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Update 30.5: Sisters of Parvos & Kuva Liches Feedback Megathread (Read First Post!)


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Hello Tenno!

Update 30.5: Sisters of Parvos is live on all platforms and we are looking to hear your thoughts on the brand new enemies and the changes to the Kuva Lich Showdown process!

With Update 30.5, we are continuing our Trello Board approach to communicate known bugs, fixed bugs, and popular feedback submitted by you, the community! To see a list of known bugs and fixed issues, please check out our new Trello Board. 

You will also be able to see notifications of changes and fixes by joining our official Discord Server and following the #bug-feedback-tracking channel, found here.

Please use this thread to let us know your feelings on the following:

Sisters of Parvos Gameplay, System & Flow

  • Hounds Feedback: As Enemies & Companions
  • Sister Tenet Weapons
  • Murmur Reduction
  • New Requiem Mod Oull
  • Parazon Rework
  • New Kuva Lich Showdown Flow

If you want to let us know your feedback, please make sure that you do so in a civil and constructive manner. Read our How to Provide Good Constructive Feedback thread before posting. If you like something, let us know! If you did not like an aspect of the Sisters system, then tell us what it is, and what you would change to make it better!

If you have encountered a bug with any of the new content items, be sure to submit a bug report over on our Bug-Hunting Megathread!

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The fact that each lich weapon is a pure RNG occurrence after downing a larvlign/candidate has been overwhelmingly considered a bad design. It was tolerable when there were only 13 kuva weapons and we could just accept whatever we got, for MR and maxing purposes. It started to become much less tolerable when 3 new weapons were added, with the previous 13 already done and maxed, and the only choice left was an unfortunately long series of Cassini capture runs. Now, one year and a half later, 3 new kuva weapons are released, and the frustration due to this design has just increased exponentially.

Sisters of Parvos doubled down with this bad design by significantly lenghtening the time to spawn a candidate and check for the weapon (enter a mission, enter a granum portal, complete rank one, exit, execute candidate, wait some minutes for a new zenith crown holder to spawn). I can again say that this may be tolerable for 8 weapons, but if in 9 months you come out with the nice idea of 3 other new Tenet weapons, and then 6 months after other 3 new weapons...i just find it reasonable to not engage with this contet at all until 2023, when likely all of them will be out....

We need a way to influence kuva/tenet weapon type occurence. Let it be a chance if you can't stand the concept of a deterministic outcome, it would still be better than no influence at all. As it is now, i repeat, it just suggests me not to engage in the Sisters for a looong time

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Having to go through what appears to be 6 cards each with 5 different requirements to complete just for the base blueprint of Yareli seems a little bit excessive. Adding in the component blueprints into each of the different cards might make this progression system a little bit easier to swallow rather than trying to complete 30 individual objectives for a singular blueprint.

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Hello, please rethink the decision to put the SISTER behind the already DEAD Granum Void Fight (after you get all the loots from the drop table). How many ZENTIH GRANUM coins we need to farm to get the weapon that we wanted. You devs remember that the weapon they have is RNG right? Is it because the murmur farming decreased so you guys found the way to make it longer by ADDING Granum fight? 

Please reconsider.

My feedback? Put Parvos spectre running inside the Corpus Ship tileset, we kill it and let the Sister spawn. I rarely online these days because I'm extremely burnt out from the grinding after so many years of playing this game. I thought I could back and diligently farm the new Sister weapon, but no. I'm just really tired and can't keep the love I have for this game anymore.

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29 minutes ago, Nation_X said:

ba1sm23.png"Please note: if you had an Active Lich before the Update, it’ll progress through its current occupation nodes before it adopts the new Region flow. " - This is incorrect, my progress jumped straight to the Kuva Fortress and my Lich isn't even spawning now.


Eventually it did spawn, went through the 3 stages. No option to vanquish etc and now all my Lich nodes have gone, plus no weapon.


Now I am stuck with a Lich, no Lich nodes and no way of getting a Sister



I copied your account to test and I see your Lich waiting for you in Saturn Proxima region of Railjack! Go take her out! 

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Guest JPDufrene

The Railjack requirement killed my excitement for returning to Wf for this new Lich/Sister system. I just assumed it would be similar but streamlined, didn’t actually pay attention to the details over the last however many months, not until today. Disappointing. Just this player’s opinion. 

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Yeah, the update is live now. And our precious sisters are here for us to eliminate, but will u guys think that the process to stab the first thrall is too long???

First u need to wait like 3-5 minutes to let the treasurer to spawn -> then only u can go in to the golden hand to at least done 1 wave and it takes another 1-2 min -> the sister spawn after u came out. And only u able to see u have good or bad luck to get the weapon that u want, u see the whole process take at least 5-6 min include loading. What?

For kuva thrall we just take like 1-2 min to try our luck to get the weapon we need. But this is 5-8 minutes. Now we still have not much weapon from them, what if in later times when we had like 10 weapon? and we wan a specific weapon lets say flux rifle. 10 attempt took u 60-70 minutes to just killing the first thrall to start the lich. What the Fass.

I still thought that the whole process would be.      Grab a token from treasurer (3-5 min)-> go in golden hand to at least reach stage 1-> come out and the first thrall will spawn. Till here is still all the same but the most big different is, if the thrall's weapon that spawn with her is not the one u need then just leave it be and extract. And when u enter a corpus tileset mission again, they will continue spawning until u finally stab 1. Just like wht kuva thrall is. Yea it still take more time to start the first thrall than kuva, but not like 1-2hours just to getting the lich hunting start, maybe u able to get 40 attempt in 1 hour, but with the one currently have, 10 attempt in 1 hour. What the Jahu

I just hope it change smtg to it, u know we player love the game and would like to spent time to play it, no need to purposely make mission longer and longer just to make the player's time spent longer to show like "hey our player really love our game". Just change it please, is already taking many time to farm other items and things.

FYI, even the kuva thrall is this fast (1-2 minutes) per attempt, i still need like 1 hour of first kuva thrall stabbing to get the weapon i want. Idk with this luck, how much hour i need in sisters of parvos to roll the weapon i need. 1 x 8= 8 hours just to stab the first thrall? nah i will just leave it not farm then, until i really free to get it. Wasting my plat to buy flux rifle riven, WTS flux rifle riven unroll

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Spent an hour speed running Corpus ship captures for sister candidates, a minute or two of each being consumed with obnoxious delay for the treasure goblin to spawn so I could repeat the unfun exercise moments later. Constantly repeating tenet weapons, none of which I wanted. Still no sister. 

It's like whomever designed this wanted to drive away players. I'm certainly going to take the cue for at least a few months, this is just terrible.

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I, likewise, have pretty much zero interest in Sisters of Parvos due to the token requirement. I am not going to stand around for 3 minutes in a mission to wait for a pretty BS enemy to spawn in order to get a key which will let me roll the dice as to what weapon it'll spawn. I'm going to be going through quite possibly hundreds of Cassini runs just to be able to max out one of the new weapons - and I'm not even going to bother trying to 60% the other two new guns simply because of the effort required.

I do not have hundreds of T3 granum tokens. I absolutely do not want to get them. I have some stockpiled, but not many due to the utterly ridiculous nature of the enemy they come from (99.9% damage resistance makes him tougher than everything else on the ship put together) - and there's still no use for the T1 and T2 tokens. I might attempt to get some weapons... but that'll end the moment I run out of tokens - tokens that I am not going to resupply.

Reducing the murmur requirement is good. I like that. I do not, however, like the fact that these requiem mods still run out of batteries. Why? Why is this a thing? Why was it ever a thing in the first place? I cannot understand it.

Finally, there's the weapons you get from the Perrin guy. I do not do railjack void missions because they're not only a huge time waster compared to normal void fissures (hopping between ship and POI is just annoying), but they're actively painful due to the excessive visual effects. So I'm never going to see a single one of them. I simply don't have it in me to care at this point. I'll fetch the new kuva weapons, but that's about it.

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Not sure if bug or feature so I post general observation.

I can't perform: "50 point Grindy" challenge for new frame quest on mouse and keyboard.

Default scheme points me to Archwing bindings and even suggests using joypad button because I did not bind "move down" apparently?

After rebinding the archwing buttons it's still impossible to do.

What a messy start. Big oof.

If someone has a workaround I would be grateful.


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You guys should probably add a message that get played when we return to our ship after poking our lich/sister with the right requiem order.

Something along the line of : "This is only a set back, i'll be waiting for you in my starship Tenno, come with your railjack crew if you dare."

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I'm currently having problems finding Tenets:

I start the Capture mission - Hydra on Pluto, go for the target, capture it, then search for a Golden Hand, put on a Zenith Granum Crown, kill some ads, go out ... nothing happens.

I've tried to get 1, 2 and 3 stars inside the Granum Void, no changes, no Tenet spawn ...

Can anyone help me out?


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4 minutes ago, (PSN)Zambigode said:

I'm currently having problems finding Tenets:

I start the Capture mission - Hydra on Pluto, go for the target, capture it, then search for a Golden Hand, put on a Zenith Granum Crown, kill some ads, go out ... nothing happens.

I've tried to get 1, 2 and 3 stars inside the Granum Void, no changes, no Tenet spawn ...

Can anyone help me out?


Same, I cannot seem to get one to spawn, I've tried on two different planets on different levels and can't seem to make it spawn, killing the treasurer before or after the void, nothing works

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Just now, (PSN)Zambigode said:

Also, tried the Exterminate mission, no success :(

Hello Tenno,

Have you completed Call of the Tempestarii? It is one of the requirements to spawn the Sisters of Parvos. It looks like you might still be in the process of completing the quest.

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3 minutes ago, [DE]Dudley said:

Hello Tenno,

Have you completed Call of the Tempestarii? It is one of the requirements to spawn the Sisters of Parvos. It looks like you might still be in the process of completing the quest.

Should probably get that info added to the patch note if its not there already.

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3 minutes ago, [DE]Dudley said:

Hello Tenno,

Have you completed Call of the Tempestarii? It is one of the requirements to spawn the Sisters of Parvos. It looks like you might still be in the process of completing the quest.

Should probably get that info added to the patch note if its not there already.

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I just noticed what I kept hearing, It was a new sound que informing you can use parazon on an enemy, the thing is it would be nice if it had it's own volume slider, playing as Mesa & hearing that annoying sound so frequently.  Would it be much trouble to add a volume slider for the new secret key sound sound fx?

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I am not sure if this is intentional, but I had just tried to do an Eidolon bounty. Nothing out of the ordinary.. or so I thought. It would seem every attack from the Eidolon for whatever reason puts me on the ground. With every step that the eidolons take fully knocks me off my feet making taking down the shields more of a nuisance than before.

When I got to the end phases of Gantulyst I was essentially stunlocked as it threw everything at me. I was able to take it down but MUCH slower than usual due to all the knockdowns from every attack. Then Hydrolyst came out and I couldn't even attack at its shields because my operator was constantly put on the ground. Sure one can void mode, but it's making attacking it almost impossible without then being knocked completely down and getting stunlocked.

I'm just wondering if this is intentional. I'd hate to change my builds to slot in knockdown immunity when I didn't even need it prior the update if it turned out to be unintentional. Even then I'm not sure what I can do about the Operator getting knocked down as well besides staying in void mode and not attacking the shields/vomvalysts.

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