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COMING SOON: Devstream #140!


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Looks like DE failed to meet the deadline of Early March for Scarlet Spear. Not suprised, but disappointed


When is Command Intrinsics? The number of trolls/afks in public games are increasing and it’s not fun parking your railjack then use archwing

to complete missions until you get MKIII Railjack parts because you don’t have a reliable crew to maintain it and the railjack is very squishy early game.

Please enable solo extraction and return the control of the nav console to the host in Railjack missions. Many hosts scavenge resources in bases before leaving but some impatient punks sends the railjack to the drydock. Add solo extraction so those punks can leave the mission without dragging everyone with them.




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14 minutes ago, (PS4)OnevesXIV said:


Wisp Prime? I need more wisp.

My question: will building the railjack phases be reduced in building costs? Right now I'm in flux of "Just have fun?" or "Grind my brains out for Railjack quest."

Even if the costs were dropped by 20% I'd feel less stressed about dedicating all those resources. Only have so much time each day with studies and work and family. Think I just finally finished the... port nacelle?


The mainline that PC received last week reduced Railjack building costs. It's coming.

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Atlas is my favorite frame of all time. His playstyle is very interactive and fun. However he feels a little bit weak compared to other frames. I usually just find myself spamming melee and occasionally his 1. Are there any buffs (or changes in general) coming to him in the future, or is he just going to be another brick in the wall? 

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Any word on Tennocon and the corona virus worries?

I know it's a little early, but I'd expect those things need a lot of forward planning and I'm curious if you're going to hold on and hope or go virtual only.
I mean, I'd still be interested in a virtual version, face masks and all.


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Are we ever going back to The Silver Grove? is there more hiding in the silver Grove besides Titania? Also, seeing as you are revamping the arcanes, are you then in turn adding more arcane's? If so perhaps make new infested arcane's and or infested zaws. They are the only kind of weapon type you haven't made new things of. yet everybody, and I mean everybody uses them. Food for thought😍

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That's 100% titania prime, thats her noble animation when she's holding a primary that isn't a bow or a scepter weapon like the ferrox or the scourge. Also you can see her "wings" and the butterflies from when she activates her 4th ability.
Also, the weapon she's holding looks like the izanagi's burden from destiny 2, or battacor prime, or maybe it is a completely new with no normal variant weapon like euphona prime or something like that. but i bet it is a sniper rifle looking at that scope.

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Any thoughts for the Caustacyst heavy attack corrosive wave? At the moment it does negligible damage. Would be fun to have that feature be a bit more useful. 

Some improvements for magnetize? What the ability does in general is fine, but it be able to be cast the bubble anywhere rather than just an enemy target, and/or as an added synergy, casting pull on a magnetize bubble temporarily increases the “drag in”  range, even if it’s only a couple seconds. 

Also is there a possibility to get an ability toggle for Mirage’s eclipse like Ivara’s quiver? Or tap/hold style? Example, tap the ability key to use the defensive side of it, and hold the ability key to use the offensive side. Can alternate between the two at any time for the same energy cost and resets the duration.

“Aura” type forma for stances?

thanks DE

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Hey DE do you think it would ever be possible to see a visual update for the foundry where you can see the entirety of the warframe being made and not just the helmet? my inspiration for this question comes from the scene in spiderman far from home where they show the suit being made in the 3d printer thinking this would be cool for warframe

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Still kinda bummed that Steve said that the Revision was boring. I honestly thought this was more exciting than Railjack and Liches combined.

Actual questions:

1) Will there be more revisions in the coming weeks? I'm looking forward to other interface changes, such as orbiter appearance slots, filtering weapons in Inventory by the slot they use, and pruning the main menu tree.

2) Any rough ETAs on Pets 2.0?


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47 minutes ago, Quarterdane said:

Are you sure it's E(S)T, and not EDT? Would prefer to know in advance so that I'm not an hour late to the stream, what with the local timezone not using DST until the 29th of this month.

ET is EST and EDT depending which one is active.

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Hi guys, yes I'm ready for the operation, at least I'll be helping the Tennos from the ground, because the Railjack (aka "the flying derelic" or "bugframe" imo) and me, it's a pure hate story.

Before asking my question, let me put the context (Btw my deepest apologises if you collect way too much 🧂 through this comment )

Titania Prime, once she was the Warframe I was the most hyped for, I was waiting for the golden fairy 1 year ago...

Who couldn't be hyped for her prime version once you've mastered her, once you've decided to be a main Titania...

Sadly this feeling, this hype faded away with just an update, the cursed one : update 27.0 Railjack
In this update you introduced many stuffs (a bit too fast tbh), you know the story better than me I think, it's not our interest here, I dont care about the  the archwing flight system rework that you ironically named the "Itzal nerf" it wasn't Itzal the main target guys, was it ? The only one who got "heavly" nerfed was the little fairy. Her mobility potential had been insanely downed with this rework, if it was your plan, congratz it worked without anyone being suspicious about it before it's release.

You're surely gonna say "Why are you complaining about Tenno ?! She just got buffed, you fool" Let me answer with another question: what happens when you go from 0m/s to 150m/s in a small room ? You hit a wall with 99,99% chance, and if you sadly hit a wall while casting an ability, you launch the stagger animlation then you repeat the ability cast animation again.

"How can you go so fast with her ?" That's by pressing the acceleration button with 200% power strength (or more) and her 4th ability augment : "Razorwing Blitz" (check the wiki if you don't know what it is)

By the way, about the recent buff Titania got, why wasn't it innate for her 3 ? I would like to know 🙂

Ok, enough salt for today, here's the question I should have asked way earlier : 

Could you think about bringing back the old flying system for Titania only or at least adding the possibility in the option to switch flying mode, because combat wise, the new one is kind of "meh" ?

Edited by Niinjaxe
I should really re-read my texts before sending them...
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Hi DE, looking forward to the Devstream and have a couple of questions. Here's hoping you see them:

1. What is the status on Pets 2.0? I am looking forward to this very much as I like running with a variety of companions, and any tweaks/buffs to the ones we have right now are appreciated. I personally hope for claws/teeth to be separately modded, and maybe one day an organic companion with a ranged weapon.
2. At this moment in time are there any Warframes that you feel are in need of some upgrades to either bring them into the modern day, or to address issues that dedicated players have brought up? I want to hear how you feel on this issue rather than provide my own suggestions since we have an entire section of the forums for that.
3. Are there any plans to alter damage bonuses in regards to the general damage charts we have now?

4. This might lump in with #1, but with the teased Moa Set mods will there also be either Robotic Set mods or Sentinel set mods? They can use the Synth set right now which is actually quite good, but I found it odd that our organic companions can also use them. In the same vein as set mods, the Helminth's set could use some numerical buffs, but that certainly would fall under Pets 2.0
5. Status on this big update for us console tenno?

And that's all from me. Keep it up DE!

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