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What happened to the golden hand glyph?

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I too, would love to live in an ideal world, where nobody gets offended by anything, where politics isn't such a touchy subject, where people don't have to be afraid of getting killed for whatever reason, where nothing can be interpreted in any way/shape/form for certain individuals to reach their goals, where every single one of our desires can be satisfied with a click of a button.

Sadly, we're still in the real world, and anything in it, still affects the virtual, as long as the virtual still has to follow the real world laws. To quote Little Duck "You'll just have to wear it."

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On 2020-06-12 at 5:52 AM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

DE logic: 

- has New Loka, a faction obsessed with "purity" that wants to exterminate everything else for being "tainted and ruined beyond salvation".

- "oh no, we can't show a clenched fist, people will get the wrong idea!"

look, if you're gonna go full political correctness, that's your business, but don't half measure, because it just exposes double standards. anyone else notice the debacle on twitter where someone argued with Steve over Hong Kong? you either cover ALL offensive material or none at all. personally I say leave the real world out of this. people come to warframe to escape the current political situation, and if you stop giving people a means of escape, of course they are going to get riled up. racism is a problem to be sure, but vague statements and changing a glyph in a videogame aren't gonna solve the problem, so why even bother. 

that said, the new glyph is meh. not keen on someone else's face. I'd rather it have been changed to a golden Corpus logo like :corpus:, that would have been better IMO. 

I like how your profile pic is still the same as that fist glyph but no one has said anything



Just noticed the 2nd post: Magus_Tahir was as well



Just goes to show how important censorship is when they forget to do it on forums

Edited by Noobverest
LUL + Big brain realization
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2 hours ago, Noobverest said:

I like how your profile pic is still the same as that fist glyph but no one has said anything


interesting, It's likely because I haven't logged out and back in, which would cause the emblem to update. I prefer this one, and I despise racism and anyone who is racist. I assumed everyone else saw the new emblem, and my in-game one has been updated, so I'm leaving this one as it is. (maybe I'll be the only person with one around, who knows? yay uniqueness!)


42 minutes ago, Yrkul said:

I'll just leave this here...

Illuminati Corpus Lizard person confirmed!

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On 2020-06-12 at 12:12 AM, Chewarette said:

I'd love gaming companies to go back to a time where they designed fictional universes without politic correctness agenda.

You mean never? The practice of removing deliberate political references from video games to make them less insensitive to real-life marginalized populations dates all the way back to 1987.

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On 2020-06-13 at 9:27 AM, SpicyDinosaur said:

Except that Lovecraft was a massive racist. Shadow Over Innsmouth, for example, was him ranting over "race mixing." The guy named a black cat he had N- Man. It definitely was not a coincidence,

I always found it odd for a racist to name their cat that. Why name something you love after something you hate? Doesn't make sense to me. I'm arachnophobic and would never dream of giving a pet the name Spider. To clarify I'm not denying Lovecraft was racist, this was just something I always found odd.

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On 2020-06-12 at 10:52 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

DE logic: 

- has New Loka, a faction obsessed with "purity" that wants to exterminate everything else for being "tainted and ruined beyond salvation".

- "oh no, we can't show a clenched fist, people will get the wrong idea!"

look, if you're gonna go full political correctness, that's your business, but don't half measure, because it just exposes double standards. anyone else notice the debacle on twitter where someone argued with Steve over Hong Kong? you either cover ALL offensive material or none at all. personally I say leave the real world out of this. people come to warframe to escape the current political situation, and if you stop giving people a means of escape, of course they are going to get riled up. racism is a problem to be sure, but vague statements and changing a glyph in a videogame aren't gonna solve the problem, so why even bother. 

that said, the new glyph is meh. not keen on someone else's face. I'd rather it have been changed to a golden Corpus logo like :corpus:, that would have been better IMO. 

Sorry, that's a triangle, can't have glyphs associated with the Illuminati, pick a shape that no political movement has ever used please. Freeform scribble glyphs only from here on out.

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I think in this case it was a fair move. Both in regards to avoid political debates in-game aswell as avoiding someone getting the idea that it was added in game just to show support for the specific movement.

People have already gotten plenty of ideas regarding DE since the protests and riots started and DE aswell as other companies going out with their official announcements. People do love to make things up as they go and see things that arent there, so in this time, removing that clenched fist icon was a smart move to avoid alot of pointless drama. Maybe they can re-add it later when there is less risk that the overly sensitive on all sides will interpret its exsistance in the game in the wrong way.

In the end, certain people within this community are the reason why it was removed and why we cant have nice things at times. If people would instead just use the game and everything around it to stress down and ignore real life for a while these things wouldnt need to happen.

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On 2020-06-12 at 2:35 PM, Loza03 said:

Which is probably why DE felt it was fine to use when they originally made it.

Symbols are not permanent, they are not set in stone. They can and do change. Right now, it has particular meaning.

Symbols do not have to change. When you abandon a symbol and let your enemies use it without resistance, you gave them that symbol and it becomes theirs. The only way to prevent a symbol from changing is to defend what you think it represents. For example, people could begin using Clem in a distasteful manner, and if instead of holding ground and protecting what it means to us, by not defending it we default and it goes to them.

It always leaves a sour taste in my mouth when people simply give up on a symbol because of a few bad apples.

A recent example I can think of where a symbol was defended, the symbol used for an infamous party was a symbol that existed throughout human history for a long time. A few years ago Japan was looking to remove said symbol from public maps designating temples in case it offended foreigners. Luckily (in my opinion) the public spoke out against this move because they believed in what the symbol means to them. I'll be honest and say I don't know what that symbol means (to them), but so long as it's not promoting anything negative I'd defend their usage of it too.

What I'm trying to say is, when you give a symbol away, it gives those who seek to use it maliciously more power over it. Even symbolically I don't want to give them power.

There's a Spongebob clip that I think sums it up perfectly.




Edited by Zahnny
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11 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

Symbols do not have to change. When you abandon a symbol and let your enemies use it without resistance, you gave them that symbol and it becomes theirs. The only way to prevent a symbol from changing is to defend what you think it represents. For example, people could begin using Clem in a distasteful manner, and if instead of holding ground and protecting what it means to us, by not defending it we default and it goes to them.

It always leaves a sour taste in my mouth when people simply give up on a symbol because of a few bad apples.

A recent example I can think of where a symbol was defended, the symbol used for an infamous party was a symbol that existed throughout human history for a long time. A few years ago Japan was looking to remove said symbol from public maps designating temples in case it offended foreigners. Luckily (in my opinion) the public spoke out against this move because they believed in what the symbol means to them. I'll be honest and say I don't know what that symbol means (to them), but so long as it's not promoting anything negative I'd defend their usage of it too.

What I'm trying to say is, when you give a symbol away, it gives those who seek to use it maliciously more power over it. Even symbolically I don't want to give them power.

There's a Spongebob clip that I think sums it up perfectly.

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Why would DE fight for the right to use it in this case though?

For one, in-game, the symbol is promoting something negative. Intentionally so, yes, but it is representing a villainous organisation, not to mention being the much lower-stakes item (being, y'know, just a logo for a fictitious cult). In real life, meanwhile, it is a symbol of solidarity, in particular with a very real and present movement that many would say is not using it maliciously, and one that has potentially world-shaking consequences.

The example given of the Manji vs the Swastika, the Manji was used to represent temples and other places of peaceful religious worship literal millenia before it was taken over. I would also support keeping the Manji where it is, because these two situations simply aren't relative to each other. One's a case of a multinational, era-spanning symbol being used across multiple cultures for dramatically different reasons, the other... is a video game.


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1 minute ago, Loza03 said:

Why would DE fight for the right to use it in this case though?

For one, in-game, the symbol is promoting something negative. Intentionally so, yes, but it is representing a villainous organisation, not to mention being the much lower-stakes item (being, y'know, just a logo for a fictitious cult). In real life, meanwhile, it is a symbol of solidarity, in particular with a very real and present movement that many would say is not using it maliciously, and one that has potentially world-shaking consequences.

The example given of the Manji vs the Swastika, the Manji was used to represent temples and other places of peaceful religious worship literal millenia before it was taken over. I would also support keeping the Manji where it is, because these two situations simply aren't relative to each other. One's a case of a multinational, era-spanning symbol being used across multiple cultures for dramatically different reasons, the other... is a video game.


Fair enough. I guess I was meaning more of symbols in general.

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