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TennoCon: Looking Toward August 1.


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5 minutes ago, Twilight_Researcher said:

Any plans to give the other Latron shoulderplate as well? Notice that there is a new Elixis variant that dropped with this, but we still don't have the other shoulderplate, and no notice about if the shoulderplate was really intended as a solo piece or not. 

Yes, this please. The Latron shoulder is nice and given the whole armour set is symmetrical I don't see why there can't be a plate for the other shoulder beyond a design decision that seems to have been done on the flip of a coin...

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2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:
  • We put all our energy, love, and care into making something special and just hope that it will work, because we want Warframe’s community to be proud(*). 

(*). Footnotes: This has always been the case, the dream, the goal. This will never not be true. 

Given the past year or 2 of updates and the recent behavior of DE in social matters... 'proud' is the LAST thing I would describe the community as right now... DE has an incredibly long way to go if they ever hope to make the community "proud" of them again, let alone even trust DE.

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1 minute ago, m0b1us1 said:

Given the past year or 2 of updates and the recent behavior of DE in social matters... 'proud' is the LAST thing I would describe the community as right now... DE has an incredibly long way to go if they ever hope to make the community "proud" of them again, let alone even trust DE.

Most of the community trusts DE. Just a vocal minority that doesn't, but it's the vocal minority that cares the most about the game (which is why they speak up) because they want it to be  better.

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3 minutes ago, OniDax said:

Most of the community trusts DE. Just a vocal minority that doesn't, but it's the vocal minority that cares the most about the game (which is why they speak up) because they want it to be  better.

I'd agree with that. This is still a great game and a excellent community!


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Even though I always wanted to attend TennoCon, I've never been able to, and only caught my first TennoLive in 2018, and yet, all this is hitting me on a level I never thought it would. You guys are awesome, and whatever you're working on will be amazing simply because you poured your best into it! Even if it requires fixing and tweaking, there's a community ready to support you Devs! Good luck with this year's TennoCon!:3

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DO not dispair. I look at it as an amazing opportunity to be more involved given I could never make the trip, I always felt cheated loving the game but not able to make the connections necessary to improve things and share that like the others. Making posts and crticisms too often risks moving ideas forward when there is little other way to compete with all the others. As I try to understand the (actually needed shifts) in the industry and partner programs going forward it offers more time to heal those that felt hurt the most.  That value will be realized mostly only from looking back from future successes.

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1 hour ago, OniDax said:

Most of the community trusts DE. Just a vocal minority that doesn't, but it's the vocal minority that cares the most about the game (which is why they speak up) because they want it to be  better.

I would disagree on "most". Only seems like that because that is all that DE listens to recently. Look at the disasters of the lich, railjack, and SS updates. They are still trying to fix stuff from all of those and are just more of the same issues that have been plaguing warframe for years (islands of content). Then look at DE's behavior when it has come to stuff on twitter. Absolutely disgusting how they have handled recent things, then turned around and 2-faced us. It seems like the only players who "trust" in DE are those that don't care much about the game or community.

Idk what is the majority opinion, but I do know that in my community of long time players, some founders included, we have very little trust if any at all in DE, let alone any pride.

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26 minutes ago, m0b1us1 said:

I would disagree on "most". Only seems like that because that is all that DE listens to recently. Look at the disasters of the lich, railjack, and SS updates. They are still trying to fix stuff from all of those and are just more of the same issues that have been plaguing warframe for years (islands of content). Then look at DE's behavior when it has come to stuff on twitter. Absolutely disgusting how they have handled recent things, then turned around and 2-faced us. It seems like the only players who "trust" in DE are those that don't care much about the game or community.

Idk what is the majority opinion, but I do know that in my community of long time players, some founders included, we have very little trust if any at all in DE, let alone any pride.

First i've heard of anything on twitter being badly handled.

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Even tho I am a simple nobody! I am a big fan. I love the lore, I love looking forward to new content and enjoying playing WF.  I try my best to check out the 4 day streams. There is always problems here and there and we are all human so we all make mistakes down the road. I wished more game studios was this compassionate  to their community like this one is. 

I am pretty sure I wont be disappointed with the digital tennocon, as for me it's always been digital. Maybe some future I can finally make it north for once and check out Canada and it's drift scene while attending a future tennocon (hopefully) 

Anyways back to /lurk mode. 


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Ya, not going to lie, that did hit me in the feels. TennoCon was my first since I had just started playing the game. I have not looked back since. Can't wait to see what comes next, and very thankful that more and more is being streamed for us here at home that lack the ability to travel. Will see you all (digitally) on August 1st!

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