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Operation: Scarlet Spear: 27.3.0


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about this operation well first the credit reward is nowhere near amount of work you put in a mission they need to either lower down prices or give us a little more and secod why cant i join squad on murex raid, in every other railjack mission you can just jump in and have fun but here for some weird reason you need to have premade squad wtih sometimes is just hard(i spend 15 min lf for group) and by the end of the raid we didint even get our credits


Edited by KanoThalion
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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Not everyone desires the Passive attributes that Zephyr, Nezha, and Titania bring, but still want to use them in battle. With these new Augments you can now rid yourself of their attributes and bring them to a more grounded version. Find these in their respective Syndicate Offerings!

Zephyr: Anchored Glide
Disable Zephyr passive ability. Increase power strength by 15%.

Nezha: Controlled Slide
Disable Nezha passive ability. Increase power strength by 15%.

Titania: Ironclad Flight
Disable vacuum in Razorwing. Reduced damage by 40% while airborne.


It should be noted somewhere that these are not independent mods, but special versions of other exilus mods; Ironclad Flight cannot be equipped at the same time as Aviator, and I suspect the other two mods cannot coexist with Power Drift

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7 minutes ago, Mulchman said:

The rewards are way too expensive for what we're earning in mission. Was this supposed to be Dog Days: COVID-19 edition? Because that's what it is.

you get a lot more points for the space mission problem there is you need a team to do it. 

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I've just realized something. I wouldn't necessarily mind the low rewards if the missions themselves weren't so goddamn boring. I mean, we're doing the exact same thing, over and over and over again, with no variety whatsoever. At least with kuva liches, you get to run different mission types. Here, all we get is soul-killing tedium.

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In exchange for Magus Lockdown being nerfed into the ground so hard it's now underground (also, the tether limit seems a bit harsh), can we have a way to make our Operator strong enough to actually be useful? Maybe some way to channel warframe energy/powers into our Operator?

Also thanks for the content^^

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I've now done the ground assault about 5 times. This is just Dog Days all over again. Boring and repetitive with the balance for time spent to rewards earned being hideous. I find this event to be tedious and I have fully built out weapons and warframes. I can't imagine how horrible this is for newer players. 

Edited by KosmicKerman
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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Grendel Changes:

  • When consumed by Grendel, Sentients now have a max duration they can be consumed before popping out that is affected by diminishing returns.
    • This change was made to prevent Grendel from prog stopping missions where all Sentients must be exterminated for the mission to succeed. 


I beg you to reconsider this change, or at least change the duration, or something. The last thing Grendel needs is nerfs, especially just because some people grief others. Please, please don't keep this, not as is.

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I got 150 creds for 15 mins, I saw someone say you can get 1k per 30 mins... Ok cool so if it's 30mins for 1k it's over 15 hours for 1 maxed arcane? I hope I'm missing something because, as fun as that ground mission was it's not 15 hours grind fun let alone 22+ hours for the non arcane stuff I'd like. Bleh maybe I'm just done with grinding but this feels pretty disheartening,

I might not mind so much if the missions were a challange but they're just not, it's oooh shiny something new, oh well that was nice to see but it's really easy so really boaring sooooo.... Im done? This content wasn't for me? What happend to railjack requiring a group til command intrinsics come out? Given up on that?, ok!  I get a year and a half out of the game then it's just grind with drip fed story and little to no challange?

I know this isn't particularly constructive I just wanted to whine lol.


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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Magus Lockdown Changes:

We are making changes to Magus Lockdown due to it being virtually one of the best CC and Damage combinations in the game. In some cases you can clear waves of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught without even using a Warframe or Weapon, and simply spam Magus Lockdown to victory. This goes well beyond the intended use of it and we are changing it to a CC only Arcane - true to its name - Magus Lockdown! 

  • Magus Lockdown will no longer apply Puncture damage to tethered enemies.
  • The amount of active Tethers is now limited to 2 per player. 
    • For example, Void Dash once > one Tether, Void Dash again > 2nd Tether, Void Dash a 3rd time > 3rd Tether, 1st Tether dies etc..
  • Magus Lockdown no longer affects the Golden Maw due to the Arcane killing the Maw and preventing Quest completion. 
    • This also fixes a script error when Magus Lockdown activates while encountering a Golden Maw.


A suggestion: Add increasing duration to the mines tied to ranking up the arcane, e.g. 4s 4s 4s 5s 5s 6s. These are now limited to 2 per player so they don't have the effective range they used to, and damage has been removed, which used to be one of the greatest effects of ranking up the arcane. And if you consider increasing the number per player that could also be tied to arcane rank, e.g. 1 1 2 2 3 3

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So instead of reworking Frames like Zephyr for real and are in need you make such Augments, sorry but this mods are a joke. Deactivating her slow fall as example should be part of her ability like Limbos rift dash simply, why should i remove such passive using a mod slot for onyl 15% strength, which i can do with a power drift exilus mod?

Bandaids as always, the event itself is also a joke, another grind to force us to stay longer on and play to make the numbers look nice for the money givers right?

Skipping this like the Dog Days event, RJ is still a broken mess anway. I am not desperate for those rewards, i rather enjoy what works and is actual fun for me and something i can play when i want and take breaks, not play 24/7 on one event.

But you seen the opportunity DE right? Virus keeping people home so tehy got time anyway and you look good because you give people somethign to do, right? You are so generous, such angels, no one can be mad at you right? Look at all the love you get from people for updating and, gosh, hotfixes? Not like such is to expect from a game that keeps evolving, but wait, i forgot we are still in beta so its forgiveable.

Maybe for ocne focus on bug fixes and make things work, iam tired as PC gamer having to test out this stuff for you and not getting anything out of it except frustration. You makea damn joke of yourself DE, i like you and the game but you pushing it lately in my eyes.

Personal opinion guys, not like it, skip my comment. Stop defending them for stuff that should be the standard by now.

They sell/offer you the solution for a problem they made on porpuse basically, wake up already. We not have to take everything like it is, and don't come me with "but the update is only a few hours old", it still not excuses beeign released in such state and what gets released.

Edited by Marine027
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1 hour ago, KanoThalion said:

about this operation well first the credit reward is nowhere near amount of work you put in a mission they need to either lower down prices or give us a little more and secod why cant i join squad on murex raid, in every other railjack mission you can just jump in and have fun but here for some weird reason you need to have premade squad wtih sometimes is just hard(i spend 15 min lf for group) and by the end of the raid we didint even get our credits


happened to me in both my ground and RJ mission. Did 4 rounds on ground, 3 rounds in RJ, crashed in the ground mission, got no credits for RJ mission.

Not going to play this for a few days, even though the ground one was actually loads of fun.

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Should probably make Titania's passive's ingame description reflect the fact that she does in fact (still) have enhanced parkour. Beyond that, it's lovely to see her finally have a passive that is appropriate for her role and gameplay. Lovely change.

E: Also, is there any chance we can have the pretty fluttering SFX on her BJ back?

Edited by MrFrog9
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Thank you for the update! With the new dojo decor making this relevant again, I must ask if it would be possible to allow Decorations rotation/translation to clip through certain room geometry. I understand that this has the issue of making decorations possibly irretrievable if they are passed through walls, so I'd like to suggest a plausible alternative to actually allowing the translation of object centers through meshes. Instead, revisiting the centers of dojo decor centers could suffice. Centers should be either very near the mesh on the inside of the object, or outside the mesh entirely, which would free up a lot more possibilities for arranging decor. Thanks again for the update!

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So i played the event its about 17-20 min per acane in 20 min i can get 3 random ones from playing eidolons or about 6 in a good squad. and we dont even know how much the rare ones will cost

a 3x3 is 9 random arcanes in 50min a 5x3 is 15 in 50 min. 

the event is way to grindy

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