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Solo players, stop expecting, that Command will fix all your railjack problems.


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It seems that all the solo players expect that when Command skill and AI crew arrives, all your problems will be solved, and some even go as far to say they won't play Empyrean module until that AI crew arrives. Empyrean is strictly co-op experience. It is not "co-op" in a way of "I do my thing while other guys walk around randomly", where you can feel either carried or useless. Going out with AI crew and shadow field won't give you the same experience and you should not expect it would.

If you don't want to play Railjack in public for reasons, don't expect Command to change it.

Ps.: I am one of you guys, a solo player, with huge dojo I raised and decorated myself, and no friends, but since this module was built from ground up for cooperation, it feels more like Star Trek: Bridge Crew, where you have the most fun out of cooperating with others. We have to deal with it and try and find some pals for once.

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2 minutes ago, Awazx said:

Perfect. Another thing that needed years of development and nobody will play.



A friendly reminder, that people wanted raids back, and they required a premade party of 8. Solo players are a minority.

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23 minutes ago, Furebel said:

A friendly reminder, that people wanted raids back, and they required a premade party of 8. Solo players are a minority.

You got that reversed.

The sliver of the community that wanted Raids back is an extreme minority.

The vast majority of Warframe players are Small Group (Duos mostly), & mostly Solo players.

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I've been soloing or duoing warframe since the beta (founder), I don't play with others but maybe 1 other friend now and then. I'm hoping that can continue. I built my ship entirely by myself and got everything to this point solo with the occasional friend helping, 1 friend not many. It's not that as the op put I "don't have friends" or solo people don't, just none play this but 1. I have tried getting at least 50 people into this game over it's entire existence and half of those people did make it past the rough start new players have but all of them left because of the farming.  I don't have time to form new friendships and put effort into that. I don't want to put time into learning the ins and outs of a new friend's personality to enjoy a game. I already have a ton of real life friends and a few online ones that I rather devote my time than someone new. I'm not playing warframe to find a date or new best friend.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2019-12-13 at 10:08 AM, Furebel said:

A friendly reminder, that people wanted raids back, and they required a premade party of 8. Solo players are a minority.

Last pie chart they showed had less than 5% of players play trials regularly.

Last time the spoke about solo players they said about 20% of players predominantly play alone.


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The majority of players are not solo players, no idea where you are getting that. This is a co-op game ffs. As for raids, a very small minority played that, so yes it wasn't a lot of people that wanted it back. I think it was scrapped because there was an issue with 8 players but that's a wild guess, it wasn't accessible like railjack though, unless you learned about Raidbus.

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Well you can already solo Railjack, it's just annoying and requires you cloak for a bit to deal with boarders if you miss a ramsled.

All command needs to do is automate the nacelle guns, repair the occasional breach and slow boarders down.  Doesn't even need to stop them.

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9 minutes ago, Aldain said:

Did I just see somebody say that solo players are a minority compared to people who played trials?

Something that DE themselves have provided statistics in the past proving wrong?

Good gravy the forums are a trip.

I find myself agreeing. Of course IIRC they were responding to someone who claimed that nobody at all is going to play Railjack because they can't solo it. 

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I'm gonna stop you right there. I've done the entirety of Saturn solo, and am only held back by farming better gear and getting an intrinisic to 7 before I breach the Veil. Solo is very much doable as is right now. It just takes a good amount of effort and patience to keep things running smoothly. Command should patch the holes of what a solo ship could use. Namely dedicated AI gunners, dedicated AI repair crew, and dedicated security guards for boarders. Maybe late levels of Command allow for a basic pilot to float around and evade fire while the lone operative dives face first into a crewship because killing them from the outside is stupid difficult for no reason.

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On 2019-12-13 at 10:08 AM, Furebel said:

A friendly reminder, that people wanted raids back, and they required a premade party of 8. Solo players are a minority.

No, the tiny raid community was just disproportionately vocal. DE themselves have provided statistics that show that solo players are the bulk of the player base.

2 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

You know, I nod in sad agreement to this thread and all of its deep and hurtful truths, as I solo the Veil Proxima.

With your railjack? Or Amesha?

Edited by SordidDreams
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