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(PC) Empyrean: Railjack Mission and Difficulty Feedback Megathread


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Let’s talk Kosma units.

In terms of difficulty, their level range lies to your face: they go down about as easily as sortie 2 enemies.

*Sortie 2 enemies. Posing as starchart levels.*
My suggestion is to equalize the base stats. Increase starting level to match. Otherwise, you’ll get most of us entering and underestimating the difficulty of the match, especially with the newer players.

Edited by RWBY-WhiteRose
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The pustril costs are a nightmare. it took me days to get enough to craft one new thing. they don't drop nearly frequently enough for the insane amount of repair juice you need alone. forget the 1500 of them you need for any single one of the first upgrades. iv already picked up things that are asking for double that. it's an unreasonable grind even for this game when progression is more or less locked behind having a ship that can actually kill enemies (because arc guns are next to impossible to use due to them being suddenly projectile based when they shouldn't be) and not getting a critical hull failure every 2 seconds. At least make the costs on some of the early gear low enough, or the drops of this particular material high enough that most people can get up to a point where they can do some of the lower level missions comfortably so they can, you know, actually get any of them at all.

side note from the pustril costs. why does the zetki mk1 reactor (not sure about the others as i don't have any others) cost twice as much as the researchable mk1 reactor, but have 2 less capacity and no other benefits? the descriptions and actual stats of a lot of these wreckage parts seems like complete placeholder. it says focus on flux capacity (whatever that even means) but gives no additional bonus to that slot so its ether just a lie or its not even a finished item

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23 minutes ago, Cortanis said:

On top of that, we apparently gain no XP for our own ship progressions in gear unless we're the host. Why? If we're participating in the mission, our own ship's gear should get at least SOME XP off this. As it stands thanks to this system and the broken way match making is being handled, I have yet to gain ANY progression to my ship's gear and only to the mods that I've acquired joining other people. Progression for the mods has been a fight all on its own as people are continually deciding to call it quits instead of doing missions back to back.

You should get intrinsics for doing missions even when not the host. go to Profile > Intrinsics. You can spend your points you have earned there on upgrading your ship.

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Sorry for the ping but I felt this was necessary for you to know about.

After going through the entirety of Earth with my clan, I find my engineers (clan members) abusing

catastrophic failure as a "Grey Health" immunity phase.

I also have noticed ancient healers eximus affecting the railjack itself lol!

I think it would be important to provide punishments more sever in advanced railjack missions

such as a formorian being able to one shot your ship if you are in catastrophic failure constantly.

Otherwise I can just gather resources for my engineer while in space and run around immune to everything.


A good fix would be every twenty hits from a fighter or x amount of damage = -5 seconds from timer.

Edited by Midas
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50 minutes ago, Midas said:

provide punishments more sever in advanced railjack missions

How about no?

Most people will play solo or with skeleton crew, and struggle with initial Earth missions. The balance is completely out of whack for anything that ISN'T pre-made crew with a voice chat.

Railjack should not consist of Tridolon-like content which is only viable with a group unless vastly overgeared, since many warframe players suffer from Kirito syndrome. 

I'm not against difficult missions existing in the form of Railjack counterparts of Nightmare/Sortie/Arbitrations, but this is our Starchart v2.0 Railjack Edition, not a raid. It's tedious enough with how paper-thin our ships are atm. 

Edited by Reifnir
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The difficulty feels good in general, but there are a few things that don't really feel well-balanced right now:

  1. A strong Archwing is too strong. Something needs to be done to incentivize using the Railjack, not your Archwing. Ideally, something could be done to make both useful: some situation for which the Archwing weapons are ideal, and another for which ship weapons are ideal. Maybe split fighters into two types: Fighters that are best dealt with by the Archwing (maybe Railjack weapons punch through them, but do reduced damage to represent them being fast and small) and Corvettes that are best dealt with by the Railjack weapons (and take very little damage from Archwing weapons). Or perhaps add Archwing enemies in addition to the current enemies, and highlight them for Archwing players, but not on the Railjack turrets - so you could kill them with the Railjack, but it's hard because you can't easily see or aim at them. Or do something else - there just needs to be some reason I want to use Railjack turrets and some reason I want to go use my Archwing, and not a situation where I want to always use whichever is more powerful overall.
  2. Crewships feel far too easy and one-dimensional. I can kill a crewship reactor faster than I can kill some fighters with my Railjack's turrets. Something that would immediately help is disabling a crewship's guns once all the enemies inside are dead. This would at least incentivize clearing them instead of just jumping in, ignoring enemies and blowing the reactor, then jumping out. The fact that crewships can keep firing after you blow the reactor feels bad anyway. Ideally in the long run crewships could have a least a little more interaction, more like a symbol mini-sabotage mission.
  3. The health aspect of the Railjack feels almost completely superfluous. There's almost no reason to pay attention to it, and the content feels tuned around revolite availability anyway. And the revolite economy works really well. Frankly, I think you should seriously consider just getting rid of railjack health (shields are fine, if mostly inconsequential) and fully committing to Catastrophic Failures. Convert the health and armor upgrades to upgrades that slow the pace of ruptures and rupture worsening. This is functionally similar to how it currently works, but right now people are clearly confused by the health bar at the top, the way it jumps around, and the fact that they can spend a lot of a game near 0 health feels strange. This isn't really about the difficulty, but the perception of the difficulty, which is, I think, really wonky right now.
  4. Catastrophic failures should accumulate and decrease the timer. Right now it's often optimal to purposefully wait to fix a failure until the timer is almost out. If you fix at 2 seconds left, you buy yourself at least 58 seconds. If you fix at 30 seconds left, you only buy yourself 30 seconds. Instead, we should be rushing to fix them because more catastrophic failures might appear and reduce the timer, causing a loss. Alternatively/additionally, catastrophic failures that are left alone should start cascading into meaningful ship functionality failures.
  5. The non-catastrophic failures feel pretty meaningless right now. They really ought to disable more functions of the Railjack in more serious ways. I should be shouting to my engineer to fix the engines because I can barely move or, better yet, the Railjack has started pulling hard to the left. I want to be running to fix the ammo feed so the left turret comes back online. This would also help to make it feel more like our jobs were interacting and less like we're each playing separate little games at the same time. I want that moment when someone is ready to board a crewship, and the engineer is fixing the archwing catapult, and the pilot is trying to line up the shot while the controls pull to the left because the engineer is busy. That is what Railjack could give us, and it's so close.
Edited by Modus-Pwnens
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il y a une heure, Midas a dit :

^^ I think most people need a clan then. Clans have 0% purpose and I think railjack intends to force teamwork. Doing fine with pugs lately on Saturn.

People are smarter than you think they are just lazy.

So far i've mostly experienced some really lazy and selfish players who were basically rushing stations, thus not caring about archwing at all (perhaps they don't like that or whatever - don't care) and staying in them for the entire mission duration. Each time i asked them why they were doing that, they told me they were helping. Truth is that destroying the final station is only a matter of a minute when 99% of the job (especially the most difficult part) is to kill enemy ships while trying to not die.

Now each time i meet one, he gets a host migration - I don't want to waste my time with selfish smarty-pants. Tbh i don't even get why stations are targetable before we deal with ships first, all of the missions aren't well structured and really need some work too. Especially since the whole (Kill X ships, destroy X station) is really boring and uninspired gameplay.

Empyrean seriously lacks of strategy, RJ sucks so bad i've found missions way easier when no one cares about it during the whole mission - this thing isn't helping at all. Everyone enters his archwing and job is done. We aren't only talking about number tuning here, we definitely need designers to do a better job.

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Very much to my surprise, I find empyrean update to be a lot more enjoyable than Lich system. Although both are grindy like hell, I can have fun grinding for higher skills & powerful mods in railjack but not when I am farming murmurs. Farming murmurs show little progress and is a torture itself. In comparison, the feel of getting better and becoming more skillful in railjack ease the process of farming.

However, it is very buggy now, too buggy that everyone in the team is taking turn to dc/ stuck/ black screen/ crash during railjack missions. It is in dire need of hotfixes now and the avionics mods are bugged now too, the number sometimes show 10%, the next time you log in, it shows 25% then 9% & they all look alike which are very confusing. Moreover, many times we stuck in loading when returning to Dry Dock after mission and we have to abort in the end which is frustrating.  Overall, empyrean is fun if DE can smooth out all the bugs. Thanks. 

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Il y a 9 heures, HeartPurity a dit :

Overall, empyrean is fun if DE can smooth out all the bugs.

Not sure bugs and balance issues are the only thing that prevent Empyrean from being "fun".

Missions are...well. repetitive and boring, uninspired and cliché. there's absolutely no strategy whatsoever, RJ is all but mandatory, you'd better leave it and run the whole mission with your archwing only.

The whole RJ concept is cryptic, i really don't get why we have to use that thing. If we're going to escort it, then we need objectives that actually need a RJ. Quite funnily you can't reach objectives with your RJ for now cause it's being obliterated by defensive lasers, missiles or whatever. Seriously, except from being a huge useless ship, what devs did have in mind while implementing this thing ?

Missions could have used way more strategy, we could have protected our RJ as an escort until we reach some station and use one of its feature to help with it (using the catapult to enter it, connecting your RJ to the station to board it or even using a big gun to force the entrance). First we have to destroy long range defense systems with our archwings or even infiltrate the station thanks to some enemy transport we can borrow, then escort the RJ to the station, defend it until he can board/force/whatever, and then destroy the station.

Seriously, Kill X ships in space in 2020 without a single option ? No thanks. No strategy, no fun, only an upteenth grind with some players who can only think about farm. We're far from talking about fun here.

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I'm a ps4 player who doesn't even have access to the update yet, but seeing people asking to lower the difficulty to allow for solo play seems kind of silly, especially when it was explicitly stated that it was intended to be a coop game mode. I want something challenging, and I hope the difficultly isn't nerfed down to boringness by the time I get my hands on it. Please give the community more time to adjust to the new game mode and give it a chance, instead of listening to people who briefly play a few missions and immediately complain "it's too hard make it easier". 

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Missions to kill X ships in space would be a lot more fun if the weapons weren't utter garbage. Will we get better weapons? Probably. But the first ones doing so little damage to ships is boring. People end up going Archwing and killing everything 100x faster, and I can't blame them. If the RJ weapons were actually at all competitive, less people would do that.

I'd expect the beginning weapons to be decent until end of Earth. Maybe only struggle to kill enemies on the last mission, so level 20+. Currently they seem useless for anything over level 10, and even below is not fun. 

Edited by Bhyd
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Hey DE! I suspect you're trying to seamlessly mix all forms of gameplay into Railjack. Can you add some sub-mission nodes/bounties to these otherwise sealed Grineer doors? They look like a great place to put a mini Grineer Astroid mission...



There's the door (and lots of them on other astroids). But no way to open them and go inside with the Warframe and bust up a Grineer Astroid... Like a normal Grineer mission.

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Railjack seems to be conceptually sound, until you take a close look at it.  Starting out, you learn the basic control schemes and mechanics.  But then, there's nothing to do but wait several days until you get the next tier of pea-shooter from the unskippable research console that lets you breeze through the next level of content. 

I should probably mention that I don't play in public squads, as every time I have tried to do so far, my game has either crashed or the host has bugged out, left, and the host migration either crashed my game or reset the mission progress to zero. 

I've been doing Railjack missions in a duo, and while everything is fully manageable with only two people, the starting guns being pathetically weak is what leads to a feeling of 'difficulty' in the mission, as weak guns result in the ship getting swarmed while the players fire ineffective rounds at enemies, and are forced to sit and watch as more needy repair modules pop up, over and over. 

It's come to the point where one of us steers the Railjack, and the other one stays in Archwing to kill the enemies.  The Railjack guns are just that pathetic. 

We've done the entirety of the Earth Railjack mission set by generally ignoring the Railjack itself, as it is squishier than an Archwing.  A few hits from a crew ship later, and it's "catastrophic failure imminent".  If the Archwing person goes off to kill the crew ship, the Railjack gets swarmed by fighters and killed because there's no Archwing defending the ship, using Amesha bubbles to make up for its pathetic defences and shooting the enemies down with infinitely more effective Archguns. 

Using the artillery to kill the crew ships is wasteful, for starters.  It requires the railjack to stay 100% still while the artillery locks on, which can lead to the railjack dying to fighters due to its vulnerable state.  Having to maintain the ammunition is a pain in the ass, too.  Additionally, all the materials inside the crew ship in the loot containers vanish into the void, then, it seems.  Which leads me to my next point. 

Having to manually pick up every goddamn drop feels like not having Vacuum in a regular mission - it's absolutely terrible. [EDIT 1: Look, DE, we know you have a vendetta against all viable forms of Vacuum.  We get it.  You want to slow down player progression, and this is how you intend to do so.  But, shoving it in the players' face is not the right way to go about it, and that's what you're doing.  You're knowingly creating your own backlash.  What you could do instead, is to lower drop amounts, but make them instantly appear in the players' inventories.  In the end, this likely balances out to the same amount, and on top of that, satisfies the player by not creating a feeling of 'missing out', but at the same time, still keeping the rewards per time about the same.  THIS is why I originally wrote that whoever designed Vacuum in Railjack needs to be told to their face that they are an idiot, which I will amend to 'they need to be told to their face that what they did was stupid' - because the positive alternative is so obvious, that some random person on the internet can think of it on the spot.  Again, not an attempt at devbashing- it's purely constructive, and not meant to be insulting.  It's a call to put thought into such gameplay mechanics.] Seriously, they need to understand exactly this, not the watered down version of feedback of 'the players don't like it', because it does not seem to have sunk in. All drops from dead enemy ships should instantly appear in the player's inventory.  We shouldn't have to spend more time than we spent in the mission, picking up drops after it.  Especially when enemies don't drop their drops on death, but many seconds after, after spinning out and exploding somewhere else, making it more difficult than it should be to track their drops.  ESPECIALLY when half the drops fall to the floor of the map and don't render in at a distance, so the player has to search the entire bottom of the map boundary manually for the things that fell down to it. Railjack is too large in scale for any player to be arsed to even collect drops after the mission, and having to manually collect them all during the mission ruins whatever fun is left in Railjack. 

Railjack maneuverability is a joke.  Even with speed enhancing Avionic mods and Pilot Intrinsics, it seems so slow. 

The way it handles is also counterintuitive.  It plays as if the player were using a controller with a sticky joystick, even with keyboard/mouse.  I would prefer full keyboard input if the players are being forced to use an adapted console-controller control scheme on keyboard/mouse, and cut out the mouse.

In terms of Archwings, by the way, only the tanky ones are useful.  Itzal is not a viable option, even though it has Vacuum with Cosmic Crush, since the range on that compared to the scale of the map, is miniscule at best.  Elytron is not tanky - it's a glass cannon in Railjack content, which is useless.  Which brings us to the two remaining Archwings - Odonata and Godwing.  Odonata can survive until the going gets tough and the first ability doesn't do anything to save it.  As for Amesha, well... Godwing is Godwing.  The only annoying part is that crewships' explosive shots can damage Amesha through its healing bubbles. 

Which brings us to Archguns.  The ones with closer range falloff, such as the Corvas and Larkspur, are worthless here.  The Fluctus, Grattler, and Kuva Ayanga have too slow of flight speed to matter - they may as well be archmelees, for all intents and purposes.  The Velocitus, Cyngas, and Dual Decurion do not have the volume of fire to keep up with swarming enemies taking evasive maneuvers.  That leaves the Imperator/Vandal and Phaedra as the only viable Archguns for Railjack content. 

The mission to steal the prototype enemy crew ship is bugged, by the way.  Every time, the crew ship spawns in a wall, leaving the only way to escape being the omnitool recall from one of the intrinsics.  If the player does not have this, they have to abandon the mission on the spot.  Additionally, if they do not destroy the crew ship before they recall, then it will be glitched in the wall, invincible, preventing the last crew ship fro being killed and forcing the player to abandon the mission.  Fix it, DE.  This is a progress-halting bug that should not have been able to get through QA, let alone into the live game.

[EDIT 1: Resources should not double-dip, between Railjack part upgrades.  Armaments and Components should NOT draw the same resources to craft (i.e. Titanium, Pustrels), as well as to repair.  This forces the player to choose either one or the other, and since Railjacks are so pathetically squishy that adding any tank to it is laughable, it leaves Railjack guns as the only content worth grinding.  Making a major part of Railjack building worthless like this is not good design. 

And don't even get me started on Rush Repair Drones.  They cross the boundary between paying to speed up the grind, and paying to remove the grind.  Since the entire game is a grind, removing it is not good.

Also, the owner of the Railjack should be allowed to send the Railjack to another sector in the middle of the mission, when not in pub squads.  This would help to prevent potential for rampant abuse.  Since Railjack missions are all-or-nothing, in that the player either successfully completes the mission and obtains all rewards, or fails the mission by having to abort if the objective glitches out or watch their ship burn if they run out of repair materials, there should be an option to leave mid-mission with the current cargo.  This would forfeit end-of-mission bonuses, but still keep the current drops obtained in the mission.  It is incredibly frustrating to watch the ship burn and be able to do nothing about it, knowing that the player is about to lose everything they just spent time to obtain, and have to call all that time spent, a waste.]

[EDIT 2: If the Railjack's owner goes through all their revives and dies again, the remaining crew should be able to use navigation to bring the ship back to the Dry Dock.  As-is, if the owner uses up all their revives and dies again, it's game over for everyone in the squad. 

In the 'disable the pulse cannon' objective, the 'enter ship' on the objective marked ship does not work, resulting in a guaranteed mission loss due to being unable to board the objective ship.]

Just a bit of feedback, in no particular order. 

Edited by shootaman777
Edit 1: Reworking a part of the post back into it that was edited out stealthily, likely by a mod, as well as adding another bit at the end. Edit 2: Additional feedback.
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15 hours ago, shootaman777 said:


This right here DE. Spot on.

The #1 rule of Railjack is Don't use the Railjack. We have to literally hide it and put bubbles if it's under fire. This sucks. 

4 people, 1 on Railjack, 2 with Amesha bubbling and killing S#&$ and one on enemy ship is the best way. And it shouldn't be. It really sucks that the enemy ships are so much better in every way. 

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The biggest problem I'm having is getting held hostage in railjack missions.


I have my own railjack but am choosing to go public squads for now. The railjack owner can just keep loading up new missions, and often when you ask to return to dry dock, they refuse and just tell you to abort at the start of the next mission. I finally did that. I lost ALL of the XP toward my weapon I gained during all the missions we strung together. At the last mission success screen it said I had 21 intrisic points, and when I got back to my own dojo, I only had 15, so I also lost 6 intrisic points by being forced to abort by the railjack owner.


Can we PLEASE find a way to let squadmates choose if they want to extract or stay on the ship between railjack missions after mission success?

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The hardest part is figuring out what the mission objective is, especially because you can't always see all the waypoints.  I was inside one of the missile platforms and got a "door is locked, find an access panel" message.  There was no access panel -- turns out the door unlocked when you shot some targets on the outside, which you can't see at all from inside.  It wouldn't have been a problem if the rest of the squad outside was paying attention, but this is Warframe, so you can't rely on getting effective squads in a public mission.

As for the actual tactics and gameplay, it's fine.  A little bland.  Sometimes there will be six fighters on you barely scratching your shields, other times you'll get taken out immediately by something you can't see, which is weird.

I don't know what people are talking about when they say revolite is too expensive.  As long as you keep destroying enemies you keep getting more materials.

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The difficulty level of Railjack is way too difficult for the lower levels.

I feel like the damage you take from even the lower lever enemies, is way too much. 3 hits from a crewship in archwing and I'm dead. Having the railjack in the vicinity of a single crewship (at the first node) for too long and a critical rupture emerges. 

  • Using archwing against crewships does more damage than the railjack against crewships. It doesn't really feel right since the Railjack is quite a bit bigger, and with much larger guns than the archwing.
  • Archwing guns are very difficult to hit anyting with, that isn't a crewship.
  • The aburd amount of damage you take (even on the easiest node) to the railjack, makes it essential to constantly look for resources and repair often. This also leads to not forging much else than revolite, and thus hindering the full exeperience.

There are other issues aswell which plenty of others have already spoken about, aswell as these, but I did realise one thing when playing. It was fun to take on the role of "the engineer" of the crew, and run around putting out fires, fixing the ship and managing resources, occasionally informing the crew when we were starting to run low on pustrels so they could actively look for more. However, this was in one of the easiest missions, and we had to struggle. It doesn't feel like it fits with the rest of warframes difficulty curve, and so I would urge D.E to change it. 

My suggestions would be to:

  1. Buff the railjack (or nerf the enemies) so that it actually feels like a powerful ship, able to contend with what the grineer have.
  2. Buff the projectile speed of archwing guns. It's way to hard to hit fighter, even if you are directly behind them.
  3. Nerf the damage of crewships. It doesn't make sense that the railjack can only take a few hits from a crewship, while at the same time these crewships can take hundreds of hits without as much as a scratch.

There are of course other ways to solve most issues, but these are those that came to mind at the moment.

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Il y a 11 heures, Bhyd a dit :

This right here DE. Spot on.

The #1 rule of Railjack is Don't use the Railjack. We have to literally hide it and put bubbles if it's under fire. This sucks. 

4 people, 1 on Railjack, 2 with Amesha bubbling and killing S#&$ and one on enemy ship is the best way. And it shouldn't be. It really sucks that the enemy ships are so much better in every way. 

Best way so far is no one in transport nor RJ but 4 Amesha since they're even more helpful than Izatl to deal with enemies we can't aim at, without being squishy. Since missions are braindead shooting any other option is a waste of time and energy. RJ basically sucks in all strategies and it's only here as a deadweight to protect for no reasons. Other archwings are next to worthless since they never reworked Archwing, even before launching an all based upon archwing Empyrean... 🙄

Without Amesha you're pretty much dead in space cause they never bothered implementing health management in Archwings, you're just slowly dying if no Amesha can heal you. Some are even playing Wisp to get some health buff before they launch their archwings. Players actually have to work around bugs and design issues, that's quite pathetic if you want my two cents.

And Imperator Vandal as an archgun cause well, other guns also suck in such fights. Seriously, we really needed an archwing QoL before that new content. I'm still wondering why the hell we don't have targeting systems that help with moving target in a damn space content, that's stupid as hell. Even RJ does have it but i suspect it to be part broken cause it doesn't help much either.

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3 hours ago, 2ndPersonPlural said:

The hardest part is figuring out what the mission objective is, especially because you can't always see all the waypoints.  I was inside one of the missile platforms and got a "door is locked, find an access panel" message.  There was no access panel -- turns out the door unlocked when you shot some targets on the outside, which you can't see at all from inside.  It wouldn't have been a problem if the rest of the squad outside was paying attention, but this is Warframe, so you can't rely on getting effective squads in a public mission.

As for the actual tactics and gameplay, it's fine.  A little bland.  Sometimes there will be six fighters on you barely scratching your shields, other times you'll get taken out immediately by something you can't see, which is weird.

I don't know what people are talking about when they say revolite is too expensive.  As long as you keep destroying enemies you keep getting more materials.

The issue with revolite is that you need it CONSTANTLY. and that's a big problem when you need thousands of pustrils to craft anything. Its not so much that the revolite is too expensive, its that everything else that needs the same materials to craft are.

Also this makes drop boosters feel almost ptw. It's an issue when something that's just suppose to decrease grind actually gives you a gameplay advantage in a game mode with this sort of stupid difficulty.

Edited by PollexMessier
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il y a 4 minutes, PollexMessier a dit :

the issue with revolite is that you need it CONSTANTLY. and that's a big problem when you need thousands of pustrils to craft anything. its not so much that the revolite is too expensive, it's that everything else that needs the same materials to craft are.

also this makes drop boosters feel almost ptw. It's an issue when something that's just suppose to decrease grind actually gives you an advantage in an a game mode with this sort of stupid difficulty

That's how they want us to grind now. Spending hours to grind ressources in missions you're meant to spend this same ressources. How rewarding !

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Looting and repairing parts is fair and engaging, but the resource requirement is too high.

Currently it cost more than 2000 out of the four basic resource (Carbides, Copernics, Cubic Diodes or Pustrels) to repair just one Mk.I weapons; more than 5000/7000 on MK.II guns.

 I have progressed to Saturn and I have a handful of basics looted guns and a reactor, still I could only afford to repair two with rush repair drone.

The cost for repair needs to be slashed. Or the resource income needs to be increased. Even a place to reliably farm is nice.

Speaking of farm, can we get an icon on loot drop in space? It is really hard to see them especially in distance.

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