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how do you fight liches... in a fun way? :)


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hey there! I have defeated around ten liches so far, and in general id say I have a good grasp on how to deal with them. 

I'm not having a boring time because unlike most... I am patient and don't rush things too much, meaning burnout is minimal.

I have a lot of fun just dealing with the thralls. Finally, on-demand missions above level 80. 

I'm making this thread to share the more interesting, fun ways of beating liches, and encouraging you to do the same. These are not always super meta picks - but they sometimes are.

-Max range vortex vauban. Man. where to even start with this one. Throw a vortex and a rope trap into it, and everything in your screen is sucked in and made a nonissue. Thralls and liches, interestingly, are not affected. This actually means vauban, if he has any cover at all, can freely dispatch liches and thralls with zero interference. Lacking cover he simply won't survive... True... But in things like grineer galleons this strategy is actually insanely fun and effective.

- high strength adaptation shadows-of-the-dead nekros. It's quite interesting, as you can actually get close to 99% damage resistance if all your thralls are alive. They also make an amazing job at aggro-ing enemies - even the lich! Away from you. It is particularly ridiculous that you are, in a way, beating the lich at its own game, by making yourself brutally tanky while relying on minions to distract and harass enemies. With good minions (heavy gunners, hyekas) they actually shred through lich health at a decent pace, seriously bolstering your own dps.

-High duration Hushed Invis Loki with a knell. Absolutely destroys the lich while never being targeted. Similar strats possible with Ivara.

-Volt in general. Stuns, a shield, and some damage amp traits, while NOT being an uber tank meta frame like Chroma, make him very entertaining to use.


these are some of my favorites. What are yours?

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Usually I hit them with my abusively-rivened Fragor Prime, and use either Nezha or Revenant (they're the two most-unkillable lich hunter frames, although Immortal Nekros might be one to consider). 

I don't know if that's "fun" though - it mostly boils down to whack! whack! whack! SLAM! roll. Or if I don't roll in time, I get grabbed, thrown, and then get up and hit 'em some more. 

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2 hours ago, GerberaOverture said:

liches are incompatible with "fun" by default 

Not entirely, but I don't find the lich system all that inspiring. 

They can be fun when combined with pre-made teams, especially clan ones, that just go out and hunt everyone's liches. MP makes everything better, yes? 

On one's own...not so much. I don't like them combined with other mission reqs when running solo. It's just a nuisance and PuGs can't be relied upon to get much of anything done reliably. The best time I've had with them is stalking them with Ivara in spy missions then punching their tickets. 

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I boosted my first liche to rank 5. It was a Shildeg liche with Mag's kit and a spinning dash which it used to pursue me relentlessly whenever I wasn't in melee range. It would often setup the dash with a Pull cast.

I fought it with Mesa. The fight took about 6 minutes because of the poor matchup. It was really enjoyable being forced to use the game's mechanics intelligently for once. Lured the prick into a two-tile hallway with a door, and used operator to kite him around for Peacemaker openings. Ballistic Battery headshots chunked its health, and Magus Repair kept me alive while I repositioned.

Played out more like a boss fight than WF's actual bosses. Most fun I had with the game in ages (apart from Empyrean, anyway).

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7 hours ago, GerberaOverture said:

liches are incompatible with "fun" by default 

That's the attitude I see a lot, but although you may question my mental health, I really like Liches. In fact I like them more than, say Sorties or Tridolons or ESO, or practically half of the content in the game.

They are for once focusing on the things in game I like. Searching for a specific enemy to kill instead of slaughtering everything alive, switching mission types, performing some fun finishing animations, etc. FFS that's the first time I actually considered looking what the enemy's weaknesses and resistances were.

I think in the end the point is not to force yourself doing liches (or anything else for that matter) over and over, you can get burned out quickly.


Well, as for frame pick, I usually do first 4 levels with Mesa, and then mostly switch to Valkyr with a Zaw heavy blade. You can as well do it with Nidus or Inaros.

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using the time-honored strategy of any MMO. group up and hit it until it dies!

I definitely prefer doing the hunts with others, but doing the Exterminate missions solo is quite fun, I enjoy High-level Exterminates, so the Liches were a great addition in that regard. I find most loadouts can work against a Lich if you're backed up by a group, but if you're solo and the Lich is rank 5, just take the best you can, it saves you a lot of time and pain, even if you might not enjoy it as much at the time.

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My favorite is high energy/efficiency Ivara with a silent, medium damage Staticor with radiation. Lure them into a room with some ramparts and a crowd and then it's time for a Thunderdome style brawl. They'll take the lich to within a sliver of parazonability, the alarms will go off to summon more enemies, the Lich will convert it's max Thralls, then kill them himself, and you can enjoy the show. The only things to know are that the enemies won't down the lich entirely (that I've seen), watch out for magical spawns from the empty room behind you, and you're still susceptible to aoes and an annoying ability that always seems to one shot my Carrier.

Also, prior to the main event is a good time to get Semaris scans, since each unalerted enemy is ~300 standing.

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3 hours ago, The_CMD_Shepard said:

Fun in Liches... sure. 

Just using Oberon with Hallowed Ground on Max Range and let the enemies go ham on the Lich xD

Plus an Ivara with Steal arrow. 

Lean back and watch the world burn. 

Kinda reminds me of Doom. Why waste the big baddies yourself when you can con a bunch of imps to do it for you🤣🤣

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