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What is wrong with people wanting paid early access to everything? All of this is horrible: arbitrary limiting of content, FOMO exploitation and gating everything behind paying money. Tell me, have you ever farmed something yourself in this game? This posts makes it sound like all you ever do is buy PAs and spend the plat to always buy the best gear.

Warframe has a good F2P economy because you can actually reasonably play it completely free, only missing a few paid cosmetics. I dont say this lightly but your suggestions might actually just kill the game if implemented.

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And in every other game out there and in development that has this or might have this added, gamers are trying there hardest to keep this very thing from happening or trying to get rid of it. No matter how you look at it, doing this basically destroys the game as the game becomes nothing more than a pay to win game. For the people that don't buy into things like this, the grind is usually set so high, they get left behind just because they can't or won't spend all that extra money. And eventually, the only people left playing the game are whales because everyone else got fed up and left. This is just a very bad suggestion in and of itself but would be even worse if DE did anything like this.


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These suggestions.....seem heavily influenced by gacha games which is like setting off a stink bomb. Can't tell you how amazing games just get bogged down for players when every other second is asking players to spend money.

This reaches levels of over-monetization. 


Trust me, you're getting as early an access as one can get if you just play on PC. Console certification is a beast that ensures games on the platform reach a standard. No amount of money from console players will change that wait. Companies pay EVERY SINGLE TIME, they want to go through certification. Even if they COULD launch on all platforms, it would be a sink of funds trying to bug fix beyond PC first.



I can officially say that I've seen it all when someone WANTS advertisements to be added to a game o-o


Prime access: PRIME. ACCESS. The reason it's all orokin is because it's thematically a prime access. The other faction things are added in faction specific updates like corpus with Jupiter Rework and Kuva armor with the Lich release so I'm not sure what's going on here because you already have diversity in the equipment able to be purchased except people can farm all but the prime accessories.

If this post was supposed to be "Ways DE could make more money" sure there are probably more avenues they could capitalize on without arbitrarily locking content behind a paywall, but these suggestions are just not it

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I don’t want Raid Shadow Legends or any stupid mobile games infesting Warframe with those advertisement. Your suggestions only creates FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and it hurts the game in the long run thus eventually mark the game as “Pay to Win”. Which is something Warframe doesn’t want to become.


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Wow....this is definitely up there for one of the worst ideas yet submitted.
I mean seriously, you want to turn this game into basically a gacha game.....why?  What would players get out of this?
This would be a massive step back for players and would just make DE out to be an overly greedy company that sold out.

So please tell me how any of your idea would "improve" the game?
All of these changes would just drive players away.  Sure they would give DE a short term influx of money but at the cost of basically selling out.

53 minutes ago, (PS4)StationOfDead said:

Payment updates (early access):

what this point refers to is that now the updates or expansions will have an early access, that is, the players will be able to pay to get the update and play in advance before the launch of an update, the price of access will vary depending on the size of the update (in what it has contained refers) and the waiting time for players who do not pay for the access would be about two weeks (for example):



  • Small expansion (x price): little content - immediate update
  • Medium expansion (xx price): normal size - immediate update
  • Big expansion (xxx price): large amount of content - immediate update


  • Small expansion (free): little content - 2 weeks of waiting
  • Medium expansion (free): normal size - 2 weeks of waiting
  • Big expansion (free): large amount of content - 2 weeks of waiting

What would be the point of this?
Why make players pay 100$ to get the next stage of the new war 2 weeks earlier!
Basically you're saying "Hey, pay 100$ and deal with all new bugs 2 weeks earlier than anyone else!!!!" (I do love warframe and DE but all of their big updates are buggy)

How would this benefit anyone?  What would be the benefit to the playerbase?
I mean its not like updates will suddenly come sooner to players, this will just delay updates by 2 weeks to the general playerbase.
Again this will just drive people away from the game, not make anything better.

53 minutes ago, (PS4)StationOfDead said:

Immersive Advertising Seasons:

this point refers to the implementation of paid advertising in the game by announcing several companies in various forms of immersive advertising (https://imgur.com/a/FPAm6jp), advertising can be given through banners, missions and even events (with rewards), these advertising seasons would have a time limit of 4 months and at the end of those 4 months another new season would begin with new advertising, it should be noted that the way in which advertising is given will depend on the companies that are being advertised but the larger the type of advertising, the lasting and immersive the advertising is, the cost will be higher


  • 1 month: low price
  • 2 months: half price
  • 4 months: high price


  • Banner: low price
  • Mission: half price
  • Event: high price

Oh sure, I would love to see a mission of "You must rescue the shipment of 'Cup Noodle' that the grineer took because they are just so tastey an yummy!  Listen to us go on and advertise 'Cup Noodle' to you for 20 minutes!"

Yeah, no.  How would having constant advertisements shoved into our faces make the game better?  How would it improve the experience for players?

Please tell me seriously:
Why do you want banners shoved into your face on every screen?
Why do you want missions that are just blatant advertisements?
How would it make anything better to have a mission where everyone goes "We need to save the 'Cup Noodle' and not let the queens have any!  They are the best in the origin system and too good to give to the queens!" for 20 minutes straight?

53 minutes ago, (PS4)StationOfDead said:

Payment Raids:

this point not only refers to the implementation of the raids in the game but also in payment methods for those raids that will now be based on the time the players have been playing (new player, average, veteran raid), the raids will be free but it will only last 1 week of each month when the week ends the raids will disappear but the players will have the option to pay (with real money) to activate the raids for 1 more week but for that they will have to meet the requirement of playing the game for an estimated time (several days) that will depend on the raid that the player wants to choose (new player, average, veteran raid) if the players have the estimated time they can pay to access the raid, it should be noted that the cost of Raid access will depend on the level of the raids (new player, average, veteran raid), in addition, players who do not pay for access to the raids must have  rank of X mastery that also depends on the level of the raid.


  • Low level raid: x master rank to enter, duration of 1 week
  • Average raid: xx master rank to enter, duration of 1 week
  • Raid veteran level: xxx master rank to enter, duration of 1 week


  • Low level raid: x hours of play to enter, duration of 1 week
  • Average Raid: xx hours of play to enter, duration of 1 week
  • Raid veteran level: xxx hours of play to enter, duration of 1 week

So basically "Hey, lets let players do a raid once and then lock it off unless they pay us 20$ every week for just one raid!"

Basically you want to turn the game into complete pay-to-win where if you can pay 20$ every week you can get the best gear!  If you can't then sucks to be you, you miss out on the raid and all of the gear from it!
And remember, if you don't do this raid then good luck doing the next raid which will be made to take into account the exclusive powerful gear from the last raid!  So pay up or fall further and further and further behind!!!

Seriously, this is directly form crap gacha games and has absolutely no place in warframe.

Again how would this be better for anyone?

53 minutes ago, (PS4)StationOfDead said:



  • Limited time objects:

these elements are released with prime access but they have a limited time as an offer, those who buy one of the Bundles of access will get the objects but if time runs out they will not be able to get them, the objects can vary from cosmetics to weapons (depending on whatever the access) but none should affect the balance in the game


  • The access:

the access are divided into sections such as weapons, cosmetics, WFrames, etc. each one separately and with their respective costs and different factions, basically it is the same concept but in this case everything would be separate, it should be noted that the access and relics (free method) will not be launched at the same time, that means that the access will be launched first and the relics will be launched after a while


  • Relics: 

the relics are the free modality to get part of what is offered in the access but these will not launch at the same time as the access, the relics will now be launched weeks after the access is launched, so in the first days it will only be possible get access content through real money


  • Vault:

once an access has been completed and launched again it will bring all the objects of the respective access except for the limited time objects since the limited time objects can only be obtained on the first launch of an access

So again, pure gacha p2w nonsense.  Another "Pay to get this early or miss out!"

DE has been rather good at avoiding FOMO, and it wouldn't be good to suddenly include a ton of it for no reason.

What would be the purpose of all of this?

Just now, Oggyswe said:

This must be a joke right? 

Have you seen this guys other posts?  I believe that he is 100% dead serious here sadly.
And he'll be back every month to two months to dredge this up, give a bunch of replies in 5 minutes, and then ignore the thread for another month to two months and then dredge it up again to spam a bunch of replies before going inactive again....

Edited by Tsukinoki
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  • 2 weeks later...
En 12/2/2020 a las 8:39, Drachnyn dijo:

What is wrong with people wanting paid early access to everything? All of this is horrible: arbitrary limiting of content, FOMO exploitation and gating everything behind paying money. Tell me, have you ever farmed something yourself in this game? This posts makes it sound like all you ever do is buy PAs and spend the plat to always buy the best gear.


En 12/2/2020 a las 8:45, Sepharoth dijo:

And in every other game out there and in development that has this or might have this added, gamers are trying there hardest to keep this very thing from happening or trying to get rid of it. No matter how you look at it, doing this basically destroys the game as the game becomes nothing more than a pay to win game. For the people that don't buy into things like this, the grind is usually set so high, they get left behind just because they can't or won't spend all that extra money. And eventually, the only people left playing the game are whales because everyone else got fed up and left. This is just a very bad suggestion in and of itself but would be even worse if DE did anything like this.


En 12/2/2020 a las 9:05, Synpai dijo:

These suggestions.....seem heavily influenced by gacha games which is like setting off a stink bomb. Can't tell you how amazing games just get bogged down for players when every other second is asking players to spend money.

This reaches levels of over-monetization. 



En 12/2/2020 a las 9:11, DrivaMain dijo:

I don’t want Raid Shadow Legends or any stupid mobile games infesting Warframe with those advertisement. Your suggestions only creates FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and it hurts the game in the long run thus eventually mark the game as “Pay to Win”. Which is something Warframe doesn’t want to become.


Do you know the difference between giving benefits, giving advantages or giving everything for free?

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En 12/2/2020 a las 9:05, Synpai dijo:


Why does that surprise you? Advertising can be quite good for video games as Fortnite did along with Star Wars


En 12/2/2020 a las 9:05, Synpai dijo:

Prime access: PRIME. ACCESS. The reason it's all orokin is because it's thematically a prime access. The other faction things are added in faction specific updates like corpus with Jupiter Rework and Kuva armor with the Lich release so I'm not sure what's going on here because you already have diversity in the equipment able to be purchased except people can farm all but the prime accessories.

My point is that Prime access should not stop developers from making access based on other factions (assuming that would generate more profits and variety to the game), Kuva weapons can be taken as a reference

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En 12/2/2020 a las 9:13, Tsukinoki dijo:

Wow....this is definitely up there for one of the worst ideas yet submitted.
I mean seriously, you want to turn this game into basically a gacha game.....why?  What would players get out of this?
This would be a massive step back for players and would just make DE out to be an overly greedy company that sold out.

So please tell me how any of your idea would "improve" the game?
All of these changes would just drive players away.  Sure they would give DE a short term influx of money but at the cost of basically selling out.

Maybe if you analyze correctly what I am suggesting would find the answer but you have already shown that you have not analyzed anything, I do not know in what language I have to write to explain what P2W is and what is not, exist a scale between the payment modality and free modality and monetization should be at a stable or balanced level as what I am suggesting

En 12/2/2020 a las 9:13, Tsukinoki dijo:

What would be the point of this?
Why make players pay 100$ to get the next stage of the new war 2 weeks earlier!
Basically you're saying "Hey, pay 100$ and deal with all new bugs 2 weeks earlier than anyone else!!!!" (I do love warframe and DE but all of their big updates are buggy)

How would this benefit anyone?  What would be the benefit to the playerbase?
I mean its not like updates will suddenly come sooner to players, this will just delay updates by 2 weeks to the general playerbase.
Again this will just drive people away from the game, not make anything better.


En 12/2/2020 a las 9:13, Tsukinoki dijo:

So again, pure gacha p2w nonsense.  Another "Pay to get this early or miss out!"

DE has been rather good at avoiding FOMO, and it wouldn't be good to suddenly include a ton of it for no reason.

The early access in the games should not generate negative effects is optional if the players want to play before or want to wait for the launch but the early access only gives you access and nothing more and I think there are many games with early access that prove it, the early access are not considered a problem

En 12/2/2020 a las 9:13, Tsukinoki dijo:

Oh sure, I would love to see a mission of "You must rescue the shipment of 'Cup Noodle' that the grineer took because they are just so tastey an yummy!  Listen to us go on and advertise 'Cup Noodle' to you for 20 minutes!"

Yeah, no.  How would having constant advertisements shoved into our faces make the game better?  How would it improve the experience for players?

Please tell me seriously:
Why do you want banners shoved into your face on every screen?
Why do you want missions that are just blatant advertisements?
How would it make anything better to have a mission where everyone goes "We need to save the 'Cup Noodle' and not let the queens have any!  They are the best in the origin system and too good to give to the queens!" for 20 minutes straight?

Have you ever heard about immersive advertising ?, immersive and indirect advertising does not interfere or interrupt the player unless the player interacts with it since immersive advertising is dynamic with customers, what you mention is non-immersive advertising of those that are released on the screen for several seconds without you can do anything but that is not what I am suggesting and if you do not know that immersive advertising can generate more profits, interactions and variety in companies then do not talk, Fortnite x Star Wars is a example 

En 12/2/2020 a las 9:13, Tsukinoki dijo:

So basically "Hey, lets let players do a raid once and then lock it off unless they pay us 20$ every week for just one raid!"

Basically you want to turn the game into complete pay-to-win where if you can pay 20$ every week you can get the best gear!  If you can't then sucks to be you, you miss out on the raid and all of the gear from it!
And remember, if you don't do this raid then good luck doing the next raid which will be made to take into account the exclusive powerful gear from the last raid!  So pay up or fall further and further and further behind!!!

Seriously, this is directly form crap gacha games and has absolutely no place in warframe.

Again how would this be better for anyone?

You seem to have a bad perspective of what P2W is, I suppose you are one of those who hate games with early access, I clarify that giving players Raids payment access is only a time advantage but that not give nothing else to the players and also those players have to complete some requirements that I mentioned, but if you think that giving early access to the players is synonymous with P2W then you are very wrong

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On 2020-02-12 at 3:11 PM, DrivaMain said:


I don’t want Raid Shadow Legends or any stupid mobile games infesting Warframe with those advertisement. Your suggestions only creates FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and it hurts the game in the long run thus eventually mark the game as “Pay to Win”. Which is something Warframe doesn’t want to become.


I love playing Warframe Kuva Legends, one of the biggest like-a-mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have totally not quit over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! All the warframes in the game can be customized with unique gear that totally has been made by the devs and not anyone else! The bosses have some ridiculous armor of their own and figuring out the perfect party that doesn't just abort is a lot of fun! Currently with over 300,000 reviews, Warframe has almost a perfect score in people's heads! The community is stagnant and the highly anticipated new Railjack feature is now live, you might even find my squad out there in Destiny 2! It's as confusing to start now as ever with barely a program for new players and you get a new daily login reward that becomes increasingly pointless the more that you play in the game! So what are you waiting for? Go to the bottom of the comment, click on the special links and you'll get 50,000 credits and a free nanospore as part of the new player program to start your journey! Good luck and I'll see you there!

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This game already have some paid early access to Warframes and Weapons of 1 or 3 days. Pay using foundry rush, Market, and prime access. With no platinum, forced to do some specific missions and and wait for foundry to get them.

Paid early access to missions and multiplayer content will slow down matchmaking. I rather see everyone given an option to start new missions and multiplayer content, all at the same time, so matchmaking is fast.

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After 8 days OP finally decides to respond to their own thread and the ideas are as bad as ever. Locking content behind paywalls when it is most interesting (when it comes out) is just a cheap money grab. On top of that the new mods and arcanes are tradable right away. Giving those only to paying players will only further the advantage they have because now they are controlling the market aswell.

You talk about improving the game but all this would do is a short time cash grab for DE. Monetization never improves the game, it's a necessary evil to keep the game running. Shove it into people's face and they will ditch your game.

I suggest you instead grind for the gear you want instead of waiting for DE to ruin their game with going down the cash grab route.

Edited by Drachnyn
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