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the new rifle skin can only go on a few rifles...


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out of all my weapons, i'd say around 20-25 fit into the "rifle" catagory. they use rifle mods, they act like rifles, they sound like rifles. they are rifles. yet out of all of them, this skin can only go on 4, the latron, the sybaris, the braton and the soma. at first i thought it was only single shot rifles like the latron, nope, we have the soma to put it on. so ok, maybe it doesn't like custom firing animations? nope, we have the sybaris. but what rifles CAN'T the skin go on? the acceltra, the battacor, the fulmin, the glaxion, the hema, the ignis, the opticor, the stahlta (the reason i bought the fckin skin), the tenora, the trummna and the zenith. and probably several more i haven't tested. what the actual hell DE. if you're making a universal rifle skin, MAKE IT UNIVERSAL!


so if you're planning on buying the skin for any gun outside of the small group of "boring bullet hoses" guns, don't bother

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yeah, they really missed the mark with that skin. instead of branding it "universal" - DE really need to look up the definition of that word - a list or picture of what it fits on would suffice. you know what the kicker is? we already have a system like that in game... for Riven mods.

if the game can tell you what the supposedly really complicated, ever changing, space-taking Riven mods can be used on, why can't they do the same for a simple skin? 

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2 hours ago, Hierarch777 said:

I was pretty surprised to find that Trumna and Zenith can't equip the skin. My guess is because they have an alt-fire. 

Also, we still don't have a universal skin for beam primaries/secondaries. 

The new Latron pistol skin works on the Sepulchre, which has an alt fire. 

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Nyx deluxe shotgun skin works on all shotgun, so not being applicable because having a unique gimmick is not a valid excuse.

I think its because they originally intended those new skins for specific weapons instead of universal skin, after the backlash they rushed the change and didn't have time to code it for every rifle or something.

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42 minutes ago, (NSW)Mbek said:

Nyx deluxe shotgun skin works on all shotgun, so not being applicable because having a unique gimmick is not a valid excuse.

I think its because they originally intended those new skins for specific weapons instead of universal skin, after the backlash they rushed the change and didn't have time to code it for every rifle or something.

Who made that decision (that the skins are applicable on newbie weapons only) in the first place is the real question here. The bundle was costly AF for a weapon-specific skin pack too.

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3 hours ago, vegetosayajin said:

Is it still not fixed?

they mentioned specifically it does not apply to certain weapons like beam rifles because in some weird way they arent considered rifles, even tho they kinda are, so what you have left is a "mostly universal" rifle skin.

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4 hours ago, Methanoid said:

they mentioned specifically it does not apply to certain weapons like beam rifles because in some weird way they arent considered rifles, even tho they kinda are, so what you have left is a "mostly universal" rifle skin.

they are considered rifles in the game logic - classified as rifles
also if it was only beam rifles ok, but there are many normal that it doesn't apply to

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On 2020-09-28 at 12:15 PM, herozen13 said:

out of all my weapons, i'd say around 20-25 fit into the "rifle" catagory. they use rifle mods, they act like rifles, they sound like rifles. they are rifles. yet out of all of them, this skin can only go on 4, the latron, the sybaris, the braton and the soma.

It goes on the Grakata. Karak. Paracyst. Gorgon. Supra. In fact, by my count, it goes on at least 22 weapons (not counting variants). I have not been able to test the skin on the Stahlta or the Trumna (if it works that makes 24), but I'll believe you if you say it doesn't. Although, I will point out that it does in fact work with the Hema, contrary to your post.

The basic pattern appears to be that it applies to rifles that aren't beam weapons or have an alt fire (with some exceptions, such as the Tiberon, Paracyst, and Panthera, all of which can equip the skin while having an alt fire). It doesn't work on shotguns or spearguns (obviously), and it also doesn't work on launchers, which is a subset of primary weapons separate from rifles but doesn't have much obvious in-game classification (other than a somewhat intuitive test of "Does this shoot explosives?").

I wish the skin worked on some of the alt-fire weapons, but not working for launchers and beam weapons makes sense to me.

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4 hours ago, Methanoid said:

they mentioned specifically it does not apply to certain weapons like beam rifles because in some weird way they arent considered rifles, even tho they kinda are, so what you have left is a "mostly universal" rifle skin.

Honestly, the thing that keeps me from buying it is how it doesn't apply to the hind. Hind is a burst rifle with no weird gimmicks, yet the skin doesn't apply. It's real frustrating, because the main reason I want the skin is so cover up the kuva hind's ugliness when I get it.

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