don't care. If you disagree with me, I doubly don't care.You're welcome to enjoy the new system and I won't begrudge you enjoying it but just because you're enjoying it, doesn't mean those that don't enjoy it should shut up or not voice their disappointment.


Post that one everywhere You can. Reddit, send it via ticket to tech support, do everything You can. DE must read this as soon as possible.

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this change is just too radical. a small nerf to blood rush and maiming strike would have been fine, but they essentially gutted it by 50% or higher. Perhaps its a bug or just poorly implemented and they didn't intend to make them this weak. But melee was fine before, at least for me. I liked learning new combos for each new weapon, and I didn't find melee so overpowered that I didn't use primary or secondary weapons. I also loved my Ninkondi prime, and had a great riven for it. But now its like slapping enemies with a pair of dildos on a chain. Sure, its fine against enemies up to lvl 30 or so, but beyond that it becomes much less useful than it was before. 

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The nerf to crit values was really hard. I would also rather have channeling back then this heavy attacks which are clunky and essentially worthless.


And why, why, why do I now have to press a separate button for a finisher attack then a normal one. This makes it even clunkier and less fluid.

Edited by Prexades
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I could handle the nerfs if armor scaling was dealt with but it in perpetual "we're looking into this" so endurance is pointless atm as the patch was catered for the world map what is silly as it's designed for un-optimized rookies still grinding mods. Weapon switching something DE they prided themselves on a few months ago now pointless since hybrids don't work now and crits are in a bad spot leaving only status been viable as not as crippled. But all of that could be glossed over if the new system felt good and yet.....it feels like my frame stuck in a bog. Melee is now slow, clunky, deliberate with no sense of flow, the weapons seems to have a 100kg weight stuck at it's end and throws your frame about and have no control over it. The power fantasy imo has left melee in it's current state as the only viable melee now is the catchmoon what has replaced the redeemer primes role of close range FU.

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