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I am not a vending machine.


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1 minute ago, ArkThanatos said:

other companies might drop the ball. but in the case of Anthem and Destiny Both the devs for them have gone back an fixed things, worked hard to finish an polish a product, DE doesn't do this. they might be nice people and have a good rapport with the community, but as Devs, they are mediocre and lazy. the do alot of Half assing. thing is they could be better, but they dont bother. the only thing they have shown consistent attentive care to has been excal. everything else nope. as people they are nice, as devs doing their jobs, they half ass the living S#&$ out of that. its all flash no substance 

I mean,  counterpoint; let's take a look at some of the things they've gone back and fixed.

-Plains of eidolon economy (the grind was insane at launch. Now you can max it out in a month or two.)

-Beam weapon rework, they are probably some of the best in class primaries now, after having their status per second mechanic broken for years.

-Melee 3.0 (They basically buffed everything across the board, made stances much more fluid, old weapons like Reaper and Dakra prime now more than viable)

-Many old frame reworks, including but not limited to; Excalibur, Vauban, Ember, Nezha, Mag, Wukong (Remember how useless he used to be?)

-They are currently actively working on Railjack and Liches, actively listening to our feedback on them.

-Tileset reworks, Earth and Jupiter Tileset were revamped massively both visually and composition-wise.

-Archwings are still actively being looked at, universal blink is a good step in the right direction.

-Universal vacuum, a tale nearly as old as time itself, it took a while to get there but DE listened to the community on this one.

-Arbitration tweaks, they listened to community feedback and added more rewards / less grind to it.


There's many more fixes, tweaks, changes etc that are not listed here. But hopefully I've given you an idea of how much DE has really been doing behind the scenes, and why saying they do nothing just isn't giving them any of the credit they are due.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

In a few very specific, but not insignificant, ways Warframe is an objectively worse game than Fallout 76.


I was taking your post seriously up until this point.

Saying Warframe, and by extension DE, are worse than the complete disaster that is Fallout 76 and the consumer-hating goblin-nest that is Bethesda, is the most untrue and dishonest statement I have heard lately and just makes you look like you're taking immature potshots at a company that, while it is not 100% squeaky-clean perfect, definitely does not deserve that kind of comparison.


Edited by TheGodofWiFi
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When I first discovered maroo bazar, I thought it's the most humiliating thing this game can offer.

You don't have to do this, just buy plat from shop and buy what you need in trade chat with plat, you are likely to find what you need very quickly.

I don't like the idea of auction house because there are already people who play Warframe in trade chat. Like they spend 99-100% of their time trading. I don't mind it, but I don't want to play with them, you know, I'm logging in to Warframe for a different reasons. I don't want to be bothered with bulk-buying prime junk, auctions etc etc, with nothing of it. I don't want it to be in front of my face and maroo Bazar isn't.

Now, if you embrace maroo Bazar, you'll meet a lot of different people, this is pretty fun too, and not humiliating actually, but time consuming, yes. Again, if you don't want to then just buy plat from shop.

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1 hour ago, ArkThanatos said:

ust last Yr Anthem went from a wreck to a functioning game

Lol what? What mate? It took these a$$holes almost a YEAR to announce an "overhaul" (let's see where that goes) to their abortion of game, which before that got some bugfixes (the demo of the game to me was worse that FO76 beta from a technical standpoint) some mediocre events and I think one stronghold... Anthem is a tragedy, showing to those still wondering that Bioware is creatively and morally dead (morally because they sold the game on promises they 100% knew were completely false, and because of terrible work ethics in their office).

The worst part about Anthem is that without all the issues, it is at best a mediocre third person shooter with some flying mechanics (and you can't do jack while flying, it's basically an interactive location transition cutscene so far) and weak story and characters. This is not a bioware game. SWTOR is a bioware game, even though it's an mmo, because it has strong characters and story arcs, something Bioware used to be good at. Anthem is just a weak shell, made by comittee fad chasing failure, and for a game with such a disaster of a launch it managed to produce far less content than Warframe did in the same time span.

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if your a father, husband, a grown man that has a life and has work and not enough time to play and sell stuff,

then maybe spend some of that earned money to buy stuff that you want? with -75% discount 2100 plat costs only 25

also nice joke on that WF is worse than Fallout 76 🤣


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb MBaldelli:

The problem with this proposal of a trading post is that this game would be getting away from the Peer-to-Peer architecture that has been established for more than 7 years.  Thanks to this architecture, it lacks the necessary server farm like WoW or Rift or Star Trek: Online (just to name a few) that have the ability to have auction houses/exchange/whatever.  And I noticed, you're not a PC player, so we'll be dealing with not one, but four different auctions houses on four different server fames at the present time (PC, XB1, PS4, Switch). And further no promise in the near future that cross-play/cross-save is ever going to happen.  

That doesn't really makes senes both Relays and Clan Dojos are Hosted on dedicated servers from DE. If DE wanted to save Server time they wouldn't force people to go to a Dojo or Maroos Baza for trading. I don't want to argue for a Action House but there are other reasons against it then Server space. 

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28 minutes ago, evil713 said:

Sorry are we ignoring Maroo's bazaar? my understanding is this is where people trade stuff for platinum. grinding relics might get you some of the precious stuff.

Sorry, but Maroos bazaar is one of the worst places to trade. Either Trade chat or Warframe.market is where you wanna go.



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2 hours ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

I am thirty-five years old. I am a husband. I am a father. I work three jobs to support myself and my family. I am not a vending machine. 

I am not some kid, wasting his parent's money after school. I have a rather demanding life, that consumes the vast majority of my time. Thus, with the few precious hours each night I have to play a game, I would like to actually PLAY a game. What I do not want to do is stand around in a social hub with my hand over my head advertising some random item, hoping someone strolls by and inserts a few platinum. But apparently I am a vending machine.

I am told the solution to my problems in this game is to trade rare items for platinum, and use those to buy additional this or that. Because apparently I am a vending machine.

Literally every other online game on the market has some sort of established trading post or auction house where one can drop off items to be sold while they do other things. I know there is a website for trading with people, but that is a community run band-aid, and does not excuse poor design or missing features. Even Bethesda's recent online dumpster fire has a pop-up shop where you can drop off items that stays in place as long as you stay logged in, allowing you to actually PLAY their train wreak of a game while selling your loot. But, it seems, I am a vending machine.

In a few very specific, but not insignificant, ways Warframe is an objectively worse game than Fallout 76. And I am NOT a vending machine.

I am also a father with kids. I actually recommend to buy Plat to save time. There is no way I could grind hours a day to earn Plat in game. Instead, it’s better to pay for Plat to save time. It’s worth it if you feel like this game is worth. I purchased about tens of thousands of Plat and also paid for many cost metic items in the past because it was worth it. 

However, I don’t agree with the game design direction that nerfs the best meta weapons, fun mechanics, and abilities over the past 2 years. So I have stopped financially support the game whatsoever since last October. 

The choice is yours. No games are truly free to play. You have to pay with your time to be in the game.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

Fallout 76: Has basic quality of life feature 

Are you talking about the Stash that just wipe your items and you never getting them back?

Or about hackers able to steal everything on you from distance and once again you are never getting that back?


Anyway you are adult with work...and you are arguing that you need to sell items to get platinum. This game is free if you like it it should not be a problem to buy some platinum normal way.

Also you can do what most ppl do and use warframe.market website.

Edited by Mover-NeRo
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1 hour ago, (PS4)ErydisTheLucario said:

not to defend DE, simply because you aren't entirely wrong about them and their laziness...but how long did it take before the devs of anthem decided to begin an overhaul?

about 6months. How long has it taken DE to finish fortuna ? or conclave. or ESO. or Lunaro. Scaling rewards. armour scaling... etc. we could say how long has it taken DE to finish a project that they have released in the past 3 Yrs.

so far Biowares doing a better Job. Anthems not a perfect game, its no longer a hot mess like it was at launch. they have heads down mouths shut fixing the game, which has been the best approach.
DE on the other hands, talked up alot of stuff. released things to mediocre acclaim. not to mention buggy an broken stats. 
both company's should be held to the same standard. Bioware gets shade thrown at them for any tiny mistake. DE can drop a turd and people are highly Tolerant of it, If Bioware wasn't attached to EA they might have a few shreds of leniency but still nothing like DE gets. 

so really 6 months for an overhaul conclusion against DEs relentless pursuit to never finish or polish a product an stick to their ways of throwing spaghetti at the wall.... yeah im siding with Bioware on this one. DE already has enough people championing them for ....like i said, falling ass backwards into success

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Ashmane84:

I am thirty-five years old. I am a husband. I am a father. I work three jobs to support myself and my family. I am not a vending machine. 

I am not some kid, wasting his parent's money after school. I have a rather demanding life, that consumes the vast majority of my time. Thus, with the few precious hours each night I have to play a game, I would like to actually PLAY a game. What I do not want to do is stand around in a social hub with my hand over my head advertising some random item, hoping someone strolls by and inserts a few platinum. But apparently I am a vending machine.

I am told the solution to my problems in this game is to trade rare items for platinum, and use those to buy additional this or that. Because apparently I am a vending machine.

Literally every other online game on the market has some sort of established trading post or auction house where one can drop off items to be sold while they do other things. I know there is a website for trading with people, but that is a community run band-aid, and does not excuse poor design or missing features. Even Bethesda's recent online dumpster fire has a pop-up shop where you can drop off items that stays in place as long as you stay logged in, allowing you to actually PLAY their train wreak of a game while selling your loot. But, it seems, I am a vending machine.

In a few very specific, but not insignificant, ways Warframe is an objectively worse game than Fallout 76. And I am NOT a vending machine.

I share your sentiment regarding to time. That's why I started to set up the items I want to sell in warframe market (3rd party site). It takes a while but things eventually sell. Also, don't waste time in a hub, most trading happens in trade chat. Just send your message and go on a mission, if nobody is interesed you did not waste time, if somebody is interesed you can eiter abort mission to do the trade or tell him to wait untill you're done - that's what I do on weekends.

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53 minutes ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

Lol what? What mate? It took these a$$holes almost a YEAR to announce an "overhaul" (let's see where that goes) to their abortion of game, which before that got some bugfixes (the demo of the game to me was worse that FO76 beta from a technical standpoint) some mediocre events and I think one stronghold... Anthem is a tragedy, showing to those still wondering that Bioware is creatively and morally dead (morally because they sold the game on promises they 100% knew were completely false, and because of terrible work ethics in their office).

The worst part about Anthem is that without all the issues, it is at best a mediocre third person shooter with some flying mechanics (and you can't do jack while flying, it's basically an interactive location transition cutscene so far) and weak story and characters. This is not a bioware game. SWTOR is a bioware game, even though it's an mmo, because it has strong characters and story arcs, something Bioware used to be good at. Anthem is just a weak shell, made by comittee fad chasing failure, and for a game with such a disaster of a launch it managed to produce far less content than Warframe did in the same time span.

so you blame Bioware for something EA and their marketing team done. and a project leader who done nothing but cause issues... thats the Biowares Devs fault..
and you are mistaking a Yr to announce with A Yr to decide on. 
Bioware done exactly the smartest thing they could, sit down shut up and work. little talk as to not hype people up and put themselves in the position that they were put in to start with.
they might not be the ME2 team that was once Bioware. but they are far from bad devs. you might want to look into all the issues Bioware had from back at MEA thru to Anthem. 

DE's idea of content is grab existing things. ad 1 or 2 newish things (normally a boss or somthing)  and call it new. Rail Jack was new to an extent. but largely everything else Warframe has dropped has been the same thing in new wrapping paper. and often Unfinished and buggy. 

SWTOR has a system that WF should have, the trade market. its a system thats far better than warframes.

DE might have some grounds to stand on with MTX. but you are blind if you haven't noticed how they have been slowly pushing people to buy more an more Prime access's over Farming. which i think is rather Wrong. a while back, Mesa Prime was the last i remember having a Bounty drop rate of 33%, most of the relics somewhere had a 33% drop chance in a mission on A or B rotation and bounties. the last Lot of primes have been on B or C rotations with a 14.5% or lower drop chance and No bounty missions either. 
this is a pure money making thing, pressuring players to buy Primes over farming. 
remember the Mod chance booster...i dont believe for a moment that they werent going to put that on the market as something to buy, it seemed more like a saving face thing when they talked about it. DE isn't the DE people once knew, they sold most of their company to china. so expect more rushed content and money making pushes. 

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OP I'm with you on the trade system, it sucks but it's what DE says they want so our choice is to use a 3rd party market (not sure how that's better than an in game market) or just buy plat with cash.

I like WF, it's got a lot of fun aspects but I have to agree that it is seriously lacking in the polishing of things.  There are so many basic things this game is lacking it's kind of laughable.  

A functional group system, no email communication with other players, etc.  I cannot even leave my chat window open, or use the up arrow to scroll back through the last things I typed. I can't adjust my mic volume to make in game voice chat usable, etc, etc, etc.  The list goes on and on.  

I would gladly start paying them a monthly fee if they'd stop using the "free to play" excuse and start fixing the game.  Heck, it would save me money in the long run, I've played for a little over a year and just trying to get enough slots and other things which cannot the earned in the game and must be purchased I've given DE more money than I would have paid to purchase and pay a monthly fee for any other game.

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3 hours ago, Mr.Fluffins said:

1. If you don't like trading at Maroo's Bazaar, use warframe market. Make an account, list your items (you can even check relative prices that thing go for, how convenient is that) and just wait for people to message you. If I list items that are in-demand (like veiled rivens, popular prime parts, augments for warframes) depending on the time of the day I get quite a few offers.

I would personally argue that such popular sites—to point to other online games as an example, FFXIV and its community-managed timers for rare gathering nodes, or archives of complicated crafting recipes that allow multiple people to work on one big shopping list together—should be ultimately integrated into the game by good developers, since forcing people to use third-party sites and programs just to make your game functional is generally a bad look and is detrimental to the user experience. That said, I'm sure we all know how "good" DE is with that by now. Even after years, having the wiki open in another tab while you play Warframe is almost mandatory. Warframe Market is an excellent resource, but it shouldn't need to exist.

Also (addressing others in the thread) I would argue that comparing Warframe to Fallout 76 is arguing in bad faith. Warframe may have a lot of problems, some of which are deep-rooted and serious, but it isn't a blatant cash-grabbing scam like Bethesda's latest product.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Ashmane84 said:

Thank you for your response, but I feel it overlooks what objectively one of the worst games ever made, Fallout 76, has done as a guide. It too lacks a centralized "always on" auction house, and instead has a "client side" vending machine you can put in your camp. These machines are active only so long as you are online, because everything used to run them is client side, and the trading works in a peer-to-peer system with the server only checking in to make sure everything is legit. Basically the same thing trading in Warframe is, only being handled by a low tech cost "bot" that stands idle in your place.

In warframe the solution is just that; a bot. A "corpus transaction facilitator" drone that you load up and launch from your orbiter and stands around in the hub for you. Its online only as long as you are, and runs in the background of your client. Once you log out, it vanishes. Even Fallout 76 managed to do something as basic as that, and trust me it's server architecture is the equivalent of two rusty tin cans tied together with an old shoestring.

So let me get this straight, you want to always run 2 game instances pretty much? because fallout 76 is mostly open world which means you can place the vending machine in camp and run around the map since its all the same instance. Warframe works exactly like fallout 76 does then, you get into an instance and trade as long as you are in that instance and let me ask you this, what can you do in the bazaar other than trade?

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2 hours ago, Lion said:

I mean,  counterpoint; let's take a look at some of the things they've gone back and fixed.

-Plains of eidolon economy (the grind was insane at launch. Now you can max it out in a month or two.)

-Beam weapon rework, they are probably some of the best in class primaries now, after having their status per second mechanic broken for years.

-Melee 3.0 (They basically buffed everything across the board, made stances much more fluid, old weapons like Reaper and Dakra prime now more than viable)

-Many old frame reworks, including but not limited to; Excalibur, Vauban, Ember, Nezha, Mag, Wukong (Remember how useless he used to be?)

-They are currently actively working on Railjack and Liches, actively listening to our feedback on them.

-Tileset reworks, Earth and Jupiter Tileset were revamped massively both visually and composition-wise.

-Archwings are still actively being looked at, universal blink is a good step in the right direction.

-Universal vacuum, a tale nearly as old as time itself, it took a while to get there but DE listened to the community on this one.

-Arbitration tweaks, they listened to community feedback and added more rewards / less grind to it.


There's many more fixes, tweaks, changes etc that are not listed here. But hopefully I've given you an idea of how much DE has really been doing behind the scenes, and why saying they do nothing just isn't giving them any of the credit they are due.

lets not forget the fact that they are reworking the corpus ship tileset(one of the oldest ones in the game)

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34 minutes ago, Sapphirya said:

I would personally argue that such popular sites—to point to other online games as an example, FFXIV and its community-managed timers for rare gathering nodes, or archives of complicated crafting recipes that allow multiple people to work on one big shopping list together—should be ultimately integrated into the game by good developers, since forcing people to use third-party sites and programs just to make your game functional is generally a bad look and is detrimental to the user experience. That said, I'm sure we all know how "good" DE is with that by now. Even after years, having the wiki open in another tab while you play Warframe is almost mandatory. Warframe Market is an excellent resource, but it shouldn't need to exist.

Also (addressing others in the thread) I would argue that comparing Warframe to Fallout 76 is arguing in bad faith. Warframe may have a lot of problems, some of which are deep-rooted and serious, but it isn't a blatant cash-grabbing scam like Bethesda's latest product.

Ultimately, that's kinda my hang-up about the whole "NO AUCTION HOUSE" Thing. We already have a more  or less defacto one anyway, just with extra steps. 

How is it anything other than a QoL step from what we already have? Instead of having to set myself up on a third party site, Then be online and available for trade you can, ya know. do other things. Sleep. Eat. Leave the house. Play missions while your crap sells. 

I've never really seen a satisfactory answer, either, just "It's not the same and you're stupid because it's not the same and you should be able to tell the difference." 

That said, I'd argue the opposite. It sounds like 76 at least got trading better than Warframe, since you can sell items while also out playing the game. Last game I played that required you to be online set up a shop was Ragnarok online- and even that allowed for a more or less automated shop where you could just sell an item for a  price.



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