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Cross Save / Cross Play / Cross Platform / Cross Progress / Account Transfer / Account Migration Megathread


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19 hours ago, Ker-Blammo said:

Also, DE is more or less in line with updates as well.

More or less, but the console players got a taste of what we experience every major update with the bugs of Deimos and from what I can tell, they don't like it much at all. For us PC players, DE will usually fix the worst bugs within a week or two, consoles have to wait a lot longer in general due to the cert process. Heck, I'm not sure they've even had the necramech-archgun ammo fix yet. Moreover, DE would have* to slow down PC hotfixes a lot for cross save to be truly workable, and that would go over like a lead balloon with the fanbase.


*I could maybe see a way around this if DE developed a system to "hide" unreleased content from accounts running on consoles until it's implemented on the console. Perhaps some sort of version flag for everything where if the version running is lower than the content's version, the content gets hidden and inaccessible until the console catches up. But this would be a pretty big endeavor since you'd have to tag just about everything. Every item, every power, every mechanic. Say DE adds a new kind of exilus-type slot for augments? That would need to be hidden, otherwise you'd have players bringing over their augment-slot frames from the PC version while the console version doesn't have the code it needs to understand what those even are yet.


9 hours ago, (NSW)BalticBarbarian said:

And that does not tend to make players lose their plat every time they open the app. So there is no real reason why using the same system to transfer accounts would.

I imagine legal issues regarding plat profit sharing agreements are the most likely hurdle. Nintendo only gets money for plat purchased on the switch. Sony for the PS4, and MS for the Xbox. They have something of a vested interest in keeping plat from outside sources well away from their customer base.


I can imagine ways around this - perhaps make it so that plat isn't transferred, only gear/warframes/pets/etc, but I have no idea if that would be legally permissable under the contracts DE and the console makers signed, and it would still be a big technical hurdle. There's plenty of reasons why DE has only done console migration once before.

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10 hours ago, Cpl_Facehugger said:

I imagine legal issues regarding plat profit sharing agreements are the most likely hurdle. Nintendo only gets money for plat purchased on the switch. Sony for the PS4, and MS for the Xbox. They have something of a vested interest in keeping plat from outside sources well away from their customer base

The poster I was responding to was suggesting plat would be lost because of some bugs in the transfer process - hence my response. I was not talking about the issue you are mentioning.

I've been trying to avoid mentioning Destiny 2 on this thread, but since that game is considered fairly similar to Warframe and does have cross-save, I would expect DE to be able to negotiate a cross-save agreement similar to Bungie's. That would mean plat and platform exclusives staying on the platform of origin, while other things being transferable together with the account.

I can't speak for everyone else, but I would be ok with that as long as this was clearly stated to all the players involved. If you are planning to swap between platfoms all the time - keep some plat on either platform. If you are planning to move for good - just dump it on slots and cosmetics.

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I know people have asked this before but I bring it up again because the defender I see the most is that the console manufacturers wouldn’t allow cross play. However it has happened with destiny 2 you can use your account from any platform with no problem. So why is Warframe any different yes maybe the updates for the game don’t always line up but they could work around that so I’m just curious and want some answers. Keep in mid everything I say is not a complaint I just want a few answer to educate myself.

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On 2020-09-25 at 9:59 AM, minininja77 said:

Even so cross play is far more likely to happen over cross save simply due to the way micro transactions are handled.

only thing that comes to mind is the tennogen stuff between consoles and PC being vastly different and plat sales having to go thru the main companies first. Everything else can be locked until the required update hits.....that's what they did for the switch migration after all.

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On 2020-09-25 at 3:51 PM, xcrimsonlegendx said:

Probably because DE said they're working on it.

Thank you . People forget this often, I think it’ll probably happen in 2021 . Also for those who say it’s a waste of development time your completely wrong, cross save would bring so much money into this game . Because it would make the game accessible to more people on more devices. I have had a pc for 2-3 years now and I still have yet to download warframe on it because I’m not going to waste my ps4 account where I spent 100s of dollars on cosmetics & im not the only one . Embarrassing thing about pc players is that they think no one else can become pc players, I’m sure there’s many Tenno who have a pc, ps4, and a switch . Your elitism is showing 

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Simple its money and technical restrictions.People seem to forget that Warframe started out as a very simple small game and while it has improved in a lot of ways its still working on the same mechanical level under the hood.Also DE is probably still under contracts with both Sony and Microsoft that probably would need to be renegotiated to allow for crossplay even if they did find a way to make it work.

Besides a change like that would probably require a lot of the team to switch their efforts from making content or bugfixing which would probably hurt the company income wise and who knows how long it would take them to do if they even can do it.

At this point its probably best to think cross play is never going to happen and just hope on cross save which DE has said they really want to do

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It's sad that this is literally the only thing preventing me from playing this game again. :(  I love Warframe, I don't PS4 anymore, and I've invested so much time into my Tenno that I really don't want to start over.  I really want to resume my journey where I left off, with my beloved frames I've taken countless hours to craft with the weapons I've grinded so hard for.


I don't even care about cross-save (although honestly it should be a thing, technical hurdles aside, this is mostly a PvE game), at least let me transfer my account and purchases as a one-time, I feel like this would be pretty compelling to many, especially considering the current console gen cycle is coming to an end.


Would be nice to support my local economy too, seeing as Warframe is developed in my hometown, I've spent a solid amount on plat in this game and would spend more as it is solidly developed.  Alas, I wait until this is offered so that I can come back.


Signed, a sad Tenno stuck in a PS4 prison :(

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I moved to PC from ps4 recently, I had a lot of fun with the early missions and the questline/story, I actually paid attention this time.

60fps on PC with a XB1 controller is really so much better than the ps4 experience.

And I have simply bought mods with plat this time around, it's nice giving people more plat than they asked for, and you don't have an endless grind for endo.

I got to MR 14 within 3 weeks.

I will miss my PS4 rivens, but it just makes it that bit sweeter that I can look forward to buying a ps5 someday, if at all.

Forma'ing frames is not difficult when you already know how to grind for exp and endo. So it's really not as big of a task as you would have thought. And actually Helminth infused abilities means you might want to change the frame's forma config.

The only hard part is getting enough orokin cells and nitain extract (which can be got from nightwave).

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34 minutes ago, (PS4)SurfinBird37 said:

Signed, a sad Tenno stuck in a PS4 prison :(

jailer be Sony tho.

In all fairness, DE is indeed able to do account transfers and have done so in the past, but doing it again would be difficult as long as Sony wants to retain as many players on their systems and not on others. If Sony won't agree, DE can't really do anything.

Though, if you want to, starting fresh is not a bad idea at all, regardless of how much progress you had completed on Ps4.

And by "starting fresh", I quite literally mean it. A new Email address (2fa authenticated ofc), and starting from a new account. That way, if cross-save is allowed later on, you can transfer your data back in onto an account of your choosing.

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54 minutes ago, Aadi880 said:

And by "starting fresh", I quite literally mean it. A new Email address (2fa authenticated ofc), and starting from a new account. That way, if cross-save is allowed later on, you can transfer your data back in onto an account of your choosing.

This is a pretty solid idea actually.  I could start fresh and play casually and hope to eventually migrate my original account.

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The game looks so much better on PC. No frame drops. PC gets update sooner. I still want to be able to play on my TV without hooking my PC to it. If it is a one time transfer, I probably would not. I most definitely will not start over on PC after all the stuff I accumulated. Also, when I was new to the game, I was willing to do far more grinding low level stuff. Now, if it is not level 100+ I do not want to do it.

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I started on Xbox, paid a fair bit on cosmetics, got pretty far into the game I'd say and wound up restarting on PC to play with a friend who's a founder that didn't want to stay on console. Its a pain but in the long run its worth it.

But I do agree, I would love to go back to Xbox and play with my friends there using my PC account.

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my issue isn't necessarily the progress and time that would be lost, for me it would be the plat bought and the prime frames that i grinded out. I built a new pc not to long ago and going back to my xbox 1 hurts the loading screens are terrible. On top of that, all my friends that I could get to play the game are now on pc anyway.

6 hours ago, Aadi880 said:

And by "starting fresh", I quite literally mean it. A new Email address (2fa authenticated ofc), and starting from a new account. That way, if cross-save is allowed later on, you can transfer your data back in onto an account of your choosing.

this may be something I try just because I have been wanting to get back into warframe anyway 

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