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May 2021 Riven Disposition Updates


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Greetings Tenno!

Gara Prime Access has arrived to shatter our expectations, and with it come another set of Riven disposition changes. Similar to last time, we have refrained from any gun reductions, and only a couple melee weapons are still in need of downward adjustments.

Most of you know the process by now, so let’s dive right in - thanks for reading!



Bubonico: 0.6->0.7

Catchmoon (primary): 1->1.05

Cedo: 0.55->0.6

Exergis: 1.05->1.1

Gaze: 0.95->1

Lanka: 0.95->1

Panthera Prime: 1.05->1.15

Proboscis Cernos: 0.5->0.55

Quellor: 1.05->1.1

Rattleguts (primary): 0.9->1

Rubico: 0.8->0.9

Sporelacer (primary): 0.85->1

Sporothrix: 0.85->1.1

Stahlta: 0.8->0.85

Tiberon: 1->1.05
Tiberon Prime: 0.85->0.9

Tombfinger (primary): 0.75->0.85

Trumna: 0.7->0.75

Vermisplicer (primary): 0.7->0.85



Akbolto: 1.25->1.3
Telos Akbolto: 1.2->1.25
Akbolto Prime: 1.1->1.15

Atomos: 0.85->0.9

Catabolyst: 0.8->1

Euphona Prime: 0.75->0.8

Pandero Prime: 0.5->0.75

Rattleguts (secondary): 0.7->0.75

Sepulcrum: 0.85->0.95

Staticor: 0.65->0.7

Velox: 1.1->1.15

Vermisplicer (secondary): 0.85->1

Zakti Prime: 0.75->0.9

Zymos: 0.95->1.05



Arca Titron: 1.25->1.3

Arum Spinosa: 0.85->1.05

Atterax: 1->1.05

Dual Kamas: 1.25->1.3
Dual Kamas Prime: 1.15->1.2

Galatine Prime: 0.75->0.8

Glaive Prime: 1.05->0.9

Gram Prime: 0.8->0.75

Guandao: 1->1.05
Guandao Prime: 0.6->0.65

Halikar Wraith: 0.5->0.75

Heliocor: 1.3->1.35
Synoid Heliocor: 1.3->1.35

Jat Kittag: 1.3->1.35

Keratinos: 0.9->1

Korrudo: 1.3->1.35

Kronen Prime: 0.7->0.65

Lecta: 1.2->1.25
Secura Lecta: 1.05->1.1

Mios: 1.2->1.25

Nikana: 0.9->0.95

Ooltha: 1.2->1.25

Pulmonars: 0.85->1.05

Quassus: 0.95->1

Reaper Prime: 0.75->0.7

Sydon: 1.3->1.35
Vaykor Sydon: 1.25->1.3

Vitrica: 0.7->0.85



Cortege: 0.85->1

Corvas: 1.1->1.2

Prisma Dual Decurion: 0.85->1.05

Morgha: 0.7->0.85


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Thank you for the Riven disposition changes.

Please reconsider the approach of starting weapons from the bottom. All the weapons in Update: Sisters of Parvos will be uninteresting for Rivens for atleast a few months, maybe even longer. This creates a state where players who want to engage with Rivens for new weapons are basically punished for doing so and makes new content less appealing for the players using this system. Starting weapons at 1.00 (Neutral) wasn't great, but it would help make new content appealing at the least for Rivens.

A better solution here would be tightening the range from 0.50-1.55 to 0.75-1.25.

We could go for the best solution and stop pretending that Riven disposition has any practical influence over weapon choice and remove disposition altogether. A clear example of this issue is Kronen Prime. This weapon has been good for years since Zephyr Prime first launched, but only in the last year has YouTube created influence on using this weapon. For 2 years the high disposition was fine, but now it isn't? The performance hasn't been changed and the player usage won't either. All this does is punish invested Kronen Riven owners and makes people feel bad about being invested in weapons that sometimes overlap with what YouTube and Twitch promote to the target audience of the game.

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Was hoping for a higher dispo buff on the proboscis cernos it does not deserve to be worse than the kuva bramma in terms of dispo. 

Disappointed that only four archguns got touched :( was expecting more due to Tempestarii Update having archwing usage in Railjack.'

Four hammer melees getting buffed is also a nice change in my book since that just means more attack speed on a riven. I was planning on trying out the volnus prime due to having a high attack speed but an attack speed riven on one of these buffed hammers might actually be able to beat out a non-riven volnus prime in terms of attack speed.

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15 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Thank you for the Riven disposition changes.

Please reconsider the approach of starting weapons from the bottom. All the weapons in Update: Sisters of Parvos will be uninteresting for Rivens for atleast a few months, maybe even longer. This creates a state where players who want to engage with Rivens for new weapons are basically punished for doing so and makes new content less appealing for the players using this system. Starting weapons at 1.00 (Neutral) wasn't great, but it would help make new content appealing at the least for Rivens.

The best solution here would be tightening the range from 0.50-1.55 to 0.75-1.25.

The entire point is to give new weapons a chance to stand on their own, as opposed to having good riven bonuses right out the gate.

You know... like makes sense with how disposition is based on usage?

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Excited Happy Birthday GIF

Glad to see some of the unpopular yet busted stuff not being nerfed or even being buffed again. I couldn't care less about the things that got nerfed. Spreadsheet disposition changes are great if you use side-meta stuff that wasn't popularized by content creators!

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Welp, there goes my Quellor build :( At 1.05 I had a perfect amount of fire rate to make use of Internal Bleeding's 2.5 fire rate limit, now at 1.1 I'm gonna be over and that build won't work anymore. If I could just, idk, lock stats when rerolling then I could just roll it a little more to get a lower Fire Rate stat. Rivens suck the way they're implemented.

ETA: Oh man I'm just barely scraping under the limit.



Please stop buffing my gun, any more and you're gonna nerf it lol.

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6 minutes ago, XRosenkreuz said:

The entire point is to give new weapons a chance to stand on their own, as opposed to having good riven bonuses right out the gate.

You know... like makes sense with how disposition is based on usage?

It isn't as of over a year ago. They follow an internal ranking decided by DE. This ranking determines the top and low end for each individual weapon, with player usage working as an overton window that affects disposition only within this window.

This means that a weapon can never be used in a single entire year and still sit at 0.5 disposition if that's where DE's ranking places it.

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27 minutes ago, Voltage said:

The best solution here would be tightening the range from 0.50-1.55 to 0.75-1.25.

So buff all the rivens for weapons that have a riven dispo under 0.75 and nerf all rivens with a riven dispo over 1.25? 

28 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Please reconsider the approach of starting weapons from the bottom.

The change I quoted you on above would be a bad change as it would affect more weapons than those that introduced into the riven system. 

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See quassus & Arum spinosa up -> yeah... something is wrong. Stop nerfing rivens because they are porular. Focus on the weapons that are BAD. Dont buff the ones that are giga broken op already. Use stats, calculate. if you dont know how to calculate, ask proples from the community, we have tons of tools that are public to calculate that.
Kronen prime is not OP because of the riven, it's because of the super high stats and the broken stance. Same for nami skyla.


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