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Revised Dev Workshop Release Date: June 18!


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On 2021-06-16 at 7:03 PM, DrivaMain said:

The content drought continues..

Looking forward to the parazon mercy changes. Any upcoming mention of increasing the minimum health threshold?

The phrase that ended up leading to an entire stretch of rushed updates that DE is still only somewhat regaining their so to speak footing after. I'll take a "drought" over rushed out bug filled updates any day of the week. Go play another game between updates, then come back for new stuff when it comes, instead of demanding rushed content. A lesson taught to me by my time playing other mmo's that took their sweet time with updates that'd ones like you wouldn't be able to handle. After things like Railjack launch, Old Blood launch, etc I thought ones like you would learn to have some patience; but guess not.

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25 minutes ago, CrimsonXX said:

The phrase that ended up leading to an entire stretch of rushed updates that DE is still only somewhat regaining their so to speak footing after. I'll take a "drought" over rushed out bug filled updates any day of the week. Go play another game between updates, then come back for new stuff when it comes, instead of demanding rushed content. A lesson taught to me by my time playing other mmo's that took their sweet time with updates that'd ones like you wouldn't be able to handle. After things like Railjack launch, Old Blood launch, etc I thought ones like you would learn to have some patience; but guess not.

I admit that rushed content isn't good, they often have to work on the issues again, work on rollbacks, compensations to players,....

But, they could easily deliver things that are already working, for example the kuva hek, you don't need to do a huge update with liches, mods and market bundles just for that.

They have many things done, but they are saving them for the massive update.

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16 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

I admit that rushed content isn't good, they often have to work on the issues again, work on rollbacks, compenssations to players,....

But, they could easily deliver things that are already working, for example the kuva hek, you don't need to do a huge update with liches, mods and market bundles just for that.

They have many things done, but thay are saving them for the massive update.

And if they did just release whatever (weapons etc) whenever, then the whining would shift to updates lacking because of those items not being included in them to "beef" them up. I've literally seen posts from people complaining about updates that didn't have by the person's view an appropriate amount of weapons included. Not to mention that for some people weapons aren't a huge deal, thus releasing them would do nothing for the "drought".

Also "easily deliver things", like I'm not a career programmer or game dev but I HIGHLY doubt that anything involved with the whole process is "easy" and most of the time ends up having a plethora of things tied to any 1 thing at a time. A gun for example needs: 2d concept designing; 3d modeling; stats looked over; if it has a status or element within it that has to be considered (especially when mods can alter the element/status); animations done for it; holstering modeling done; sound design; visual effects; etc all tied into it. So no its not "easy" to pop out. That's not even going into cinematic quests; events; mini-quests; etc which are other arenas people whine about.

I go back to what I said to the other: play other games then come back when new stuff is out.

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25 minutes ago, CrimsonXX said:

Also "easily deliver things", like I'm not a career programmer or game dev but I HIGHLY doubt that anything involved with the whole process is "easy" and most of the time ends up having a plethora of things tied to any 1 thing at a time. A gun for example needs: 2d concept designing; 3d modeling; stats looked over; if it has a status or element within it that has to be considered (especially when mods can alter the element/status); animations done for it; holstering modeling done; sound design; visual effects; etc all tied into it. So no its not "easy" to pop out. That's not even going into cinematic quests; events; mini-quests; etc which are other arenas people whine about.

For new weapons (or stuffs in general) that's true. However for a version of existing weapon you don't have to do everything.

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12 minutes ago, quxier said:

For new weapons (or stuffs in general) that's true. However for a version of existing weapon you don't have to do everything.

I'd actually say that a good portion still applies, especially considering how different some alt versions can be. Especially considering that the main part that'd be shared between brand new and alt. version would be stats and how they tie in with mods. Animations and holstering are the main two things I see being transferable easily, the other aspects would be varying amounts of different needing to be looked over.

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10 minutes ago, CrimsonXX said:

I'd actually say that a good portion still applies, especially considering how different some alt versions can be. Especially considering that the main part that'd be shared between brand new and alt. version would be stats and how they tie in with mods. Animations and holstering are the main two things I see being transferable easily, the other aspects would be varying amounts of different needing to be looked over.

Stats & 2d sketches would require a lot of work, that's for sure.

Altering 3D model & adding new effects would require some work (depending on number of changes) but other stuffs might be transferable (do they change sounds, animations etc?)

And don't forget that they can work on different stuffs at the same time (e.g. you can change stats while other team works on 3D model).

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5 hours ago, CrimsonXX said:

The phrase that ended up leading to an entire stretch of rushed updates that DE is still only somewhat regaining their so to speak footing after. I'll take a "drought" over rushed out bug filled updates any day of the week. Go play another game between updates, then come back for new stuff when it comes, instead of demanding rushed content. A lesson taught to me by my time playing other mmo's that took their sweet time with updates that'd ones like you wouldn't be able to handle. After things like Railjack launch, Old Blood launch, etc I thought ones like you would learn to have some patience; but guess not.

If it weren't for the all platform release, PC would have gotten it earlier. Even with the content drought, game updates or launches are always a buggy mess. This applies to all games, not just warframe. Remember that overhyped cyberpunk game? This is why the phrase "Never buy at launch" becoming more prevalent over the years. It's better they just tag PC updates as "Early Acess or BETA" so PC players can stop screaming why they are always being the "beta testers" for consoles.


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