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Thanks for Watching Home Devstream #15/ Devstream #155


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Ty for the Devstream, it was a blast. I am really looking forward to TennoCon! 

And I am already interested in the upcoming new stuff!
Melee changes/nerfs will be... fun? Nerfs are always difficult for everyone involved, but I guess we all know that by now (I just hope the gun-buffs/changes will be enough to counter them so everything will feel sorta "fun"/"usefull") 
Corpus-Sister-Lich-Stuff sounds cool too, even if i am personally not a huuuuuge fan when it comes to the Granum void (it is a logical place to use, and I am all for using & improving things that are already ingame available..still, might be a little bit more time consuming compared to grineer lichs)

...oh well, I just can't wait to get my hands on the new stuff. Yarerli looks just kawaii as hell and dear god those corpus weapons are shinyyyy, I love it!

Keep up the good work and have a nice week! (so strange to see a Devstream on monday btw) 


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Very nice seeing an old glaive glitch became an ability. Make sure it doesn't eat too much energy if it's channeling based. 

Her first ability I hope not just 3 bubbles active at any single time. We should be able to cast it as long as we have energy to cast it.

You have to know that it's a pain when you fall to a lower elevation when in k-drive and trying to get up again. 

So again, energy check, range check, damage check... for all the abilities. Hope no mistakes are repeated again.

Though I'm not so glad that we are really killing dogs in game, perhaps you guys should made them looked more like zanuka and not so dog-like. Just sayin.

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Just a few concerns:

Comand intrisic 10 means our current crew will be repleaced and all the customization and "grind" was for nothing.

I like the lich showdown in railjack, tho we still need the details to see, but I hope this doest mean we can no longer randomly get lucky and guess the requiems first try and end the lich right there. Or to say it another way, I hope the showdown wont be mandatory.

If Im not mistaken the corpus lich larvling in the devstream was the tresurer model, which is male, but Parvos called him sister. Pls fix.

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Amazing work ! Yareli looks awesome, weapons and so on have interesting effects.

A few quick questions : 

- what is Yareli subsume ability? is her mini quest locked behind owning a k-drive? at least it would make sense

- about "elite crew" what does the increase of stats mean? more competency to spend? or more at base? both?

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18 minutes ago, Lord_Khaavren said:

Since you are decided on nerfing aspects of melee, bear this in mind at all times moving forward. This is a polarizing topic among the community. Tread lightly and be mindful of the weight of your hand. You are traversing treacherous grounds.

Iirc from what was discussed in that previous dev stream the nerf for melee was the removal of some stagger procs on stance, which is already live, and they were looking at only allowing 1 source of attack speed increase. Speed increase would make senses in order not to break the animations. Anything beside that is unknown as far as melee nerf.

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What is allowed to be advertised in the clan's description? Anything goes? can i write a poem? can i sell an item?

Also, i assume it follows the same conditions as recruit chat right, players are free to mislead, trick and lie about their intentions with the clan and the same goes for whoever is recruiting right?

Full research may mean:

  • full research,
  • only essential research,
  • almost all research,
  • all except pigments,
  • all except a weapon bp,
  • all except pigments, weapon bp and/or rail content,
  • all research including a weapon bp but it's given by someone in the clan and not really research,
  • all research since we are in an alliance with a single clan that contains the research you need
  • .....

It's not to be taken seriously correct? Users will continue to mislead who they recruit and recruits will continue to mislead clan leaders or recruiters.

Also, can players who view the ad be able to view the research in the clan? because some clans do not reveal research for recruiting practices, to ensure that the player is motivated and can help the clan reach it's goals, regardless of what's not researched, as opposed to recruit players that expect things done, because that leads nowhere

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Still no word on "Review evergreen / general rewards in Railjack"

Ever since 29.10 launched on March 19th, over 2 months ago, players have repeatedly highlighted issues with Railjack's reward structure.

This feedback can generally be summed up as belonging into one of three categories.

1: Certain Railjack missions have rewards that don't correspond to the effort and time required to complete the mission. An example would be the Railjack Corpus Defense missions, which are slow and tedious with no meaningful evergreen reward to make them worth doing.

2: Certain rewards are not a good fit for the Railjack mission they're in. An example would be Ash and Oberon being locked behind the wrong kind of grind.

3: Both regular Railjack as well as Void Storms have a problem with not having good evergreen rewards to have them be worth doing once the "unique" rewards have been earned. An example of this would be void storms, which are not compelling to do once Sevagoth and Epitaph have been earned. This means that the game mode will eventually be dead, like other game modes such as Defection currently are. Adding more unique rewards or requiring multiple unique rewards to be earned is just extending the time before a player will be done with the game mode without making the game mode itself something that players will look forward to returning to in the future.

DE claimed repeatedly that they are aware of these problems.

But it's been months now. With no meaningful changes. With no meaningful communication from DE.

I bring this up because we're now past 10 weeks since 29.10 launched and DE said on their Trello board that we would at least get some kind of update on this in today's dev stream.

DE, you have to stop releasing broken and unfinished content and then moving on to the next batch of broken and unfinished content.

Many of these problems with Railjack's rewards can be fixed with relatively simple drop table changes. An example would be to put Ash and Oberon into the low level Railjack missions and having rewards such as Athodai be a higher level reward instead. This isn't particularly difficult or time consuming to fix.

The fact that we're repeatedly told that you're aware of these problems and that nothing is being done or communicated to us regardless is incredibly disrespectful.

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Will sisters have real zanuka in the foreseeable future? What you call a friendly "zanuka" is essentially a Boston Dynamics dog. I understand that it was easier for you to use kubrow as a basis, but to be honest, right now they look more comical than like war machines that want to kill you. Judging by the reaction to the 154 devstream, some also think so. Otherwise, everything is fine and I would like to see more information on the buff of the primary and secondary weapons.🙂

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Looking forward to the next update! Yareli is perfect and must be protected. New weapons look great, hopefully they perform as good as they look.

There are a few concerns I'd like to see addressed though.

  1. The requirement of entering nightmare Granum Void is definitely going to be the least favorite part of hunting the Sisters. It's going to massively increase the amount of grind to simply get a sister with the weapon you want compared to the Grineer kuva liches.
  2. Unless we get a new separate slot for the planned weapon upgrades akin to something like melee stances, I don't think simply adding mods will do much to bring guns up to the standard of melee weapons. Gun builds are already expensive and it would be hard to fit in or substitute another mod into many of our builds. Melee weapons and sniper rifles have built in combo multipliers. Maybe something similar should be implemented for different gun categories?
  3. Is rank 10 command going to give us the ability to upgrade are already existing crew members? Simply throwing them away seems like such a waste and not something Ticker would appreciate.
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Oh ya.. why do we even need to enter the granum void first for the pablo sister to spawn? Yes lore wise it makes sense but gameplay wise is just another extra step to waste players' time.

Why not make the pablo sister spawn inside the granum void, then the lore n gameplay both make sense.

Also, why are you making Yandere's 3rd ability subsumable? That is her identity ability. Her subsumable ability should be her 1st. You already made every warframe a Sevagoth, and now you are making every warframe a Yandere too?

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9 hours ago, KIREEK said:

What is allowed to be advertised in the clan's description? Anything goes? can i write a poem? can i sell an item?

Also, i assume it follows the same conditions as recruit chat right, players are free to mislead, trick and lie about their intentions with the clan and the same goes for whoever is recruiting right?

Full research may mean:

  • full research,
  • only essential research,
  • almost all research,
  • all except pigments,
  • all except a weapon bp,
  • all except pigments, weapon bp and/or rail content,
  • all research including a weapon bp but it's given by someone in the clan and not really research,
  • all research since we are in an alliance with a single clan that contains the research you need
  • .....

It's not to be taken seriously correct? Users will continue to mislead who they recruit and recruits will continue to mislead clan leaders or recruiters.

Also, can players who view the ad be able to view the research in the clan? because some clans do not reveal research for recruiting practices, to ensure that the player is motivated and can help the clan reach it's goals, regardless of what's not researched, as opposed to recruit players that expect things done, because that leads nowhere

If you try advertising your 50p ignis wraith BP's again nobody is going to take your clan seriously XD
Not that they ever did.  Though it would certainly give us all a good laugh to see again.

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1 hour ago, ByteCruncher. said:

If you try advertising your 50p ignis wraith BP's again nobody is going to take your clan seriously XD
Not that they ever did.  Though it would certainly give us all a good laugh to see again.

Yet the clan has been full for weeks now

The clan is taken seriously by most of the community, if a slot is open, i want that same portion of the community to have a shot at the clan, not the minority, which is in some %, ignored, i understand that maybe you wanted me to open the clan to all kinds of toxic users, afk players, players that lie/mislead/trick, players that don't know trading guidelines, but i as the clan leader prefer NOT to recruit said players, if anything out of respect for myself and my clan members.

You are free to recruit those if you wish, since that seems to make your clan a serious clan that will be taken seriously right?

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5 hours ago, kyori said:

Oh ya.. why do we even need to enter the granum void first for the pablo sister to spawn? Yes lore wise it makes sense but gameplay wise is just another extra step to waste players' time.

Why not make the pablo sister spawn inside the granum void, then the lore n gameplay both make sense.

Seconded! Seems really wierd right now, like I dont even understand why we need to go into Granum void in the first place here if the progenitor spawns outside anyway. At that point just make it same as Kuva liches. Tho that would be disspointing, not that this isnt, but more.

Also I hope Cyclone strike doesnt throw around enemies like zephyrs tornados if they survive.

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Il y a 8 heures, kyori a dit :

Oh ya.. why do we even need to enter the granum void first for the pablo sister to spawn? Yes lore wise it makes sense but gameplay wise is just another extra step to waste players' time.

Why not make the pablo sister spawn inside the granum void, then the lore n gameplay both make sense.

Also, why are you making Yandere's 3rd ability subsumable? That is her identity ability. Her subsumable ability should be her 1st. You already made every warframe a Sevagoth, and now you are making every warframe a Yandere too?

I also agree. It make much more sense to find Parvos' Sister inside, well, Parvos' realm. After all, as we all seen at the end of Sevagoth's quest, Vala Glarios has been stranded in the Granum Void and saved by Parvos himself, then calling her "sister". It seems obvious that this is how the Sisters of Parvos appear : the Granum Void is an island on which Parvos rescues the female Corpus vanquished by the Tennos, and if we venture there, one of the surviving sisters takes us as a target.

Or, if it is absolutely necessary for the Sister to appear outside, make her appear directly when leaving the Granum Void just in front of the golden hand, as if she had escaped to pursue us. But not as a random spawn as we saw during the devstream because in that case, going in the Granum Void doesn't seem to have any connection with the Sister …

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10 hours ago, ByteCruncher. said:

If you try advertising your 50p ignis wraith BP's again nobody is going to take your clan seriously XD
Not that they ever did.  Though it would certainly give us all a good laugh to see again.

Careful now, you're messing with someone who is an expert on what is 'misleading'. 😉

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6 hours ago, Yulfan said:

I also agree. It make much more sense to find Parvos' Sister inside, well, Parvos' realm. After all, as we all seen at the end of Sevagoth's quest, Vala Glarios has been stranded in the Granum Void and saved by Parvos himself, then calling her "sister". It seems obvious that this is how the Sisters of Parvos appear : the Granum Void is an island on which Parvos rescues the female Corpus vanquished by the Tennos, and if we venture there, one of the surviving sisters takes us as a target.

Or, if it is absolutely necessary for the Sister to appear outside, make her appear directly when leaving the Granum Void just in front of the golden hand, as if she had escaped to pursue us. But not as a random spawn as we saw during the devstream because in that case, going in the Granum Void doesn't seem to have any connection with the Sister …

I believe the idea is that Sisters are made inside the Granum Void but that the "Larvling" isn't a sister yet. You entering the Void draws Parvos' attention to the Ship you used to access it and he then chooses to drag a defeated female Corpus into his Voidspace for Specter-based immortality declaring them his Sister. Then they exit the Void, and start taking over places.

Think of the Granum Void as The Kuva Fortress (That's where they are taken for conversion), and but instead of the really unsatisfying "Do TWW in the Kuva Fortess once then run Adaro every time you want a Lich" We have a repeatable "Punch the big bad guy in his home and get a minion upgraded into a boss as a result"

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To the DEV's; awesome presentation (even if you were missing one of the team for... "reasons" *looks at game 7 results and shudders*), and looking forwards to the upcoming content block. Yareilli is awesome and can't wait to take our water nymph out to "play" with the corpos and g'neer.

Looking forwards to the "paying off debts owed" material [DE] Steve keeps mentioning (re; polishing content left raw) and the new stuff for Sisters of Parvos ... and whatever it is you all have NDA's about for Tennocon 😂😝

Catch you in the live-streams on Twitch and see you all at the Virtual TC events.


Stay safe.
Keep the faith.
..and as always; keep your skanna sharp, Tenno.

Samurai GIF

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