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Remove Hunter Munitions


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Please do something about Hunter Munitions.  

Rifles are poop basically.  Very few of them can contend with other weapons and pretty much every AR is trash.  I've done quite a bit of testing with rifles, and there are very few of them that can kill 160+ grineer in a decent amount of time and even fewer can do it without hunter munitions.  

Hunter Munitions is a crutch mod.  So many weapons are placed in the "Trash but viable with hunter munitions" category.  This category of weapons is what drives me up the wall.  It's an rng/time based method of killing enemies.  It's not really noticeable on high fr weapons, but when you put it on something like a Vectis or a kuva tonkor it becomes literally painful to use.  Sniper Rifles are meant to one shot enemies, and the best way atm to kill high level grineer with snipers is to use hunter munitions and multishot stacking.  And when you get unlucky and your 9-12 pellets spready across 3 shots doesn't proc hunter munitions a single time kills me on the inside.  And even with this, on weapons like the Vectis, rolling the dice is still the most effective way to kill them even if you don't get a single proc for 3 shots.  (In the Attached video in the spoiler section, at about 2:40, a bombard survives multiple shots from a hunter munitions kuva tonkor with 3-4 pellets without getting hunter munitions proc'd, he then takes 3 more bullets to kill.)

What to do about it:

Option 1: just remove it, pretty simple.  Edit: The Theory behind this is that hopefully DE will add more mods after realizing how bad some weapons become without it.

Option 2: Make it guarantee a slash proc on a headshot.  This might sound op, but if you're stacking multishot with a riven you're getting at least one slash proc most of the time.  Also, hitting headshots isn't always a gurantee and is impossible on some enemies.

Option 3: Add more unique rifle only mods.  (This is what I would do.)  Make more mods like hunter munitions that aren't rng based that weapons can build around.  In the same way that you build around hunter munitions by stacking crit and multishot, these new hypothetical mods could do the same and add more build variety.

Option 4: Make orange crits roll twice and red crits roll 3 times.  If an orange crit doesn't proc hunter munitions, it could roll it again and roll up to 3 times with a red crit.

Previously Mentioned video:


This is a video of me comparing a Hunter Munitions Tonkor to a Corrosive/Gas Build.  Explosion weapons are also bugged btw.  They haven't fixed that yet either. 


Option 5: Your ideas >:D 

Edited by LoneWolveYoutube
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20 minutes ago, LoneWolveYoutube said:

Rifles are poop basically

yeah, so imagine them without Hunter Munitions. then you'd be saying all of them are unusable full stop, rather than complaining that you need a specific mod for them.

as a suggestion, how about a mod where every successful hit on an enemy increases the chance for the next shot to inflict an additional status proc? it would only be something small, like 5%, because remember we have many full-auto high capacity rifles and machine guns where getting multiple this is easy. the downside is you'd still be waiting until near the end of your magazine for the benefits, but the longer you keep shooting, the more procs you can stack.

I can't really think of any other way to make automatic rifles as powerful as you want them to be without making them ludicrously overpowered instead.

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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I do wish they would balance the need for different physical damage types better. The fact that so many weapons can perform better with a massive impact negative riven is stupid. 

More enemies need resistance or immunity to bleed & corrosive effects, as well as higher weaknesses to impact damage. 

Enemies should all around be more colorful in terms of combat forcing us to be more tactical with our weapon choices.

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1 minute ago, Voltage said:

This smells like the same "Remove Maiming Strike" topic with <insert good mod here>. Why not develop more modes and enemies where Hunter Munitions may not perform well? Hunter Munitions is good, but it shouldn't be nerfed or removed.

Well, my post is more about how it feels to use.  It's good for sure, and I use it a lot, but I think it needs tweaking.

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1 minute ago, LoneWolveYoutube said:

Well, my post is more about how it feels to use.  It's good for sure, and I use it a lot, but I think it needs tweaking.

That's the thing though. It really isn't the best DPS mod you can slot, especially considering weapon mechanics and Riven Mods existing. It's a good mod, but with build competition, it really isn't the best thing to slot for a majority of critical-based primary weapons.

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1 minute ago, Diavoros said:

Something something my favorite rifles cant make good use of hunmun (or I use corrosive build for everything) so it must be removed! : The Thread.

I only use the Kohm and the Vectis.  The Vectis is a hunter munitions weapon.  This is not what the post is about at all.

Edited by LoneWolveYoutube
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Removing that mod will only make the game worse...especially with the insane EHP of railjack ground enemies,HM is something good to have to deal with them...dont forget endurance runs too...


also i personally enjoy playing with rifles...though they are not as strong as other more fancy weapons

Edited by DarthIronclad
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3 hours ago, George_PPS said:

You asking nerfs? Why not just take HM out of all your builds and **** up?

This too. 

3 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

yeah, so imagine them without Hunter Munitions. then you'd be saying all of them are unusable full stop, rather than complaining that you need a specific mod for them.



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